33 research outputs found

    Nonlinear System Identification for Aeroelastic Systems with Application to Experimental Data

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    Representation and identification of a nonlinear aeroelastic pitch-plunge system as a model of the Nonlinear AutoRegressive, Moving Average eXogenous (NARMAX) class is considered. A nonlinear difference equation describing this aircraft model is derived theoretically and shown to be of the NARMAX form. Identification methods for NARMAX models are applied to aeroelastic dynamics and its properties demonstrated via continuous-time simulations of experimental conditions. Simulation results show that (1) the outputs of the NARMAX model closely match those generated using continuous-time methods, and (2) NARMAX identification methods applied to aeroelastic dynamics provide accurate discrete-time parameter estimates. Application of NARMAX identification to experimental pitch-plunge dynamics data gives a high percent fit for cross-validated data

    F-15B Quiet Spike(TradeMark) Aeroservoelastic Flight-Test Data Analysis

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    System identification is utilized in the aerospace community for development of simulation models for robust control law design. These models are often described as linear, time-invariant processes and assumed to be uniform throughout the flight envelope. Nevertheless, it is well known that the underlying process is inherently nonlinear. Over the past several decades the controls and biomedical communities have made great advances in developing tools for the identification of nonlin ear systems. In this report, we show the application of one such nonlinear system identification technique, structure detection, for the an alysis of Quiet Spike(TradeMark)(Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, Savannah, Georgia) aeroservoelastic flight-test data. Structure detectio n is concerned with the selection of a subset of candidate terms that best describe the observed output. Structure computation as a tool fo r black-box modeling may be of critical importance for the development of robust, parsimonious models for the flight-test community. The ob jectives of this study are to demonstrate via analysis of Quiet Spike(TradeMark) aeroservoelastic flight-test data for several flight conditions that: linear models are inefficient for modelling aeroservoelast ic data, nonlinear identification provides a parsimonious model description whilst providing a high percent fit for cross-validated data an d the model structure and parameters vary as the flight condition is altered

    Structure Computation of Quiet Spike[Trademark] Flight-Test Data During Envelope Expansion

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    System identification or mathematical modeling is used in the aerospace community for development of simulation models for robust control law design. These models are often described as linear time-invariant processes. Nevertheless, it is well known that the underlying process is often nonlinear. The reason for using a linear approach has been due to the lack of a proper set of tools for the identification of nonlinear systems. Over the past several decades, the controls and biomedical communities have made great advances in developing tools for the identification of nonlinear systems. These approaches are robust and readily applicable to aerospace systems. In this paper, we show the application of one such nonlinear system identification technique, structure detection, for the analysis of F-15B Quiet Spike(TradeMark) aeroservoelastic flight-test data. Structure detection is concerned with the selection of a subset of candidate terms that best describe the observed output. This is a necessary procedure to compute an efficient system description that may afford greater insight into the functionality of the system or a simpler controller design. Structure computation as a tool for black-box modeling may be of critical importance for the development of robust parsimonious models for the flight-test community. Moreover, this approach may lead to efficient strategies for rapid envelope expansion, which may save significant development time and costs. The objectives of this study are to demonstrate via analysis of F-15B Quiet Spike aeroservoelastic flight-test data for several flight conditions that 1) linear models are inefficient for modeling aeroservoelastic data, 2) nonlinear identification provides a parsimonious model description while providing a high percent fit for cross-validated data, and 3) the model structure and parameters vary as the flight condition is altered

    Data Driven Model Development for the Supersonic Semispan Transport (S(sup 4)T)

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    We investigate two common approaches to model development for robust control synthesis in the aerospace community; namely, reduced order aeroservoelastic modelling based on structural finite-element and computational fluid dynamics based aerodynamic models and a data-driven system identification procedure. It is shown via analysis of experimental Super- Sonic SemiSpan Transport (S4T) wind-tunnel data using a system identification approach it is possible to estimate a model at a fixed Mach, which is parsimonious and robust across varying dynamic pressures

    F-15B Quiet Spike Aeroservoelastic Ground and Flight Test

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    This viewgraph presentation reviews aeroservoelastic analyses of the F-15B Quiet Spike aircraft that includes ground and flight tests

    Exploratory Study for Continuous-time Parameter Estimation of Ankle Dynamics

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    Recently, a parallel pathway model to describe ankle dynamics was proposed. This model provides a relationship between ankle angle and net ankle torque as the sum of a linear and nonlinear contribution. A technique to identify parameters of this model in discrete-time has been developed. However, these parameters are a nonlinear combination of the continuous-time physiology, making insight into the underlying physiology impossible. The stable and accurate estimation of continuous-time parameters is critical for accurate disease modeling, clinical diagnosis, robotic control strategies, development of optimal exercise protocols for longterm space exploration, sports medicine, etc. This paper explores the development of a system identification technique to estimate the continuous-time parameters of ankle dynamics. The effectiveness of this approach is assessed via simulation of a continuous-time model of ankle dynamics with typical parameters found in clinical studies. The results show that although this technique improves estimates, it does not provide robust estimates of continuous-time parameters of ankle dynamics. Due to this we conclude that alternative modeling strategies and more advanced estimation techniques be considered for future work

    Structure Detection of Nonlinear Aeroelastic Systems with Application to Aeroelastic Flight Test Data

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    This viewgraph presentation reviews the applicability of NARMAX structure detection to aeroelastic systems. In conclusion, the simulation results demonstrate bootstrap approach for structure computation of aircraft structural stiffness provided a high rate of true model selection: 1. T-test and stepwise regression methods had difficulty providing accurate results 2. Work contributes to understanding of the use of structure detection for modelling and identification of aerospace systems. 3. Limitation of model complexity that can be studied with these structure computation techniques 4. Result of the large number of candidate terms, for a given model order, and the data length required to guarantee convergence 5. Another approach to structure computation problem uses a least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO

    A Sparse Matrix Approach for Simultaneous Quantification of Nystagmus and Saccade

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    The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) consists of two intermingled non-linear subsystems; namely, nystagmus and saccade. Typically, nystagmus is analysed using a single sufficiently long signal or a concatenation of them. Saccade information is not analysed and discarded due to insufficient data length to provide consistent and minimum variance estimates. This paper presents a novel sparse matrix approach to system identification of the VOR. It allows for the simultaneous estimation of both nystagmus and saccade signals. We show via simulation of the VOR that our technique provides consistent and unbiased estimates in the presence of output additive noise


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    Identification of parametric nonlinear models involves estimating unknown parameters and detecting its underlying structure. Structure computation is concerned with selecting a subset of parameters to give a parsimonious description of the system which may afford greater insight into the functionality of the system or a simpler controller design. In this study, a least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) technique is investigated for computing efficient model descriptions of nonlinear systems. The LASSO minimises the residual sum of squares by the addition of a 1 penalty term on the parameter vector of the traditional 2 minimisation problem. Its use for structure detection is a natural extension of this constrained minimisation approach to pseudolinear regression problems which produces some model parameters that are exactly zero and, therefore, yields a parsimonious system description. The performance of this LASSO structure detection method was evaluated by using it to estimate the structure of a nonlinear polynomial model. Applicability of the method to more complex systems such as those encountered in aerospace applications was shown by identifying a parsimonious system description of the F/A-18 Active Aeroelastic Wing using flight test data

    An Indirect System Identification Technique for Stable Estimation of Continuous-Time Parameters of the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (VOR)

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    The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) is a well-known dual mode bifurcating system that consists of slow and fast modes associated with nystagmus and saccade, respectively. Estimation of continuous-time parameters of nystagmus and saccade models are known to be sensitive to estimation methodology, noise and sampling rate. The stable and accurate estimation of these parameters are critical for accurate disease modelling, clinical diagnosis, robotic control strategies, mission planning for space exploration and pilot safety, etc. This paper presents a novel indirect system identification method for the estimation of continuous-time parameters of VOR employing standardised least-squares with dual sampling rates in a sparse structure. This approach permits the stable and simultaneous estimation of both nystagmus and saccade data. The efficacy of this approach is demonstrated via simulation of a continuous-time model of VOR with typical parameters found in clinical studies and in the presence of output additive noise