3,600 research outputs found

    Determination of design-manufacturing parameters of the multiple-tool bore heads with tolerance and feed distribution

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    Проаналізовано відомі рекомендації та залежності для визначення технологічних і конструкторських параметрів багаторізцевих розточувальних головок (БРГ). Запропоновано, виходячи із того, що параметр шорсткості обробленої поверхні визначиться геометрією інструменту і кінематикою його переміщення, два варіанти конструкторського виконання БРГ, які забезпечують у процесі різання одночасний поділ припуску та подачі. Отримано залежності для визначення подач на оберт, на окремий чистовий різець та глибин різання на чорновому і чистових різцях залежно від їх геометричних параметрів для обох варіантів, а також формули для визначення кутових положень чорнового та другого і третього чистових різців відносно першого чистового різця. Здійснено оптимізацію геометричних параметрів різців за критеріями максимальної продуктивності оброблення і заданої шорсткості поверхні.Available recommendations and dependencies for defining of manufacturing and design parameters of the multiple-tool bore heads (MTH) are analysed. Taking into account the fact, that the roughness parameter of the work surface is found by the tool geometry and kinematics of its movement, two variants of MBH design implementation which provide simultaneous tolerance distribution and feet, have been proposed. Dependencies for finding revolution feed for the cutting depth by the primary and rough tool, depending on their geometric parameters for both variants, as well as formula for finding angle position of the rough and the primary second and third tools ralavely the primary first tool, have been obtained. Optimization parameters of the tools according to the criteria of the maximal working productivity and the available rough surface, has been completed

    Interplay of Kerr and Raman beam cleaning with a multimode microstructure fiber

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    We experimentally study the competition between Kerr beam self-cleaning and Raman beam cleanup in a multimode air-silica microstructure optical fiber. Kerr beam self-cleaning of the pump is observed for a certain range of input powers only. Raman Stokes beam generation and cleanup lead to both depletion and degradation of beam quality for the pump. The interplay of modal four-wave mixing and Raman scattering in the infrared domain lead to the generation of a multimode supercontinuum ranging from 500 nm up to 1800 nm

    Price Elasticity of Demand for Term Life Insurance and Adverse Selection

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    This paper provides an empirical estimate of price' and risk' elasticities of demand for term life insurance for those who purchase some insurance. It finds that the elasticity with respect to changes in premiums is generally higher than the elasticity with respect to changes in risk. It also finds that the elasticity, in the range of -0.3 to -0.5, is sufficiently low that adverse selection in term life insurance is unlikely to lead to a death spiral and may not even lead to measured effects of adverse selection on total purchases.

    Self-cleaning on a higher order mode in ytterbium-doped multimode fiber with parabolic profile

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    We experimentally demonstrate polarization-dependent Kerr spatial beam self-cleaning into the LP11 mode of an Ytterbium-doped multimode optical fiber with parabolic gain and refractive index profiles

    Theoretical approaches to evaluation of meta-subject ‘noncognitive skills’

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    The paper presents formulation of the problem of evaluation of meta-subject and ‘noncognitive’ skills in view of increasing requirements to their development at all levels of education in Russia. We have conducted a comparative assessment of classification features of meta-subject skills found in Russian and foreign literature, formulated objects of evaluation of ‘noncognitive’ skills and basic requirements to results of evaluation. The article presents main forms of inspection of development of universal learning activities.peer-reviewe

    On some approaches to evaluation of well-formedness of noncognitive skills

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    The article describes approaches to evaluation of noncognitive skills on the basis of formalisation of certain definitions allowing to render this process automatic.peer-reviewe