41 research outputs found

    Modelling the Response of Selected Building Constructions to Explosion Effects

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    Import 02/11/2016Diplomová práce se zabývá numerickým modelováním vybrané stavební konstrukce při účincích výbuchu. V úvodní části práce je obecně popsán princip výbuchu a dále je rozebrán reálný výbuch plynu v rodinném domě. V praktické části je vypočteno výbuchové zatížení a modul pružnosti zděné stěny podle platných požadavků českých technických norem. Dále je vytvořen model řešeného rodinného domu v programovém systému ANSYS. Numerický model je zatížen vypočteným výbuchovým zatížením a je sledována jeho strukturální odezva. V práci je rovněž analyzována odezva stavební konstrukce při statickém zatížení na vybraném prvku konstrukce.The diploma thesis deals with numerical modelling of a selected building construction affected by explosion. The introductory part generally describes the principle of explosion. Further, it analyses a real gas explosion in a family house. The explosive load and modulus of elasticity of masonry walls are calculated in the practical part. These values are calculated according to the applicable requirements of Czech technical standards. A model of the family house mentioned above is created in the ANSYS program. The numerical model is loaded with the calculated explosion load and is monitored for structural response. The thesis also analyses the response of structures under the static load on a selected design element.030 - Katedra požární ochranyvelmi dobř

    'Products Mapping' and Agri- Food Trade between Nigeria and ECOWAS Member Countries

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    Intra-ECOWAS trade and food evxports have been debated and given attention in recent years. The paper uses an analytical tool, called 'products mapping' following some methods, such as trade balance index, Balassa index and Lafay index to analyse comparative advantages in all 46 food items (SITC 0 + 1 + 22 + 4) in trade between Nigeria and ECOWAS as well as the world. The findings suggest that Nigeria has performed better in trading with other ECOWAS countries than in trading with the overall world market. For Nigeria and the world, the findings reveal that the country's comparative advantages reduced from 12 out of 46 (12/46) in 1995 to 8/46 food products in 2017. The notable products that reveal comparative advantages and positive TBI are cocoa (SITC 072), crustaceans (SITC 036), fruits and nuts (SITC 057); and oil seeds and oleaginous fruits (SITC 222). Contrary to Nigeria's trade with the world, the results suggest that the country's comparative advantages in trading with ECOWAS countries rose from 19/46 in 1995 to 26/46 food products in 2017. The notable products that show comparative advantages and positive TBI are tobacco, edible products, maize and wheat. Inversely, food products with comparative disadvantage and adverse TBI, slightly reduced from 18/46 in 1995 to 17/46 in 2017. The findings further suggest that the structure of Nigeria's food trade with ECOWAS has started involving and improving, albeit at a slow pace. There is an urgent need to stimulate domestic food production and food processing industries for domestic consumption and exports. Regional and national agricultural policies should be dramatically implemented for self-sufficiency and more comparative advantages and the number of positive TBI to be ensured and sustained.O

    Changes in the somatic cells counts and total bacterial counts in raw goat milk during lactation and their relationships to selected milk traits

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    The main aim of our study was to assess changes in the somatic cell count (SCC) and total bacterial count (TBC) in the raw milk of White Short-haired (WSH) goats (n = 13) during lactation and their relationships to daily milk yield (DMY), basic milk components, the acidity of milk and California mastitis test (CMT). All monitored goats were in the second lactation and throughout the study, all these goats were clinically healthy. Individual milk recording and sampling of each goat during lactation were carried, from the end of April to October on the mean 54, 89, 124, 159, 194 and 229 day of lactation and all monitored goats were milked by hand. Throughout lactation, the mean values of Log SCC ranged from 5.60 to 5.91 and the mean values of Log TBC from 2.85 to 3.58, whilst the SL had no significant effect on any of these traits. The Log SCC had a significant positive correlation (p <= .01) only with CMT, which suggests that CMT may be a good predictor of the SCC. On the other hand, all correlations of Log TBC with all other traits were insignificant. Regarding the effect of the SL on all other monitored traits, it had a highly significant effect (p <= .01) on the DMY, contents of fat and total protein and titratable acidity. The SL had also a significant effect (p <= .05) on the pH. Nevertheless, the SL had no significant effect on lactose content and CMT. The results of our study suggest that in clinically healthy WSH goats, the SCCs in goat milk after milking should only rarely be higher than 1,000,000 cells/mL and if strict milking hygiene is applied, the TBCs should be significantly lower than 500,000 cfu/mL. The present study also suggests that the SCCs in milk in WSH goats are comparable to their counts in most other breeds.O

    Determination of fatty acid content in sheep milk by means of near infrared spectroscopy

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    The study focused on the use of the Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy in determining the content of selected fatty acids in raw non-homogenized sheep milk. The raw sheep milk sample spectra were scanned in reflectance mode using the FT NIR Antaris spectrophotometer. The reliable functional calibration models were created for estimation of the contents of myristic, oleic, lauric, palmitic, and stearic acids (with calibration correlation coefficients of R = 0.999; 0.999; 0.993; 0.992; 0.858) and with standard errors SEC = 0.056; 0.152; 0.066; 0.367; 1.36%.Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic [NAZV KUS QJ1230044

    Evaluation of growth intensity in suffolk and charollais sheep

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of breed (Suffolk, Charollais), sex (ram, ewes) and litter size (singles, twins, triplets) on the growth ability of lambs from birth to 300 days of age. Insignificantly higher (p > 0.05) birth weight (4.47 +- 1.07 kg), weight in 30 days (13,87 +- 3.28 kg), 100 days (36.51 +- 5.80 kg) and 300 days (79.00 +- 13.64 kg) was found in the lambs of the Suffolk breed. Higher birth weight was also associated with larger body dimensions in the Suffolk breed (height at withers 42.43 cm, diagonal length of body 43.60 cm). In 100 days, the lambs of Charollais were slightly bigger, in 300 days the height at withers and the diagonal length of body were nearly the same in both breeds. Higher growth intensity was recorded in rams (DG0MINUS SIGN 300: Ram = 239.87 g.dayMINUS SIGN 1, Ewe = 221.67 g.dayMINUS SIGN 1). With regard to the litter size, higher growth intensity was found in singles (234.77 g.dayMINUS SIGN 1) when compared to lambs from twins (226.10 g.dayMINUS SIGN 1) or triplets (225.63 g.dayMINUS SIGN 1).O

    HST Station at the Airport Brno Tuřany

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    Diplomová práce byla zpracována jako architektonická studie. Předmětem řešení byl návrh nádraží VRT v Brně- Tuřanech, nedaleko brněnského letiště. Byla navržena nádražní budova s nástupišti a čtyřmi kolejemi. Dvě z nich jsou průjezdné a zbylé dvě jsou staniční. Kolejiště vede pod úrovní terénu. Nad kolejištěm je usazena nádražní budova, která spojuje území rozdělené železničním koridorem. Nadraží slouží převážně pro přestup mezi železniční a leteckou dopravou.This diploma thesis was prepared as an architectural study. The subject of the proposal was design of VRT station in Brno-Tuřany, near Brno airport. It was designed station building with platforms and four tracks. Two of them are passable and the other two are stationary. Rails leads below ground level. Above the rails is rail station that connect both areas next the rail corridor. Railway station serves primarily to transfer between rail and air transport.