459 research outputs found

    Evidence for contact delocalization in atomic scale friction

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    We analyze an advanced two-spring model with an ultra-low effective tip mass to predict nontrivial and physically rich 'fine structure' in the atomic stick-slip motion in Friction Force Microscopy (FFM) experiments. We demonstrate that this fine structure is present in recent, puzzling experiments. This shows that the tip apex can be completely or partially delocalized, thus shedding new light on what is measured in FFM and, possibly, what can happen with the asperities that establish the contact between macroscopic sliding bodies.Comment: 4 pages text and 3 figure

    Materials based on BIFEVOX and bismuth or iron simple oxides nanopowders

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    Received: 22.09.2017; accepted: 17.10.2017; published: 20.10.2017.Compositions of composite materials based on BIFEVOX and nanopowders of bismuth and iron oxides have been obtained. The absence of chemical interaction between the components has been proved, the total electrical conductivity of materials in the average temperature region has been determined. It has been shown that under the selected formation conditions, it has not yet been possible to achieve significant improvement of the functional characteristics of heterogeneous compositions in comparison with individual phases. However positive results on chemical and structural stability give way to further investigations.The work was partially supported by the Scholarship of the President (SP-3376.2016.1) and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No 17-53-04098)

    A hierarchy of models related to nanoflows and surface diffusion

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    In last years a great interest was brought to molecular transport problems at nanoscales, such as surface diffusion or molecular flows in nano or sub-nano-channels. In a series of papers V. D. Borman, S. Y. Krylov, A. V. Prosyanov and J. J. M. Beenakker proposed to use kinetic theory in order to analyze the mechanisms that determine mobility of molecules in nanoscale channels. This approach proved to be remarkably useful to give new insight on these issues, such as density dependence of the diffusion coefficient. In this paper we revisit these works to derive the kinetic and diffusion models introduced by V. D. Borman, S. Y. Krylov, A. V. Prosyanov and J. J. M. Beenakker by using classical tools of kinetic theory such as scaling and systematic asymptotic analysis. Some results are extended to less restrictive hypothesis

    Связь генетического полиморфизма острофазового маркера воспаления rs12218 гена SAA1 с клиническими фенотипами ювенильного идиопатического артрита

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    Objective: to test the hypothesis of a possible relationship between the rs12218 polymorphism of the SAA1 gene and a predisposition to different clinical phenotypes of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).Patients and methods. Genetic typing of rs12218 polymorphism was carried out in 142 children: 77 of them were diagnosed with JIA, including 30 patients with oligoarthritis (oJIA), 20 with polyarthritis (pJIA), and 27 with systemic onset (sJIA). Sixty five healthy volunteers were included in the control group. The rs12218 polymorphism of the SAA1 gene was investigated using real-time polymerase chain reaction.Results and discussion. A high risk of developing the clinical phenotype of oJIA in carriers of the C mutant allele of the rs12218 T/C polymorphism of the SAA1 gene was established. Statistically significant differences between the clinical phenotypes of oJIA and sJIA in the frequency distribution of genotypes and alleles of rs12218 T/C polymorphism of the SAA1 gene are shown.Conclusion. The results of the studies have confirmed the important role of the rs12218 T/C polymorphism of the SAA1 gene in the formation of susceptibility to clinical variants of JIA.Цель исследования – проверка гипотезы о возможной связи полиморфизма rs12218 гена SAA1 с предрасположенностью к разным клиническим фенотипам ювенильного идиопатического артрита (ЮИА).Пациенты и методы. Проведено генетическое типирование полиморфизма rs12218 у 142 детей: 77 из них имели диагноз ЮИА, включая 30 пациентов с олигоартритом (оЮИА), 20 с полиартритом (пЮИА) и 27 с системным началом (сЮИА), а 65 здоровых волонтеров вошли в контрольную группу. Полиморфизм rs12218 гена SAA1 исследовали с помощью полимеразной цепной реакции в режиме реального времени.Результаты и обсуждение. Установлен высокий риск развития клинического фенотипа оЮИА у носителей мутантного аллеля С полиморфизма rs12218 T/C гена SAA1. Показаны статистически значимые различия между клиническими фенотипами оЮИА и сЮИА в распределении частот генотипов и аллелей rs12218 T/C полиморфизма гена SAA1.Заключение. Результаты проведенных исследований подтвердили важное участие полиморфизма rs12218 T/C гена SAA1 в формировании предрасположенности к клиническим вариантам ЮИА

    Molecular random walks and invariance group of the Bogolyubov equation

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    Statistics of molecular random walks in a fluid is considered with the help of the Bogolyubov equation for generating functional of distribution functions. An invariance group of solutions to this equation as functions of the fluid density is discovered. It results in many exact relations between probability distribution of the path of a test particle and its irreducible correlations with the fluid. As the consequence, significant restrictions do arise on possible shapes of the path distribution. In particular, the hypothetical Gaussian form of its long-range asymptotic proves to be forbidden (even in the Boltzmann-Grad limit). Instead, a diffusive asymptotic is allowed which possesses power-law long tail (cut off by ballistic flight length).Comment: 23 pages, no figures, LaTeX AMSART, author's translation from Russian of the paper accepted to the TMPh (``Theoretical and mathematical physics''

    Generalized probabilities taking values in non-Archimedean fields and topological groups

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    We develop an analogue of probability theory for probabilities taking values in topological groups. We generalize Kolmogorov's method of axiomatization of probability theory: main distinguishing features of frequency probabilities are taken as axioms in the measure-theoretic approach. We also present a review of non-Kolmogorovian probabilistic models including models with negative, complex, and pp-adic valued probabilities. The latter model is discussed in details. The introduction of pp-adic (as well as more general non-Archimedean) probabilities is one of the main motivations for consideration of generalized probabilities taking values in topological groups which are distinct from the field of real numbers. We discuss applications of non-Kolmogorovian models in physics and cognitive sciences. An important part of this paper is devoted to statistical interpretation of probabilities taking values in topological groups (and in particular in non-Archimedean fields)

    Fluctuations driven isotropization of the quark-gluon plasma in heavy ion collisions

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    Averaged over ensemble of initial conditions kinetic transport equations of weakly coupled systems of quarks and gluons are derived. These equations account for the correlators of fluctuations of particles and classical gluon fields. The isotropization of particle momenta by field fluctuations at the early prethermal stage of matter evolution in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions is discussed. Our results can be useful for understanding under what conditions isotropization of the quark-gluon plasma in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions can be reached within phenomenologically observed time scales.Comment: 16 pages, misprints corrected, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Influence of nodular and severe forms of diffuse adenomyosis on reproductive function: a review of reproductive outcomes of surgical interventions and IVF

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    This review includes an analysis of clinical studies evaluating the effect of adenomyosis on reproductive function, as well as a review of studies on the relationship between surgical treat-ment options for adenomyosis and reproductive outcomes. Different studies of women populations after in vitro fertilization and/or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF/ICSI) and after surgical treatment of  deep adenomyosis have shown that adenomyosis in both cases has a negative effect on the reproductive outcome, although there are significant differences in these populations. In the literature, there are relatively few data on the degree of influence of the depth of the lesion on the realization of the reproductive function, however, a significant correlation was revealed between them. The positive effect of treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, followed by surgical treatment of adenomyosis, has also been described in several literary sources, but there have been no controlled studies on this topic. Many studies do not meet the validity criteria due to the lack of clear criteria for inclusion and exclusion from the study.The choice of the optimal treatment options for adenomyosis based on the actual data is difficult due to the lack of reliable evidence of the relationship between fertility and the degree of adenomyosis. However, it is known that adenomyosis can reduce the likelihood of successful implantation so  ramatically that surgical or other treatment options are reasonably recom-mended. At the same time, it is necessary to assess the possible positive effect of the treatment options available in the doctor’s arsenal. Thus, timely referral to specialized treatment of ade-nomyosis may be crucial for the successful implementation of reproductive function in patients with suspicion or with an established diagnosis of adenomyosis in combination with recurrent miscarriage, who refuse to use assisted reproductive technologies, medical institutions. This review will analyze the relationship between infertility and adenomyosis, as well as review studies of reproductive outcomes in different options for surgical treatment of adenomyosis in infertile patients

    Soliton Squeezing in a Mach-Zehnder Fiber Interferometer

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    A new scheme for generating amplitude squeezed light by means of soliton self-phase modulation is experimentally demonstrated. By injecting 180-fs pulses into an equivalent Mach-Zehnder fiber interferometer, a maximum noise reduction of 4.4±0.34.4 \pm 0.3 dB is obtained (6.3±0.66.3 \pm 0.6 dB when corrected for losses). The dependence of noise reduction on the interferometer splitting ratio and fiber length is studied in detail.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure