53 research outputs found

    A Comparison of the Perceptions of the Importance of Formal Supervision Training Between Formally Trained Counselor Supervisors and Non-Formally Trained Counselor Supervisors

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    A Comparison of the Perceptions of the Importance of Formal Supervision Training Between Formally Trained Counselor Supervisors and Non-Formally Trained Counselor Supervisors explores differences among and between doctoral student and field site professionals who provide supervision to master\u27s level counselor trainees. All master\u27s level counseling students in the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) programs participate in a practicum and internship as a requirement for completion of the master\u27s program in counseling. The field experience occurs in a mental health agency or school, and requires the assistance and mentoring of an on-site supervisor. There is a dearth of literature that assesses the effectiveness of those academically untrained professionals who supervise master\u27s level counselor trainees. Because counselor supervisors have considerable autonomy regarding how they supervise, this study sought to measure their perceptions of the importance of supervisory training. Recommendations regarding standards for field site supervision of master\u27s level counselor trainees may significantly contribute to the literature, as well as contributing to a design for formalized site supervisor training. This researcher hopes to contribute to the professional development of the master\u27s level counselor trainee. By understanding the perceived importance of training to the field site professional providing supervision, informed decisions can be made for placing future master\u27s level counselor trainees in field site placements with professionals trained in supervision. Additionally, academic institutions can gain significant information that will contribute to the planning and implementation of supervision curriculum for master\u27s level counseling students. The primary research question of this study is what importance do counselor supervisors attribute to the training that prepares them to provide effective supervision to master\u27s level counselor trainees? A 16-item survey, called the Counselor Supervision Questionnaire (CSQ), was developed to help clarify various aspects of the primary research question

    Folklore Term Report

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    A handwritten, untitled term paper completed at Franklin and Marshall College by Raymond J. Krushinski, dating from circa 1950. Within, Krushinski provides his findings from speaking with two women named Ethel McNelic and Dorothy Echert of Lancaster, Pennsylvania about folk sayings, beliefs and folk medicine.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/shoemaker_documents/1020/thumbnail.jp

    Prompt, early, and afterglow optical observations of five gamma-ray bursts (GRBs 100901A, 100902A, 100905A, 100906A, and 101020A)

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    We present results of the prompt, early, and afterglow optical observations of five gamma-ray bursts, GRBs 100901A, 100902A, 100905A, 100906A, and 101020A, made with the Mobile Astronomical System of TElescope-Robots in Russia (MASTER-II net), the 1.5-m telescope of Sierra-Nevada Observatory, and the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope. For two sources, GRB 100901A and GRB 100906A, we detected optical counterparts and obtained light curves starting before cessation of gamma-ray emission, at 113 s and 48 s after the trigger, respectively. Observations of GRB 100906A were conducted with two polarizing filters. Observations of the other three bursts gave the upper limits on the optical flux; their properties are briefly discussed. More detailed analysis of GRB 100901A and GRB 100906A supplemented by Swift data provides the following results and indicates different origins of the prompt optical radiation in the two bursts. The light curves patterns and spectral distributions suggest a common production site of the prompt optical and high-energy emission in GRB 100901A. Results of spectral fits for GRB 100901A in the range from the optical to X-rays favor power-law energy distributions with similar values of the optical extinction in the host galaxy. GRB 100906A produced a smoothly peaking optical light curve suggesting that the prompt optical radiation in this GRB originated in a front shock. This is supported by a spectral analysis. We have found that the Amati and Ghirlanda relations are satisfied for GRB 100906A. An upper limit on the value of the optical extinction on the host of GRB 100906A is obtained.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 14 tables, 5 machine readable tables; accepted for publication in MNRA

    The optical identifcation of events with poorly defined locations: The case of the Fermi GBM GRB140801A

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    We report the early discovery of the optical afterglow of gamma-ray burst (GRB) 140801A in the 137 deg2^2 3-σ\sigma error-box of the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM). MASTER is the only observatory that automatically react to all Fermi alerts. GRB 140801A is one of the few GRBs whose optical counterpart was discovered solely from its GBM localization. The optical afterglow of GRB 140801A was found by MASTER Global Robotic Net 53 sec after receiving the alert, making it the fastest optical detection of a GRB from a GBM error-box. Spectroscopy obtained with the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias and the 6-m BTA of SAO RAS reveals a redshift of z=1.32z=1.32. We performed optical and near-infrared photometry of GRB 140801A using different telescopes with apertures ranging from 0.4-m to 10.4-m. GRB 140801A is a typical burst in many ways. The rest-frame bolometric isotropic energy release and peak energy of the burst is Eiso=5.540.24+0.26×1052E_\mathrm{iso} = 5.54_{-0.24}^{+0.26} \times 10^{52} erg and Ep,rest280E_\mathrm{p, rest}\simeq280 keV, respectively, which is consistent with the Amati relation. The absence of a jet break in the optical light curve provides a lower limit on the half-opening angle of the jet θ=6.1\theta=6.1 deg. The observed EpeakE_\mathrm{peak} is consistent with the limit derived from the Ghirlanda relation. The joint Fermi GBM and Konus-Wind analysis shows that GRB 140801A could belong to the class of intermediate duration. The rapid detection of the optical counterpart of GRB 140801A is especially important regarding the upcoming experiments with large coordinate error-box areas.Comment: in press MNRAS, 201

    MASTER OT J004207.99+405501.1/M31LRN 2015 luminous red nova in M31: Discovery, light curve, hydrodynamics and evolution

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    We report the discovery and multicolour (VRIW) photometry of the rare explosive star MASTEROT J004207.99+405501.1 - a luminous red nova - in theAndromeda galaxy M31N2015-01a. We use our original light curve acquired with identical MASTER Global Robotic Net telescopes in one photometric system: VRI during the first 30 d and W (unfiltered) during 70 d. Also, we added published multicolour photometry data to estimate the mass and energy of the ejected shell and we discuss the likely formation scenarios of outbursts of this type. We propose an interpretation of the explosion that is consistent with an evolutionary scenario where the merging of stellar components or the disruption of the common envelope of a close binary can explain some luminous red novae. Radiative hydrodynamic simulations of a luminous red nova were carried out in extended parameter space to fit its light curves. We find that the multicolour passband light curves of the luminous red nova are consistent with an initial common envelope radius of 10 R⊙, a merger mass of 3M⊙ and an explosion energy of 3 × 1048 erg. As a result, the phenomenon of novae consists of two classes: classical nuclear novae and more rare events (red novae) connected with the loss of compact common envelopes. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

    Multiwavelength observations of GRB 140629A: A long burst with an achromatic jet break in the optical and X-ray afterglow

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    Aims. We investigate the long gamma-ray burst (GRB) 140629A through multiwavelength observations to derive the properties of the dominant jet and its host galaxy. Methods. The afterglow and host galaxy observations were taken in the optical (Swift/UVOT and various facilities worldwide), infrared (Spitzer), and X-rays (Swift/XRT) between 40 s and 3 yr after the burst trigger. Results. Polarisation observations by the MASTER telescope indicate that this burst is weakly polarised. The optical spectrum contains absorption features, from which we confirm the redshift of the GRB as originating at z = 2.276 ± 0.001. We performed spectral fitting of the X-rays to optical afterglow data and find there is no strong spectral evolution. We determine the hydrogen column density NH to be 7.2 × 1021 cm−2 along the line of sight. The afterglow in this burst can be explained by a blast wave jet with a long-lasting central engine expanding into a uniform medium in the slow cooling regime. At the end of energy injection, a normal decay phase is observed in both the optical and X-ray bands. An achromatic jet break is also found in the afterglow light curves ∼0.4 d after trigger. We fit the multiwavelength data simultaneously with a model based on a numerical simulation and find that the observations can be explained by a narrow uniform jet in a dense environment with an opening angle of 6.7◦ viewed 3.8◦ off-axis, which released a total energy of 1.4 × 1054 erg. Using the redshift and opening angle, we find GRB 140629A follows both the Ghirlanda and Amati relations. From the peak time of the light curve, identified as the onset of the forward shock (181s after trigger), the initial Lorentz factor (Γ0) is constrained in the range 82-118. Fitting the host galaxy photometry, we find the host to be a low mass, star-forming galaxy with a star formation rate of log (SFR) = 1.1+−00.94 M yr−1. We obtain a value of the neutral hydrogen density by fitting the optical spectrum, log NHI = 21.0 ± 0.3, classifying this host as a damped Lyman-alpha. High ionisation lines (N v, Si iv) are also detected in the spectrum. © ESO 2019.China Scholarship Council, CSCNational Science Foundation, NSFNational Basic Research Program of China (973 Program): DST/IMRCD/BRICS/Pilotcall/ProFCheap/2017, 2018YFA0404204, NSFC-1183300317-52-80133Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, ASI: 2015-046-R.0Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 2019-05-595-0001-2496, 2019-05-592-0001-729317-52-80139 BRICS-aAgenzia Spaziale Italiana, ASI201406660015Leverhulme TrustEuropean Regional Development Fund, FEDER: AYA-2015-71718-RNational Research Foundation, NRF: 2018R1A2A1A05022685Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, H2020: 654215★ Research supported by the China Scholarship Council. † Deceased.7 IRAF is distributed by the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. http://ast.noao.edu/data/softwareAcknowledgements. Acknowledge the support by the program of China Scholarships Council (CSC) under the Grant no. 201406660015. We also acknowledge support from the Spanish MINEICO ministry and European FEDER funds AYA-2015-71718-R. SRO gratefully acknowledges the support of the Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship. RS-R acknowledges support from ASI (Italian Space Agency) through the Contract no. 2015-046-R.0 and from European Union Horizon 2020 Programme under the AHEAD project (grant agreement no. 654215). MASTER equipment is supported by Lomonosov MSU Development Program and by Moscow Union OPTIKA. VL,EG, NT, VK are supported by BRICS RFBR grant 17-52-80133. MASTER-Tunka equipment is supported of Russian Federation Ministry of Science and High Education (grants 2019-05-592-0001-7293 and 2019-05-595-0001-2496). B.-B.Z. acknowledges support from the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFA0404204), and NSFC-11833003. S.B.P. acknowledges BRICS grant DST/IMRCD/BRICS/Pilotcall/ProFCheap/2017(G) for this work. I.D. acknowledges L. Piro his invitation and financial support to visit and work at IAPS (Rome). We also acknowledge the use of the public data from the Swift data archive. We thank the excellent support form the GTC staff which is located at Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos at Canary Islands (Spain). Thanks to the data support by NASA with Spitzer Space Telescope. SP and RB acknowledge support from RBRF grant 17-52-80139 BRICS-a. IHP acknowledges support from NRF 2018R1A2A1A05022685. Finally, we want to thank the anonymous referee for his/her comments, which have substantially improved the manuscript

    The Adolescent Empathy Paradox and Juvenile Offending

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    Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08I propose the persistent gender gap in juvenile offending is linked to adolescent orientation to a gendered generalized other and empathic development. Empathic ability is inversely associated with juvenile offending and mediates the effect of gender on offending. Empathic expression, however, threatens boys’ membership claims to the gendered generalized other and supports girls’ membership claims to the gendered generalized other. I present a symbolic interactionist framework and use the longitudinal Denver Youth Survey to analyze the age-varying relationships between and among gender, empathic development, and juvenile offending. I find support for the hypothesis that males exhibit, on average, lower levels of empathy across the life course than do females and that empathy mediates the effect of being male on offending. I also find empathic ability is inversely related to offending, and significantly decreases fraud and theft offending, but not victimless or violent offending