70 research outputs found

    subacute combined spinal cord degeneration

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    We report a case of subacute combined spinal cord degeneration (SCD) caused by vegetarianism and autoimmune gastritis, which is rarely reported in Japan, and which showed improvement in symptoms and imaging findings after vitamin B12 administration. As delayed treatment can lead to irreversible damage, we suggest that patients with characteristic abnormal signals in the posterior cervical cord should be examined while considering the possibility that SCD may occur even in the absence of a history of gastrectomy or heavy drinking. We also describe the patient’s reversible abnormal signals in the cerebral white matter on magnetic resonance imaging, indicative of an early sign of leukoencephalopathy associated with vitamin B12 deficiency

    Isolated gestational proteinuria preceding the diagnosis of preeclampsia : an observational study

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    Introduction. Some pregnant women develop significant proteinuria in the absence of hypertension. However, clinical significance of isolated gestational proteinuria (IGP) is not well understood. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of IGP in singleton pregnancies and the proportion of women with IGP who subsequently developed preeclampsia (IGP-PE) among all PE cases. Material and methods. This was an observational study of 6819 women with singleton pregnancies at 12 centers, including 938 women with at least once determination of protein-to-creatinine ratio (P/Cr). Significant proteinuria in pregnancy (SPIP) was defined as P/Cr (mg/mg) level >0.27. IGP was defined as SPIP in the absence of hypertension. Gestational hypertension (GH) preceding preeclampsia (GH-PE) was defined as preeclampsia (PE) in which GH preceded SPIP. Simultaneous PE (S-PE) was defined as PE in which both SPIP and hypertension occurred simultaneously. Results. IGP and PE were diagnosed in 130 (1.9%) and 158 (2.3%) of 6819 women, respectively. Of 130 women with IGP, 32 (25%) progressed to PE and accounted for 20% of all women with PE. Hence, women with IGP had a relative risk of 13.1 (95% CI; 9.2-18.5) for developing PE compared with those without IGP [25% (32/130) vs. 1.9% (126/6689)]. At diagnosis of SPIP, P/Cr levels already exceeded 1.0 more often in women with S-PE than in those with IGP-PE [67% (33/49) vs. 44% (14/32), respectively, p = 0.031]. Conclusions. IGP is a risk factor for PE, and IGP-PE accounts for a considerable proportion (20%) of all PE

    Iroquois homeobox 3 regulates odontoblast proliferation and differentiation mediated by Wnt5a expression

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    Iroquois homeobox (Irx) genes are TALE-class homeobox genes that are evolutionarily conserved across species and have multiple critical cellular functions in fundamental tissue development processes. Previous studies have shown that Irxs genes are expressed during tooth development. However, the precise roles of genes in teeth remain unclear. Here, we demonstrated for the first time that Irx3 is an essential molecule for the proliferation and differentiation of odontoblasts. Using cDNA synthesized from postnatal day 1 (P1) tooth germs, we examined the expression of all Irx genes (Irx1-Irx6) by RT-PCR and found that all genes except Irx4 were expressed in the tooth tissue. Irx1-Irx3 a were expressed in the dental epithelial cell line M3H1 cells, while Irx3 and Irx5 were expressed in the dental mesenchymal cell line mDP cells. Only Irx3 was expressed in both undifferentiated cell lines. Immunostaining also revealed the presence of IRX3 in the dental epithelial cells and mesenchymal condensation. Inhibition of endogenous Irx3 by siRNA blocks the proliferation and differentiation of mDP cells. Wnt3a, Wnt5a, and Bmp4 are factors involved in odontoblast differentiation and were highly expressed in mDP cells by quantitative PCR analysis. Interestingly, the expression of Wnt5a (but not Wnt3a or Bmp4) was suppressed by Irx3 siRNA. These results suggest that Irx3 plays an essential role in part through the regulation of Wnt5a expression during odontoblast proliferation and differentiation

    Julia Clancy-Smith (éd.), North Africa, Islam, and the Mediterranean World : from the Almoravids to the Algerian War, London, Frank Cass, 2001, 202 p.

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    Cet ouvrage collectif est le rĂ©sultat d’un colloque international organisĂ© en 1998 conjointement par l’AIMS (American Institute for Maghrib Studies) et le CEMAT (Centres d'Études MaghrĂ©bines Ă  Tunis). Il s’agissait de se pencher sur le Maghreb dans l'optique de la "World History", un champ d'Ă©tudes largement mĂ©connu des chercheurs francophones et maghrĂ©bins, comme le remarque la directrice de la publication, Julia Clancy-Smith. Il s'agit d'une approche visant Ă  dĂ©construire non seulement « le..
