4 research outputs found

    Knowing what's coming: Unpredictable motion causes more motion sickness

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    This study explores the role of anticipation in motion sickness. We compared three conditions varying in motion predictability and assessed the effect of anticipation on subsequent illness ratings using a within-subjects design. Anticipation is thought to play a role in motion sickness by reducing the discrepancy between sensed and expected sensory information. However, both the exact role and potential magnitude of anticipation on motion sickness are unknown. Participants ( = 17) were exposed to three 15-min conditions consisting of repeated fore-aft motion on a sled on a 40-m rail (1) at constant intervals and consistent motion direction, (2) at constant intervals but varied motion direction, and (3) at varied intervals but consistent motion direction. Conditions were otherwise identical in motion intensity and displacement, as they were composed of the same repetitions of identical blocks of motion. Illness ratings were recorded at 1-min intervals using an 11-point motion sickness scale. Average illness ratings after exposure were significantly lower for the predictable condition, compared with both the directionally unpredictable condition and the temporally unpredictable condition. Unpredictable motion is significantly more provocative compared with predictable motion. Findings suggest motion sickness results from a discrepancy between sensed and expected motion, rather than from unpreparedness to motion. This study underlines the importance of an individual's anticipation to motion in motion sickness. Furthermore, this knowledge could be used in domains such as that of autonomous vehicles to reduce carsickness

    Moving base driving simulators’ potential for carsickness research

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    We investigated whether motion sickness analogous to carsickness can be studied in a moving base simulator, despite the limited motion envelope. Importantly, to avoid simulator sickness, vision outside the simulator cabin was restricted. Participants (N = 16) were exposed blindfolded to 15-min lateral sinusoidal motion at 0.2 Hz and 0.35 Hz on separate days. These conditions were selected to realize optimal provocativeness of the stimulus given the simulator's maximum displacement and knowledge on frequency-acceleration interactions for motion sickness. Average motion sickness on an 11-point scale was 2.21 ± 1.97 for 0.2 Hz and 1.93 ± 1.94 for 0.35 Hz. The motion sickness increase over time was comparable to that found in studies using actual vehicles. We argue that motion base simulators can be used to incite motion sickness analogous to carsickness, provided considerable restrictions on vision. Future research on carsickness, potentially more prevalent in autonomous vehicles, could benefit from employing simulators

    In-car speed estimations with real, virtual, and no view

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    Car handling, and hence, safety, is affected by the way we estimate speed. Speed, however, is often underestimated in degraded visual environments, including virtual environments such as driving simulators. In simulators the visual and physical motion are typically incongruent as limited by quality and amplitude, respectively, which may cause a negative transfer of training. To improve the (training) quality of simulators and make them feel more real, it would be helpful to fill a knowledge gap on in-car speed perception as affected by real and virtual views, within a single group of subjects. We did so by testing whether estimations of speed in terms of km/h could be a valid metric for that purpose. We therefore exposed 17 subjects, seated as passengers in the front of a car on a straight road to four experimental conditions: (1) driving with a real out-the-window view, (2) driving with a live video view, (3) standing still watching pre-recorded video's, and (4) driving with eyes closed. Field-of-view was made equal in all conditions. Speeds tested ranged between 20 and 60 km/h. On average, speed was estimated 5 km/h less than actual, while we did not find a statistically significant difference between the four conditions tested. These results seem to contradict previous observations on motion perception, in particular in simulators, that have been ascribed to the quality of the visuals used. This finding may yet be explained by the assumption that speed estimations in terms of km/h are dominated by (conscious) cognitive processes, while visual-vestibular coherence between visual and physical motion, is dominated by (unconscious) sensorial driven perceptual processes. This disqualifies perceived speed as a valid metric for studying motion perception related to the optimisation of simulators