4 research outputs found

    Statistical methods for high-dimensional data with complex correlation structure applied to the brain dynamic functional connectivity studyDY

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)A popular non-invasive brain activity measurement method is based on the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Such data are frequently used to study functional connectivity (FC) defined as statistical association among two or more anatomically distinct fMRI signals (Friston, 1994). FC has emerged in recent years as a valuable tool for providing a deeper understanding of neurodegenerative diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease and autism. Information about complex association structure in high-dimensional fMRI data is often discarded by a calculating an average across complex spatiotemporal processes without providing an uncertainty measure around it. First, we propose a non-parametric approach to estimate the uncertainty of dynamic FC (dFC) estimates. Our method is based on three components: an extension of a boot strapping method for multivariate time series, recently introduced by Jentsch and Politis (2015); sliding window correlation estimation; and kernel smoothing. Second, we propose a two-step approach to analyze and summarize dFC estimates from a task-based fMRI study of social-to-heavy alcohol drinkers during stimulation with avors. In the first step, we apply our method from the first paper to estimate dFC for each region subject combination. In the second step, we use semiparametric additive mixed models to account for complex correlation structure and model dFC on a population level following the study's experimental design. Third, we propose to utilize the estimated dFC to study the system's modularity defined as the mutually exclusive division of brain regions into blocks with intra-connectivity greater than the one obtained by chance. As a result, we obtain brain partition suggesting the existence of common functionally-based brain organization. The main contribution of our work stems from the combination of the methods from the fields of statistics, machine learning and network theory to provide statistical tools for studying brain connectivity from a holistic, multi-disciplinary perspective

    Small conductance calcium-activated potassium current and the mechanism of atrial arrhythmia in mice with dysfunctional melanocyte-like cells

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    BACKGROUND: The melanin synthesis enzyme dopachrome tautomerase (Dct) regulates intracellular Ca(2+) in melanocytes. Homozygous Dct knockout (Dct(-/-)) adult mice are vulnerable to atrial arrhythmias (AA). OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether apamin-sensitive small conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (SK) currents are upregulated in Dct(-/-) mice and contribute to AA. METHODS: Optical mapping was used to study the membrane potential of the right atrium in Langendorff perfused Dct(-/-) (n = 9) and Dct(+/-) (n = 9) mice. RESULTS: Apamin prolonged action potential duration (APD) by 18.8 ms (95% confidence interval [CI] 13.4-24.1 ms) in Dct(-/-) mice and by 11.5 ms (95% CI 5.4-17.6 ms) in Dct(+/-) mice at a pacing cycle length of 150 ms (P = .047). The pacing cycle length threshold to induce APD alternans was 48 ms (95% CI 34-62 ms) for Dct(-/-) mice and 21 ms (95% CI 12-29 ms) for Dct(+/-) mice (P = .002) at baseline, and it was 35 ms (95% CI 21-49 ms) for Dct(-/-) mice and 22 ms (95% CI 11-32 ms) for Dct(+/-) mice (P = .025) after apamin administration. Apamin prolonged post-burst pacing APD by 8.9 ms (95% CI 3.9-14.0 ms) in Dct(-/-) mice and by 1.5 ms (95% CI 0.7-2.3 ms) in Dct(+/-) mice (P = .005). Immunoblot and quantitative polymerase chain reaction analyses showed that protein and transcripts levels of SK1 and SK3 were increased in the right atrium of Dct(-/-) mice. AA inducibility (89% vs 11%; P = .003) and duration (281 seconds vs 66 seconds; P = .008) were greater in Dct(-/-) mice than in Dct(+/-) mice at baseline, but not different (22% vs 11%; P = 1.00) after apamin administration. Five of 8 (63%) induced atrial fibrillation episodes in Dct(-/-) mice had focal drivers. CONCLUSION: Apamin-sensitive SK current upregulation in Dct(-/-) mice plays an important role in the mechanism of AA

    The Interaction of Selective A1 and A2A Adenosine Receptor Antagonists with Magnesium and Zinc Ions in Mice: Behavioural, Biochemical and Molecular Studies

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate whether the co-administration of Mg2+ and Zn2+ with selective A1 and A2A receptor antagonists might be an interesting antidepressant strategy. Forced swim, tail suspension, and spontaneous locomotor motility tests in mice were performed. Further, biochemical and molecular studies were conducted. The obtained results indicate the interaction of DPCPX and istradefylline with Mg2+ and Zn2+ manifested in an antidepressant-like effect. The reduction of the BDNF serum level after co-administration of DPCPX and istradefylline with Mg2+ and Zn2+ was noted. Additionally, Mg2+ or Zn2+, both alone and in combination with DPCPX or istradefylline, causes changes in Adora1 expression, DPCPX or istradefylline co-administered with Zn2+ increases Slc6a15 expression as compared to a single-drug treatment, co-administration of tested agents does not have a more favourable effect on Comt expression. Moreover, the changes obtained in Ogg1, MsrA, Nrf2 expression show that DPCPX-Mg2+, DPCPX-Zn2+, istradefylline-Mg2+ and istradefylline-Zn2+ co-treatment may have greater antioxidant capacity benefits than administration of DPCPX and istradefylline alone. It seems plausible that a combination of selective A1 as well as an A2A receptor antagonist and magnesium or zinc may be a new antidepressant therapeutic strategy