22 research outputs found

    Echa twórczości Stanisława Lema w powieściach science fiction Rafała Ziemkiewicza

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    The article discusses about the impact of Stanislaw Lem’s art. in Rafal Ziemkiewicz’s prose, exactly on his two science-fiction novels: Pieprzony los kataryniarza and Walc stulecia. In the first part, the author analyzes the similarity of technocratic vision of the future of both authors, then is subjected to analysis Ziemkiewicz’s themes of identity, which also corresponds with the Lem’s theses. The analysis covered are also categories of femininity, metaphysics, knowledge and labyrinth whose representation is in both authors very simila

    Ukrainians look to the West - policy assessment and expectations. Bertelsmann Studies

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    Ukrainian society is facing a deep political, economic and social crisis, which has been aggravated by the policies of the Russian government, escalating from economic pressure to military intervention. This Russian reprisal for Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity seems to have strengthened the determination of Ukrainians in their pro-European choice, which was confirmed through democratic presidential and parliamentary elections. The annexation of Crimea and the military activities of Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine have met with condemnation on the part of Western democracies

    Granice interpretacji na przykładzie "Solaris" Stanisława Lema

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    Numer wydany w 2017 r.Article begins with characteristic features of "fundamentalist" and “anti-fundamentalist" theory of interpretation. Then presented Lem’s views on the interpretation of a literary text. The article examines the openness of Solaris - the first is the general characteristics of the novel and her first interpretations. Then presented a surreal perspective of Solaris. The second reading is a Freud psychoanalysis, focuses on the theme of femininity. The third reading is devoted to reading Solaris as a metaphor of Science, the latter applies the metaphor of God in the novel. In the article are contained interpretations of authors such as Jerzy Jarzębski, Andrzej Stoff, Maciej Płaza, Jan Błoński and Margaret Galssengap

    Close Together or Far Apart? Poles, Germans and Russians on the Russia-Ukraine Crisis. Bertelsmann Studies

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    Eastern policy has for many years been a complicated and emotionally charged issue in Polish-German relations. A frequent claim made in public debates on this issue is that the two countries are once more divided in their views. However, the results of a survey conducted simultaneously by the Institute of Public Affairs and the Bertelsmann Stiftung in Poland and Germany reveal that Poles and Germans hold basically similar views on issues connected with the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Although differences between them are visible, the two countries are closer to each other in their opinions on Russia than many Polish and German commentators assume. Poles and Germans share the same negative assessment of the state of their countries’ relations with Russia. Also both publics support EU sanctions. Moreover, they are willing to support Ukraine economically but would not like to see further deterioration of relations with Russia. As for Russians, they also regard their country’s relations with Poland and Germany as bad. Despite the fact that they view the conflict from a completely different perspective than Poles and Germans, a clear majority of Russians do not support any military engagement of Russia on the side of the separatists in eastern Ukraine

    Deutschland, Polen, Tschechien: Die wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen und das Bild vom Nachbarland

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    Die gegenseitige Wahrnehmung der Polen, Tschechen und Deutschen spiegelt die Veränderungen in den wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen Polen, Tschechien und Deutschland wider. Die vergleichende, repräsentative Untersuchung des Instituts für Öffentliche Angelegenheiten (Instytut Spraw Publicznych - ISP) wurde in allen drei Ländern durchgeführt und stellt generell eine positive Entwicklung des Bildes vom Nachbarn fest. Zwar sind Bestandteile der traditionellen Stereotype noch sichtbar, doch setzt sich eine neue, positive Annäherung an das jeweilige Nachbarland durch, die in Wechselwirkung zu den Wirtschaftskontakten steht. Vor allem sticht der sehr gute Ruf, dessen sich Deutschland sowohl in Polen als auch in Tschechien erfreut, hervor. Auch das Bild von Polen und Tschechien in Deutschland ist im Allgemeinen günstig, wobei Polen noch etwas positiver gesehen wird als Tschechien

    Body in the Labyrinth of Meanings. On Borders of Corporeality in Stanisław Lem’s “Memoirs Found in a Bathub”

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    The article deals with ways of displaying motifs of corporeality and problems that are evoked by the Stanisław Lem’s “Memoirs Found in a Bathub”. It begins with the description of the novel as an epistemological metaphorthat reproduces the universal picture of the 20th century science, then the current genological reception of the work is quoted, which allows the passage to its description as a work containing elements of French noveau roman.The text also deals with the role of subjectivism in Lem’s narrative strategy. The body described in the novel is an automatic, artificial body, serving as a mask. The whole reality of the novel’s internal world is interpretive, but itstill shows the hero’s pursuit of truth, the desire to know it. The aesthetics of the body in the text is compared to the body aesthetics of Gombrowicz, its social functions and philosophical context are also described, based on the reflection of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Emmanuel Lévinas

    Job at the Space Station: Carnality, Memory and Onirism in Stanisław Lem's Solaris

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    Artykuł traktuje o tym, jak temat cielesności, pamięci i snu wpływa na lekturę Lemowskiej Solaris. Rozpoczyna się od ukazania powieści jako tekstu wielointerpretacyjnego i otwartego, następnie przechodzę do kwestii innowacyjności modelu Obcego zaprezentowanego przez Lema. Problemy związane z ciałem, pamięcią i snem generuje w tekście postać Harey: będąca sobowtórem dawno zmarłej narzeczonej głównego bohatera zostaje odtworzona na Solaris poprzez wspomnienia Kelvina. Staram się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy kobietę można nazwać istotą ludzką oraz co o tym decyduje. Biologia? Czyn nacechowany etycznie? Opisuję także rolę pamięci w zmianie zachodzącej w głównym bohaterze oraz wspominam o intertekstualnym tropie, jakim jest Kochanka Szamoty Stanisława Grabińskiego.This article discusses how the subjects of carnality, memory and dreams influence the reading of Lem's Solaris. The article starts with a discussion of the novel as an open text allowing for multiple interpretations, then it moves on to the innovation of the Alien model presented by Lem. The problems related to body, memory and sleep are generated in the text by the character of Harey, the double of the protagonist's long dead fiancée recreated on Solaris through Kelvin's memories. The author tries to answer the question of whether the woman can be called a human being and what exactly determines that − biology, or an act that is ethically marked? The article also describes the role of memory in the protagonist's internal metamorphosis, as well as mentioning the intertextual trope of Kochanka Szamoty by Stanisław Grabiński

    How to Describe Suffering?

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