186 research outputs found

    On the issue of determination of the threshold ratios of narcotic drugs as features of traffic offenses and misdemeanors

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    The issue presented in this article is the problem of specificity of the features which constitute the prohibited acts whose definitions contain the term condition under the influence and the term condition after consumption. One must take note of the fact that the lack of definition of clear quantitative limits of narcotic drugs in the content of the penalizing regulation does not make it unconstitutional. Although prima facie this situation may raise doubts related to the procedural safeguards, there is a number of important reasons for not providing specific ratios. However, it must be emphasized that both the doctrine and the jurisprudence point at the lack of possibility, or significant difficulty, to create an exhaustive list of narcotic drugs and their precise threshold ratios on which the criminality of individual behavior would depend.This article aims at providing general information on the subject to the broader public, and explaining reasons behind the status quo, rather than at solving the arising legal problems. The commitment embodies the intention to launch an irregular series of papers under a general (sub) title

    Groźba bezprawna jako znamię przestępstwa z art. 245 k.k. : rozważania na tle orzecznictwa Sądu Najwyższego i sądów apelacyjnych

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    This article aims to interpret the term “unlawful threat” under Article 245 of the Criminal Code. It can be observed that judicial decisions of the Supreme Court and legal doctrine do not provide a uniform interpretation of the term. The work discusses whether the result in the shape of a justified concern that the threat will be carried out is necessary. Such a criminal result is described in Article 190 of the Criminal Code which penalizes punishable threats. It corresponds with Article 115 § 12 of the Criminal Code which defines an unlawful threat. In the opinion of the authors, causing a justified fear that the threat will be carried out is one of the statutory features in all three cases, i.e. unlawful threats to commit a criminal offence, to institute criminal proceedings and to disseminate defamatory information.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest dokonanie wykładni znamienia groźby bezprawnej występującego na gruncie art. 245 k.k. We wskazanym zakresie brak jest jednolitości w orzecznictwie Sądu Najwyższego, sądów apelacyjnych oraz w doktrynie. Zasadniczy problem wiąże się z kwestią zawierania się w pojęciu groźby bezprawnej skutku w postaci wzbudzenia uzasadnionej obawy spełnienia groźby. Skutek ten został określony w art. 190 k.k. opisującym przestępstwo tzw. groźby karalnej, do którego odsyła definicja ustawowa groźby bezprawnej określona w art. 115 § 12 k.k. W ocenie autorów skutek polegający na powstaniu uzasadnionej obawy spełnienia groźby należy do elementów groźby bezprawnej we wszystkich trzech przypadkach, tj. w przypadku groźby popełnienia przestępstwa, spowodowania postępowania karnego lub rozgłoszenia infamującej wiadomości

    Using SEM-EDX and ICP-OES to Investigate the Elemental Composition of Green Macroalga Vaucheria sessilis

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    The biomass of Vaucheria sessilis forms algal mats in many freshwaters. There is a need to find the method of algal biomass utilization. Vaucheria sessilis is a rich source of micro- and macronutrients and can be used as a soil amendment. In the paper, the elemental composition of enriched, via bioaccumulation process, macroalga was investigated. For this purpose, two independent techniques were used: scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive X-ray analytical system (SEMEDX) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The biomass was exposed to two microelemental solutions, with Cu(II) and Zn(II) ions. After two weeks of the experiment, macroalga accumulated 98.5 mg of Zn(II) ions in 1 g of dry biomass and 68.9 mg g−1 of Cu(II) ions. Micrographs performed by SEM proved that bioaccumulation occurred. Metal ions were bound on the surface and in the interior of cells. Mappings of all cations showed that in the case of the surface of biomass (biosorption), the elements constituted aggregations and in the case of the cross section (bioaccumulation) they were evenly distributed. The algal biomass with permanently bound microelements can find an application in many branches of the industry (feed, natural fertilizers, etc.)

    Conceptual Design of Experimental Test Rig for Research on Thermo-Flow Processes During Direct Contact Condensation in the Two-Phase Spray-Ejector Condenser

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    The paper presents the conceptual design of a prototype experimental facility for mixing jet-type flow condensers investigations when the steam in exhaust gases is condensed on the water jet in the presence of CO2. The proposed experimental test rig was designed to give abilities to investigate the effectiveness of jet condensers experimentally as part of the CO2 capture phase and especially to investigate Spray-Ejector Condensers (SEC) developed as the combination of ejector and condenser devices. The paper presents the design and key features of the prototype installation components. The basic design was developed based on the simulation results, and for this purpose, model of installation, including characteristics of individual components, was built. The developed model helps to evaluate the main performances of the conceptual test rig and supports the test-rig design process. The main components and the features of the steam generation unit, CO2 supply and mixing with steam, process water preparation, and H2O and CO2 separation subsystem are discussed. The measuring system was designed to test the efficiency of compression and condensation processes of the SEC fed by the CO2/H2O gas mixture. The performances of the two-phase jet condensers can be analyzed by experimental investigation and calculation of heat transferred to the cooling water during direct contact condensation with the presence of CO2. The paper presents the results of heat flowrates and their uncertainties for the selected period of the experimental test, confirming the application of the novel developed test rig.Conceptual Design of Experimental Test Rig for Research on Thermo-Flow Processes During Direct Contact Condensation in the Two-Phase Spray-Ejector CondenserpublishedVersio

    Wybrane zagadnienia związane z projektem rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady w sprawie ustanowienia Prokuratury Europejskiej

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    The Lisbon Treaty has brought major changes in the functioning of the European Union, including in the area referred to in Art. 4 section 2 point j of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which is an area of freedom, security and justice. It should first be noted that characteristic for European Union “pillar structure” has been liquidated. Former pillar III is nowadays covered by a single legal regime. Without a doubt falls conclude that the Lisbon Treaty has made a huge step towards the approximation of the laws of the Member States. Art. 86 TFEU introduces interesting novelty in this plane, providing for the possibility of establishment of an European Public Prosecutor’s Office, which is the EU body for investigating, prosecuting and bringing to justice the perpetrators of crimes against the financial interests of the European Union. Analysis of selected provisions of the Regulation on the establishment of an European Public Prosecutor’s Office leads to conclusion that draft regulation is not deprived of interpretational doubts. For instance there is a forum shopping threat. Fair trial standard and legislative technique have also been violated.Traktat z Lizbony przyniósł zasadnicze zmiany w funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej, w tym w dziedzinie, o której mowa w art. 4 ust. 2 lit. j Traktatu o Funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej, czyli przestrzeni wolności, bezpieczeństwa i sprawiedliwości. Należy przede wszystkim zauważyć, że zlikwidowano charakterystyczną dla TFUE strukturę filarową, a dawny filar III został objęty jednolitym reżimem prawnym. Bez wątpienia wypada stwierdzić, że Traktat z Lizbony uczynił ogromny krok w kierunku zbliżania ustawodawstw państw członkowskich. Art. 86 TFUE wprowadza interesujące novum na tej płaszczyźnie, przewidując możliwość powołania do życia Prokuratury Europejskiej, czyli unijnego organu do spraw dochodzenia, ścigania i stawiania przed sądem sprawców przestępstw przeciwko interesom finansowym Unii Europejskiej. Analiza wybranych uregulowań projektu rozporządzenia w sprawie ustanowienia Prokuratury Europejskiej pozwala na przyjęcie wniosku, że nie jest to uregulowanie pozbawione wątpliwości interpretacyjnych. Zwracają uwagę choćby takie zagadnienia, jak zjawisko forum shopping, zagrożenie dla gwarancji prawa do sądu czy wreszcie stosowana przez projektodawcę technika legislacyjna

    The legal framework for countering the affordability of traditional cigarettes in Poland - a review of selected issues

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    The aim of this study is to describe the conditions of citizens’ security in connection with the elimination of the economic affordability of traditional cigarettes as they are harmful products. The most important aim of this text is to show the relationship between the content of the term “elimination of traditional cigarettes” and the concept of “citizens’ security,” as laid down in Article 5 of the Polish Constitution. In the field of program norms, special emphasis should be placed on the category of the “means to achieve” systemic aims. It can therefore be assumed that excise duty on certain tobacco products will be considered in this context as such means. It should be emphasized that objective circumstances, such as the harmfulness of traditional cigarettes in the context of the state’s care for the security of citizens, should affect the final shape of the law in this matter

    Extracting Maritime Traffic Networks from AIS Data Using Evolutionary Algorithm

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    The presented method reconstructs a network (a graph) from AIS data, which reflects vessel traffic and can be used for route planning. The approach consists of three main steps: maneuvering points detection, waypoints discovery, and edge construction. The maneuvering points detection uses the CUSUM method and reduces the amount of data for further processing. The genetic algorithm with spatial partitioning is used for waypoints discovery. Finally, edges connecting these waypoints form the final maritime traffic network. The approach aims at advancing the practice of maritime voyage planning, which is typically done manually by a ship’s navigation officer. The authors demonstrate the results of the implementation using Apache Spark, a popular distributed and parallel computing framework. The method is evaluated by comparing the results with an on-line voyage planning application. The evaluation shows that the approach has the capacity to generate a graph which resembles the real-world maritime traffic network

    How has the treatment of hypercholesterolemia in Poland changed over the last six years?

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    Background: To assess changes in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia in Polish ambulatory care over the last 6 years. Methods: Data were obtained from two separate questionnaire-based studies, conducted in 2009 and 2015. The analysis included only those patient visits, which were associated with modifications of previous hypercholesterolemia treatment (1924 visits from the year 2009 and 1888 visits from the year 2015). Results: In the present registry, there was a 19 mg/dL reduction in the level of total cholesterol and a 17 mg/dL reduction in the level of low-density lipoprotein compared to year 2009. In both registries, the most common reason for treatment modification was failure to achieve therapeutic goals. Compared to year 2009, there was an increase in the proportion of patients treated with atorvastatin and a reduction in the proportion of patients treated with simvastatin at baseline; additionally, in year 2015, 10% of patients received rosuvastatin. After therapy modification, there was a similar increase in the proportion of patients treated with a statin-fibrate combination in both registries. However, at present, ezetimibe was significantly less often added to previous therapy. In both registries, therapy modification led to an increase in the mean doses of the most commonly used statins, although presently, this increase was smaller than in 2009. Conclusions: The most favorable change in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia is an increase in the proportion of patients treated with strong statins. Unfavorable changes include a reduction in the frequency of polytherapy, especially with ezetimibe, and a tendency to prescribe lower, ineffective statin doses

    Monitoring of Thermal and Flow Processes in the Two-Phase Spray-Ejector Condenser for Thermal Power Plant Applications

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    The paper deals with the problem of accurate measuring techniques and experimental research methods for performance evaluation of direct contact jet-type flow condensers. The nominal conditions and range of temperature, pressure and flow rate in all characteristic points of novel test rig installation were calculated using the developed model. Next, the devices for measurement of temperature, pressure and flow rate in a novel test rig designed for testing the two-phase flow spray ejector condensers system (SEC) were studied. The SEC can find application in gas power cycles as the device dedicated to condensing steam in exhaust gases without decreasing or even increasing exhaust gas pressure. The paper presents the design assumptions of the test rig, its layout and results of simulations of characteristic points using developed test rig models. Based on the initial thermal and flow conditions, the main assumptions for thermal and flow process monitoring were formulated. Then, the discussion on commercially available measurement solutions was presented. The basic technical parameters of available sensors and devices were given, discussed with details. © 2022 by the authors.Monitoring of Thermal and Flow Processes in the Two-Phase Spray-Ejector Condenser for Thermal Power Plant ApplicationspublishedVersio