55 research outputs found

    From widespread faulting to localised rifting: Evidence from K-Ar fault gouge dates from the Norwegian North Sea rift shoulder

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    Although seismic and stratigraphic well information put tight constraints on rift basin evolution, eroded rift shoulders commonly expose polydeformed prerift basement whose deformation history may be difficult to constrain. In this work, we apply K-Ar dating of fault gouge samples from 18 faults to explore the brittle deformation of the well-exposed eastern rift margin to the northern North Sea rift. We find evidence of clay gouge formation since the Late Devonian, with distinct Permian and Jurassic fault activity peaks that closely match early stages of the two well-established North Sea rift phases. A marked decay in fault density away from the rift margin confirms a close relationship between rifting and onshore faulting. The results show that initial rift-related extension affected a much wider area than the resulting offshore rift. Hence our data support a rift model where strain is initially distributed over a several 100 km wide region, as a prelude to the development of the ~150–200 km wide Permo-Triassic northern North Sea rift as defined by large marginal faults. Towards the end of the second rift phase, strain localises even more strongly to the 25–50 km wide Viking Graben. Interestingly, a period of early widespread extension is seen for both phases of North Sea rifting and may be a general characteristic of continental rifting. The documented prerift faulting and fracturing of the basement since the Devonian weakened the basement and probably facilitated the widespread initial extension that subsequently localised to form the northern North Sea rift, with further localisation to its relatively narrow central part (Viking Graben).publishedVersio

    Allelic Imbalance of Recurrently Mutated Genes in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia

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    The patho-mechanism of somatic driver mutations in cancer usually involves transcription, but the proportion of mutations and wild-type alleles transcribed from DNA to RNA is largely unknown. We systematically compared the variant allele frequencies of recurrently mutated genes in DNA and RNA sequencing data of 246 acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) patients. We observed that 95% of all detected variants were transcribed while the rest were not detectable in RNA sequencing with a minimum read-depth cut-off (10x). Our analysis focusing on 11 genes harbouring recurring mutations demonstrated allelic imbalance (AI) in most patients. GATA2, RUNX1, TET2, SRSF2, IDH2, PTPN11, WT1, NPM1 and CEBPA showed significant AIs. While the effect size was small in general, GATA2 exhibited the largest allelic imbalance. By pooling heterogeneous data from three independent AML cohorts with paired DNA and RNA sequencing (N = 253), we could validate the preferential transcription of GATA2-mutated alleles. Differential expression analysis of the genes with significant AI showed no significant differential gene and isoform expression for the mutated genes, between mutated and wild-type patients. In conclusion, our analyses identified AI in nine out of eleven recurrently mutated genes. AI might be a common phenomenon in AML which potentially contributes to leukaemogenesis.Peer reviewe

    Minimizing coherent risk measures of shortfall in discrete-time models with cone constraints

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    This paper studies the problem or minimizing coherent risk measures or shortfall for general discrete-time financial models with cone-constrained trading strategies, as developed by Pham and Touzi (1999) and Pham (1999). We show that the optimal strategy is obtained by super-hedging a contingent claim, which is represented as a .Xeyman-Pearson-type random variable

    From Gondwana to Europe: The journey of Elba Island (Italy) as recorded by U–Pb detrital zircon ages of Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks

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    Elba Island, located midway between Corsica and mainland Italy, is a small but important fragment of the Adria Plate. It has a rich sedimentary record preserved in a stack of tectonic nappes of both continental margin and oceanic origin. Especially the detrital zircons in early Paleozoic to early Mesozoic metasedimentary rocks provide an archive of many important geological events in the island's history. Elba Island and Adria originated along the northern margin of Gondwana, but drifted north in Silurian times to become part of Europe. A large new dataset of LA-ICP-MS and SIMS U-Pb zircon ages allows us to trace this history. Three main stratigraphic units have been investigated. The oldest Porto Azzurro Unit was deposited in the early Cambrian and has zircon age distributions indicating a typical northern African provenance, most likely sourced from the Saharan Metacraton. The Ortano Unit has a simple, mostly unimodal Ordovician age distribution that is entirely dominated by metavolcanic rocks and their erosional products; a sample of the metavolcanic Ortano Porphyroids provided a SIMS U-Pb zircon age of 460. ±. 3. Ma. This phase of intense volcanism is related to the subduction of the Rheic Ocean beneath Gondwana, terminating with initial rifting and subsequent opening of the Paleotethys. This also marks the onset of the separation of a range of European terranes, including Adria and future Elba Island, from Gondwana. The Permo-Triassic Monticiano-Roccastrada Unit is the first to show a European provenance with the appearance of large amounts of Variscan and late to post-Variscan detritus. The presence of Variscan detrital zircons in the Permo-Triassic sediments is unexpected, since a Variscan age signature is so far not well recorded in the Adria Plate. This dataset is the most comprehensive detrital zircon dataset so far available for the Adria Plate and documents Adria's close affinity to Africa in the Lower Paleozoic, as well as its initial rifting within an active continental margin setting during the Ordovician and its final separation and independent evolution since late Palaeozoic times