56 research outputs found

    Extremes of multidimensional Gaussian processes

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    This paper considers extreme values attained by a centered, multidimensional Gaussian process X(t)=(X1(t),,Xn(t))X(t)= (X_1(t),\ldots,X_n(t)) minus drift d(t)=(d1(t),,dn(t))d(t)=(d_1(t),\ldots,d_n(t)), on an arbitrary set TT. Under mild regularity conditions, we establish the asymptotics of logP(tT:i=1n{Xi(t)di(t)>qiu}),\log\mathbb P\left(\exists{t\in T}:\bigcap_{i=1}^n\left\{X_i(t)-d_i(t)>q_iu\right\}\right), for positive thresholds qi>0q_i>0, i=1,,ni=1,\ldots,n, and uu\to\infty. Our findings generalize and extend previously known results for the single-dimensional and two-dimensional cases. A number of examples illustrate the theory

    Alkohol w PRL

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    One of the most important social and economic problems in 1945–89 turned out to be excessive drinking and alcoholism. The article presents an analysis of the structure and scale of the alcohol consumption, the significance of the spirit monopoly for the state economy, attempts to counteract the effects of alcohol drinking and abuse, social mechanisms of excessive alcohol consumption, the phenomenon of drinking alcohol without occasion and at work, and the attitudes of Poles towards drinking and alcoholism.Jednym z najważniejszych problemów społecznych i gospodarczych w latach 1945– 1989 okazało się pijaństwo i alkoholizm. W artykule poddano analizie strukturę i skalę spożycia alkoholu, znaczenie monopolu spirytusowego dla gospodarki, próby przeciwdziałania skutkom pijaństwa i alkoholizmu, społeczne mechanizmy nadmiernego spożycia alkoholu, zjawisko picia alkoholu bez okazji oraz podczas pracy, postawy Polaków wobec pijaństwa i alkoholizmu

    „Jeden z najtwardszych orzechów do zgryzienia”

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    The article discusses the diary of the Soviet ambassador to Great Britain, Ivan Maisky, written between 1934 and 1943. The review’s author presents the controversies surrounding its Russian and English editions. He also analyses the references to Poland, such as the background of the Sikorski–Maisky treaty of 30 July 1941, mentions of the Katyń massacre and the severance of diplomatic relations in 1943. Maisky’s diary has a significant cognitive value and is an important source for historians of recent history.W artykule omówiono dziennik ambasadora sowieckiego w Wielkiej Brytanii Iwana Majskiego z lat 1934–1943. Pokazano kontrowersje związane z jego edycją rosyjską i angielską. Poddano analizie zapiski dotyczące Polski, jak np. kulisy układu Sikorski-Majski z 30 VII 1941 r., sprawa zbrodni katyńskiej, zerwanie stosunków dyplomatycznych w 1943 r. Dziennik Majskiego ma znaczną wartość poznawczą, stanowi ważne źródło dla historyka dziejów najnowszych

    Virtual Grid - New Paradigm of System Resources Dynamic Organization

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    This paper describes the model and software tools for virtualization of the Grid execution environment. The basic assumption of this study is that Virtual Grid (VG) is constructed dynamically according to application requirements with virtualized computational and communication resources. A VG instance is dynamically created for each application and its initial configuration can be further modified during runtime to satisfy the requested level of resource usage and to maintain the quality of service indexes at agreed-upon values. A VG model that takes into account this approach has been proposed and analyzed in the context of Grid-related technology

    Flexible Organization of Repositories for Provisioning Cloud Infrastructures

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    The paper proposes an architecture of a system automating the provisioning process of cloud computing infrastructures. Its structure and components are specified, based on an analysis of three types of requirements: infrastructure providers, service providers and end users. These considerations have led us to formulate a new infrastructural model, offered to end users as a collection of Virtual Machines (VM) connected by a dedicated Virtual Private Network (VPN) with QoS guarantees. The role of repositories in cloud provisioning systems is specified along with the relevant data acquisition processes. The applicability of the proposed system is illustrated by practical usage scenarios

    Współczesne farmakologiczne możliwości zwiększania stężeń cholesterolu frakcji HDL

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    Miażdżyca i jej powikłania są podstawowym czynnikiem ryzyka chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego oraz główną przyczyną zgonów w krajach ekonomicznie rozwiniętych, a kontrola profilu lipidowego i leczenie dyslipidemii stanowią podstawę prewencji zdarzeń sercowo-naczyniowych. Prawidłowe stężenie lipoprotein o wysokiej gęstości (HDL, high-density lipoprotein, czyli cholesterolu frakcji HDL) znacznie zmniejsza ryzyko dalszego rozwoju miażdżycy oraz zapobiega wystąpieniu incydentów sercowo-naczyniowych, co wielokrotnie udowodniono w badaniach epidemiologicznych. Istnieją również dane wskazujące, że interwencja terapeutyczna zwiększająca stężenie cholesterolu frakcji HDL przekłada się na poprawę rokowania pacjentów z grup podwyższonego ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego (np. Veterans Affairs High-Density Lipoprotein Intervention Trial [VA-HIT] z zastosowaniem gemfibrozilu). W niniejszym artykule podsumowano w zarysie obecną farmakoterapię zaburzeń lipidowych ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na frakcję HDL cholesterolu jako główny cel terapeutyczny

    New diastolic cardiomyopathy in patients with severe accidental hypothermia after ECMO rewarming : a case-series observational study

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    INTRODUCTION: Accidental hypothermia is a condition associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Hypothermia has been reported to affect left ventricular systolic and diastolic function. However, most of the data come from animal experimental studies. AIM OF THE STUDY: The purpose of the present study was to assess the impact of severe accidental hypothermia on systolic and diastolic ventricular function in patients treated using veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). METHODS: We prospectively assessed nine hypothermic patients (8 male, age 25–78 years) who were transferred to the Severe Accidental Hypothermia Center and treated with ECMO. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed on admission (in patients without cardiac arrest) and on discharge from ICU after achieving cardiovascular stability. Cardiorespiratory stability and full neurologic recovery was achieved in all patients. RESULTS: Biomarkers of myocardial damage (CK, CKMB, hsTnT) were significantly elevated in all study patients. Admission echocardiography performed in patients in sinus rhythm, revealed moderate-severe bi-ventricular systolic dysfunction and moderate bi-ventricular diastolic dysfunction. Discharge echocardiography showed persistent mild bi-ventricular diastolic dysfunction, although systolic function of both ventricles returned to normal. Discharge echocardiography in patients admitted with cardiac arrest showed normal (5 patients) or moderately impaired (1 patient) global LV systolic function on discharge. However, mild or moderate LV diastolic dysfunction was observed in all 6 patients. Discharge RV systolic function was normal, whereas mild RV diastolic dysfunction was present in these patients. CONCLUSION: After severe accidental hypothermia bi-ventricular diastolic dysfunction persists despite systolic function recovery in survivors treated with ECMO

    The girl with finches : a unique post-medieval burial in Tunel Wielki Cave, southern Poland

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    Cave burials are generally absent from historical periods in Europe. Consequently, the discovery of a post-medieval inhumation of a child buried with at least one bird head placed in the mouth in Tunel Wielki Cave (southern Poland) is an exceptional find. The aim of this paper is to discuss this unique burial based on multiproxy analyses conducted on the human and avian remains, including genetic and isotopic analyses as well as CT scans, radiocarbon dating, and anthropological and paleontological assessment. The results reveal the burial was that of a 10-12 year old girl of likely Fennoscandian or Baltic genetic ancestry, who died in the post-medieval period and was buried in the cave with the placement of one, and possibly two, bird heads in the mouth of the deceased. We propose that the girl is associated with Finno-Karelian troops of a Swedish garrison stationed at the adjacent Ojcow Castle during King Carl Gustav's invasion of Poland in 1655-1657.Peer reviewe