400 research outputs found
Experience of universities in practice-oriented training personnel for high-tech enterprises
Different options have been considered of work-based learning (WBL) in Russian and foreign universities. Special attention is given to the variant of PBL - project learning (PL) on training bachelors. Basic concepts and principles have been discussed dealing with the organization of PL developed by Aalborg University - one of the founders of this teaching technique. Тhe advisability is shown of organizing special courses of introduction to project learning in the first two semesters.peer-reviewe
Prospects for obtaining low-alkaloid and adaptive forms of narrow-leafed lupinе based on the genome and transcriptome resources of the species
The narrow-leafed lupinе (Lupinus angustifolius L.) is considered as a crop of untapped opportunities. The food and forage potential of the species is not fully exploited due to the presence of quinolizidine alkaloids (QA) in plants, which are secondary metabolites that make the seeds bitter and toxic to humans and animals. Varieties with a low content of QA (“sweet” varieties) created over the last 50-60 years turned out to be more susceptible to damage by sucking insects and insect-transmitted viruses than high alkaloid ones (“bitter” varieties). Based on the rapidly developing genomic, transcriptomic and metabolomic profiling of the species, some molecular determinants and features of alkaloid biosynthesis in narrow-leafed lupinе plants have been identified: alkaloids are formed in the vegetative organs of the plant and then transported to the seeds. This information substantiated the creation of “bitter-sweet” forms with a high content of alkaloids in the vegetative parts of the plant, which would make it possible to reduce the attack of pathogens, and a minimal content of alkaloids in the seeds. This review summarizes the existing prerequisites for obtaining such forms of narrow-leafed lupinе on the basis of the available scientific developments. Information on the creation of saturated genetic maps of the species, in which the iucundus (iuc) locus determining the overall low alkaloid content in seeds is integrated and is used in breeding programs. The use of the new generation sequencing allowed the identification of the RAP2-7 gene, encoding the transcription factor APETALA2/ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR, which is coupled to the iuc locus and located in the area with the main QTLs that affect the composition of the QA. It is a likely candidate gene for regulating alkaloid content in narrow-leafed lupinе seeds. The initial stages of QA biosynthesis and its regulatory factors have been revealed. Two reference assemblies of the genome of narrow-leafed lupinе have been carried out. All these achievements constitute a valuable resource for the creation of forms of narrow-leafed lupinе with a high content of alkaloids in the vegetative mass and low in the seeds, which are absent in nature
Lattice dynamics of HoGa3(BO3)4 and HoFe3(BO3)4 crystals
This work is financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research № 18-02-00754
В статье освещается проблема влияния гиперурикемии на развитие и течение сердечно-сосудистой патологии. На основании данных ряда исследований показано, что имеется все больше свидетельств об отрицательном влиянии нетрадиционных факторов риска таких как гиперурикемия, микроальбуминурия и др. на прогноз сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, в том числе и при хронической болезни почек. Основываясь на результаты клинических исследований показано, что лозартан способен блокировать реабсорбцию мочевой кислоты в проксимальных канальцах почек, снижая уровень мочевой кислоты у пациентов с хроничeской болезнью почек, артериальной гипертензией и бессимптомной гиперурикемией
Hemodynamics at different levels of salt intake in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of different age groups
Aim. To assess the relationship between the level of salt (NaCl) consumption and clinical and hemodynamic parameters in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) of different age groups.Material and methods. We examined 57 patients with HCM (mean age, 59,2±16,2 years). The patients were divided into groups according to the World Health Organization (WHO): I — young age (≤44 years old) — 12,4% of patients; II — middle (45-59 years old) — 37,2%; III — elderly (60–74 years old) — 36%; IV — senile (≥75 years old old) — 14,4%. The clinical status of patients was assessed, during which special attention was paid to syncope not related to cardiac arrhythmias. NaCl intake was assessed by the 24-hour urine sodium (Na+) level.Results. In the general cohort, in Na+ level <50 mmol/day, the lowest left ventricular stroke volume (LVSV) index was observed, which were associated with syncope (r=-0,9, p=0,03). With the urinary sodium level of 50-70 mmol/day, an increase in LVSV index was observed and the absence of syncope. At Na+ level more than 70 mmol/day, no increase in LVSV index was observed. In this regard, a predictive model was created, as a result of which it was found that with an increase in Na+ consumption by 1 mmol/day, an increase in LVSV index by 0,3 ml/m2 should be expected. There were no significant differences in the effect of NaCl intake on the studied parameters in patients with HCM of different ages. At the same time, low NaCl intake in elderly patients was associated with syncope.Conclusion. Minimal values of Na+ intake (<50 mmol/day or NaCl 3 g/day) were found, which are unfavorable for patients with HCM due to the risk syncope. The 24-hour urine sodium level to maintain a hemodynamically safe level of LVSV index in patients with HCM should be more than 70 mmol/day (NaCl 4,1 g/day). Monitoring of Na+ consumption level is especially important in elderly people with HCM
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A dramatic isotope effect in the reaction of ClSiH with trimethylsilane-1-d: experimental evidence for intermediate complexes in silylene Si-H(D) insertion reactions
A kinetic isotope effect (kD/kH) of 7.4 has been found for the reaction of chlorosilylene with trimethysilane (Me3SiD vs Me3SiH). Such a value can be accounted for by theoretical modelling, but only if an internal rearrangement of the initially form complex is included in the mechanism. This provides the first concrete evidence for such complexes
The article presents the methodological approaches to the planning of budget expenditures for the provision of services in the field of general education. The review of existing methods of budget planning of budget expenditures, including regulatory and program-target method of budget planning in the field of general education expenses. The article is focused on the practical use of budget planning methods, evaluated the positive and negative consequences of their use.The aim of the article is to solve scientific and practical task of improving the efficiency of budget spending on general education.Results. The authors found that the conditions necessary to optimize budget spending for social purposes to the preferred state is encouraging recipients of budget funds to a more economical and efficient use of them.Conclusions and Relevance. The study conclusions are made about the need to clarify the methodology of planning of budget expenditures in the field of general education, which allows for improving the quality of educational services and contributes to solving the problem of the adequacy of the level of budgetary financing of the general education sector.В статье представлены методологические подходы к планированию бюджетных расходов на оказание услуг в сфере общего образования. Приводится обзор существующих методов бюджетного планирования расходов бюджетов, включая нормативный и программно-целевой методы бюджетного планирования расходов в сфере общего образования. Рассматривается проблематика используемых на практике методов бюджетного планирования, оцениваются положительные и негативные последствия их применения.Целью статьи является решение научно-практической задачи повышения эффективности бюджетных расходов на общее образование.Результаты. Авторами установлено, что в условиях необходимости оптимизации бюджетных расходов на социальные цели наиболее предпочтительным для государства становится стимулирование получателей бюджетных средств к более экономному и эффективному их использованию.Выводы / значимость. В результате исследования сделаны выводы о необходимости уточнения методологии планирования бюджетных расходов в сфере общего образования, что позволяет обеспечить повышение качества оказываемых образовательных услуг и способствует решению проблемы достаточности уровня бюджетного финансирования сферы общего образования
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