33 research outputs found

    An insight into curcumin-based photosensitization as a promising and green food preservation technology

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    Consumer awareness on the side effects of chemical preservatives has increased the demand for natural preservation technologies. An efficient and sustainable alternative to current conventional preservation techniques should guarantee food safety and retain its quality with minimal side effects. Photosensitization, utilizing light and a natural photosensitizer, has been postulated as a viable and green alternative to the current conventional preservation techniques. The potential of curcumin as a natural photosensitizer is reviewed in this paper as a practical guide to develop a safe and effective decontamination tool for industrial use. The fundamentals of the photosensitization mechanism are discussed, with the main emphasis on the natural photosensitizer, curcumin, and its application to inactivate microorganisms as well as to enhance the shelf life of foods. Photosensitization has shown promising results in inactivating a wide spectrum of microorganisms with no reported microbial resistance due to its particular lethal mode of targeting nucleic acids. Curcumin as a natural photosensitizer has recently been investigated and demonstrated efficacy in decontamination and delaying spoilage. Moreover, studies have shown the beneficial impact of an appropriate encapsulation technique to enhance the cellular uptake of photosensitizers, and therefore, the phototoxicity. Further studies relating to improved delivery of natural photosensitizers with inherent poor solubility should be conducted. Also, detailed studies on various food products are warranted to better understand the impact of encapsulation on curcumin photophysical properties, photo-driven release mechanism, and nutritional and organoleptic properties of treated foods

    Evaluation of anemia syndrom in haemophilia

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    In work risk factors of development of an anemia at patients with a hemophilia are analyzed. The anemia met more often at the heavy form of disease, at persons with A (II) group of blood (40%)

    Исследование подавления роста опухоли, экспрессирующей раково-эмбриональный антиген, новым высокотехнологичным препаратом карплазмин (CAR-T-терапия) у мышей линии Balb/c nude

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    Introduction. Adoptive immunotherapy based on chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) is considered as a promising direction in the treatment of solid malignant tumors. To produce genetically modified human T-lymphocytes, lenti/retroviral transduction is currently most often used. However, safety concerns associated with the viral vector production and possible unwanted genome modification limit the clinical utility of CAR-T cells. Therefore, non-viral transfection methods, in particular electroporation, using of DNA or RNA vectors, are being actively studied as a method for producing CAR-T lymphocytes.Aim. To evaluate in vivo antitumor activity of the new high-tech drug carplasmin, intended for CAR-T therapy of tumors expressing carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Materials and methods. Carplasmin was obtained by electroporation of activated human lymphocytes with plasmid DNA carrying the third generation CAR gene specific to CEA. The study was performed on a human colorectal cancer xenograft model obtained by intraperitoneal injection of CEA-positive HCT116 cell line to athymic Balb/c nude mice. Carplasmin treatment was carried out once a week, starting from the third day after HCT116 cell inoculation. Mice in the two control groups were treated with either electroporated lymphocytes without plasmid addition (pulse-lymphocytes) or RPMI-1640 culture medium (group without treatment).Results. In vivo, carplasmin demonstrated a pronounced antitumor effect. Seven weekly injections of the drug to inoculated mice led to a prominent effect of antitumor therapy: 80 % of the animals in the experimental group survived (with 40 % of the mice had a complete remission without signs of a detectable tumor), compared to 100 % death in the control group (without treatment).Conclusion. The results of preclinical efficacy studies demonstrate that carplasmin is a promising drug for the treatment of CEA-positive intraperitoneal tumors.Введение. Адоптивная иммунотерапия на основе химерных антигенных рецепторов (CAR) рассматривается как перспективное направление в лечении солидных злокачественных опухолей. Для получения генетически модифицированных Т-лимфоцитов человека в настоящее время чаще всего используется ленти-/ретровирусная трансдукция. Однако проблемы безопасности, связанные с продукцией вирусного вектора и возможной нежелательной модификацией генома, ограничивают клиническую применимость CAR-Т-клеток. Поэтому невирусные методы трансфекции, в частности электропорация с использованием ДНК- или РНК-векторов, активно исследуются как подход для получения CAR-T-лимфоцитов.Цель исследования – оценка противоопухолевой активности in vivo нового высокотехнологичного лекарственного средства карплазмин, предназначенного для CAR-T-терапии опухолей, экспрессирующих раково-эмбриональный антиген (РЭА).Материалы и методы. Карплазмин получен методом электропорации активированных лимфоцитов человека плазмидной ДНК, несущей ген CAR 3-го поколения, специфичный к РЭА. Исследование выполнено на модели ксенотрансплантата колоректального рака человека, полученной при интраперитонеальном введении РЭА-положительных клеток линии HCT116 бестимусным мышам линии Balb/c nude. Введение карплазмина проводили 1 раз в неделю, начиная с 3-го дня после прививания клеток HCT116. Мышам 2 контрольных групп вводили либо лимфоциты, подвергнутые электропорации без внесения плазмиды (пульс-лимфоциты), либо культуральную среду RPMI-1640 (группа без лечения).Результаты. In vivo карплазмин демонстрировал выраженное противоопухолевое действие. Семь еженедельных введений препарата привитым мышам привели к выраженному эффекту противоопухолевой терапии: 80 % животных в экспериментальной группе выжили (при этом у 40 % мышей наблюдалась полная ремиссия без признаков определяемой опухоли), тогда как в контрольной (без лечения) группе 100 % животных погибли.Заключение. Результаты доклинических исследований эффективности демонстрируют, что карплазмин является перспективным препаратом для терапии РЭА-позитивных интраперитонеальных опухолей

    Исследование уровня экспрессии генов-маркеров пролиферативной активности в слизистой оболочке толстой кишки при различной патологии

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    Background. The search for molecular markers of colon diseases allowing highly specific and sensitive identification and differentiation of pathological processes is a clinically important problem. Expression levels of genes responsible for proliferation can reflect the changes in the affected tissues. The study objective is to perform comparative analysis of molecular and genetic markers of proliferative activity in benign and malignant neoplasms of the colon. Materials and methods. Analysis of the changes in proliferation markers (CCND1, с-MYC, Ki-67, HER2neu, TERT) in adenocarcinoma of the colon (n = 259), resection margin (about 15–20 cm from the tumor lesion) (n = 251), unchanged colon mucosa from healthy donors (n = 247), polyps (n = 28), unchanged colon mucosa intestinal polyposis (10–15 cm from the polyp) (n = 75) was performed using RT-PCR. Results and conclusion. It was shown that morphologically unchanged tissue of intestinal mucosa in malignant tumors has significant differences from normal tissue of healthy donors. Significant differences in the level of expression of genes responsible for the processes of proliferation, с-MYC, CCND1, TERT were found in benign hyperproliferative diseases (polyps). Moreover, these changes were specific to the type of pathological process, which allows us to consider these genes as the most promising candidates in the development of a differential method for diagnosing colon diseases.Введение. Поиск молекулярных маркеров диагностики заболеваний толстой кишки, способных с высокой чувствительностью и специфичностью выявлять и дифференцировать патологический процесс, является актуальной клинически важной задачей. Уровень экспрессии генов, ответственных за процессы пролиферации, может отражать картину изменений в тканях пораженного органа. Цель исследования – сравнительный анализ молекулярно-генетических маркеров пролиферативной активности при доброкачественных и злокачественных новообразованиях толстой кишки. Материалы и методы. Методом полимеразной цепной реакции в реальном времени проведен анализ изменений экспрессии маркеров пролиферации (CCND1, с-MYC, Ki-67, HER2neu, TERT) в следующих тканях: аденокарциномы толстой кишки (n = 259), края резекции (около 15–20 см от опухолевого узла) (n = 251), неизмененной слизистой оболочки толстой кишки здоровых доноров (n = 247), полипов (n = 28), неизмененной слизистой оболочки толстой кишки при полипах (10–15 см от полипа) (n = 75). Результаты и заключение. Установлено, что в тканях полипов толстой кишки наблюдаются достоверные различия в уровне экспрессии генов, ответственных за процессы пролиферации (с-MYC, CCND1, TERT). Выявленные различия специфичны для типа патологического процесса, что позволяет рассматривать данные гены в качестве наиболее перспективных кандидатов при разработке дифференциального метода диагностики заболеваний толстой кишки

    Photodynamic therapy: Search for ideal photosensitizer

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a minimally invasive and promising new modality to combat cancer. The method is based on selective accumulation of sensitizers within tumor cells. The high degree of selectivity offered by this modality has been applied for fluorescent diagnostic of cancer. Photosensitization of a tissue-localized sensitizer generates cytotoxic reactive oxygen species as a result the selective destruction of tumor may be achieved. The PDT's major advantages compared to traditional methods of cancer treatment are better selectivity, low skin and general toxicity. This review highlights first and second generations of sensitizers, their photosensitizing abilities and drawbacks. Future developments in PDT will certainly include the discovery of new photosensitizers and a broadening of the applications of the treatment by various means

    Photodynamic therapy: Search for ideal photosensitizer

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a minimally invasive and promising new modality to combat cancer. The method is based on selective accumulation of sensitizers within tumor cells. The high degree of selectivity offered by this modality has been applied for fluorescent diagnostic of cancer. Photosensitization of a tissue-localized sensitizer generates cytotoxic reactive oxygen species as a result the selective destruction of tumor may be achieved. The PDT's major advantages compared to traditional methods of cancer treatment are better selectivity, low skin and general toxicity. This review highlights first and second generations of sensitizers, their photosensitizing abilities and drawbacks. Future developments in PDT will certainly include the discovery of new photosensitizers and a broadening of the applications of the treatment by various means

    The use of coated gear hobs

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    Исследована экономическая целесообразность обработки детали «Сателит» червячными модульными фрезами с износостойкими покрытиями.We studied the economic feasibility of the part "Satelite" worm modular cutters with wear-resistant coatings