63 research outputs found

    Problemy metodologiczne badania sektora kreatywnego

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    The paper aims to identify and characterise the major methodological problems of the research on the cultural and creative industries. In the first part attention is paid to the problems associated with the semiotic issues, especially with the definitions, classification and translation. In the second part of the paper, the results of empirical research is presented. Body of work on cultural and creative industries were examined in detail. Focus was made on the methodologies used by various studies on cultural and creative industries. The outcome of this investigation have helped to characterise the main methodological features of research on the cultural and creative industries, such as the subject of the study, level of analysis, spatial scale, research methods, the type and source of the data used and the type of knowledge generated by this research.W artykule dokonano identyfikacji i charakterystyki głównych problemów metodologicznych badania sektora kreatywnego. W pierwszej części uwagę poświęcono zagadnieniom semiotycznym związanym z podstawowymi pojęciami, zwłaszcza z ich definiowaniem, klasyfikacją i tłumaczeniem. W drugiej części artykułu przedstawiono wyniki empirycznego badania zbioru prac dotyczących sektora kreatywnego. Pozwoliły one scharakteryzować najważniejsze cechy metodologiczne dotychczasowych badań nad sektorem kreatywnym, takie jak przedmiot tych badań, poziomy analizy, skala przestrzenna, stosowane metody naukowe, rodzaj i źródła wykorzystywanych danych oraz charakter wiedzy o sektorze kreatywnym wytworzonej w efekcie tych badań


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    Can medium-sized cities become Creative Cities? Discussing the cases of three Central and Western European cities

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    This paper aims to explore the concept of Creative City from the points of view of three medium-sized cities in Central and Western Europe: Birmingham (UK), Leipzig (Germany) and Poznań (Poland). The concept of Creative City has risen in popularity in the last 15 years but its meanings and its policy application display important variations. In an attempt to clarify conceptual issues and policy approaches around the term of Creative City, Scott (2006) states that policy makers should focus on specific key variables when attempting to build viable Creative Cities: the presence of inter-firm networks of producers combined with a flexible local labour market. Infrastructural facilities and social capital are also crucial in this process. Even though these variables may be mostly found in largescale metropolitan areas such as New York, Los Angeles etc., Scott (2006, p. 9) argues that “there are also many small and specialised creative agglomerations all over the world” due to the process of increased differentiation. In addition, Hall (2004) argues that building a truly Creative City is possible but is a long-term process, and historical favourable preconditions are important

    Berkeley, czyli zmyśl zmysł

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    Role of creative industries in the post-socialist urban transformation

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    Over the past two decades the cities in Central and Eastern Europe have witnessed a wide-ranging transformation in many aspects. The introduction of a market-oriented economy after half a century of socialism has brought about deep social, economic, cultural and political changes. The first stage of the changes, the 1990s, involved the patching up of structural holes left by the previous system. The post-socialist city had to face challenges of the future while carrying the ballast of the past. Rapid progress in catching up with the West transformed the city a great deal. Later on, the advent of the 21st century brought a new wave of development processes based, among other things, on creativity and innovation. Hence our contribution aims to explore the role of creativity and creative industries in the post-socialist urban transformation. The article consists of three basic parts. In the first we present the concept of a ‘creative post-socialist city’ and define the position of creative industries in it. We also indicate some similarities to and differences from the West European approaches to this issue. In the second part, examples from Central and Eastern Europe are used in an attempt to elucidate the concept of a ‘creative post-socialist city’ by identifying some basic features of creative actions /processes as well as a creative environment, both exogenous and endogenous. The former is embedded in different local networks, both formal (institutionalised) and informal, whereas the structure of the latter is strongly path-dependent. In the third part we critically discuss the role of local policies on the development of creative industries, pointing out some of their shortcomings and drawing up recommendations for future policy measures


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    Zabytki nieruchome jako materialny kapitał kulturowy wielkopolskich miast

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    The aim of the article is to identify the main features and specificity of the material cultural capital of Wielkopolska region towns, the core of which is the stock of immovable monuments. In the first part, the concept of cultural capital is briefly presented and the specificity of monuments as capital is explained, focusing on the values that are assigned to monuments. This provided a theoretical basis for the characterisation of the stock of immovable monuments in Wielkopolska region towns, which constitute their material cultural capital. It has been characterized in terms of the main cultural values (historical and semiotic) and use value. The analysis was carried out according to the size categories of towns (small, medium and large), which made it possible to discover the specificity of cultural capital in these cities. The results of the conducted research indicate a significant cultural capital of small towns, the potential of which is associated with sacred buildings, urban layouts, as well as manors and palaces.Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja głównych cech i specyfiki materialnego kapitału kulturowego miast wielkopolskich, którego trzon stanowi zasób zabytków nieruchomych. W pierwszej części przedstawiono krótko koncepcję kapitału kulturowego i wyjaśniono specyfikę zabytków jako kapitału, koncentrując się na wartościach przydawanych zabytkom. Dało to podstawy teoretyczne do charakterystyki zasobu zabytków nieruchomych miast wielkopolskich, które stanowią ich materialny kapitał kulturowy. Został on scharakteryzowany w ujęciu głównych wartości kulturowych (historycznej i semiotycznej) oraz wartości użytkowej. Analizy dokonano według kategorii wielkościowych miast (małe, średnie i duże), co pozwoliło odkryć specyfikę kapitału kulturowego w tych miastach. Rezultaty badań wskazują na znaczny kapitał kulturowy małych miast, którego potencjał wiąże się z obiektami sakralnymi, układami urbanistycznymi, a także dworami i pałacami

    Comparison of Multicast Algorithm Evaluation Results in Low and High Multicast Saturation Environments, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2019, nr 3

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    The multicast quality of service-enabled routing is a computationally challenging task. Despite ongoing research efforts, the associated mathematical problems are still considered to be NP-hard. In certain applications, computational complexity of finding the optimal connection between a set of network devices may be a particularly difficult challenge. For example, connecting a small group of participants of a teleconference is not much more complex than setting up a set of mutual point-to-point connections. On the other hand, satisfying the demand for such services as IPTV, with their receivers constituting the majority of the network, requires applying appropriate optimization methods in order to ensure real system execution. In this paper, algorithms solving this class of problems are considered. The notion of multicast saturation is introduced to measure the amount of multicast participants relative to the entire network, and the efficiency of the analyzed algorithms is evaluated for different saturation degrees

    Innovative Method of the Evaluation of Multicriterial Multicast Routing Algorithms, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2013, nr 1

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    Theoretical considerations of the multicast Quality of Service (QoS) routing have been a rapidly developing and dynamic research area for years. Several algorithms derived from different approaches have been proposed, while the pool of valid solutions to the problem is steadily growing. When new solutions are compared with their predecessors, as much information as possible about their characteristics and differences is needed. Both the graph theory and the optimization theory provide robust and objective means of comparing not only algorithms, but also the results they produce. However, any possible extension to the comparison methods is vital and can bring interesting new information that would eventually lead to innovative conclusions. This article presents a method, derived from practice and experience, that simulates the drainage of resources accumulated by consecutive communication allocations. The nature of this comparison is an extension to the classical measurement of the success ratio and this creates a context of the continuous measure of a success rather than a simple binary value. In this article such a method with regard to algorithms optimizing multicast problems for more than two criteria is used for the first time and leads to an interesting conclusion about the influence of the number of the criteria on the result