115 research outputs found
Poczucie koherencji a stan posiadanej wiedzy o schorzeniu u osób ze stabilną chorobą wieńcową
Introduction. The sense of coherence is a crucial aspect of life that helps to maintain optimal health. The issue is vital in cardiology where level of knowledge about the disease together with cohesion improves the quality of life of the patients with stable coronary artery disease who had a history of coronary angioplasty.The aim of the study was to assess the impact of the sense of coherence on the level of knowledge in patients suffering from stable coronary artery disease as a determinant of return to optimal health.Material and methods. We recruited 120 patients from Clinical Unit of Invasive Cardiology in 10th Military Research Hospital and Polyclinic in Bydgoszcz, Poland. The sense of coherence was tested using SOC-29 questionnaire by Aaron Antonovsky and knowledge about the disease was assessed using personal questionnaire.Results. Respondents differed regarding the level of the sense of coherence, its components and level of knowledge about coronary artery disease. They obtained average SOC and level of knowledge results. A high level of comprehensibility level was observed. In case of manageability and meaningfulness we found statistical significances. The higher level of knowledge the better the sense of manageability and meaningfulness was observed. The longer the patients dealt with the disease the higher level of knowledge of it was found.Conclusion. Psychoeducation is necessary in patients with stable coronary artery disease. Due to acquired knowledge of lifestyle modification the patients may have better control of therapy and long term effects of the therapy aimed at returning to optimal health.Wstęp. Poczucie koherencji to ważny aspekt w życiu każdego człowieka związany z utrzymaniem prawidłowego stanu zdrowia. W kardiologii tematyka ta jest bardzo ważna, gdyż stopień posiadanej wiedzy, w powiązaniu ze spójnością, ma istotny wpływ na polepszenie jakości życia pacjentów ze stabilną chorobą wieńcową, u których wykonano zabieg angioplastyki naczyń wieńcowych.Celem pracy było określenie wpływu poziomu poczucia koherencji (SOC) na stopień posiadanej wiedzy o schorzeniu u osób po angioplastyce naczyń wieńcowych w stabilnej chorobie wieńcowej, jako wyznacznika w powrocie do optymalnego stanu zdrowia. Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono wśród 120 pacjentów Klinicznego Oddziału Kardiologii Inwazyjnej z Pracownią Hemodynamiki 10. Wojskowego Szpitala Klinicznego z Polikliniką w Bydgoszczy. Poczucie koherencji oceniono za pomocą kwestionariusza SOC-29 autorstwa Aarona Antonovsky’ego, a pomiar posiadanej wiedzy w zakresie stabilnej choroby wieńcowej za pomocą ankietą skonstruowanej przez autorów niniejszej pracy.Wyniki. Badani różnili się pod względem SOC i jego składowych odniesionymi do stanu posiadanej wiedzy na temat stabilnej choroby wieńcowej. Uzyskali przeciętny wynik SOC i poziomu wiedzy na temat schorzenia. Wyższe wyniki odnotowano w zakresie poczucia zrozumiałości. W przypadku zaradności i sensowności wykazano istotność statystyczną. Im wyższy był poziom wiedzy, tym wyższe było zarówno poczucie zaradności, jak i sensowności. Czas trwania choroby pozostawał w istotnym związku z poziomem wiedzy badanych. Im dłużej chorowali, tym większy był poziom ich wiedzy na temat własnego schorzenia.Wnioski. Konieczna jest psychoedukacja pacjentów ze stabilną chorobą wieńcową; dzięki zdobytej wiedzy na temat zmiany stylu życia mogą uzyskać kontrolę nad terapią i uzyskać trwałe efekty w uzyskaniu optymalnego stanu zdrowia
Cypriana Norwida słowo i druk
In the article The Word and Press of Cyprian Norwid the following questions ave iscus- sed: the opinions of Cyprian Norwid on the art of reading aloud and declamation, the views of Wojciech Siemion on the method of deciphering and vocal interpretation of Nor- wid’s poetry, recitations of the poem Bema pamięci żałobny-rapsod/ A Funeral Rhapsody in Memory of General Bem by Irena Jun and Zbigniew Zapasiewicz as well as the rendi- tion by Czesław Niemen. Cyprian Norwid (one of the most prominent representatives of Polish Romanticism) perceived declamation as a complement to the art of reading. For the poet a complement is not a simple act of filiing in the missing part, but a fulfillment of an idea, an approxima- tion to an ideał. Ali the literary works of Norwid, not only dramas, constitute a perfect score for a reciter. They boast numerous emphases, variously marked pauses, ties, com- mas and interjections.The poem Bema pamięci żałobny-rapsod/ A Funeral Rhapsody in Memory of General Bem was created in 1851 on the first anniversary of the death of General Józef Bem and presents a poetic picture of the funeral of a hero of Poles and Hungarians. The description of the funeral reters to the Ancient and the old Polish pattems. The masterpiece Bema pamięci żałobny-rapsod/A Funeral Rhapsody in Memory of General Bem is a hexameter.Wojciech Siemion, a brilliant Polish actor and an excellent reciter of Norwid’s poetry, proposes an interesting interpretation of the masterpiece. First of all, sińce Bema pamięci żałobny-rapsod/ A Funeral Rhapsody in Memory of General Bem is a funeral march, it should be read slowly, with the rhythmic feet marked, conforming to the rhythm of a funeral march. Secondly, in order to render the rhythmic structure of the poem transaccen- tuations should be used.In his performance another eminent actor and reciter, Zbigniew Zapasiewicz, prese- rves in most cases the rhythm of the poem. In the discussed recitation three unfolding rhythmic structures can be distinguished: slow, stately and powerful steps of the marching knights tum into a funeral march, and both rhythms intermingle with an interrupted “private” phrase when the performer reveals his own feelings.In comparison with Zapasiewicz’s recitation, the performance of Irena Jun (also an es- teemed actress and an excellent reciter of poetry) displays a bigger emotionality load, morę individual ideas which, however, do not substantially alter the ideological signifi- cance of the literary original. Using multifarious vocal means the reciter shows the musical layer of the masterpiece.Czesław Niemen, a singer, realises in his performance the rhythmic scheme inscribed into the poem by Norwid. And in doing so he is morę consistent than the reciters. The performance is very emotional as a result of the value of the musie itself, which - as it should be emphasized - does not drown out the poem’s words, but it accentuates them. Diverse, changeable, subtle shades of the singer’s timbre have significance as well.Keywords: recitation, declamation, a living word, rhapsody, reciters work, recitation work, rhythm, rhyme, musie, poem, poetry, song, rhythmic foot, accent, syllable, caesura, clause, intonation, intoneme, phrase, pause, silence, cadence, anti-cadence, half anti-ca- dence, progredience, hexameter, phonetic instrumentation, strophe
Wokół próby autoetnografii w poznawaniu pedagogicznym
Review book: Małgorzata Kaliszewska, Takie Ujsoły. Taka ja. Próba autoetnografii, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, Kielce 2020, ss. 340. Recenzja książki: Małgorzata Kaliszewska, Takie Ujsoły. Taka ja. Próba autoetnografii, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, Kielce 2020, ss. 340.
Response of cotyledon explants of Capsicum annuum L. cv. Kujawianka to chosen plant growth regulators in in vitro culture
Shoot buds originated directly on cotyledon explants of Capsicum annuum L. cv. Kujawianka. when Linsmaier & Skoog medium was enriched with BAP (2 mg/l). Kinetin (2 mg/1) or kinetin with IAA (1 mg/1 + 1 mg/1) induced indirect shoot buds regeneration from callus. Rooting was obtained with explants cultivated on a medium containing NAA (0,5 mg/1). Occurrence of the early stages of differentiation was proved at the histological level
Effect of aminoguanidine and albendazole on inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activity in T. spiralis-infected mice muscles
The aim of this study was to provide evidence for the expression of iNOS in the cells of inflammatory infiltrates
around larvae in skeletal muscles of T. spiralis infected mice. The BALB/c mice (n=8) divided into subgroups, received either
aminoguanidine (AMG) - a specific iNOS inhibitor or albendazole (ALB) - an antiparasitic drug of choice in trichinellosis
treatment. Control animals (n=2 in each subgroup) were either uninfected and treated or uninfected and untreated. Frozen
sections of hind leg muscles from mice sacrificed at various time intervals after infection were cut and subjected to
immunohistochemistry, using monoclonal anti-iNOS antibody. The ALB-treated mice revealed stronger iNOS staining in the
infiltrating cells around larvae than the infected and untreated animals. On the contrary, in the AMG-treated animals, the
infiltrating cells did not show any specific iNOS reaction. These data confirm the specificity of iNOS staining in the cellular
infiltrates around T. spiralis larvae and shed some light on the role of nitric oxide during ALB treatment in experimental
Reproductive biology of dry grassland specialist Ranunculus illyricus L. and Its implications for conservation
SIMPLE SUMMARY: The Ranunculus illyricus—Illyrian buttercup—is threatened with extinction in many countries and measures should be taken to protect it. In order to increase the effectiveness of such measures, it is necessary to know the methods of propagation and to evaluate their efficiency. R. illyricus reproduces generatively by seed and vegetatively by clusters of progeny tubers. The method and potential of vegetative propagation are described here for the first time and compared with the potential and actual effectiveness of generative propagation. Both the generative and vegetative propagation methods should be used to strengthen existing populations and create replacements. ABSTRACT: Ranunculus illyricus, a component of xerothermic grasslands, is a declining species and deserves active conservation treatments in many countries preceded by studies on the biology of its reproduction. So far, our knowledge of R. illyricus, a species with two modes of reproduction, has been fragmentary. The purpose of the studies presented here was to describe the annual development cycle of R. illyricus with particular emphasis on the production of underground tuber clusters that serve as vegetative propagation. Based on three-year-long observations in an ex situ collection, the efficiency of vegetative propagation was estimated and compared with the efficiency of generative propagation. It was found that in 3 years the best clones could produce up to 57 progeny clusters followed by flowering specimens in the first season. Meanwhile, the high potential for generative reproduction was suppressed by many limitations including fruit setting, the germination capacity of seeds, seedling survival rate, and additionally, the first flowering plant was observed only in the third year. It seems that the efficiency of vegetative propagation of this species can be higher than the efficiency of generative propagation. Moreover, vegets bloomed in the first year after emergence, whereas the first plant of generative origin was observed to bloom only after 3 years. A large proportion of individuals of vegetative origin can negatively affect the genetic diversity of the population but their survival rate against competing plants is higher. To enhance the existing populations or to create new ones, it would be best to use plants derived from clonal propagation of genets carried out in ex situ conditions
Analysis of selected methods of diagnostics and physiotherapy of pes plano-valgus in children
Introduction: Flat feet is one of the most common posture defects among children and it usually co-occurs with valgus of the heels, which is called pes plano-valgus. There are many diagnostic methods and physiotherapeutic activities that allow for early detection and appropriate correction of the defect. The use of non-surgical methods may allow the child to avoid surgery in the future.
Aim and Methods: Review and analysis of the current scientific literature on the diagnosis and physiotherapy of plano-valgus feet in children.
Conclusions: In the diagnostic process, there are many static and dynamic methods for the assessment of plano-valgus foot among children. Special devices such as plantoconturograph, podoscope, and pedobarographic mat are used in the diagnosis of feet in children and have proven to be helpful in the detailed analysis of foot defects. However, an extensive range of physiotherapeutic methods allows for comprehensive treatment using not only corrective exercises, but also physical therapy treatments in order to relieve pain and accelerate recovery. Orthopedic appliances, such as supination insoles, also play an important role in the treatment. The best results were seen in the use of comprehensive treatment and multiple terapeutic methods. Early detection and correct diagnosis of foot abnormalities allow for appropriate treatment with the use of a wide range of physiotherapy methods. This increases the chances of restoring normal foot functions among children and reducing pain with other abnormal symptoms
Indocyanine green as a prospective sensitizer for photodynamic therapy of melanomas
Spectroscopic, photochemical and biological properties of indocyanine green (ICG) are presented. Light over 800 nm is effectively absorbed by ICG. This property as well as photochemical behaviour of ICG make it a very suitable dye for photodynamic treatment of melanoma cells. Cytotoxicity of ICG itself and the effect of photodynamic therapy (PDT) were evaluated by following the growth of human (SKMEL 188) and mouse (S91) melanoma cells. The surviving fraction of the cells irradiated (λex = 830 nm) vs non-irradiated, treated with the same dose of ICG, is significantly decreased (5- to 10-fold). These results show that ICG is a very promising dye for photodynamic therapy of melanomas
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