1,090 research outputs found

    Physical properties of 368 meteorites: Implications for meteorite magnetism and planetary geophysics

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    Petrophysical studies (susceptibility, intensity of natural remanent magnetisation (NRM) and dry bulk density) of 368 meteorites are reviewed together with magnetic hysteresis data for 50 achondrites and chondrites. The relationships between dry bulk density, metallic FeNi-content and porosity will be discussed in the case of L-chondrites. Using the petrophysical classification scheme the meteorite class and the petrologic group of a sample can be determined in most of the cases providing a rapid means for determining a preliminary classification of a new sample. In addition, the petrophysical database provides a direct source of basic physical properties of the small bodies in the solar system. Paleointensity determinations with Thellier technique will be presented for 16 meteorites representing different chondrite groups. The results yield high paleofield values ranging from 51μT to 728μT for the magnetically hardest meteorites consistent with previous studies. However, these values must be looked with caution, because of possible physico-chemical or mineralogical alterations during heating

    Perioperative platelet rich plasma (PRP) in total hip arthroplasty through the Hardinge approach : protocol to study the effectiveness for gluteus medius healing

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    Abstract Background Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been used to support tendon regeneration mainly in sports medicine. PRP is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma proteins derived from whole blood by centrifugation to remove erythrocytes and leukocytes. PRP has high amounts of platelets which may promote healing tendons affected by degenerative conditions. These platelets contain growth factors and are known to facilitate the regeneration of injured tendon structures. Total hip arthroplasty (THA) through the Hardinge approach may leave the patient with impaired gait and poor regeneration of the gluteus medius tendon if the tendon is not reattached properly after closure of the surgical wound. Methods The study will be a multicenter, double-blinded and randomized study enrolling 90 patients based on power calculations. The efficacy of perioperative PRP treatment will be assessed by subjective and objective outcome variables. The participants will be randomized (sealed envelope) into either a placebo (saline) or a PRP group (1:1). For subjective outcomes, the Oxford Hip Score (OHS) will be collected before surgery and 3 and 12 months after surgery. The objective measures are findings at magnetic resonance imaging and plain radiographs and recorded values of measured strength. Discussion We present the perioperative use and the ways to measure the clinical efficacy of PRP. As PRP may have benefits regarding degenerative tendon regeneration, studies on the use of PRP in hip arthroplasty are warranted to facilitate postoperative recovery. Trial registration This study has been approved by the ethics committee of the Hospital District of Southwest Finland and approved by the local institutional research board. The study has been registered in ClinicalTrials.gov ( NCT02607462 )

    Yhdysvaltain näkemykset Kiinan sisällissodasta 1924–1928

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkimukseni aiheena on tarkastella Yhdysvaltain ulkoasiainhallinnon näkemyksiä Kiinan sisäpoliittisesta tilanteesta vuosina 1924–1928. Tavoitteena on selvittää syitä, kuinka Yhdysvaltain politiikka Kiinan suhteen kehittyi näinä vuosina. Miten Yhdysvaltain poliittinen ideologia sopi yhteen sen realismin kanssa, mitä Kiinan kaoottinen tilanne ja Yhdysvaltain omat taloudelliset edut aiheuttivat. Myöskin merkittävänä kysymyksenä on miksi amerikkalaisten toimijoiden näkemykset ulkoasiainhallinnossa olivat juuri tietynlaisia, mitkä olivat toimijoiden taustalla olevat motiivit ja ajatusmaailmat. Vuosina 1924–1928 Kiinassa elettiin niin kutsutun sotaherrojen kauden viimeisiä vuosia. Viimeinen keisarillinen dynastia oli kaatunut yli kymmenen vuotta sitten ja korvautunut heikolla tasavallalla, jonka hallinnasta erilliset sotilaalliset klikit taistelivat. Yhdysvaltain ulkopolitiikkaa Kiinan suhteen kuvasi ristiriitaisuus. Maailmansotien välisenä aikana Yhdysvallat tukivat vahvasti retorisella tasolla kansojen itsemääräämisoikeutta sekä vapautta. Kiinassa tämä retoriikka kuitenkin törmäsi yhteen taloudellisten etujen myötä, mitä Kiinan kanssa solmitut taloudelliset erivapaudet Yhdysvalloille myönsivät. Käytän tutkimukseni päälähteinä Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeriön koostamia Foreign Relations of the United States -arkistokokoelmia. Nämä arkistokokoelmat koostuvat edustustojen ja ulkoministeriön välisestä kirjeenvaihdosta. Tutkimukseni metodina on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jonka avulla pyrin analysoimaan amerikkalaisten toimijoiden näkemyksiä Kiinan sisäpoliittiseen tilanteeseen liittyen ja saamaan kattavan kuvan näkemysten muotoutumisesta ja syistä näiden näkemysten taustalla. Keskeisimpinä tuloksina tutkimuksessa on kahtiajakautunut Yhdysvaltain suhde Kiinaan. Tämä kahtiajakautuneisuus ilmeni sekä poliittisesti, että ihmisten välillä ulkoasianhallinnon sisällä. Eritoten Yhdysvaltain Kiinan edustustojen ja ulkoministeriön eroavat näkemykset Yhdysvaltain tehtävästä ja roolista Kiinassa jakoi syvästi ulkoasianhallintoa. Yhdysvaltain puolueettomuuspolitiikkaa Kiinassa haastettiin vahvasti ulkoisesti ja sisäisesti erityisesti sisällissodan kiihtyessä 1920-luvun loppupuolella. Ristiriitaisuus ideologian ja taloudellisen edun välillä johti Yhdysvallat pidättäytymään konkreettisista poliittisista toimista Kiinan suhteen viimeiseen asti. Tutkimus tuotti uutta tietoa erityisesti aikakauden Yhdysvaltain politiikasta Kiinan suhteen, sekä Kiinan poliittisesta kehityksestä sotaherrojen kaudella. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat aiemmissa tutkimuksissa jääneet myöhemmän Kiinan historian varjoon. Kuitenkin Yhdysvaltain Kiinan politiikka muovautui ratkaisevasti näinä vuosina tavalla, joka heijastui Yhdysvaltain ja Kiinan välisiin suhteisiin pitkälle tulevaisuuteen.The United States policy toward the Chinese civil war in 1924–1928. Abstract. The focus of my thesis is to study the United States policy toward the Chinese Civil War during the years 1924–1928. The aim is to find out reasons behind the formation of the U.S. policies toward China and why the views of the American actors in the foreign service formed in a certain way. During the years 1924–1928 China was experiencing the time known as the Warlord Era. The last imperial dynasty had been toppled over a decade ago and had been replaced by the dysfunctional republic of which was fought over by several armed cliques. U.S. foreign policy toward China can be described as contradictory. During the interwar period, the United States strongly supported, on a rhetorical level, the self-determination of nations. In China, however, this rhetoric clashed with the economic interests that the unequal treaties with China granted to the United States. In the study I use the Foreign Relations of the United States -series compiled by the United States Department of State as the main sources of my research. These collections consist of correspondence between missions and the U.S. Department of State. The method of my research is qualitative research, which I use to analyze the views of American actors in the U.S. missions and in the State Department on the political situation in China and to gain a comprehensive understanding e of the formation of the views and the reasons behind these views. The main findings of this study are the contradictions of the U.S. relationship with China. These contradictions showed themselves both politically and between people within the foreign service. In particular, the differing views of the U.S. missions in China and the State Department about the role and mission of the United States in China deeply divided the foreign service. U.S. neutrality policy in China was strongly challenged externally and internally, especially as the Civil War escalated in the late 1920s. The contradiction between ideology and economic interest led the United States to refrain from taking concrete political action against China until the very end. The study provides new insights about the U.S. policy towards China in this era, as well as on China’s political development during the Warlord Era. Research on this subject has been largely overshadowed by the focus in later Chinese history in earlier studies. However, as this study shows, the United States policy toward China in these years took a decisive shape in a way that reflected U.S.-China relations well into the future

    Urban expansion in Zanzibar City, Tanzania : Analyzing quantity, spatial patterns and effects of alternative planning approaches

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    Rapid urbanization and urban area expansion of sub-Saharan Africa are megatrends of the 21st century. Addressing environmental and social problems related to these megatrends requires faster and more efficient urban planning that is based on measured information of the expansion patterns. Urban growth prediction models (UGPMs) provide tools for generating such information by predicting future urban expansion patterns and allowing testing of alternative planning scenarios. We created an UGPM for Zanzibar City in Tanzania by measuring urban expansion in 2004-2009 and 2009-2013, linking the expansion to explanatory variables with a generalized additive model, measuring the accuracy of the created model, and projecting urban growth until 2030 with the business-as-usual and various alternative planning scenarios. Based on the results, the urban area of Zanzibar City expanded by 40% from 2004 to 2013. Spatial patterns of expansion were largely driven by the already existing building pattern and land-use constraints. The created model predicted future urban expansion moderately well and had an area under the curve value of 0.855 and a true skill statistic result of 0.568. Based on the business-as-usual scenario, the city will expand 89% from 2013 until 2030 and will continue to sprawl to new regions at the outskirts of the current built-up area. Establishing new urban centers had the highest impact on directing urban expansion from the tested alternative planning scenarios. However, the impact of all scenarios was low and therefore also other planning solutions such as vertical development, urban growth boundaries, and gradual improvement of the informal areas should be considered in Zanzibar.Peer reviewe

    Työturvallisuuden toteutuminen ja turvallisuuskulttuuri teollisuuslaitoksen satamaympäristössä

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän diplomityön ja siihen kuuluvan tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli kartoittaa SSAB Europe Oy:n Raahen tehtaan satamassa vallitsevia turvallisuusasenteita, turvallisuuskulttuuria, työturvallisuuden koettua tasoa sekä tunnistaa mahdollisia yhdistäviä tekijöitä näiden välillä. Tutkimus ja siihen kuuluvat kysely, haastattelut ja muut tarkastelut on rajattu Raahen tehtaan satama -osastoon. Diplomityön teoriaosuus kattaa tutkimuksen kannalta oleellisen kirjallisuuden. Aluksi tarkastellaan Suomen työturvallisuuslakia, työturvallisuutta ja työsuojelua yleisellä tasolla sekä turvallisuusjohtamista. Toisena käsitellään työturvallisuuden hallinnassa käytettäviä turvallisuudesta kertovia ennakoivia ja reagoivia mittareita. Teoriaosuuden lopuksi tarkastellaan asenteita, motivaatiota, niiden ohjausta sekä turvallisuuskulttuuria, turvallisuusasenteita ja niiden kehittämistä. Diplomityön empiriaosuudessa käydään läpi kohdeorganisaation, SSAB Europe Oy:n, Raahen tehtaan ja sen satama -osaston esittelyt sekä käytetyistä tutkimusmenetelmistä; henkilöstö kyselystä ja haastatteluista saadut tulokset. Henkilöstökyselyssä esitetyt kysymykset käsitellään vastausjärjestyksessä ja tuloksia havainnollistetaan graafisesti. Haastattelukysymykset on rakennettu täydentämään henkilöstökyselystä saatua tietoa. Lopuksi kyselytutkimuksesta ja haastatteluista saatuja tuloksia tarkastellaan työn alussa määriteltyjen tutkimuskysymysten ja hankitun teorian valossa. Diplomityön tulokseksi saatiin kartoitus Raahen tehtaan sataman työturvallisuuden tilasta sekä satamassa vallitsevasta turvallisuuskulttuurista ja turvallisuusasenteista. Lisäksi pystyttiin varmentamaan turvallisuusasenteiden ja turvallisuuden tason välistä yhteyttä ja tarjoamaan kohdeyritykselle kehitysehdotuksia tutkimustulosten ja käsitellyn teorian pohjalta.Safety realization and safety culture in the factory port environment. Abstract. The purpose of this master’s thesis and the study therein was to map out the current state of safety attitudes, safety culture and the perceived level of occupational safety along with identifying possible connecting factors between them at SSAB Europe’s Raahe steel plant and their Port operations specifically. The research and its questionnaire, interviews and other reviews are all limited to the Port operations of Raahe steel plant. The theoretical section of the thesis covers literature relevant to the research. First, the Finnish occupational Safety and Health act, the concepts occupational safety and health and safety at work, and occupational safety management will be examined. Second is a review of proactive and reactive safety indicators that are generally used in managing safety at the workplace. The theoretical section concludes with an examination of attitudes, motivation, attitude guidance and finally safety culture, safety attitudes and their development. The empirical section of the master’s thesis consists of an introduction to SSAB Europe (Raahe steel plant and their Port operations especially) and the results yielded by the used research methods: a staff questionnaire and interviews. The questionnaire results are analyzed in the questioning order and the results are then graphically illustrated. The interview questions are designed to complement the information obtained from the staff questionnaire. Finally, the results of the questionnaire and interviews are examined in the light of the research questions defined at the beginning of the work and the literature discussed. The result of the master’s thesis was a mapping of the current state of occupational safety and the prevailing safety culture and safety attitudes in the port. In addition, it was possible to verify the connection between safety attitudes and the level of occupational safety and provide the target company with development proposals based on the research results and the discussed theory

    Thermal and porosity properties of meteorites : A compilation of published data and new measurements

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    We report direct measurements of thermal diffusivity and conductivity at room temperature for 38 meteorite samples of 36 different meteorites including mostly chondrites, and thus almost triple the number of meteorites for which thermal conductivity is directly measured. Additionally, we measured porosity for 34 of these samples. Thermal properties were measured using an optical infrared scanning method on samples of cm-sizes with a flat, sawn surface. A database compiled from our measurements and literature data suggests that thermal diffusivities and conductivities at room temperature vary largely among samples even of the same petrologic and chemical type and overlap among, for example, different ordinary chondrite classes. Measured conductivities of ordinary chondrites vary from 0.4 to 5.1 W m(-1) K-1. On average, enstatite chondrites show much higher values (2.33-5.51 W m(-1) K-1) and carbonaceous chondrites lower values (0.5-2.55 W m(-1) K-1). Mineral composition (silicates versus iron-nickel) and porosity control conductivity. Porosity shows (linear) negative correlation with conductivity. Variable conductivity is attributed to heterogeneity in mineral composition and porosity by intra- and intergranular voids and cracks, which are important in the scale of typical meteorite samples. The effect of porosity may be even more significant for thermal properties than that of the metal content in chondrites.Peer reviewe

    Meteorology applied to urban air pollution problems: concepts from COST 715

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    International audienceThe outcome of COST 715 is reviewed from the viewpoint of a potential user who is required to consider urban meteorology within an air pollution assessment. It is shown that descriptive concepts are helpful for understanding the complex structure of the urban boundary layer, but that they only apply under a limited number of conditions. However such concepts are necessary to gain insight into both simple and complex air pollution models. It is argued that wider considerations are needed when considering routine air quality assessments involving an air quality model's formulation and pedigree. Moreover there appears to be a reluctance from model developers to move away from familiar concepts of the atmospheric boundary layer even if they are not appropriate to urban areas. An example is given from COST 715 as to how routine urban meteorological measurements of wind speed may be used and adapted for air quality assessments. Reference to the full COST 715 study is made which provides further details

    Evaluation of a coupled dispersion and aerosol process model against measurements near a major road

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    International audienceA field measurement campaign was conducted near a major road "Itäväylä" in an urban area in Helsinki in 17?20 February 2003. Aerosol measurements were conducted using a mobile laboratory "Sniffer" at various distances from the road, and at an urban background location. Measurements included particle size distribution in the size range of 7 nm?10 ?m (aerodynamic diameter) by the Electrical Low Pressure Impactor (ELPI) and in the size range of 3?50 nm (mobility diameter) by Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS), total number concentration of particles larger than 3 nm detected by an ultrafine condensation particle counter (UCPC), temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, driving route of the mobile laboratory, and traffic density on the studied road. In this study, we have compared measured concentration data with the predictions of the road network dispersion model CAR-FMI used in combination with an aerosol process model MONO32. The vehicular exhaust emissions, and atmospheric dispersion and transformation of fine and ultrafine particles was evaluated within the distance scale of 200 m (corresponding to a time scale of a couple of minutes). We computed the temporal evolution of the number concentrations, size distributions and chemical compositions of various particle size classes. The atmospheric dilution rate of particles is obtained from the roadside dispersion model CAR-FMI. Considering the evolution of total number concentration, dilution was shown to be the most important process. The influence of coagulation and condensation on the number concentrations of particle size modes was found to be negligible at this distance scale. Condensation was found to affect the evolution of particle diameter in the two smallest particle modes. The assumed value of the concentration of condensable organic vapour of 1012 molecules cm?3 was shown to be in a disagreement with the measured particle size evolution, while the modelling runs with the concentration of condensable organic vapour of 109?1010 molecules cm?3 resulted in particle sizes that were closest to the measured values