50 research outputs found

    Reporting Verbs and Related Syntactic Choices in Students' Theses: A Study of Two Disciplines

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    Adopting Hyland's (2002) framework of reporting words (RVs), the paper investigates the use of RVs in Master's theses written in English by students of two disciplines, Economics and Management and Natural Resources. The data were drawn from two sub-corpora, each consisting of 82 Literature Reviews, where other authors' research is summarised and commented on. Besides determining the most frequent communicative functions, in this paper, the RVs are further analysed in terms of the verb tense, voice, and subject-agent. The findings revealed significant differences between the two disciplines. In the former, most RVs were in the present active with named-author as the subject, conveying a neutral attitude towards the reported message and neutrally summarising previous research outcomes. Most RVs were in the past tense in the latter, reporting on past research procedures or outcomes. The findings reveal infrequent use of evaluative or critical verbs. Each discipline's predominant choice may suggest writers' lower ability to highlight the cited sources' direct relevance to their research. The study hopes to contribute to the efficacy of teaching English for Academic Purposes to non-native speakers. It has pedagogical implications for academic writing in both undergraduate and postgraduate courses at non-philological tertiary education institutions

    Citation practices in EFL academic writing: The use of reporting verbs in Master’s thesis literature reviews

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    Reporting belongs among key features of academic writing, and reporting verbs (RVs) are probably the most explicit way of attributing the content to other sources.  For EFL learners, the correct use of RVs is often challenging. While most EFL studies focus on the functions of citation as used by novice researchers in research articles, Ph.D. theses, or university writing, fewer works are concerned with Master's theses, often students' first encounter with original scientific and academic writing. This study explores the use of RVs in EFL learners' Master's theses. Besides investigating the types and functions of RVs, the choices of the verb tense, voice, and the subject-agent in the reporting structures are explored. The research was performed on 82 Master's thesis Literature Reviews written in English by Czech economics and management students. To determine the types and functions of RVs, the study adopts Hyland's (1999, 2002) framework. First, the frequencies of RVs occurrence are counted, and RVs are discussed in terms of process categories and evaluative functions. Second, the choices of the verb tense, voice, and the subject-agent in the reporting structures are analysed. The findings show a predominant use of RVs conveying a neutral attitude towards the reported content and neutrally summarizing the previous research in the present simple active tense with named-author as the subject. Although the results confirm the trend common for novice researchers and soft discipline writers, we believe that the enhancement of appropriate use of RVs in academic writing courses is necessary. The findings might offer insights applicable to EFL contexts and contribute to the body of existing research on the citation


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    The effort of every organisation is to have talented staff, and in the case that these employees are available in the organisation is to ensure they are motivated to stay in the organisation. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the influence of decisive factors on the implementation of activities relating to talent management and the approach of Czech organisations to this new trend as well. Data was obtained through questionnaire surveys in selected Czech organisations in 2014/2015 (n = 389), 2015/2016 (n = 402) and in 2016/2017 (n = 207).  The results showed that the chances to implement talent management were significantly higher for organisations operating in national or international markets, organisations with more than 50 employees and organisations with a separate HR department, where this chance was even 4.1 times higher. Surveyed organisations use talent management the most often in the areas of employees´ recruitment, employees´ training and development, and their evaluation and remuneration


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    The paper deals with the project called Online Study Support for the Subject of Business English within the Fund of Higher Education Development of the Czech Republic. It will be created in the form of a twelve-module course in the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) on the B1 level of the Common European Framework of References for Languages. Moodle is an open source Virtual Learning Environment which is free, developed by a worldwide community and is used for study purposes. It allows the teachers to create online courses and the students to enrol in them. The course is focused on the development of business and economic terminology, on reading comprehension, listening comprehension and the work with up-to-date authentic audio-visual materials. The course comprises the topics such as business and its basic terms, business letters, business organizations, macroeconomics and microeconomics, personnel management, marketing, email, accounting and finance etc. Single units have the following structure: lead in, key words and definitions, specialist material, various activities such as filling in the gaps, multiple choice, matching, word formation, word order etc. These electronic activities are created in the most famous authoring tool in our field called Hot Potatoes, they can be stored on a central server and accessed from anywhere through the Internet. Online support will be intended for students of all faculties and fields of study at the Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS) in Prague, including incoming Erasmus students and academic staff as well as the students of other universities

    Riverside house

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    Urbanistický návrh vytvářející příjemnou část města v okolí řeky s návazností na brněnské centrum a spojující několik funkcí v lokalitě s dnes odtrženou řekou od městského života. Základní myšlenkou návrhu bytového domu je otevření i jižní fasády, nabídnutí variantních typů bytových dispozic a zdůraznění propojení řeky s budovou systémem teras.The urban design creates a pleasant part of the city near the river in connection with the city center and offers various functions in the location with the river which is now isolated from the city life. The basic idea of the apartment building is opening the facade facing the south, offering various apartment floor plans and putting an accent on connection between the river and housing using the system of terraces.


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    The paper deals with ESP e-learning experimental research conducted in the lessons of Business English in winter term of academic year 2012/13. Students were provided with the online study material developed within the grant of the Higher Institution Development Fund of the Czech Republic 2011, no. F5-1836. Online study support for Business English is a 14 module course in the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) which is used for study purposes on the B1 level of the Common European Framework of References for Languages

    Comparison of Pension System Reform in the Czech Republic and Slovac Republic

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    Import 05/08/2014Diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku důchodového systému v České a Slovenské republice. Penzijní systém v České republice a na Slovensku byl založen na principu průběžného financování s dobrovolným penzijním připojištěním. Po zavedení důchodové reformy dochází k transformaci dvoupilířového penzijního systému na třípilířový systém. Průběžný systém financování je tak doplněn o fondovou složku, která v budoucnu ovlivní velikost příjmů osob v důchodovém věku. Cílem diplomové práce je porovnání důchodových reforem v České republice a na Slovensku. Teoretická část je zaměřena na popis jednotlivých typů důchodového systému a jejich základní principy, cíle a parametry. V aplikační části je provedena podrobná charakteristika systému penzijního zabezpečení v České republice a na Slovensku z pohledu jejich fungování před reformou a na základě jejich současného vývoje. Popsán je také švédský, maďarský a polský důchodový systém. Praktická část práce se zabývá komparací penzijních systémů v České republice a na Slovensku z hlediska principu fungování jednotlivých pilířů a prognóze vývoje populace či velikosti výdajů a příspěvků. V neposlední řadě jsou charakterizována politická rizika, která ovlivňují vývoj důchodových reforem.This diploma thesis is focused on the pension system in the Czech and Slovak Republic. Pension system in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic was founded on the principle of continuous funding to voluntary pension schemes. After the introduction of pension reform the two-pillar pension system is transformed to a three-pillar system. Continuous funding system is completed with the capital component, which in the future will affect the size of the income of those in retirement. The aim of the thesis is the comparison of pension reforms in the Czech Republic and Slovak. The theoretical part focuses on the description of each type of pension system and their basic principles, objectives and parameters. The application part is a detailed characterization of pension scheme in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic in terms of their functioning before the reform and on the basis of their current development. Swedish, Hungarian and Polish pension systems are also described. The practical part deals with the comparison of pension systems in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic in terms of the principle of operation of the individual pillars and prognosis of population development or the amount of expenditure and contributions. Last but not least, the political risks are characterized by that affect the development of the pension reforms.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř

    Wellness hotel

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je vypracování projektové dokumentace pro provádění stavby wellness hotelu. Objekt je architektonicky a provozně rozdělen na dvě části – část ubytovací a wellness část. Ubytovací část zahrnuje čtyři nadzemní podlaží a jedno podzemní podlaží. V podzemním podlaží se nachází hromadné garáže, v 1.NP je navržena restaurace a v ostatních nadzemních podlažích jsou umístěny hotelové pokoje. Wellness část je navržena se dvěma nadzemními podlažími a jedním podzemním podlažím. V 1.S se nachází hromadné garáže. V 1.NP je navrženo wellness, které zahrnuje relaxační bazén, vířivou vanu, pět vnitřních saun, tři venkovní sauny, kneippovy lázně a relaxační místnosti. Ve 2.NP jsou navrženy solária, masáže, kosmetika a kadeřnictví. Součástí je také kavárna s prostornou terasou. Střecha nad 2.NP je navržena jako vegetační s extenzivním zatravněním, střecha nad 4.NP je řešena jako jednoplášťová plochá s klasickým pořadím vrstev. Objekt je navržen jako skeletový příčný, prefabrikovaný. Výplňové zdivo je ze systému POROTHERM. Stropní konstrukce je navržena z předpjatých panelů SPIROLL.The aim of the Diploma thesis is elaboration of a design documentation for execution of a wellness hotel. The building is operationally divided into two parts – part accommodation and wellness part. The accommodation part includes four above-ground floors and one under-ground floor. In the under-ground floor are situated garages. In the first above-ground floor is designed restaurant and in other above-ground floors are situated hotel rooms. Wellness part is designed with two above-ground floors and one under-ground floor. In the under-ground floor are situated garages. In the first above-ground is designed wellness, which includes relaxation pool, whirpool, five indoor saunas, three outdoor saunas, kneipp and relaxation rooms. In the second above ground floor are designed solariums, massages, beauty salon and hairdressing salon. The part of the floor is also café with large terrace. A roof above 2.NP is designed as vegetative with extensive grassing. A roof above 4.NP is designed as a one-layer flat roof with classical sequence of layers. The building is designed as prefabricated skelet. Filling masonry is from a POROTHERM system. Floor structure is designed from prestpressed panel SPIROLL.

    Tetrakis(trimethylsilyloxy)silane for nanostructured SiO2-like films deposited by PECVD at atmospheric pressure

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    We performed the thin films deposition using atmospheric pressure plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (AP-PECVD) by means of a radiofrequency and a microwave plasma jets operating with mixtures of argon and tetrakis(trimethylsilyloxy)silane (TTMS)

    Benefit of master education for nursing

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    This Master thesis discusses contemporary issues of nursing education in the Czech Republic. An amendment of the Act 96/2004 Coll. is currently being deeply discussed topic, however the amendment has not been approved yet. Therefore, I focus on current model of education which is in accordance with the European Directive EC 55/2013. Nursing is a separate scientific branch which has indisputable role in the care of healthy and sick people. Working with human health is very responsible and therefore competences related to nursing profession have been shifted from high schools to higher vocational schools and universities after our accession to the EU. Despite uniform European legislation the process of nursing education is different within EU states. I discussed this issue including basic concepts of present nursing in a theoretical part of the Master thesis. In this part is clearly elaborated system of nursing education in the Czech Republic and in the world. Furthermore, there is also elaborated about university education which is focused on achieving specialization in nursing education in contrary with the system of lifetime education. Goals of this Master thesis are to analyse opinions of nurses in leadership positions on the current education model and concurrently with that to ascertain their opinion on benefits of master education in nursing care. Four research questions were set up based on these targets. Concretely: What contribution does university education for nurses bring to practice? What are differences between nurses with bachelor and master degree from the perspective of leading nurses? furthermore"How does master education contribute to the quality of nursing care? and finally How are nurses with master degree seen by their superiors? In this master thesis there is used a qualitative research strategy to answer given questions and to meet set objectives. It has been reached by using non-standardized, non-structured interviews with open questions. The research data set consists of nine nurses from hospitals in the Region of South Bohemia. Under absolute anonymity, which the proband set, we cannot provide any closer socio-demographic information. Interview were always conducted individually, with the agreement of proband and it was recorded to a pre-prepared sheet. The survey was carried out during February and March 2016 in pre-selected workplaces of each proband. The results are summarized clearly into categories, subcategories and for clarity into concrete subgroups. For completeness, results are also shown in graphical form using diagrams. The results show that most of head nurses support education of their subordinated nurses, agree with current model of education system and also welcome this model due to extension of knowledge in nursing. Proband perceive negatively knowledge of graduates of healthcare high schools. The discussion of differences between nurses with bachelor and master degree brings a finding that head nurses prefer nurses with master degree for their maturity, self-confidence and as a bonus for the specialization obtained while gaining the Master degree. Master show better knowledge, know-how to apply EBN and they play important role during creating standards in practice. Furthermore, in the opinion of probands, nurses with master degree can better organize teams and have better ability to work in a role of a nurse manager. According to probands nurses with master degree could significantly influence nurse care by their knowledge, initiative, confidence in decision-making and a higher viewpoint that these nurses reached during their study. Moreover, these nurses are aware of the degree of responsibility of their work and according to the claim of probands they are appropriate for leadership positions where they can apply their knowledge after adequate practice time at the bedside