2,549 research outputs found

    Observations of ozone production in a dissipating tropical convective cell during TC4

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    From 13 July–9 August 2007, 25 ozonesondes were launched from Las Tablas, Panama as part of the Tropical Composition, Cloud, and Climate Coupling (TC4) mission. On 5 August, a strong convective cell formed in the Gulf of Panama. World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) data indicated 563 flashes (09:00–17:00 UTC) in the Gulf. NO2 data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) show enhancements, suggesting lightning production of NOx. At 15:05 UTC, an ozonesonde ascended into the southern edge of the now dissipating convective cell as it moved west across the Azuero Peninsula. The balloon oscillated from 2.5–5.1 km five times (15:12–17:00 UTC), providing a unique examination of ozone (O3) photochemistry on the edge of a convective cell. Ozone increased at a rate of 1.6–4.6 ppbv/hr between the first and last ascent, resulting cell wide in an increase of (2.1–2.5)×106 moles of O3. This estimate agrees to within a factor of two of our estimates of photochemical lightning O3 production from the WWLLN flashes, from the radar-inferred lightning flash data, and from the OMI NO2 data (1.2, 1.0, and 1.7×106 moles, respectively), though all estimates have large uncertainties. Examination of DC-8 in situ and lidar O3 data gathered around the Gulf that day suggests 70–97% of the O3 change occurred in 2.5–5.1 km layer. A photochemical box model initialized with nearby TC4 aircraft trace gas data suggests these O3 production rates are possible with our present understanding of photochemistry

    Distinct ultraviolet-signaling pathways in bean leaves. DNA damage is associated with ß-1,3-glucanase gene induction, but not with flavonoid formation

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    The enzyme beta-1,3-glucanase (betaGlu) was found to be strongly induced by ultraviolet (UV-B; 280-320 nm) radiation in primary leaves of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). This was demonstrated on the level of gene transcription, protein synthesis, and enzyme activity and was due to the expression of bean class I betaGlu (pGlu I). In contrast to other proteins of the family of pathogenesis-related proteins, the induction of betaGlu I by UV correlated with the formation of photoreversible DNA damage, i.e. Pyrimidine dimer formation. In conditions that allowed photorepair of this damage, betaGlu I induction was blocked. Therefore, UV-induced DNA damage seems to constitute a primary signal in the pathway leading to the induction of the betaGlu I gene(s). The induction was a local response because in partly irradiated leaves betaGlu I was selectively found in leaf parts exposed to UV. Although short wavelength UV (lambda 295 nm) as present in natural radiation was still effective. In contrast to UV induction of betaGlu I, the induction of flavonoids in bean leaves was optimally triggered by much more moderate fluences from the UV wavelength range no longer effective in betaGlu I induction. UV induction of the flavonoid pathway shows no correlation with DNA damage and thus should be mediated via a different signal transduction pathway

    Elektronische Geruchsuntersuchung von Hölzern

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    Zusammenfassung: Ber Hoizgeruch wurde bisiang bei der Bestimmung der Holzart und Beschreibung des Holzzustandes nur marginal berücksichtigt. Mit Hilfe einer Anlage mit einer neuen Kombination von Gassensorarrays (Serien von gasempfindlichen Metallhalbleitern), verbunden mit neuronalen Netzen, wurden einheimische Nadel- und Laubhölzer sowie tropische Laubhölzer auf ihre Unterscheidbarkeit getestet. Eine gezielte Datenbearbeitung ermöglicht es, auch bisher schwer zu unterscheidende Arten über den Geruch zu trennen. Neben der Abhängigkeit des Geruches von der Holzart und weiterer Faktoren (mit dem Ort der Probenentnahme im Baum zusammenhängend) werden auch allgemeine Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Systems kurz diskutier

    Untersuchungen zum Einfluß ausgewählter Strukturparameter von Spanplatten auf die Schallemission bei Biegebelastung

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    Zusammenfassung: An einschichtigen, labortechnisch hergestellten Spanpiatten ausPinus radiata wurde der Einfluß der mittleren Plattenrohdichte und des Festharzanteiles auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften und die Schallemission geprüft. Die Impulssumme steigt mit zunehmendem Belastungsgrad an. Eine Erhöhung von Rohdichte und Festharzanteil bewirken einen Anstieg der freigesetzten Impulse. Zwischen der Impulssumme bei 40% der Bruchlast und dem E-Modul besteht eine straffe Korrelation, die allerdings auch durch die starke Dichte- bzw. Festigkeitsspreizung des Versuchsmaterials mitbedingt is

    Temperature Structure of a Coronal Cavity

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    we analyze the temperature structure of a coronal cavity observed in Aug. 2007. coronal cavities are long, low-density structures located over filament neutral lines and are often seen as dark elliptical features at the solar limb in white light, EUV and x-rays. when these structures erupt they form the cavity portions of CMEs. It is important to establish the temperature structure of cavities in order to understand the thermodynamics of cavities in relation to their three-dimensional magnetic structure. To analyze the temperature we compare temperature ratios of a series of iron lines observed by the Hinode/EUv Imaging spectrometer (EIS). We also use those lines to constrain a forward model of the emission from the cavity and streamer. The model assumes a coronal streamer with a tunnel-like cavity with elliptical cross-section and a Gaussian variation of height along the tunnel len~th. Temperature and density can be varied as a function of altitude both in the cavity and streamer. The general cavity morphology and the cavity and streamer density have already been modeled using data from STEREO's SECCHI/EUVI and Hinode/EIS (Gibson et al 2010 and Schmit & Gibson 2011)

    First flea (Siphonaptera) records for Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge, Central Alaska

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    Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge (KNWR) was established in 1980 in Central Alaska. Collections of mammal fleas began in 1991. Six species resulted: Catallagia dacenkoi Ioff, Corrodopsylla curvata (Rothschild), Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker, Megabothris calcarifer (Wagner), Amalaraeus dissimilis (Jordan) and Peromyscopsylla ostsibirica (Scalon). Ten species of fleas were previously recorded from the upper Koyukuk River watershed. One female specimen each of C. curvata and Ct. pseudagyrtes from the KNWR are the only new fleas added to the upper watershed list

    First flea (Siphonaptera) records for Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge, Central Alaska

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    Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge (KNWR) was established in 1980 in Central Alaska. Collections of mammal fleas began in 1991. Six species resulted: Catallagia dacenkoi Ioff, Corrodopsylla curvata (Rothschild), Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker, Megabothris calcarifer (Wagner), Amalaraeus dissimilis (Jordan) and Peromyscopsylla ostsibirica (Scalon). Ten species of fleas were previously recorded from the upper Koyukuk River watershed. One female specimen each of C. curvata and Ct. pseudagyrtes from the KNWR are the only new fleas added to the upper watershed list

    Morphology Of A Hot Prominence Cavity Observed with Hinode/XRT and SDO/AIA

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    Prominence cavities appear as circularly shaped voids in coronal emission over polarity inversion lines where a prominence channel is straddling the solar limb. The presence of chromospheric material suspended at coronal altitudes is a common but not necessary feature within these cavities. These voids are observed to change shape as a prominence feature rotates around the limb. We use a morphological model projected in cross-sections to fit the cavity emission in Hinode/XRT passbands, and then apply temperature diagnostics to XRT and SDO/AIA data to investigate the thermal structure. We find significant evidence that the prominence cavity is hotter than the corona immediately outside the cavity boundary. This investigation follows upon "Thermal Properties of A Solar Coronal Cavity Observed with the X-ray Telescope on Hinode" by Reeves et al., 2012, ApJ, in press

    Bayesian Analysis of Solar Oscillations

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    A Bayesian probability based approach is applied to the problem of detecting and parameterizing oscillations in the upper solar atmosphere for the first time. Due to its statistical origin, this method provides a mechanism for determining the number of oscillations present, gives precise estimates of the oscillation parameters with a self-consistent statistical error analysis, and allows the oscillatory model signals to be reconstructed within these errors. A highly desirable feature of the Bayesian approach is the ability to resolve oscillations with extremely small frequency separations. The code is applied to SOHO/CDS (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer) O V 629A observations and resolves four distinct P4, P5, P6 and P7 p-modes within the same sunspot transition region. This suggests that a spectrum of photospheric p-modes is able to propagate into the upper atmosphere of the Sun and Sun-like stars, and places precise observational constraints on models of umbral eigen modes.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. It is scheduled for the ApJ July 20, 2008, v682n 1 issu
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