20 research outputs found

    Design of Device for Isokinetic TSP Sampling from Small Combustion Furnaces

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    Import 04/07/2011Diplomová práce je rozdělena do tří základních částí. První část obsahuje teorii tuhých znečišťujících látek, jejich definici, vlastnosti a dále popisuje obecné metody stanovení koncentrace těchto látek. Druhá část práce se podrobně zabývá problematikou stanovení emisí prachových částic z malých spalovacích zdrojů, jejíž součásti je i návrh zařízení pro isokinetický odběr tuhých látek pro umístění do nově budované zkušebny Výzkumného energetického centra v Ostravě. Součástí návrhu je jeho výrobní dokumentace, prostorová vizualizace a stanovení základních provozních parametrů návrhu. V poslední části je navržena odběrová aparatura určená k odběru tuhých látek z ředícího tunelu dle platných gravimetrických norem včetně výrobní dokumentace odběrové sondy a základního výpočtu dle navržené aparatury.The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part contains the theory of total suspended particles, their definition, characteristics, and describes the general method of determining the concentration of these particles. The second part deals in detail with the determination of particulate emissions from small combustion sources, including the design of the device for isokinetic tsp sampling for placement into the newly constructed testing laboratory of Energy Research Center in Ostrava. The draft includes the production drawings, visualization and determination of basic operating parameters. In the last part, there is draft of sampling equipment, which is designed to determination of tsp concentration in the dilution tunnel according to applicable standards, including the production drawings of sampling probe and the basic calculation according the proposed apparatus.361 - Katedra energetikyvýborn

    Fuel Cell as a Energy Source of a Family House

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    Import 31/08/2009Bakalářská práce je rozdělena do tří základních částí. První část obsahuje úvod do teorie technologie palivových článků včetně popisu možnosti jejich aplikace jako zdroje elektrické a tepelné energie pro rodinný dům. Druhá část práce se zabývá základním výpočtem tepelných ztrát rodinného domu včetně výpočtu potřeby tepla na vytápění a teplou užitkovou vodu. V třetí části je na základě znalosti předchozích částí vybrán vhodný typ palivových článků a navržena otopná soustava a její hlavní prvky. Do otopné soustavy je následně zařazen vybraný modul s palivovými články, který produkuje elektrickou energii, ohřívá teplou užitkovou vodu a přebytečné teplo je využíváno v otopném období pro účely vytápění.The thesis is divided into three basic parts. In the first part, there is an introduction into the theory of fuel-cell technology that includes a description of the possibilities of their application as a source of electricity and thermal energy for family house. The second part of the thesis deals with the basic calculation of heat loss in a family house, including the calculation of the necessary amount of heat for heating and hot supply water. In the third part, which is based on knowledge from previous parts, an appropriate type of a fuel cell is chosen and the heating system and its main parts are designed. The selected module with the fuel cell is included in the heating system in order to produce electricity, heat hot supply water and excess heat is used for heating purposes in a heating period.Prezenční361 - Katedra energetikyvýborn

    A comparison of PAH emission sampling methods (cyclone, impactor) in particulate and gaseous phase

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    Four different domestic heating boilers and four types of fuel (lignite, wet wood, wood pellets and mixed fuel) were tested, and the emissions of the particulate matter (PM) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were correlated. Dekati low-pressure impactor (DLPI, Dekati) sorting of the PM fractions into PM0.1, PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 was used to determine the emission factors of the PAHs in a dilution tunnel via isokinetic sampling and was compared with a cyclone (Tecora). The 4 PAHs were mostly detected on the fine particles of PM1 in the DLPI and on the fine particles of PM2.5 in the cyclone, and in some cases, they were mainly detected in polyurethane foam (PUF) used for the collection of the gas phase placed behind the DLPI and cyclone. The effectiveness of DLPI sampling was generally comparable or lower than the cyclone sampling of the range 0.01-1.33 mg kg(-1).Web of Science18485584

    Factorizations of complete graphs into caterpillars of diameter 5

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    We examine factorizations of complete graphs K2n into caterpillars of diameter 5. First we present a construction generalizing some previously known methods. Then we use the new method along with some previous partial results to give a complete characterization of caterpillars of diameter 5, which factorize the complete graph K2n

    Factorizations of complete graphs into brooms

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    Let r and n be positive integers with r<2n. A broom of order 2n is the union of the path on P2n−r−1 and the star K1,r, plus one edge joining the center of the star to an endpoint of the path. It was shown by Kubesa (2005) [10] that the broom factorizes the complete graph K2n for odd n and View the MathML source. In this note we give a complete classification of brooms that factorize K2n by giving a constructive proof for all View the MathML source (with one exceptional case) and by showing that the brooms for View the MathML source do not factorize the complete graph K2n.Web of Science31261093108

    Factorizations of complete graphs into trees with at most four non-leave vertices

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    We give a complete characterization of trees with at most four non-leave vertices, which factorize the complete graph K 2n

    Decompositions of complete graphs into blown-up cycles C-m[2]

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    AbstractLet Cm[K¯2] stand for a cycle Cm in which every vertex is replaced by two isolated vertices and every edge by K2,2. We prove that the complete graph K8mk+1 can be decomposed into graphs isomorphic to Cm[K¯2] for any m≥3, k>0. Decompositions of complete graphs into certain collections of even cycles are obtained as a corollary. Also some special cases of Alspach Conjecture are solved in this article. All proofs are constructive and use both graph theory and design theory techniques