97 research outputs found

    Recoil lineshapes in hard X-ray photoelectron spectra of large molecules - free and anchored-on-surface 10-aminodecane-1-thiol

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    Core-level photoelectron spectroscopy of molecules presents unique opportunities but also challenges in the Hard X-ray Spectroscopy (HAXPES) realm. Here we focus on the manifestation of the photoelectron recoil effects in core-level photoemission spectra, using the independent normal-mode oscillators approach that allows to model and investigate the resulting recoil lineshapes for molecules of large sizes with only a slight computational effort. We model the recoil lineshape for N 1s and C 1s photoemission using the 10-aminodecane-1-thiol molecule as an example. It represents also a class of compounds commonly used in creating self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on surfaces. Attachment of the -SH head group to the surface is modelled here in a simplified way by anchoring the sulfur atom of a single molecule. The effects of the orientation of photoemission in the molecular frame on the recoil lineshape of such anchored molecules are illustrated and discussed as a possible geometry probe. Time-evolution of the recoil excitations from the initial emission site across the entire molecule is also visualized

    Synaptic and fast switching memristance in porous silicon-based structures

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    Memristors are two terminal electronic components whose conductance depends on the amount of charge that has flown across them over time. This dependence can be gradual, such as in synaptic memristors, or abrupt, as in resistive switching memristors. Either of these memory effects are very promising for the development of a whole new generation of electronic devices. For the successful implementation of practical memristors, however, the development of low cost industry compatible memristive materials is required. Here the memristive properties of differently processed porous silicon structures are presented, which are suitable for different applications. Electrical characterization and SPICE simulations show that laser-carbonized porous silicon shows a strong synaptic memristive behavior influenced by defect diffusion, while wet-oxidized porous silicon has strong resistance switching properties, with switching ratios over 8000. Results show that practical memristors of either type can be achieved with porous silicon whose memristive properties can be adjusted by the proper material processing. Thus, porous silicon may play an important role for the successful realization of practical memristorics with cost-effective materials and processesThis work is part of ATTRACT that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programm

    High-energy non-Franck-Condon vibrational excitation of CH4 by intramolecular photoelectron diffraction

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    Distinct oscillations in vibrationally resolved cross section ratios for the photoionization of CH4 from the C 1s orbital at photon energies as high as 1keV are predicted. The oscillations are attributed to the different relative vibrational excitation due to the scattering of the photoelectron by the peripheral hydrogen atoms. The latter effect is also responsible for the well known EXAFS oscillations in the integrated photoelectron spectrum. The calculations are performed with an ab-initio DFT method [1], as well as with a single-particle semi-analytical model, which incorporate both the effect of the nuclear recoil and of the Coulomb correction

    Vibrations of acrylonitrile in N 1s excited states

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    The N 1s NEXAFS spectra of 1s acrylonitrile gas is accurately reproduced by a complete ab-initio multi-dimensional vibrational analysis. The role of the pi*-orbital localization and hybridization on vibrations accompaning core-excitation is discussed. Transition to the pi*-perpendicular(C=C-C equiv N) delocalized orbital excites mostly streching vibrations of the whole spinal column of the molecule. Promoting a core-electron to the localized pi*-parallel (C equiv N) produces C equiv N stretching vibration combined with two bending modes of the C-C equiv N end of the molecule, related to the change of carbon hybridization

    Vibrationally resolved N 1s absorption spectra of the acrylonitrile molecule

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    Besides two strong π∗⊄1 and π∗∄ resonances in the 398- to 400-eV energy range, N 1s near edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectra of acrylonitrile molecules have a less intense 401- to 403-eV doublet. The two components correspond to the N 1s → π∗⊄2 and N 1s → D∗∄ transitions, where D∗∄ is a diffuse state with strong Rydberg character. The vibrational analysis shows that in the D∗∄ excited state, two low-energy out-of-plane normal modes are strongly excited. The π∗⊄2 excitation triggers a set of in-plane vibrations, in particular, two C=C–C≡N bendings of the molecule

    Fragmentation Patterns of Radiosensitizers Metronidazole and Nimorazole upon Valence Ionization

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    We study gas-phase photodissociation of radiosensitizer molecules nimorazole and metronidazole with the focus on the yield of the oxygen mimics nitrogen oxides and nitrous acid. Regardless of photon energy, we find the nimorazole cation to split the intramolecular bridge with little NO2 or NO production, which makes the molecule a precursor of dehydrogenated methylnitroimidazole. Metronidazole cation, on the contrary, has numerous fragmentation pathways with strong energy dependence. Most notably, ejection of NOOH and NO2 takes place within 4 eV from the valence ionization energy. Whereas the NO2 ejection is followed by further fragmentation steps when energy so allows, we find emission of NOOH takes place in microsecond time-scales and as a slow process that is relevant only when no other competing reaction is feasible. These primary dissociation characteristics of the molecules are understood by applying the long-known principle of rapid internal conversion of the initial electronic excitation energy and by studying the energy minima and the saddle points on the potential energy surface of the electronic ground state of the molecular cation

    Molecular Dynamics of XFEL-Induced Photo-Dissociation, Revealed by Ion-Ion Coincidence Measurements

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    X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) providing ultrashort intense pulses of X-rays have proven to be excellent tools to investigate the dynamics of radiation-induced dissociation and charge redistribution in molecules and nanoparticles. Coincidence techniques, in particular multi-ion time-of-flight (TOF) coincident experiments, can provide detailed information on the photoabsorption, charge generation, and Coulomb explosion events. Here we review several such recent experiments performed at the SPring-8 Angstrom Compact free electron LAser (SACLA) facility in Japan, with iodomethane, diiodomethane, and 5-iodouracil as targets. We demonstrate how to utilize the momentum-resolving capabilities of the ion TOF spectrometers to resolve and filter the coincidence data and extract various information essential in understanding the time evolution of the processes induced by the XFEL pulses

    X-ray induced fragmentation dynamics of doubly charged L-alanine in gas phase

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    The molecular fragmentation of doubly charged L-alanine in gas phase was studied in radiation synchrotron experiments. In this presentation, we summarize our theoretical study on the dynamics of this fragmentation, using various computational methods. We show that in practice the ground state MD simulations are able to statistically reproduce the experimental results of the photo-fragmentation initiated at the excited stat

    Gas-phase study on uridine: Conformation and X-ray photofragmentation

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    Fragmentation of RNA nucleoside uridine, induced by carbon 1s core ionization, has been studied. The measurements by combined electron and ion spectroscopy have been performed in gas phase utilizing synchrotron radiation. As uridine is a combination of d-ribose and uracil, which have been studied earlier with the same method, this study also considers the effect of chemical environment and the relevant functional groups. Furthermore, since in core ionization the initial core hole is always highly localized, charge migration prior to fragmentation has been studied here. This study also demonstrates the destructive nature of core ionization as in most cases the C 1s ionization of uridine leads to concerted explosions producing only small fragments with masses ≀43 amu. In addition to fragmentation patterns, we found out that upon evaporation the sugar part of the uridine molecule attains hexagonal formFinancial support from the Academy of Finland, the European COST Action XLIC CM1204 and the EU Transnational Access to Research Infrastructures programme. Computational resources from the FGI project (Finland) are acknowledged. D.T.H. acknowledges the Finnish Cultural Foundation for funding and the MINECO Project No. FIS2013-42002- R. E.R. acknowledges funding from the Swedish Research Council (VR

    X-ray-initiated photodissociation of the glycine molecule

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    We investigated the charge distribution and dissociation dynamics of glycine (NH2CH2COOH) molecules irradiated with 310-eV x rays from the Advanced Light Source synchrotron. With simultaneous measurements of the fragment ion yield, dissociation angle, and kinetic energy, we were able to reconstruct a three-dimensional image of the x-ray-initiated molecular dissociation. Using coincidence and correlated analysis and applying a systematic comparison of properties of ion species, we partially disentangled the fragmentation pathways and identified the most probable fragmentation channels that lead to the observed fragment ions. In addition, we showed anisotropic angular distributions of dissociation subsequent to core-level photoionization and Auger decay and found an association between the initial bond-breaking sites and the kinetic energies of the final fragment ions
