320 research outputs found
Analysis of the Internal Environment of the Pharmaceutical Distributor Operation in Russia Using SWOT Analysis
BACKGROUND: The general directions of the organization’s development should be clearly formulated, i.e., a business strategy should be developed in order to achieve the long-term competitive advantages in the operation of a pharmaceutical distributor with its own pharmacy warehouse in Russia.
AIM: Identification of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the operation of a pharmaceutical distributor with its own pharmacy warehouse.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The SWOT analysis was used to analyze the environment, which enabled a joint study of the external and internal environment. During the study, content analysis of secondary sources of information was used (data from the Federal State Statistics Service, DSM Group marketing agency), as well as sociological analysis.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: During the SWOT analysis, ten factors were identified that ensured the normal functioning of the pharmaceutical distributor, as well as 11 negative factors were identified that negatively affected the operation of the pharmacy warehouse. The article presents qualitative description of the strengths and weaknesses. Ten factors were attributed to the favorable opportunities for the organization’s activities; seven positions were considered as threats to the activities of the distributor. It should be noted that all factors of external environment are in a state of strong mutual influence. A change in one of the factors necessarily leads to a change in other factors. Therefore, their study and analysis should not be carried out separately, but systematically, with tracking not only the actual changes in one factor but also the process how these changes will affect other factors. After identifying strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, a table was compiled and all intersections were analyzed, i.e., all possible pairwise combinations that would help determining the future strategy. At present, the strategic goal of a number of wholesale companies in the pharmaceutical market is defined as increasing return on investment.
CONCLUSION: In this article, SWOT analysis has been used to provide some suggestions on overcoming weaknesses and threats in the activities of a pharmaceutical distributor, as well as on proper use of strengths and opportunities. During the study, pharmaceutical industry practitioners discussed the impact of various economic factors, strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats regarding the activities of pharmaceutical distributor, as well as related problems and prospects for the future
Application of hydrogenation to low-temperature cleaning of the Si(001) surface in the processes of molecular-beam epitaxy: Investigation by STM, RHEED and HRTEM
Structural properties of the clean Si(001) surface obtained as a result of
low-temperature (470--650C) pre-growth annealings of silicon wafers in a
molecular-beam epitaxy chamber have been investigated. To decrease the cleaning
temperature, a silicon surface was hydrogenated in the process of a preliminary
chemical treatment in HF and NH_4F aqueous solutions. It has been shown that
smooth surfaces composed by wide terraces separated by monoatomic steps can be
obtained by dehydrogenation at the temperatures > 600C, whereas clean surfaces
obtained at the temperatures < 600C are rough. It has been found that there
exists a dependence of structural properties of clean surfaces on the
temperature of hydrogen thermal desorption and the process of the preliminary
chemical treatment. The frequency of detachment/attachment of Si dimers from/to
the steps and effect of the Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier on ad-dimer migration
across steps have been found to be the most probable factors determining a
degree of the resultant surface roughness.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures; version accepted to J. Appl. Phy
Аутсорсинг в системе менеджмента предприятия
У статті досліджено аутсорсинг в системі менеджменту підприємства. Систематизовано та класифіковано існуючі види та форми
аутсорсингу. Визначено основні сфери та механізми впровадження аутсорсингового підходу до реалізації спеціалізації підприємств. Розроблено процес впровадження аутсорсингу в систему менеджменту підприємства.This article explores the outsourcing of system management of company. The
types and forms of outsourcing were systematized and classified. The main
scopeand mechanisms of implementation approach to outsourcing of specialized
enterprises. A process of implementing outsourcing management system company.В статье исследованы аутсорсинг в системе менеджмента предприятия. Систематизированы и классифицированы существующие виды и формы аутсорсинга. Определены основне сферы и механизмы внедрения аутсорсингового подхода к реализации специализации предприятий. Разработан процесс внедрения аутсорсинга в систему менеджмента предприятия
Кібербезахист у цифровому навчальному середовищі: зовнішні та внутрішні ризики
The paper describes a novel project aimed at developing the concept and technique of cyber safety system of the education process’ participants in the digital learning environment (integration of human and cyber-physical systems approach). A striking feature of the proposed approach lies in its notable difference from the one and focus on a human in the network’s cybersecurity loop rather than technical aspects or human personal data. Besides, it discusses the method and way of conducting experimental studies.У статті описано новий проект, спрямований на розробку концепції та техніки системи кіберзахисту учасників навчального процесу в цифровому навчальному середовищі (інтеграція людського та кібер-фізичного системного підходу). Принциповою особливістю запропонованого підходу є його помітна відмінність від інших підходів і спрямованість на людину в контурі кібербезпеки мережі, а не на технічних аспектах чи персональних даних людини. Крім того, обговорюється методика та спосіб проведення експериментальних досліджень
Russian University Teachers’ Ethical Culture Regulation
Based on a review of publications of Russian and foreign researchers, the authors highlight the most significant topics on the deontology of university life. The article presents the results of an analysis of the texts of ethical codes of some leading universities in Russia (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Kazan Federal University, Ural Federal University), as well as the results of an online survey (N = 297) of teachers of these universities. The survey was conducted to study the attitude of the teaching staff towards the tools for standardizing the moral culture of universities and the implementation of the values enshrined in the ethical standards of universities and ideals of academic community. Conclusions are made about the ethical attitudes of teachers and the effectiveness of moral regulation, as well as proposals for improving the ethical codes of universities are made
Progressive modulation of resting-state brain activity during neurofeedback of positive-social emotion regulation networks
Neurofeedback allows for the self-regulation of brain circuits implicated in specific maladaptive behaviors, leading to persistent changes in brain activity and connectivity. Positive-social emotion regulation neurofeedback enhances emotion regulation capabilities, which is critical for reducing the severity of various psychiatric disorders. Training dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) to exert a top-down influence on bilateral amygdala during positive-social emotion regulation progressively (linearly) modulates connectivity within the trained network and induces positive mood. However, the processes during rest that interleave the neurofeedback training remain poorly understood. We hypothesized that short resting periods at the end of training sessions of positive-social emotion regulation neurofeedback would show alterations within emotion regulation and neurofeedback learning networks. We used complementary model-based and data-driven approaches to assess how resting-state connectivity relates to neurofeedback changes at the end of training sessions. In the experimental group, we found lower progressive dmPFC self-inhibition and an increase of connectivity in networks engaged in emotion regulation, neurofeedback learning, visuospatial processing, and memory. Our findings highlight a large-scale synergy between neurofeedback and resting-state brain activity and connectivity changes within the target network and beyond. This work contributes to our understanding of concomitant learning mechanisms post training and facilitates development of efficient neurofeedback training
Экспериментальное обоснование эффективности «массажа» ретинальных вен для лечения окклюзии вен сетчатки
Objective: evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of retinal vein occlusion with the use of “massage” of retinal veins on the experimental model of photoinduced retinal venous occlusive disease.Materials and methods. Studies were carried out on 30 rabbits of the Chinchilla breed (30 eyes) weighing 1.5–2.0 kg. In the first stage of the experiment, for all animals the photoinduced thrombosis were modeled by laser irradiation of its retinal veins for 0.3–0.4 seconds at a density of 200 J/cm2 and a wavelength of 662 nm after the administration of “Photoditazine” at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg weight. In the second stage of the experiment, the animals were divided into the main group and the comparison group, depending on the method of treatment: 15 animals of the main group with “massage” of the retinal vein in the form of 5–7 movements with a silicone tip of the scanner Tano, 15 animals of the comparison group with epiretinal administration of recombinant prourokinase in a dose 500 international units (IU).Results. The formation of a parietal thrombus in the simulation of photoinduced the central retinal vein occlusion in the experiment leads to a slowing of perfusion in the affected vessel by (8.0 ± 2.5) s (according to fluorescence angiography), an increase in the thickness of the central parts of the retina by (70.2 ± 9.7) μm (according to optical coherence tomography), to the appearance of crimp and uneven lumen of the retina veins, extensive plasma and hemorrhages (according to the data of ophthalmoscopy). On the model of retinal veins thrombosis, a new method of treating retinal vein occlusion was tested, which showed significant efficacy. It has been established that the use of “massage” of the affected retinal vein reduces the time of venous perfusion by 1.3 times and 1.45 times accelerates the resorption of the edema of the central parts of the retina compared to enzymatic thrombolysis.Conclusions. “Massage” of the retinal veins is an effective method of treating retinal vein occlusion and is not accompanied by damage to chorioretinal structures during manipulation.Цель работы: на экспериментальной модели фотоиндуцированного тромбоза центральной вены сетчатки и ее ветвей оценить эффективность лечения окклюзии вен сетчатки с применением «массажа» ретинальных вен.Материалы и методы. Исследование проведено на 30 кроликах породы шиншилла (30 глаз) массой 1,5–2,0 кг. На первом этапе эксперимента всем животным моделировали фотоиндуцированный тромбоз при помощи лазерного облучения ретинальных вен в течение 0,3–0,4 с при плотности воздействия 200 Дж/см2 и длине волны 662 нм после введения фотодитазина в дозе 2,5 мг/кг массы. На втором этапе эксперимента животных разделяли на основную группу и группу сравнения в зависимости от метода лечения: 15 животным основной группы выполняли «массаж» пораженной ретинальной вены в виде 5–7 движений силиконовым наконечником скраппера Tano, 15 животным группы сравнения эпиретинально вводили рекомбинантную проурокиназу в дозе 500 международных единиц (МЕ).Результаты. Формирование пристеночного тромба при моделировании фотоиндуцированной окклюзии ретинальных вен в эксперименте приводит к замедлению перфузии в пораженном сосуде на (8,0 ± 2,5) с (по данным флуоресцентной ангиографии), увеличению толщины центральных отделов сетчатки на (70,2 ± 9,7) мкм (по данным оптической когерентной томографии), появлению извитости и неравномерности просвета вен сетчатки, обширных плазмо- и геморрагий (по данным офтальмоскопии). На модели тромбоза ретинальных вен апробирован новый метод лечения окклюзии вен сетчатки, показавший значительную эффективность. Установлено, что применение «массажа» пораженной ретинальной вены сокращает время венозной перфузии и в 1,45 раза ускоряет резорбцию отека центральных отделов сетчатки по сравнению с ферментным тромболизисом.Выводы. «Массаж» ретинальных вен является эффективным методом лечения окклюзии вен сетчатки и не сопровождается повреждением хориоретинальных структур во время манипуляции
В статье освещается проблема влияния гиперурикемии на развитие и течение сердечно-сосудистой патологии. На основании данных ряда исследований показано, что имеется все больше свидетельств об отрицательном влиянии нетрадиционных факторов риска таких как гиперурикемия, микроальбуминурия и др. на прогноз сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, в том числе и при хронической болезни почек. Основываясь на результаты клинических исследований показано, что лозартан способен блокировать реабсорбцию мочевой кислоты в проксимальных канальцах почек, снижая уровень мочевой кислоты у пациентов с хроничeской болезнью почек, артериальной гипертензией и бессимптомной гиперурикемией
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