1,445 research outputs found

    Model Checking Probabilistic Pushdown Automata

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    We consider the model checking problem for probabilistic pushdown automata (pPDA) and properties expressible in various probabilistic logics. We start with properties that can be formulated as instances of a generalized random walk problem. We prove that both qualitative and quantitative model checking for this class of properties and pPDA is decidable. Then we show that model checking for the qualitative fragment of the logic PCTL and pPDA is also decidable. Moreover, we develop an error-tolerant model checking algorithm for PCTL and the subclass of stateless pPDA. Finally, we consider the class of omega-regular properties and show that both qualitative and quantitative model checking for pPDA is decidable

    Arithmetic complexity via effective names for random sequences

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    We investigate enumerability properties for classes of sets which permit recursive, lexicographically increasing approximations, or left-r.e. sets. In addition to pinpointing the complexity of left-r.e. Martin-L\"{o}f, computably, Schnorr, and Kurtz random sets, weakly 1-generics and their complementary classes, we find that there exist characterizations of the third and fourth levels of the arithmetic hierarchy purely in terms of these notions. More generally, there exists an equivalence between arithmetic complexity and existence of numberings for classes of left-r.e. sets with shift-persistent elements. While some classes (such as Martin-L\"{o}f randoms and Kurtz non-randoms) have left-r.e. numberings, there is no canonical, or acceptable, left-r.e. numbering for any class of left-r.e. randoms. Finally, we note some fundamental differences between left-r.e. numberings for sets and reals

    Tableaux for Policy Synthesis for MDPs with PCTL* Constraints

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    Markov decision processes (MDPs) are the standard formalism for modelling sequential decision making in stochastic environments. Policy synthesis addresses the problem of how to control or limit the decisions an agent makes so that a given specification is met. In this paper we consider PCTL*, the probabilistic counterpart of CTL*, as the specification language. Because in general the policy synthesis problem for PCTL* is undecidable, we restrict to policies whose execution history memory is finitely bounded a priori. Surprisingly, no algorithm for policy synthesis for this natural and expressive framework has been developed so far. We close this gap and describe a tableau-based algorithm that, given an MDP and a PCTL* specification, derives in a non-deterministic way a system of (possibly nonlinear) equalities and inequalities. The solutions of this system, if any, describe the desired (stochastic) policies. Our main result in this paper is the correctness of our method, i.e., soundness, completeness and termination.Comment: This is a long version of a conference paper published at TABLEAUX 2017. It contains proofs of the main results and fixes a bug. See the footnote on page 1 for detail

    Flare-induced changes of the photospheric magnetic field in a δ\delta-spot deduced from ground-based observations

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    Aims: Changes of the magnetic field and the line-of-sight velocities in the photosphere are being reported for an M-class flare that originated at a δ\delta-spot belonging to active region NOAA 11865. Methods: High-resolution ground-based near-infrared spectropolarimetric observations were acquired simultaneously in two photospheric spectral lines, Fe I 10783 \AA\ and Si I 10786 \AA, with the Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter at the Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT) in Tenerife on 2013 October 15. The observations covered several stages of the M-class flare. Inversions of the full-Stokes vector of both lines were carried out and the results were put into context using (extreme)-ultraviolet filtergrams from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Results: The active region showed high flaring activity during the whole observing period. After the M-class flare, the longitudinal magnetic field did not show significant changes along the polarity inversion line (PIL). However, an enhancement of the transverse magnetic field of approximately 550 G was found that bridges the PIL and connects umbrae of opposite polarities in the δ\delta-spot. At the same time, a newly formed system of loops appeared co-spatially in the corona as seen in 171 \AA\ filtergrams of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board SDO. However, we cannot exclude that the magnetic connection between the umbrae already existed in the upper atmosphere before the M-class flare and became visible only later when it was filled with hot plasma. The photospheric Doppler velocities show a persistent upflow pattern along the PIL without significant changes due to the flare. Conclusions: The increase of the transverse component of the magnetic field after the flare together with the newly formed loop system in the corona support recent predictions of flare models and flare observations.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Study of the Regeneration Cleaning of Used Mineral Oils – Ecotoxicological Properties and Biodegradation

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    The aim of the study was to establish and compare the model of the biodegradability and ecotoxicological properties of oil samples in aqueous environment.The unused new mineral oil Turbinol and used (after 1 year of usage) recovered oil Turbinol purified by the electrostatical method were the tested samples. For the determination of the ecotoxicological properties, the test organisms used were seeds of Sinapis alba L. and the small aquatic crustaceans Daphnia magna. Preliminary tests were positive and determined the acute toxicity with the values of IC50 and EC50. Biodegradability was determined by the manometric method, in tests which lasted 28 days. Tests of toxicity were positive, and the samples were found to be hard to biodegrade. Determination of the oil composition by gas chromatography with mass detection (GC – MS); found that the composition of the electrostatically cleaned oil is comparable to the new oil, which is confirmed by the results obtained with the response inhibition in selected tests. Regeneration extends the oil life, reducing the cost of disposal of waste oils, saving fossil raw materials, thus belonging to the environmentally friendly techniques. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Global analysis of seasonality in the shell flux of extant planktonic foraminifera

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    Shell fluxes of planktonic Foraminifera species vary intra-annually in a pattern that appears to follow the seasonal cycle. However, the variation in the timing and prominence of seasonal flux maxima in space and among species remains poorly constrained. Thus, although changing seasonality may result in a flux-weighted temperature offset of more than 5° C within a species, this effect is often ignored in the interpretation of Foraminifera-based paleoceanographic records. To address this issue we present an analysis of the intra-annual pattern of shell flux variability in 37 globally distributed time series. The existence of a seasonal component in flux variability was objectively characterised using periodic regression. This analysis yielded estimates of the number, timing and prominence of seasonal flux maxima. Over 80% of the flux series across all species showed a statistically significant periodic component, indicating that a considerable part of the intra-annual flux variability is predictable. Temperature appears to be a powerful predictor of flux seasonality, but its effect differs among species. Three different modes of seasonality are distinguishable. Tropical and subtropical species (Globigerinoides ruber (white and pink varieties), Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, Globigerinoides sacculifer, Orbulina universa, Globigerinella siphonifera, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, Globorotalia menardii, Globoturborotalita rubescens, Globoturborotalita tenella and Globigerinoides conglobatus) appear to have a less predictable flux pattern, with random peak timing in warm waters. In colder waters, seasonality is more prevalent: peak fluxes occur shortly after summer temperature maxima and peak prominence increases. This tendency is stronger in species with a narrower temperature range, implying that warm-adapted species find it increasingly difficult to reproduce outside their optimum temperature range and that, with decreasing mean temperature, their flux is progressively more focussed in the warm season. The second group includes the temperate to cold-water species Globigerina bulloides, Globigerinita glutinata, Turborotalita quinqueloba, Neogloboquadrina incompta, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, Globorotalia scitula, Globigerinella calida, Globigerina falconensis, Globorotalia theyeri and Globigerinita uvula. These species show a highly predictable seasonal pattern, with one to two peaks a year, which occur earlier in warmer waters. Peak prominence in this group is independent of temperature. The earlier-when-warmer pattern in this group is related to the timing of productivity maxima. Finally, the deep-dwelling Globorotalia truncatulinoides and Globorotalia inflata show a regular and pronounced peak in winter and spring. The remarkably low flux outside the main pulse may indicate a long reproductive cycle of these species. Overall, our analysis indicates that the seasonality of planktonic Foraminifera shell flux is predictable and reveals the existence of distinct modes of phenology among species. We evaluate the effect of changing seasonality on paleoceanographic reconstructions and find that, irrespective of the seasonality mode, the actual magnitude of environmental change will be underestimated. The observed constraints on flux seasonality can serve as the basis for predictive modelling of flux pattern. As long as the diversity of species seasonality is accounted for in such models, the results can be used to improve reconstructions of the magnitude of environmental change in paleoceanographic records

    Sensitivity to species selection indicates the effect of nuisance variables on marine microfossil transfer functions

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    The species composition of many groups of marine plankton appears well predicted by sea surface temperature (SST). Consequently, fossil plankton assemblages have been widely used to reconstruct past SST. Most applications of this approach make use of the highest possible taxonomic resolution. However, not all species are sensitive to temperature, and their distribution may be governed by other parameters. There are thus reasons to question the merit of including information about all species, both for transfer function performance and for its effect on reconstructions. Here we investigate the effect of species selection on planktonic foraminifera transfer functions. We assess species importance for transfer function models using a random forest technique and evaluate the performance of models with an increasing number of species. Irrespective of using models that use the entire training set (weighted averaging) or models that use only a subset of the training set (modern analogue technique), we find that the majority of foraminifera species does not carry useful information for temperature reconstruction. Less than one-third of the species in the training set is required to provide a temperature estimate with a prediction error comparable to a transfer function that uses all species in the training set. However, species selection matters for paleotemperature estimates. We find that transfer function models with a different number of species but with the same error may yield different reconstructions of sea surface temperature when applied to the same fossil assemblages. This ambiguity in the reconstructions implies that fossil assemblage change reflects a combination of temperature and other environmental factors. The contribution of the additional factors is site and time specific, indicating ecological and geological complexity in the formation of the sedimentary assemblages. The possibility of obtaining multiple different reconstructions from a single sediment record presents a previously unrecognized source of uncertainty for sea surface temperature estimates based on planktonic foraminifera assemblages. This uncertainty can be evaluated by determining the sensitivity of the reconstructions to species pruning.</p

    Noise of the Air-to-Water Heat Pump Compressor

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    Článek se zaměřuje na hluk a vibrace šířené od nejčastěji instalovaného typu tepelných čerpadel vzduch- -voda do okolí a do stavebních konstrukcí. Z funkčního hlediska je téma omezeno na tepelná čerpadla s elektricky poháněnými a hermeticky uzavřenými scroll kompresory, protože se jedná o nejčastěji instalovaný typ tepelných čerpadel menších výkonů (do 50 kW). Příspěvek pokrývá jak téma ON/OFF regulace, tak i problematiku invertorových tepelných čerpadel. Řešena jsou pouze tepelná čerpadla instalovaná v exteriéru rodinných nebo bytových domů. Vzhledem k rozsahu bude téma tu věnováno několik samosta tných článků.The article focuses on the noise and vibration propagated from air-to-water heat pump, the most commonly installed type of heat pumps, to its surroundings and to the building structures. From a technical point of view, the topic is limited to heat pumps with electrically driven and hermetically sealed scroll compressors, as these are the most commonly installed type of heat pumps of smaller capacities (up to 50 kW). The paper covers the issue of ON/OFF control as well as the issue of inverter heat pumps. Only the heat pumps installed in the exterior of houses or apartment buildings are addressed. Several separate articles will be devoted to the topic due to its wide scope. Keywords: heat pump, scroll compressor, axial fan, heating