54 research outputs found

    Acrylamide content and antioxidant capacity in thermally processed fruit products

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    Acrylamide as a known processing contaminant was determined in various heat-treated plum products purchased from a local market using LC/ESI-MS-MS. The highest level of acrylamide in the range up to 60 μg/kg was detected in a plum stew known as a "povidla", and in prunes, respectively. These products typically undergo intensive heat treatment that may take from several hours to days. Using a fruit dehydrator in home production of prunes, a low level of acrylamide under LOQ (15 μg/kg) was detected in comparison to most commercial products. Only in one of the prune samples from the market was the acrylamide content near to LOQ. The highest content of acrylamide (46 μg/kg) was detected in the Slovak sample of prune originated in Nitra region. High acrylamide content, in the range from 23 to 45 μg/kg, was observed in prunes from South America. In the rest of analysed heat-treated plum products such as plum juice, plum compote or baby food with plum puree, acrylamide was not detected due to moderate conditions during thermal processing: temperature below 120 °C and a shorter time of thermal exposure. The total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of prunes were analysed using a UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer and an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Home-prepared prunes were characterized by the highest content of phenolics (4780 mg GAE/kg) and antioxidant capacity (14.6 mmol TEAC/kg). Commercial samples of prunes reached phenolics in the range from 1619 to 3461 mg GAE /kg, and antioxidant capacity was observed between 6.1 and 12.1 mmol TEAC/kg. Antioxidant capacity of prunes strongly correlated with total phenolic content and yellow and red colours measured in a CIELab system. However, no significant correlation between the acrylamide and antioxidative or organoleptic properties of prunes was observed. Moreover, it was noticed that bio production of plums did not demonstrate any positive impact on final acrylamide content or antioxidant capacity in comparison to conventional technology

    Potencijalna primena sorte tritikalea 'Odisej' u proizvodnji čajnog peciva

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    Triticale, a hybrid cereal developed by crossing of wheat and rye, has certain advantages over wheat, such as higher environmental tolerance and higher content of dietary fiber. The application of triticale flour in food industry is limited by poor rheological properties of dough and low gluten strength. Potential application of hexaploid triticale cultivar 'Odisej' for the production of cookies was assessed in this study. Additionally, the values of basic grain quality parameters for Odisej were determined, such as hectoliter weight, thousand kernel weight, grain size, protein and wet gluten content, gluten index and falling number. Cookies were prepared from refined and wholegrain triticale flour and their physical properties (dimensions, color, hardness) and sensory properties were compared to the cookies prepared from refined and wholegrain wheat and rye flour. Cookies manufactured from refined triticale flour had high spread ratio (diameter/high) value, similar to that of cookies prepared from refined wheat flour. Total sensory score of cookies manufactured from refined triticale flour was the highest among all samples, indicating that it can be successfully used in cookies production.The quality of wholegrain triticale cookies could be improved by the use of milling technique adequate for the production of wholegrain flour.Tritikale, hibridna žitarica dobijena ukrštanjem pšenice i raži, ima određene prednosti u odnosu na pšenicu, kao što su veća otpornost prema uslovima sredine i veći sadržaj prehrambenih vlakana. Primena brašna tritikalea u prehrambenoj industriji ograničena je lošim reološkim svojstvima testa i slabim glutenom. U ovoj studiji istražena je potencijalna primena heksaploidne sorte tritikalea "Odisej" u proizvodnji čajnog peciva. Pored toga, utvrđene su vrednosti osnovnih pokazatelja kvaliteta zrna (hektolitarska masa, masa 1000 zrna, veličina zrna, sadržaj proteina i vlažnog glutena, gluten indeks i broj padanja) za sortu "Odisej". Čajna peciva su pripremljena od belog i integralnog brašna tritikalea, a njihova fizička svojstva (dimenzije, boja, tvrdoća) i senzorska svojstva upoređena su sa čajnim pecivima pripremljenim od belog i integralnog pšeničnog i raženog brašna. Čajna peciva proizvedena od belog brašna tritikalea imala su vrednost odnosa širenja (prečnik/visina) sličnu vrednosti dobijenoj za čajno pecivo od belog pšeničnog brašna. Zbirna ocena senzorskog kvaliteta čajnog peciva proizvedenog od belog brašna tritikalea bila je najveća među svim uzorcima, što ukazuje da se belo brašno tritikalea može uspešno koristiti u proizvodnji čajnog peciva. Kvalitet čajnog peciva od integralnog brašna tritikalea mogao bi da se poboljša primenom tehnike mlevenja koja je adekvatna za proizvodnju integralnog brašna


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    Dramatic increase in health information, higher requirements on patient safety, processing and storing data, facts which put new requirements on curriculum restructuring, giving priority to teaching in small groups and e-learning, as well as support to independent research, have intensified the need of quest for new motivation in educating health care professionals (GP KEGA MŠVVaŠ SR č.052-4/2013). Nevertheless, in spite of all efforts to introduce contextual education, there is still a gap between theoretical and clinical environments. A large percentage of students have the feeling that they are not trained enough in determining anamneses, physical check ups, diagnostics and management of health care. It is expected that introducing medical simulations into current curricula will bridge this gap

    The application of triticale flour for the production of cookies

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    Triticale is a hybrid cereal developed by crossing of wheat and rye. It is characterized by higher environmental tolerance than wheat and increased content of lysine, amino acid which is deficient in most cereals. The application of triticale flour in bakery and confectionary industry is limited by high stickiness of dough and low gluten strength. Refined and wholegrain flour prepared from hexaploid triticale cultivar ‘Odisej’ were used for the production of cookies in this study. The cookies were prepared according to the standard method of American Association of Cereal Chemists for the evaluation of baking quality of cookie flour – micro wire-cut formulation. Dimensions, colour, hardness and sensory properties of triticale cookies were compared to the cookies prepared from refined and wholegrain wheat and rye flours

    Body distribution of 11C-methionine and 18FDG in rat measured by microPET

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    Compounds 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18FDG) and 11C-methionine (11C-MET) are radiodiagnostics frequently used in clinical Positron Emission Tomography (PET) as well in preclinical studies of various pathologies. The present study was focused on the comparison of biodistribution of both radiotracers in intact Wistar rats. The animals were scanned by microPET twice. The first scanning was done after 11C-MET administration, the second scan followed 5–7 days later using 18FDG. The radiotracers were injected into the tail vein of animals in isoflurane anesthesia. After a redistribution period, whole body scans were obtained using eXplore Vista SrT GE tomograph. Accumulation of the drugs in tissues was expressed in relative values (% ID/g) in selected regions of interest. As arbitrary reference tissue for drug accumulation, the sternoclavicular area was used. 18C-MET was found remarkably cumulating especially in the liver, spleen and distal part of the gastrointestinal tract. The compound was accumulated in the liver 6.9±0.92 (mean±SEM) times more intensively than in the reference tissue. The respective value for spleen and cecum/colon was 5.62±0.81 and 3.56±0.14 times. Accumulation of 11C-MET in other body parts including the brain and heart was very low and was apparently equal to the arbitrary tissue (0.13±0.01% ID/g). In the same animals 18FDG (biontFDG) was remarkably cumulated especially in Harderian glands compared to arbitrary tissue background (11.02±1.00 times), heart (7.52±1.70 times), brain (6.14±0.37 times), and colon (5.68±0.31 times). 18FDG accumulation in the liver, spleen and other organs was apparently not different from that found in the background (0.14±0.02% ID/g). The data obtained may serve as reference values in further microPET preclinical studies with 11C-MET and 18FDG under the given conditions

    Political aspects in contemporary art. Czech and Slovak art in 1989-2011

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    This work focuses on the research of contemporary Czech and Slovak visual art which critically reflects problems in the society. Due to the totalitarian past in former Czechoslovakia, this orientation of art made a specific genesis. It was established as a acknowledged part of art only in the last decade. The aim of my thesis was to analyze when and by which means the Czech and Slovak sphere of visual art became repoliticized. I research and analyze selected works of artists who are critically reacting to the problems of politics and society. I keep the chronological order of the artworks and exhibitions. Afterwards I focus on the two important topics in this field: feminism and queer issues. The engagement of the artworks was forced in the past and this fact has its result in the devaluation of the term. Part of my thesis examines the terms political art and activist art in the international and domestic context and proposes its definitions

    Effect of heat treatment and dough formulation on the formation of Maillard reaction products in fine bakery products - benefits and weak points

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    Possibly harmful compounds (acrylamide, 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-furfural - HMF), markers of the Maillard reaction extent (furosine, fluorescence, browning, colour), as well as beneficial radical-scavenging capacity were determined in fried fine bakery products, rosquillas, at different heat treatment and dough formulation. In different simplified recipes, saccharose was substituted by glucose and fructose, and a raising agent was added while different temperature and time regimes were applied. Duration of frying from 4 min to 8 min increased the acrylamide content from (43 ± 8) μg·kg-1 to (159 ± 12) μg·kg-1 at 180 °C, and from (94 ± 3) μg·kg-1 to (366 ± 5) μ·kg-1 at 200 °C. Sodium hydrogen carbonate addition resulted in an only weak (13%) decrease in the acrylamide content, but in a more pronounced (80%) suppression of HMF formation. Substitution of saccharose for the mixture of glucose and fructose caused a decrease in acrylamide contents instead of its expected increase, but HMF formation was strongly supported by the presence of fructose. On the other hand, beneficial properties, such as radical-scavenging capacity, browning, colour, and fluorescence parameters were developing with the advance of Maillard reaction. Colour parameters were in good correlation with radical-scavenging capacities of final products prepared from saccharose (correlation coefficients, 0.779-0.981) as well as with acrylamide contents in samples made under all recipe modifications (correlation coefficients, 0.882-0.979). © 2009 VÚP Food Research Institute.Peer Reviewe

    Ethnolinguistic situation of young Sámi in northern Norway

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    This master thesis is dealing with the question ofyoung Sámi people in the urban culture. The author has got aU the knowledge by studying literature and also by doing her own research at the University ofTroms0. She is describing the language and social situation ofthe Sámi students at the most northern university. At the same time she is comparing this situation with the one ofyoung Sámi in Kautokeino. The main goal ofthe thesis is to find out how the norwegian urban atmosphere effect the awareness ofyoung Sámi