107 research outputs found

    Occurence of black carbon in air of ostrava-karvina industrial conurbation

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    Import 26/06/2013Tato práce se zabývá částicemi black carbon (BC). Tyto částice vznikají nedokonalým spalováním fosilních paliv a biomasy. Částice BC představují menší zlomek atmosférických aerosolů, zvýšená pozornost je způsobená jejich vlivem na kvalitu ovzduší, lidské zdraví a změnu klimatu. Práce pojednává o změnách koncentrací BC v různých časových režimech, včetně roční, týdenní a sezónní změny, které byly studovány od 9.1. 2012 do 21.3. 2013 denním měřením v Ostravě-Zábřehu. Koncentrace BC byly měřeny pomocí přenosného aethalometru (AE-42). Dále byl zkoumán vliv meteorologických parametrů na koncentraci BC. Přičemž byla zjištěná, pouze polynomická závislost mezi koncentrací BC a teplotou. V poslední kapitole byla prokázána významná pozitivní korelace mezi koncentrací BC a PM10.The paper deals with the black carbon particles. Black carbon (BC), mainly generated from incomplete combustions of bio-fuel, fossil fuel and biomass burning. BC aerosol, accounting for a minor fraction of atmospheric aerosols, is attracting increased attention due to its impact on air quality, human health, and climate change. This paper discusses about variations in BC concentrations over different timescales, including annual, weekly and seasonal changes, were studied from 9.1.2012 to 21.3.2013 in Ostrava-Zábřeh. The measurement were made every day and BC aerosols were measured using an portable aethalometer (AE-42). Furthermore, It was studied influence of meteorological parameters on the BC concentrations. It was detected only polynomic dependence between concentrations BC and temperature. In the last chapter It was proved significant positive correlations between BC concentration and PM10.Prezenční546 - Institut environmentálního inženýrstvívýborn

    Design of an Automated Trading System Based on Trend Indicators and Oscillators

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    Diplomová práca sa zaoberá návrhom a optimalizáciou obchodnej stratégie na menových trhoch za účelom maximalizácie zisku a to na menovom páre EURUSD. Stratégia je založená na štandardných technických indikátoroch a testovaná v prostredí demo účtu. Práca popisuje celý vývoj od prvotného návrhu až po optimalizovanú verziu návrhu.The thesis is concerned with the design and optimization of a trading strategy on currency markets in order to maximize profit on the EURUSD currency pair. The strategy is based on standard technical indicators and is tested in demo account environment. The thesis describes the whole development from initial design to an optimized version of the draft.

    Proposal of E-commerce Based on Dropshipping

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá tvorbou elektronického obchodu pro prodej počítačových her, který je založen na bázi dropshippingu. V teoretické části jsou popsány technologie, pomocí kterých bude elektronický obchod vytvořen. Praktická část se věnuje již samotnému procesu vytvoření elektronického obchodu.This thesis deals with the creation of e-commerce for video game sales, which is based on the principle of dropshipping. In the theoretical section are described various technologies through which e-commerce is created. In practical part is described the process of creation of e-commerce.

    Four decades of forest succession in the oak-dominated forest reserves in Slovakia

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    Heavy Metals in Air Nanoparticles in Affected Industry Area

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    The Moravian-Silesian Region is one of the most polluted sites by dust particles in the Czech Republic. Therefore, atmospheric concentrations of heavy metals as cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, antimony, thallium, manganese, iron and zinc, were monitored at 10 localities in the region during summer of 2014. Heavy metals were monitored in 10 particle size classes from 18.3 nm to 9.93 μm. The percentage of the amount of heavy metals in the sum PM at all localities ranged from 0.2-2.5%. It was found that chromium, manganese, iron and zinc were mostly accumulated in dust particles with diameter greater than 1.6 μm. Lead, cadmium and antimony occur mainly in the class below 0.949 μm. These metals are more dangerous for human health, and can have potential carcinogenic effect. The influence of metallurgical industry evaluated on the basis of heavy metals in the individual particle size classes in the air within the Moravian-Silesian Region has not been unequivocally demonstrated

    Potential and mechanisms for stable C storage in the post-mining soils under long-term study in mitigation of climate change

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    Carbon storage in soil increases along with remediation of post-mining soils. Despite many studies on the issue of carbon sequestration in soils, there is a knowledge gap in the potential and mechanisms of C sequestration in post-mining areas. This research, including nuclear magnetic resonance analysis, determines the soil organic carbon formation progress in a long-term study of limestone (S1), and lignite (S2) post-mining soil under different remediation stages. The main remediation target is reforesting; however, S2 was previously amended with sewage sludge. The study showed that for S1, the O-alkyl groups were the dominant fraction in sequestered soil. However, for S2, increased fractions of acetyl-C and aromatic C groups within remediation progress were observed. The remediation of S1 resulted in improved hydrophobicity and humification; however, the decrease in aromatic groups' formation and C/N ratio was noted. For S2, we noticed an increase for all indicators for sequestered C stability, which has been assigned to the used sewage sludge in remediation techniques. While both post-mining soils showed huge potential for C sequestration, S2 showed much higher properties of sequestered C indicating its higher stabilization which can suggest that soils non-amended with sewage sludge (S1) require more time for stable storage of C.Web of Science1422art. no. 761

    Concentration variability of water-soluble ions during the acceptable and exceeded pollution in an industrial region

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    This study investigates the chemical composition of water-soluble inorganic ions at eight localities situated in the Moravian-Silesian Region (the Czech Republic) at the border with Poland. Water-soluble inorganic ions were monitored in the winter period of 2018 (January, 11 days and February, 5 days). The set was divided into two periods: the acceptable period (the 24-h concentration of PM10 50 mu g/m(3)). Air quality in the Moravian-Silesian Region and Upper Silesia is among the most polluted in Europe, especially in the winter season when the concentration of PM10 is repeatedly exceeded. The information on the occurrence and behaviour of water-soluble inorganic ions in the air during the smog episodes in Europe is insufficient. The concentrations of water-soluble ions (chlorides, sulphates, nitrates, ammonium ions, potassium) during the exceeded period are higher by two to three times compared with the acceptable period. The major anions for both acceptable period and exceeded pollution are nitrates. During the period of exceeded pollution, percentages of water-soluble ions in PM10 decrease while percentages of carbonaceous matter and insoluble particles (fly ash) increase.Web of Science1710art. no. 344

    Behavior of Pb during coal combustion: An overview

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    Despite the progress in understanding heavy metals behavior during coal combustion, mitigation of heavy metals emissions is still a tough challenge due to a complex character of this phenomenon. Several lists of potentially toxic elements have been presented; in most cases, Pb belongs to the elements with the greatest environmental and human-health concern. The review paper is focused upon the behavior of Pb during coal combustion. with particular attention paid to decreasing its emissions. It summarizes the dominant parameters affecting its redistribution among coal combustion streams. As gaseous emissions can quite easily pass through the particulate control device, attention was paid primarily to Pb distribution between condensed and volatilized phases. A crucial factor enhancing Pb volatility is the presence of organic or inorganic chlorides, which is discussed in detail, including their chlorination mechanisms and interactions with other fuel/flue gas species. Components decreasing Pb volatility and promoting the formation of condensed phases are also discussed (higher levels of moisture, Na, O-2 etc.). Factors enhancing Pb volatility, as well as factors facilitating Pb retention, are discussed with the view of fluidized-bed combustion, pulverized-fuel combustion, or co-combustion of coal with wastes.Web of Science112

    Carbon sequestration in remediated post-mining soils: A new indicator for the vertical soil organic carbon variability evaluation in remediated post-mining soils

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    The present study experimentally investigated two different open-cast post-mining areas with different remediation methods for the vertical distribution of sequestered soil organic carbon (SOC). The study has been performed for two soil layers (0–15 cm, and 15–30 cm) for the four areas with different remediation advancement (up to 20 years) at both studied post-mining soils: the limestone post-mining soil remediated with embankment and lignite post-mining soil remediated with sewage sludge. The study revealed that SOC is more stable within soil depths for lignite post-mining soil remediated with sewage sludge in comparison to the limestone post-mining soil remediated with embankment. The lignite post-mining soil remediated with sewage sludge showed a better hydrophobicity, humidity, aromaticity, and C/N ratio according to the 13C NMR. Therefore, in that soil, an increased microbial community has been observed. The study observed a positive correlation between GRSP content with a fungi community within soil depths. For lignite post-mining soil remediated with sewage sludge, the activity of ureases and dehydrogenases was generally lower compared to the post-mining soil remediation with embankment. The investigation found good parameters of Ce and NCER which for both studied areas were negative which indicate for the privilege of the higher capturing of CO2 over its release from the soil into the atmosphere. The study finds no relevant changes in SOC, POXC, TC, and LOI content within soil depth and remediation age. Due to the lack of a possible well-describing indicator of the vertical distribution of SOC stability in post-mining remediation soil, we proposed two different indicators for differentially managed post-mining soil remediations. The model of calculation of vertical SOC variability index can be universally used for different post-mining soils under remediation, however, both proposed calculated indexes are unique for studied soils. The proposed model of an index may be helpful for remediation management, C sequestration prediction, and lowering the carbon footprint of mining activity.Web of Science1616art. no. 587

    Behavior of Cd during coal combustion: An overview

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    Due to the unfavorable combination of its toxicity and high volatility, Cd is contained in most lists of potentially hazardous air pollutants with the greatest environmental and human-health concerns. The review paper evaluates the behavior of Cd during combustion (incineration) processes and its redistribution among condensed fractions (bottom ash/slag, fly ash) and volatilized fractions (that passes through most particulate control devices). The paper addresses all important effects of Cd interactions, such as presence of organic or inorganic chlorides, moisture levels, S, P and Na concentrations, flue gas composition etc. Possibilities of using various adsorbents (either within in-furnace regime or applied in post-combustion zone) are evaluated as well. Special attention is paid to mitigating its emissions factors; decreasing Cd volatility and facilitating Cd retention are discussed with the view of various combustion (incineration) conditions and the feed fuel composition.Web of Science810art. no. 123