23 research outputs found

    The microbiota of dried traditional vegetables produced in the Sudan Savannah and Guinea Savannah agro-ecological zones of Ghana

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    Abstract: Traditional vegetables are an important article of diet of the ethnic groups from the northern parts of Ghana. Such vegetables are preserved by sundrying and consumed throughout the year. These are mostly leafy vegetables and include Hibiscus sabdariffa (sorrel), Bomtax costatum (kapok), Ceratotheca sesamoides, Adansonia digitata, and Hibiscus esculentus (okro), respectively called by the local names shure or sobolo, daala, yaudo, kuuka, and okro (common name). The dominant microbiota of ten common dried traditional vegetables were investigated by enumerating total bacteria, yeasts and moulds, lactic acid bacteria, Bacillus species and coliform bacteria. Isolates were characterized by colony and cell morphology, and by biochemical tests. The water activities of all the dried vegetables were between 0.513 and 0.539. Shuri and bisap had low pH values, between 2.6 and 2.71, whilst the other vegetables had relatively higher pH values ranging from 5.21 to 6.39. Moulds and Bacillus spp. dominated the biota of all the dried vegetables although lactic acid bacteria and coliforms were also isolated in most of these products. Bacterial counts of the dried vegetables were between 10 3 and 10 7 CFU/g. Aspergillus spp, Rhizopus spp, Eurotium spp, Penicillium spp and Aureobasidium spp. were the major genera of moulds identified in the dried vegetables. The dominant Bacillus species in all samples was Bacillus subtilis except in the okro pods and leaves where Bacillus cereus was dominant. The dominant lactic acid bacteria were Lactobacillus plantarum and pediococci. Escherichia coli was not detected in any of the dried vegetables, however, Enterobacter aerogenes was detected in most of the samples. Because of the high microbial levels in the dried vegetables, it is recommended that handling procedures be improved by primarily sanitizing the fresh vegetables prior to drying in solar dryers

    Bacteria and Their Antibiotic Resistance Profiles in Ambient Air in Accra, Ghana, February 2020: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Inappropriate use of antibiotics has led to the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in ambient air. There is no published information about the presence and resistance profiles of bacteria in ambient air in Ghana. We evaluated the presence and antibiotic resistance profiles of selected bacterial, environmental and meteorological characteristics and airborne bacterial counts in 12 active air quality monitoring sites (seven roadside, two industrial and three residential) in Accra in February 2020. Roadside sites had the highest median temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and PM10 concentrations, and median airborne bacterial counts in roadside sites (115,000 CFU/m3) were higher compared with industrial (35,150 CFU/m3) and residential sites (1210 CFU/m3). Bacillus species were isolated in all samples and none were antibiotic resistant. There were, however, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas species, non-hemolytic Streptococci, Coliforms and Staphylococci species, of which six (50%) showed mono-resistance or multidrug resistance to four antibiotics (penicillin, ampicillin, ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone). There was a positive correlation between PM10 concentrations and airborne bacterial counts (rs = 0.72), but no correlations were found between PM10 concentrations and the pathogenic bacteria nor their antibiotic resistance. We call for the expansion of surveillance of ambient air to other cities of Ghana to obtain nationally representative information

    Microbial characterization of dried foods from Ghana

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    Traditionally, the most common methods to preserve vegetables and fish in Ghana are sun-drying and smoking, respectively. Convenience foods also are fairly common, which are foods that are mechanically dehydrated and milled into powders. In this research, the dominant microflora of common Ghanaian dried foods such as vegetables; powders; smoked, salted or sun-dried fish; seasonings; spices and oilseeds were investigated by enumerating the total count, yeasts and molds, lactic acid bacteria, coliforms, Bacillus species and Staphylococcus aureus. Dominant microbial species on the dried vegetables were further characterized by colony, cell morphology, and biochemical tests. Molds and Bacillus spp. dominated the flora of all the dried foods examined although coliforms and lactic acid bacteria also were isolated in most of these products. Total counts of the dried vegetables were 103 to 107 CFU/g; powdered products had 104 to 107 CFU/g; smoked, salted or sun-dried fish had 103 to 105 CFU/g; and spices and oil seeds had 102 to 107 CFU/g. Staphylococcus aureus was present at levels of 102 to 103 CFU/g in the fish, seasonings and oilseeds. Aspergillus spp, Rhizopus spp, Eurotium spp, Penicillium spp and Aureobasidium spp. were the major genera of the molds present in the dried vegetables. The dominant Bacillus species in all the samples were Bacillus subtilis and the major lactic acid bacteria were Lactobacillus plantarum. Escherichia coli was not detected in any of the dried vegetables, however, Enterobacter aerogenes was detected in most of these dried vegetables. The pH of the dried vegetables ranged from 2.41 to 7.50; powdered convenience foods had pH values ranging from 4.10 to 6.97. All the dried fish had pH values ranging from 6.10 to 8.00 and seasonings and oil seeds had pH from 4.80 to 8.00. The water activities of all the dried foods were between 0.374 and 0.683 except for roasted corn flour and dawadawa, which were 0.214 and 0.813, respectively; therefore, there is little chance of microbial growth in most of these foods until they are rehydrated. Since there were high microbial levels in the dried foods used in this research, it is recommended that processing and handling procedures be improved to ensure the safety and the quality of the staple foods in Ghana

    Time to Treatment in Patients Suffering from Cancers in France and Impact of Health Social Inequalities : Study from Medico-Administrative Databases

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    Contexte : Le délai d’accès au traitement pour cancer est un aspect important de la qualité des soins. Compte tenu de l’augmentation du nombre de cancers, les établissements de soins seront amenés à traiter un nombre élevé de patients atteints de cancers. Notre objectif était d’étudier le délai d’accès au traitement après le diagnostic de cancer chez les patients atteints de cancers du côlon (CC), du rectum-anus (RC) ou du poumon (CP) ainsi que les facteurs associés et l’impact des inégalités sociales.Méthode : A l’aide de codes diagnostiques de la classification internationale des maladies et de codes de la classification commune des actes médicaux, nous avons sélectionné dans la base du programme de médicalisation des systèmes d’information de nouveaux patients diagnostiqués pour CC, RC et CP en 2009-2010 et traités. Les informations sur ces patients ont été croisées avec celles des bénéficiaires d’affection longue durée pour ces cancers et avec celles de l’indice de désavantage social.Résultats : Nous avons inclus 15 694, 6 623 et 14 596 patients atteints et traités respectivement pour CC, CR et CP. Les délais médians entre l’endoscopie et l’accès à : 1) la chirurgie chez les patients avec un parcours chirurgical pour CC, CR et CP étaient respectivement de 22 (Q25 = 14; Q75 = 34), 97 (Q25 = 34; Q75 = 141), et 44 (Q25 = 26; Q75 = 82) jours ; 2) la chimiothérapie chez les patients avec un parcours non-chirurgical pour CC, CR et CP étaient respectivement de 36 (Q25 = 21; Q75 = 59), 40 (Q25 = 27; Q75 = 59) et 33 (Q25 = 22; Q75 = 49) jours; 3) la radiothérapie chez les patients avec un parcours non-chirurgical chez les patients avec CR et CP étaient respectivement de 53 (Q25 = 39; Q75 = 78) et 88 (Q25 = 46; Q75 = 162) jours; 4) au premier traitement, quel que soit le parcours, était de 23 (Q25 = 14; Q75 = 35), 43 (Q25 = 27; Q75 = 74) et 34 (Q25 = 22; Q75 = 50) jours respectivement pour CC, CR et CP. Le délai d’accès au premier traitement variait selon les régions. Il était long dans la plupart des régions du nord et dans les départements d’Outre-mer, court dans les régions d’Île-de-France, du sud, de l’est et parfois de l’ouest pour les trois cancers. En analyse multiniveau, l’âge et le statut de l’établissement du premier traitement étaient significativement associés au délai d’accès au premier traitement pour CC. Ces facteurs, y compris l’indice de désavantage social étaient significativement associés au délai d’accès au premier traitement pour le CR et le CP. Le délai d’accès au premier traitement augmentait avec l’âge. Il était plus élevé dans les hôpitaux publics comparés aux hôpitaux privés et faible chez les patients des communes les moins défavorisées comparés aux patients des communes les plus défavorisées. Conclusion : A notre connaissance, cette étude est la première à décrire les délais d’accès au traitement après endoscopie chez les patients atteints de cancer à partir des bases médico-administratives en France. Les résultats, qui compléteront ceux issus des données registres de cancers et des réseaux régionaux de cancérologie, pourront être utiles aux décideurs politiques dans la mise en place de recommandations de prise en charge des cancers.Background: timeliness of cancer treatment is an important aspect of health quality. Care centers are expected to treat a growing number of patients with cancer. Our objectives were to examine treatment times from diagnosis to first-course therapy for patients with colon (CC), rectum-anus (RC), and lung (LC) cancers and assess factors associated with time to-treatment and the impact of deprivation index.Methods: using the international classification of diseases and medical procedures codes, from national hospital discharge database which has been crossed with long term illness data and French deprivation Index information, we selected patients newly diagnosed for CC, RC or LC in 2009-2010 who had undergone treatment.Results: We included 15,694, 6,623 and 14,596 patients diagnosed and treated for CC, RC and LC respectively. Median times from endoscopy to: 1) surgery in patients with a surgical treatment pathway for CC, RC, and LC were 22 (Q25 = 14; Q75 = 34), 97 (Q25 = 34; Q75 = 141), and 44 (Q25 = 26; Q75 = 82) days, respectively; 2) to chemotherapy for patients with a non-surgical treatment pathway, for CC, RC, and LC were 36 (Q25 = 21; Q75 = 59), 40 (Q25 = 27; Q75 = 59), and 33 (Q25 = 22; Q75 = 49) days respectively; 3) to radiotherapy in RC and LC patients were 53 (Q25 = 39; Q75 = 78) and 88 (Q25 = 46; Q75 = 162) days respectively; 4) to first treatment, irrespective of pathway and treatment combination for CC, RC and LC were 23 (Q25 = 14; Q75 = 35), 43 (Q25 = 27; Q75 = 74), and 34 (Q25 = 22; Q75 = 50) days respectively.Time to first treatment vary across regions. It was longer in most northern regions and in overseas districts and shorter in Île-de-France, southern, eastern and sometimes in western regions for the three cancers. In multilevel analysis, Age and status of the first care center were significantly associated to time to first treatment in CC patients. Similar factors, including Deprivation index, were significantly associated to time to first treatment in RC and LC patients. The time to first treatment increased with age. It was higher in public hospitals compared to private hospitals and low in patients with low deprivation index compared to patients with high deprivation index. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first study based on medico-administrative database describing time to first treatment after endoscopy in patients suffering from cancers in France. The results, which will complement those from cancer registry data and regional networks of cancerology, could inform decision-making policies on the implementation of guidelines on timeframes for cancer treatment access

    Délais d’accès au traitement des patients atteints de cancers en France et impact des inégalités sociales de santé : étude à partir des bases de données médico-administratives

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    Background: timeliness of cancer treatment is an important aspect of health quality. Care centers are expected to treat a growing number of patients with cancer. Our objectives were to examine treatment times from diagnosis to first-course therapy for patients with colon (CC), rectum-anus (RC), and lung (LC) cancers and assess factors associated with time to-treatment and the impact of deprivation index.Methods: using the international classification of diseases and medical procedures codes, from national hospital discharge database which has been crossed with long term illness data and French deprivation Index information, we selected patients newly diagnosed for CC, RC or LC in 2009-2010 who had undergone treatment.Results: We included 15,694, 6,623 and 14,596 patients diagnosed and treated for CC, RC and LC respectively. Median times from endoscopy to: 1) surgery in patients with a surgical treatment pathway for CC, RC, and LC were 22 (Q25 = 14; Q75 = 34), 97 (Q25 = 34; Q75 = 141), and 44 (Q25 = 26; Q75 = 82) days, respectively; 2) to chemotherapy for patients with a non-surgical treatment pathway, for CC, RC, and LC were 36 (Q25 = 21; Q75 = 59), 40 (Q25 = 27; Q75 = 59), and 33 (Q25 = 22; Q75 = 49) days respectively; 3) to radiotherapy in RC and LC patients were 53 (Q25 = 39; Q75 = 78) and 88 (Q25 = 46; Q75 = 162) days respectively; 4) to first treatment, irrespective of pathway and treatment combination for CC, RC and LC were 23 (Q25 = 14; Q75 = 35), 43 (Q25 = 27; Q75 = 74), and 34 (Q25 = 22; Q75 = 50) days respectively.Time to first treatment vary across regions. It was longer in most northern regions and in overseas districts and shorter in Île-de-France, southern, eastern and sometimes in western regions for the three cancers. In multilevel analysis, Age and status of the first care center were significantly associated to time to first treatment in CC patients. Similar factors, including Deprivation index, were significantly associated to time to first treatment in RC and LC patients. The time to first treatment increased with age. It was higher in public hospitals compared to private hospitals and low in patients with low deprivation index compared to patients with high deprivation index. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first study based on medico-administrative database describing time to first treatment after endoscopy in patients suffering from cancers in France. The results, which will complement those from cancer registry data and regional networks of cancerology, could inform decision-making policies on the implementation of guidelines on timeframes for cancer treatment access.Contexte : Le délai d’accès au traitement pour cancer est un aspect important de la qualité des soins. Compte tenu de l’augmentation du nombre de cancers, les établissements de soins seront amenés à traiter un nombre élevé de patients atteints de cancers. Notre objectif était d’étudier le délai d’accès au traitement après le diagnostic de cancer chez les patients atteints de cancers du côlon (CC), du rectum-anus (RC) ou du poumon (CP) ainsi que les facteurs associés et l’impact des inégalités sociales.Méthode : A l’aide de codes diagnostiques de la classification internationale des maladies et de codes de la classification commune des actes médicaux, nous avons sélectionné dans la base du programme de médicalisation des systèmes d’information de nouveaux patients diagnostiqués pour CC, RC et CP en 2009-2010 et traités. Les informations sur ces patients ont été croisées avec celles des bénéficiaires d’affection longue durée pour ces cancers et avec celles de l’indice de désavantage social.Résultats : Nous avons inclus 15 694, 6 623 et 14 596 patients atteints et traités respectivement pour CC, CR et CP. Les délais médians entre l’endoscopie et l’accès à : 1) la chirurgie chez les patients avec un parcours chirurgical pour CC, CR et CP étaient respectivement de 22 (Q25 = 14; Q75 = 34), 97 (Q25 = 34; Q75 = 141), et 44 (Q25 = 26; Q75 = 82) jours ; 2) la chimiothérapie chez les patients avec un parcours non-chirurgical pour CC, CR et CP étaient respectivement de 36 (Q25 = 21; Q75 = 59), 40 (Q25 = 27; Q75 = 59) et 33 (Q25 = 22; Q75 = 49) jours; 3) la radiothérapie chez les patients avec un parcours non-chirurgical chez les patients avec CR et CP étaient respectivement de 53 (Q25 = 39; Q75 = 78) et 88 (Q25 = 46; Q75 = 162) jours; 4) au premier traitement, quel que soit le parcours, était de 23 (Q25 = 14; Q75 = 35), 43 (Q25 = 27; Q75 = 74) et 34 (Q25 = 22; Q75 = 50) jours respectivement pour CC, CR et CP. Le délai d’accès au premier traitement variait selon les régions. Il était long dans la plupart des régions du nord et dans les départements d’Outre-mer, court dans les régions d’Île-de-France, du sud, de l’est et parfois de l’ouest pour les trois cancers. En analyse multiniveau, l’âge et le statut de l’établissement du premier traitement étaient significativement associés au délai d’accès au premier traitement pour CC. Ces facteurs, y compris l’indice de désavantage social étaient significativement associés au délai d’accès au premier traitement pour le CR et le CP. Le délai d’accès au premier traitement augmentait avec l’âge. Il était plus élevé dans les hôpitaux publics comparés aux hôpitaux privés et faible chez les patients des communes les moins défavorisées comparés aux patients des communes les plus défavorisées. Conclusion : A notre connaissance, cette étude est la première à décrire les délais d’accès au traitement après endoscopie chez les patients atteints de cancer à partir des bases médico-administratives en France. Les résultats, qui compléteront ceux issus des données registres de cancers et des réseaux régionaux de cancérologie, pourront être utiles aux décideurs politiques dans la mise en place de recommandations de prise en charge des cancers