118 research outputs found

    Satisfaction of inpatients with health care facilities and medical services in Slovak Republic

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    Evaluation of the healthcare facilities and inpatients satisfaction with healthcare services is a decisive point in the healthcare enhancement process. The aim of the study is to map the overall inpatients satisfaction with provided healthcare by healthcare facilities and its determinants in Slovak republic by using data from ranking of healthcare facilities published by Institute for Economic and Social Reforms (INEKO, 2021). Visual descriptive analysis reveals that there exist relatively large regional differences among inpatients satisfaction. Data indicates that there is no significant relationship between inpatient satisfaction and the number of inpatients per doctor; that there exists a negative nexus between complexity of provided healthcare and the overall inpatient satisfaction; and that positive relationship between the complexity and severity of treated diagnosis and the overall inpatient satisfaction can be observed. Regression analysis results indicate that inpatient satisfaction is positively linked to quality of the provided healthcare, overall rating of the hospital and to university hospitals; and negatively affected by operated inpatients to number of nurses ratio, reoperation, total rehospitalization within 30 days and to number of hospitalized inpatients

    P-Star Model under the Currency Board – The Case of Bulgaria 1997-2008

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    The paper deals with the P-star model in conditions of the Bulgarian economy operating under the currency board regime. The research period covers 11 years of stabilisation after the Bulgarian 1996/97 financial crisis. Our findings are twofold. First, the significant influence of the German inflation was detected as a result of anchoring the Bulgarian Lev. Second, the domestic price gap influence is showed to be statistically insignificant.P-star model, Bulgaria, inflation, price gap

    Evaluation of Computing Symmetrical Zolotarev Polynomials of the First Kind

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    This report summarize and compares with each other various methods for computing the symmetrical Zolotarev Polynomial of the first kind and its spectrum. Suitable criteria are suggested for the comparison. The best numerical stability shows the method employing Chebyshev polynomial recurrence. In case of the polynomial spectrum computation the best method is the one using the difference backward recursion introduced by M. Vlcek. Both methods are able to generate the polynomial of high degree up to, at least, 2000, using 32-bit IEEE floating point arithmetics

    On competition and transparency in public procurement during the COVID-19 pandemic in the European Union

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    Government expenditures on acquiring services, goods, and work through public procurement represent a substantial proportion of the EU’s GDP. Competitive and transparent tendering procedures are generally believed to promote achieving the primary goals of public procurement: maximising value for money and reducing corruption. However, during the crisis, procurement rules allow a temporary departure from transparency standards toward fast and more discretionary procurement procedures justified by force majeure, possibly restricting competitiveness and information availability in the whole procurement process. The presented paper examines emergency response procurement measures by EU countries in the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak in the spring of 2020 and their impact on competition. Using an extensive dataset of contracts for medical supplies and PPE obtained from Tenders Electronic Daily, we document the rapid increase of direct and negotiated contracts in the first two months of the pandemic outbreak. We found that firms, in general, were more likely to participate in procurement procedures with a prior call for tenders, such as open procedure and restricted procedure. On the other hand, the significant share of contracts obtained by small and medium enterprises without competition, hence by single bid procurement, suggests that public authorities tend to use their discretion in favour of SMEs. Moreover, overall emergency procurement setting and its effects on competition vary across countries regardless of how intensely the pandemic hit, indicating an institutional context for the increased discretion effects on procurement outcome

    Psychopathic Traits of Dutch Adolescents in Residential Care: Identifying Subgroups

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    The present study examined whether a sample of 214 (52.8% male, M age = 15.76, SD = 1.29) institutionalized adolescents could be classified into subgroups based on psychopathic traits. Confirmatory Factor Analyses revealed a relationship between the subscales of the Youth Psychopathic traits Inventory (YPI) and the three latent constructs of the original model on which it is based. Latent Class Analyses showed that adolescents showing psychopathic traits could be classified into three subgroups. The first group showed low scores on the grandiose/manipulative dimension, the callous/unemotional dimension, and the impulsive/irresponsible dimension (normal group). The second group scored moderate on the grandiose/manipulative dimension and the callous/unemotional dimension and high on the impulsive/irresponsible dimension (impulsive, non-psychopathic-like group). The third group scored high on all three dimensions (psychopathy-like group). The findings revealed that the impulsive, non-psychopathic like group scored significantly higher on internalizing problem behavior compared to the normal group, while the psychopathy-like and the impulsive, non-psychopathic-like group both scored higher on externalizing problem behavior compared to the normal group. Based on a self-report delinquency measure, it appeared that the psychopathy-like group had the highest delinquency rates, except for vandalism. Both the impulsive and psychopathy-like group had the highest scores on the use of soft drugs

    Damped harmonic signals analysis using ADZT

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    This article discusses analysis of damped harmonic signals by spectral methods, ApproximatedDiscrete Zolotarev Transform (ADZT) in particular. The ADZT behavior for this type ofsignal is explored, and tailored method modification is proposed. It is shown that the modificationperforms better compared to the discrete Fourier transform and selected parametric spectral methodsin detection of partially masked damped harmonic signal components

    C. Helkett: Opgørelsen af den skattepligtige Indkomst til Staten. 2den L'dg. 1941. 223 S. Gads Forlag.

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    Use of SmartGWT library as a presentation layer for Groovy on Grails platform

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    Niniejsza praca dyplomowa ma dwa zasadnicze cele.Pierwszym jest zaprezentowanie biblioteki SmartGWTw połączeniu z platformą Groovy on Grails jako ciekawąalternatywę dla popularnych szkieletów webowych dla językaJava opartych o wzorzec MVC. Aby to osiągnąć omówiłemmechanizmy stosowane w świecie Javy korporacyjnej,przedstawiłem wzorzec MVC oraz jego zmodyfikowanąwersję. Następnie zaprezentowałem trzy znane szkielety,omawiając ich architekturę i przepływ danych. Drugim celemjest zaimplementowanie rozszerzenia (wtyczki) dla Grails. Dojej głównych zadań należą: uproszczenie konfiguracji,dostarczenie mechanizmów obsługi żądania, odpowiedzi orazsytuacji wyjątkowych oraz generowanie kodu dla częstowykorzystywanych akcji. Ponadto wtyczka zapewnia szeregskryptów ułatwiających codzienną pracę oraz moduł dozarządzania klasami domenowymi w aplikacji. W pracyzaprezentowałem również prostą aplikację zawierającą kilkaprzypadków użycia, która oparta jest w większości nagenerowanym kodzie. Zwieńczeniem całości jest rozważeniedalszych możliwości rozbudowy wtyczki, aby w pełniwykorzystywała bogactwo rozwiązań, zarówno SmartGWT,jak i platformy Grails