157 research outputs found

    CeFePO: f-d hybridization and quenching of superconductivity

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    Being homologue to the new, Fe-based type of high-temperature superconductors, CeFePO exhibits magnetism, Kondo and heavy-fermion phenomena. We experimentally studied the electronic structure of CeFePO by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. In particular, contributions of the Ce 4f-derived states and their hybridization to the Fe 3d bands were explored using both symmetry selection rules for excitation and their photoionization cross-section variations as a function of photon energy. It was experimentally found - and later on confirmed by LDA as well as DMFT calculations - that the Ce 4f states hybridize to the Fe 3d states of d_{3z^2-r^2} symmetry near the Fermi level that discloses their participation in the occurring electron-correlation phenomena and provides insight into mechanism of superconductivity in oxopnictides.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Retrospective analysis and materials of authors' researches of stomatological morbidity at the hyperfluorosis

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    The authors conducted retrospective analysis and study of materials of their own clinical researches of stomatological morbidity both of population of the ecologically adverse region and. workers of manufactures connected with fluorine outburst into environment. Analysis of stomatological morbidity was performed in two variations: 1) retrospective analysis of out-patient charts over 2000—2008; 2) analysis of own clinical observations over 2007—2010. 1245 out-patient charts of two groups (the first one — residents of Irkutsk, the second. — residents of Angarsk) were retrospectively analyzed. Depending on nosological form and. degree of manifestation of stomatological pathology all obtained material was divided in three main parts: teeth affection (I), pathology of tunica mucosa of mouth. (II) and. lesions of periodontium. (III). In population of the ecologically affected region (the second and. third groups) lesions of parodontium, were found to increase in numbers depending on duration of residence or length of work. At the same time in this category of patients we marked the increase of more generalized forms (generalized periodontitis, periodontosis) of affections. In the third group on the background of lessening of periodontitis and nidal periodontosis diagnostics there is growth of destructive-dystrophic changes in periodontium, the intensity of which is directly proportional to increasing of time of exposition of pathogenic factor. And, as a consequence, the number of more generalized forms of stomatological pathologies increases, which correspondingly demands working out and. introducing into practice up-to-date systems of treatment-diagnostic and. preventive measurements for this category of population

    Clinical-radiological aspects of development of dental fluorosis

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    There have been a clinical-roentgenological research of influence of chronicle fluorine intoxication on the change of periodontium structures which in conditions of hyperfluorosis have systemic character and predetermine certain clinical-roentgenological manifestations and development of pathological processes in periodontum. The research has been performed basing on clinical-roentgenological manifestations of fluorosis observed both in population of ecologically adverse regions and. in workers of plants and with the help of comparative analysis of the results received during the study. Analysis of the obtained data of clinical-roentgenological changes of periodontum. at chronic fluorine intoxication showed that in the first (control) group observed manifestations stayed within the limits of age changes in this region. In the second group pathological signs were marked during the second time period. (6—10 years), henceforth clinical picture of affected periodontium structures became aggravated. In workers of chemical production because of more intense accumulation of fluoric compounds in structures of periodontium clinical signs of it affection are displayed in the first and. avalanche-like grow in the second and the third time periods, whereas destructive-dystrophic changes in periodontium have more generalized and. irreversible character. The dynamics of revealed clinical-roentgenological manifestations happening in structures of periodontium shows that with the increase of time of residence on the territory and length of service on the manufacture, destructive-dystrophic processes in those structures become more extended

    Volunteerism as a Tool for Preventing Deviant Behavior in Adolescents

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    This article is devoted to the prevention of deviant behavior through volunteer activities. The growing number of children in a socially dangerous situation, the deterioration of their physical and mental health, social orphanhood, early crime, the use of alcohol and drugs by children and adolescents - this is the series of problems that exist in modern Russia and is related to the social life of children and adolescents. In this regard, the search for new methods of working with children and adolescents to correct their deviations and improve the quality of their life becomes especially relevant. The volunteer movement has a high educational potential and can be effectively adapted to work with children and adolescents. The authors consider the activities of specific volunteer organizations to attract children and adolescents to the volunteer environment in order to prevent deviant behavior. The article analyzes the possibilities from participation in volunteer movements, as well as voluntary associations of children and adolescents with behavioral problems

    The Role of Interdiffusion and Spatial Confinement in the Formation of Resonant Raman Spectra of Ge/Si(100) Heterostructures with Quantum-Dot Arrays

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    The phonon modes of self-assembled Ge/Si quantum dots grown by molecular-beam epitaxy in an apparatus integrated with a chamber of the scanning tunneling microscope into a single high-vacuum system are investigated using Raman spectroscopy. It is revealed that the Ge-Ge and Si-Ge vibrational modes are considerably enhanced upon excitation of excitons between the valence band Λ3\Lambda_3 and the conduction band Λ1\Lambda_1 (the E1 and E1 + Δ1\Delta_1 transitions). This makes it possible to observe the Raman spectrum of very small amounts of germanium, such as one layer of quantum dots with a germanium layer thickness of 10 \r{A}. The enhancement of these modes suggests a strong electron-phonon interaction of the vibrational modes with the E1 and E1 + Δ1\Delta_1 excitons in the quantum dot. It is demonstrated that the frequency of the Ge-Ge mode decreases by 10 cm^-1 with a decrease in the thickness of the Ge layer from 10 to 6 \r{A} due to the spatial-confinement effect. The optimum thickness of the Ge layer, for which the size dispersion of quantum dots is minimum, is determined.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Theory of Spin-Resolved Auger-Electron Spectroscopy from Ferromagnetic 3d-Transition Metals

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    CVV Auger electron spectra are calculated for a multi-band Hubbard model including correlations among the valence electrons as well as correlations between core and valence electrons. The interest is focused on the ferromagnetic 3d-transition metals. The Auger line shape is calculated from a three-particle Green function. A realistic one-particle input is taken from tight-binding band-structure calculations. Within a diagrammatic approach we can distinguish between the \textit{direct} correlations among those electrons participating in the Auger process and the \textit{indirect} correlations in the rest system. The indirect correlations are treated within second-order perturbation theory for the self-energy. The direct correlations are treated using the valence-valence ladder approximation and the first-order perturbation theory with respect to valence-valence and core-valence interactions. The theory is evaluated numerically for ferromagnetic Ni. We discuss the spin-resolved quasi-particle band structure and the Auger spectra and investigate the influence of the core hole.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, 8 eps figures included, Phys. Rev. B (in press

    Особливості реалізації основних дидактичних принципів в процесі занять з використанням тренажерів

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    Мороз І. В. Особливості реалізації основних дидактичних принципів в процесі занять з використанням тренажерів / І. В. Мороз, Ю.В. Павлов, Г. В. Кучеренко // Теоретичні та практичні проблеми забезпечення сталого розвитку державності та права : матер. міжнар. наук. конф. (Одеса, 30 листопада 2012 р.) Т.1 / відп. за випуск д.ю.н., проф. В. М. Дрьомін ; Націон. ун-т «Одеська юридична академія». – Одеса : Фенікс, 2012. – С. 778-780

    Формування навиків руху у короткозорих з використанням тренажерів

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    Мороз І. В. Формування навиків руху у короткозорих з використанням тренажерів / І. В. Мороз, Ю. В. Павлов, Г. В. Кучеренко // Правове життя сучасної України : матеріали Міжнар. наук. конф. проф.-викл. та аспірант. складу (м. Одеса, 16-17 травня 2013 р.) / відп. за вип. В. М. Дрьомін ; НУ "ОЮА". Півд. регіон. центр НАПрН України. - Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. - Т. 1. - С. 752-755

    Assessment of the influence of natrium chloride water on the course of toxic liver damage in the experiment

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    The paper presents data on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of natural chloride natrium mineralized water (MW) on the condition of the body of rats with alcohol intoxication (AI). Alcoholization lasted 30 days. From 15 to 30 days, the animals received MW. The use of MW in rats on the background of the development of AI had a positive effect on the state of metabolism: the processes of reamination, protein metabolism, energy-dependent transmembrane transport were restored, there was a decrease in the manifestations of hypoxic nature; the activity of endogenous detoxification processes increased and the state in the system of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection was restored. Microscopically, the liver parenchyma has improved (lipid and hyaline inclusions disappear, blood circulation increases, dystrophy is reduced ). The obtained data show that the use of sodium chloride MW has a protective effect on the structural and functional state and metabolic parameters of the rats liver