
Physical properties of 368 meteorites: Implications for meteorite magnetism and planetary geophysics


Petrophysical studies (susceptibility, intensity of natural remanent magnetisation (NRM) and dry bulk density) of 368 meteorites are reviewed together with magnetic hysteresis data for 50 achondrites and chondrites. The relationships between dry bulk density, metallic FeNi-content and porosity will be discussed in the case of L-chondrites. Using the petrophysical classification scheme the meteorite class and the petrologic group of a sample can be determined in most of the cases providing a rapid means for determining a preliminary classification of a new sample. In addition, the petrophysical database provides a direct source of basic physical properties of the small bodies in the solar system. Paleointensity determinations with Thellier technique will be presented for 16 meteorites representing different chondrite groups. The results yield high paleofield values ranging from 51μT to 728μT for the magnetically hardest meteorites consistent with previous studies. However, these values must be looked with caution, because of possible physico-chemical or mineralogical alterations during heating

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