68 research outputs found

    Bis-tridentate Ir(III) Metal Phosphors for Efficient Deep-Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diodes

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    Emissive Ir(III) metal complexes possessing two tridentate chelates (bis-tridentate) are known to be more robust compared to those with three bidentate chelates (tris-bidentate). Here, the deep-blue-emitting, bis-tridentate Ir(III) metal phosphors bearing both the dicarbene pincer ancillary such as 2,6-diimidazolylidene benzene and the 6-pyrazolyl-2-phenoxylpyridine chromophoric chelate are synthesized. A deep-blue organic light-emitting diode from one phosphor exhibits Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE(x,y)) coordinates of (0.15, 0.17) with maximum external quantum efficiency (max. EQE) of 20.7% and EQE = 14.6% at the practical brightness of 100 cd m−2

    Ciprofloxacin-resistant Salmonella enterica Typhimurium and Choleraesuis from Pigs to Humans, Taiwan

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    We evaluated the disk susceptibility data of 671 nontyphoid Salmonella isolates collected from different parts of Taiwan from March 2001 to August 2001 and 1,261 nontyphoid Salmonella isolates from the National Taiwan University Hospital from 1996 to 2001. Overall, ciprofloxacn resistance was found in 2.7% (18/671) of all nontyphoid Salmonella isolates, in 1.4% (5/347) of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium and in 7.5% (8/107) in S. enterica serotype Choleraesuis nationwide. MICs of six newer fluoroquinolones were determined for the following isolates: 37 isolates of ciprofloxacin-resistant (human) S. enterica Typhimurium (N = 26) and Choleraesuis (N = 11), 10 isolates of ciprofloxacin-susceptible (MIC <1 μg/mL) (human) isolates of these two serotypes, and 15 swine isolates from S. enterica Choleraesuis (N = 13) and Typhmurium (N = 2) with reduced susceptibility to ciprofloxacin (MIC >0.12 μg/mL). Sequence analysis of the gryA, gyrB, parC, parE, and acrR genes, ciprofloxacin accumulation; and genotypes generated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis with three restriction enzymes (SpeI, XbaI, and BlnI) were performed. All 26 S. enterica Typhimurium isolates from humans and pigs belonged to genotype I. For S. enterica Choleraesuis isolates, 91% (10/11) of human isolates and 54% (7/13) of swine isolates belonged to genotype B. These two genotypes isolates from humans all exhibited a high-level of resistance to ciprofloxacin (MIC 16–64 μg/mL). They had two-base substitutions in the gyrA gene at codons 83 (Ser83Phe) and 87 (Asp87Gly or Asp87Asn) and in the parC gene at codon 80 (Ser80Arg, Ser80Ile, or Ser84Lys). Our investigation documented that not only did these two S. enterica isolates have a high prevalence of ciprofloxacin resistance nationwide but also that some closely related ciprofloxacin-resistant strains are disseminated from pigs to humans

    Combinatorial Computational Approaches to Identify Tetracycline Derivatives as Flavivirus Inhibitors

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    Limited structural information of drug targets, cellular toxicity possessed by lead compounds, and large amounts of potential leads are the major issues facing the design-oriented approach of discovering new leads. In an attempt to tackle these issues, we have developed a process of virtual screening based on the observation that conformational rearrangements of the dengue virus envelope protein are essential for the mediation of viral entry into host cells via membrane fusion. Screening was based solely on the structural information of the Dengue virus envelope protein and was focused on a target site that is presumably important for the conformational rearrangements necessary for viral entry. To circumvent the issue of lead compound toxicity, we performed screening based on molecular docking using structural databases of medical compounds. To enhance the identification of hits, we further categorized and selected candidates according to their novel structural characteristics. Finally, the selected candidates were subjected to a biological validation assay to assess inhibition of Dengue virus propagation in mammalian host cells using a plaque formation assay. Among the 10 compounds examined, rolitetracycline and doxycycline significantly inhibited plaque formation, demonstrating their inhibitory effect on dengue virus propagation. Both compounds were tetracycline derivatives with IC(50)s estimated to be 67.1 µM and 55.6 µM, respectively. Their docked conformations displayed common hydrophobic interactions with critical residues that affected membrane fusion during viral entry. These interactions will therefore position the tetracyclic ring moieties of both inhibitors to bind firmly to the target and, subsequently, disrupt conformational rearrangement and block viral entry. This process can be applied to other drug targets in which conformational rearrangement is critical to function

    Androgen deprivation modulates the inflammatory response induced by irradiation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to determine whether radiation (RT)-induced inflammatory responses and organ damage might be modulated by androgen deprivation therapies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The mRNA and tissue sections obtained from the lungs, intestines and livers of irradiated mice with or without androgen deprivation were analyzed by real-time PCR and histological analysis. Activation of NF-kappa B was examined by measuring nuclear protein levels in the intestine and lung 24 h after irradiation. We also examined the levels of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), TGF-β1 and p-AKT to elucidate the related pathway responsible to irradiation (RT) -induced fibrosis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found androgen deprivation by castration significantly augmented RT-induced inflammation, associated with the increase NF-κB activation and COX-2 expression. However, administration of flutamide had no obvious effect on the radiation-induced inflammation response in the lung and intestine. These different responses were probably due to the increase of RT-induced NF-κB activation and COX-2 expression by castration or lupron treatment. In addition, our data suggest that TGF-β1 and the induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) via the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway may contribute to RT-induced fibrosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>When irradiation was given to patients with total androgen deprivation, the augmenting effects on the RT-induced inflammation and fibrosis should take into consideration for complications associated with radiotherapy.</p

    Impact Study of Tea Beverage TV Advertising Upon Consumers'' Purchasing Behavior

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    茶類飲料電視廣告對消費者購買行為影響之研就研 究 摘 要 近年來, 茶類飲料的銷售量或銷售值一直居台灣六大類飲料之首位,而且該產業廠 商也投入相當高的電視廣告支出。1995年茶類飲料廠商投入電視廣告的費 用約佔廣告及促銷總費用之56.69%。廠商也渴望瞭解茶類飲料電視廣告 的廣告效果及消費者偏好。為了探討消費者對茶類飲料電視廣告的態度及 其對購買行為之影響。本研究利用MEM模式來分析消費者受到電視廣告刺 激後,產生對電視廣告的認知,進而影響其對茶類飲料電視廣告的態度與 購買行為。 茲將本研究的實証結果歸納如下: 一、 有關MEM模式前置 變數之實証結果計有五點: 1、 消費者對茶類飲料產品的認識係屬於 低度涉入,而且消費者認 為電視廣告是茶類飲料產品促銷的最好 方式。 2、 各類不同群體的消費者皆認為最重要的個人價值觀,主要 有實 現目標的成就感、良好的人際關係以及自我尊重等。 3、 消費者對於新奇、特殊的茶類飲料產品,並不特別熱衷。此外, 消費者最喜歡的前三種茶類飲料產品則是檸檬紅茶、立噸紅茶 及 綠茶等。 4、 不同群體的消費者皆認為茶類飲料電視廣告所提供的訊 息,能 令人感覺到茶類飲料具有消暑解渴、清爽好喝之特色,且 能幫 助消化。 5、 消費者並不認為茶類飲料電視廣告可以〝性 魅力〞來吸引消費 者。因此,不宜製作這類主題之廣告。 二、 在廣告期望之配合方面,消費者對茶類飲料電視廣告所描述的內 容、主題、實際效益及消費者形象與其期望配合,在統計分析上, 各群體彼此間沒有顯著差異。期望的感覺,彼此對電視廣告感覺 的差異性並不大。 三、 本研究將廣告認知區分為活動性、評價性及效 能性等三個構面。 此外,將廣告承諾區分為感官上滿足的購買動 機、社會訴求的購 買動機以及避免不利情況的購買動機等三個構 面。經實証結果發 現,廣告認知與廣告承諾會影響消費者對電視 廣告期望之配合, 且會影響消費者對電視廣告的態度並加深消費 者對茶類飲料產品 屬性之瞭解。 四、 本研究實証結果發現,廣 告認知會影響品牌認知,而廣告態度除 了會影響品牌認知外,也 會影響品牌態度。研究結果顯示,茶類 飲料消費者對電視廣告的 態度會強烈影響品牌態度甚巨。 五、 在不考慮前置變數的情況下,若 以CFI值作為判斷基準,MEM模 式優於DMH、ATH、RMH及IIH等其他 四個模式。 六、 經由實証結果發現,不同群體在購買茶類飲料新產品 時,經驗屬 性通常比搜尋屬性更為重要。換言之,消費者會以喝 過飲料後的 記憶經驗,作為下次購買茶類飲料產品之參考。 七 、 大學生在購買茶類飲料新產品時(特別是金桔檸檬茶及麥仔 茶 ),會格外重視該產品的健康屬性,其次則是產品的價格,最 不 重視產品的品牌。因此,廠商除了須強調產品的健康屬性之外, 亦須顧及產品價格,應避免因產品價格太高而喪失其顧客。此外, 亦可利用電視廣告來增強消費者對其產品的品牌信念。 八、 MEM模式很 適合研究分析低度涉入的產品,能使消費者產生敏銳 廣告認知的 產品尤其適用。Impact Study of Tea Beverage TV Advertising Upon Consumers'' Purchasing Behavior Tea beverage has been the top beverage among six major beverages in Taiwan in recent years. Tea beverage firms has spent 56.69%of their promotion budget in TV advertising. Those firms earnestly want to know the TV advertising effects and consumer preference. This dissertation use the MEM Model to analyze the TV advertising cognition after the advertising stimulation, and then explore the advertising impacts upon the TV advertising attitude as well as the purchasing behavior.The research results of this empirical study are summarized as follows: 1、 Five empirical results concerning the antecedent variables of the MEM Model are listed as follows: (1) The tea beverage belongs to low involvement product. TV advertising is considered as the best promotion method. (2) All groups of consumers are generally regarding the personal achievement, good interpersonal relation- ship and self-respect as the most important personal values. (3) Consumer are not particularly interested in the innovative and specialized tea beverage products. The Lemon red tea, Lipton red tea and green tea are most popular products. (4) TV advertising for tea beverage provides the message that tea beverage is good for thirst-curing, nice to drink and benefiting the digestion. (5) &quot; Sex appearance &quot; is not a good theme for adver- tising. 2、 The topics, theme, actual benefits and consumer image delivered by the tea beverage TV advertising are consistent with the expectation of consumers (Ad match). 3、 Advertising cognitions are classified into following three dimension: activity, evaluation and potency. Moreover, Advertising promises are classified into following three dimension: sensual gratification, social approval and mixed approach avoid. Research result indicated that Ad cognition and Ad promise will influence the Ad match. In addition, Aad of consumer and the awareness of product attributes are also influenced according. 4、 This study finds that Ad cognitions can influence the brand cognitions. Aad has a strong relation with Ab, and Ab can directly influence consumer purchase intention. 5、 Excluding the consideration of the antecedent variables, then we can find that the MEM Model showing the comparative fit indices (CFI) superior to the models of DMH、ATH、RMH and IIH. 6、 Empirical results also demonstrated that the &quot; experience attribute &quot; is much more important than &quot; search attribute &quot; when new products are purc-hasing by various groups of tea beverage consumers. 7、 Health attributes of tea beverages (for instance kumquat lemon juice and barley drink ) are most valuable for college students. Product price is considered as second important factor, and product brands are regard as least importance. 8、 The MEM Model is very appropriate for analyzing the low involvement products. Furthermore, Those products with the highly sensitive Ad cognition are particularly suitable for the MEM Model.封面 目錄 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機 第二節 研究目的 第三節 研究方法 第四節 研究範圍與資料來源 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 消費者購買決策之模式之概述 第二節 涉入與消費者購買決策之關連性 第三節 廣告資訊認知與廣告態度及品牌態度之關連性 第三章 理論基礎與分析方法 第一節 MEM理論基礎之概述 第二節 驗試性因素分析與結構方程式模式之概述 第三節 聯合分析之概述 第四章 問卷設計與實證結果分析 第一節 問卷設計 第二節 基本資料與相關資料之分析 第三節 實證結果分析 第伍章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 本研究之限制 第三節 建議 參考文獻 重要文彙定義 附錄一 附錄

    [[alternative]]Practical Theory Of Postpartum Mother Care During Newborn In The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

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    [[abstract]]當母親產下一個早產兒或新生兒合併嚴重併發症時,需接受新生兒加護病房的照護治療,對母親及家庭而言會產生極大的焦慮和壓力。坐月子是中華傳統文化頗具特色的一環,臨床發現母親在其新生兒入住加護病房期間,無法像正常母親好好調養身體,除了面對個人身心變化、各種坐月子的規範與禁忌、新生兒病況的衝擊,以及新冠肺炎疫情訪客限制,對她們而言這段時間是非常難熬,因此,醫療團隊提供適當的照護策略降低其心理衝擊及協助執行母職角色,是非常重要的議題。研究者基於專業背景和過往的質性研究經驗,於文獻查證後確立研究主題,依據Strauss and Corbin(1990)紮根理論法來建構實踐性理論,研究程序包括:資料收集,採立意抽樣符合條件的受訪者同意且簽屬同意書後,藉由半結構的訪談指引,進行一對一訪談,訪談的錄音檔轉成逐字稿進行分析;資料分析包括開放性譯碼、主軸譯碼和選擇性譯碼,透過持續比較分析,適當的時機介入理論性抽樣等過程的交替運用,直至理論飽和。進而建構「新生兒入住加護病房期間產後母親的照護實踐性理論」。本研究共邀請25位參與者進行研究,其中包含13位新生兒入住加護病房的產後母親,2位新生兒入住加護病房產後母親的家人,以及新生兒加護病房醫療團隊之2位醫師、5位護理師及各1位的專科護理師、社工師、復健師。所建構完成的實踐性理論以「正向面對執行母職之歷程」為核心類組,連結「產後母親面臨問題」、「醫療照護策略」、「醫療照護成效」等三個理論性類組,而建構形成等同實踐性理論的概念架構,並命名為「新生兒入住加護病房期間產後母親的照護實踐性理論」此理論作為醫療團隊在新生兒入住加護病房期間產後母親的照護依據,建議醫療團隊針對產後母親面臨問題:心理衝擊及無法執行母職角色,運用降低母親心理衝擊、持續性的照護及協助執行母職角色的照護策略,以達緩解母親心理衝擊及展現母職角色的照護成效。關鍵字:新生兒加護病房、產後母親、照護、實踐性理論、紮根理論[[abstract]]AbstractWhen a mother give birth to a premature baby or a newborn with multiple severe complications, an admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is required for the baby’s care and treatment. For the mother and the family, this creates great anxiety and stress. YueZi also known as postpartum care, is part of traditional Chinese culture. Clinical studies discovered that mothers who have newborns in the NICU could not take care of their body the way a normal mother would. In addition to physical and mental changes in the postpartum period, challenges such as the rules and taboos of YueZi, the impact of the baby’s disease on the mother, and the limitation on visitors due to COVID-19 can make this period of time very difficult. Therefore, providing a care strategy to reduce the psychological impact sustained during this period and to support motherhood is an important topic for the medical team. Based on a review of the literature, the researchers’ backgrounds, and past qualitative research experiences, we established our research topic. Based on the grounded theory proposed by Strauss and Corbin (1990), we structured a substantive theory. The research process included data collection and obtaining written consent from participants selected through purposive sampling who matched the criteria. Using a guided semi-structured interview, a one-on-one interview was carried out. The interview was recorded and transcribed for further analysis. Data analysis comprised of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. Through the alternating use of constant comparative analysis and intervening with theoretical sampling at appropriate timing until theoretical saturation, we structured “a substantive theory to care for postpartum mothers with a newborn in the NICU.” This study invited a total of 25 participants, including 13 postpartum mothers with a newborn in the NICU, 2 family members of the postpartum mother with a newborn in the NICU, as well as 2 physicians, 5 nurses, 1 nursing specialist, 1 social worker, and 1 rehabilitator from the NICU medical team. The structured substantive theory uses “the process to fulfil maternal responsibility with a positive attitude” as a core category and connects three other theory-based categories: “problems postpartum mother encountered”, “medical care strategy”, and “effectiveness of medical care”. This forms a conceptual structure equivalent to the substantive theory. We have thus named it: “the substantive theory to care for postpartum mothers with a newborn in the NICU.” This theory serves as a guide for the medical team to care for postpartum mothers with newborns in the NICU. We recommend that the medical team attach great importance to the problems a postpartum mother may encounter, such as the psychological impacts sustained by these mothers during this period and their inability to fulfil their maternal responsibilities. By reducing the psychological impacts imposed on these mothers and implementing strategies to continuously care and support their role as a mother, reduction of psychological impact and effectiveness in promoting motherhood can be achieved. Keywords: NICU, Postpartum Mother, Care, Substantive Theory, Grounded Theor

    Mix Design and Engineering Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Pervious Concrete Using Lightweight Aggregates

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    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the mix design and performance of fiber-reinforced pervious concrete using lightweight coarse aggregates instead of ordinary coarse aggregates. There were two main stages in the relevant testing work. First, the properties of the matrix were tested with a rheological test and then different amounts of lightweight coarse aggregate and fine aggregate were added to the matrix to measure the properties of the obtained lightweight pervious concrete (LPC). In order to greatly reduce the experimental workload, the Taguchi experimental design method was adopted. An orthogonal array L9(34) was used, which was composed of four controllable three-level factors. There were four test parameters in this study, which were the lightweight coarse aggregate size, ordinary fine aggregate content, matrix type, and aggregate/binder ratio. The research results confirmed that the use of suitable materials and the optimal mix proportions were the key factors for improving the mechanical properties of the LPC. Due to the use of silica fume, ultrafine silica powder, and polypropylene fibers, the 28-day compressive strength, 28-day flexural strength, and 28-day split tensile strength of the LPC specimens prepared in this study were 4.80&ndash;7.78, 1.19&ndash;1.86, and 0.78&ndash;1.11 MPa, respectively. On the whole, the mechanical properties of the prepared LPC specimens were better than those of the LPC with general composition

    Mix Design and Engineering Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Pervious Concrete Using Lightweight Aggregates

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    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the mix design and performance of fiber-reinforced pervious concrete using lightweight coarse aggregates instead of ordinary coarse aggregates. There were two main stages in the relevant testing work. First, the properties of the matrix were tested with a rheological test and then different amounts of lightweight coarse aggregate and fine aggregate were added to the matrix to measure the properties of the obtained lightweight pervious concrete (LPC). In order to greatly reduce the experimental workload, the Taguchi experimental design method was adopted. An orthogonal array L9(34) was used, which was composed of four controllable three-level factors. There were four test parameters in this study, which were the lightweight coarse aggregate size, ordinary fine aggregate content, matrix type, and aggregate/binder ratio. The research results confirmed that the use of suitable materials and the optimal mix proportions were the key factors for improving the mechanical properties of the LPC. Due to the use of silica fume, ultrafine silica powder, and polypropylene fibers, the 28-day compressive strength, 28-day flexural strength, and 28-day split tensile strength of the LPC specimens prepared in this study were 4.80–7.78, 1.19–1.86, and 0.78–1.11 MPa, respectively. On the whole, the mechanical properties of the prepared LPC specimens were better than those of the LPC with general composition