1,063 research outputs found

    Новые аспекты обоснования выбора физических параметров для стандартных условий измерения расхода

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    У роботі проведено аналіз показників якості природного газу та обґрунтовано вибір їх значень для доповнення стандартних умов вимірювання витрати природного газу.The paper analyze the quality factors of natural gas and the choice of their values to supplement the standard conditions of flow measuring of natural gas was reasoned.В работе проведен анализ показателей качества природного газа, обоснован выбор значений для включения их в стандартные условия измерения при расчете расхода газа

    LHC On-Line Model

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    The LHC machine will be a very demanding accelerator from a beam control perspective. There are tight constraints on the key beam parameters in the presence of large non-linearities and dynamic persistent current effects. Particle loss in the LHC must be actively minimized to avoid damage to the machine. Therefore any adjustment to the machine parameters would ideally be checked beforehand with a proper modeling tool. The LHC On-Line Model is an attempt to provide such an analysis tool based mainly on the MAD-X code. The goal is not to provide a real-time interactive system to control the LHC, but rather a way to speed up interaction with the power of MAD-X and to facilitate off-line analysis to give results within appropriate time constraints. There will be a rich spectrum of potential applications such as closed orbit correction, beta-beating analysis, optimization of non-linear correction and knob settings. We report the status of the on-line model software which is at present being developed for the beginning of the LHC commissioning

    A comparison of DA white dwarf temperatures and gravities from Lyman and Balmer line studies

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    We present measurements of the effective temperatures and surface gravities for a sample of hot DA white dwarfs, using the Lyman line data available from the HUT, ORFEUS and FUSE far-UV space missions. Comparing the results with those from the standard Balmer line technique, we find that there is a general good overall agreement between the two methods. However, significant differences are found for a number of stars, but not always of a consistent nature in that sometimes the Balmer temperature exceeds that derived from the Lyman lines and in other instances is lower. We conclude that, with the latest model atmosphere calculations, these discrepancies probably do not arise from an inadequate theoretical treatment of the Lyman lines but rather from systematic effects in the observation and data reduction processes, which dominate the statistical errors in these spectra. If these systematic data reduction effects can be adequately controlled, the Lyman line temperature and gravity measurements are consistent with those obtained from the Balmer lines when allowance is made for reasonable observational uncertainties.Comment: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 14 pages, 13 figure

    Separatism as a Threat to the National Security of Belgium

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    В статті розкрито зміст поняття «сепаратизм», з’ясовано історичні передумови прояву сепаратистських рухів у Бельгії. Проаналізовано сучасний стан сепаратизму як загрози національній безпеці Бельгії.The paper addresses the problem of separatism in Belgium. The concept of «separatism» is defined, clarified the historical background of the manifestation of separatist movements in the country. The current state of the problem

    FUSE observations of G226-29: First detection of the H_2 quasi-molecular satellite at 1150A

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    We present new FUV observations of the pulsating DA white dwarf G226-29 obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE). This ZZ Ceti star is the brightest one of its class and the coolest white dwarf observed by FUSE. We report the first detection of the broad quasi-molecular collision-induced satellite of Ly-beta at 1150 A, an absorption feature that is due to transitions which take place during close collisions of hydrogen atoms. The physical interpretation of this feature is based on recent progress of the line broadening theory of the far wing of Ly-beta. This predicted feature had never been observed before, even in laboratory spectra.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters; 6 pages, 3 figure

    Disorder-Robust Nonlinear Light Generation in Topological Nanostructures

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    We observe topologically nontrivial nonlinear edge states of light in zigzag arrays of silicon nanoparticles. We image the edge states via the third-harmonic generation and demonstrate their robustness against disorder and structural perturbationsWe acknowledge a support from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (project FA2386-16-1-0002) and the Strategic Fund of the Australian National University

    Variations in D/H and D/O from New FUSE Observations

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    We use data obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) to determine the interstellar abundances of DI, NI, OI, FeII, and H2 along the sigh tlines to WD1034+001, BD+393226, and TD132709. Our main focus is on determining the D/H, N/H, O/H, and D/O ratios along these sightlines, with log N(H) > 20.0, that probe gas well outside of the Local Bubble. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) archival data are used to determine the HI column densities along the WD1034+001 and TD132709 sightlines, respectively. For BD+393226, a previously published N(HI) is used. We find (D/H)x10^5 = 2.14 + 0.53 - 0.45, 1.17 + 0.31 - 0.25, and 1.86 + 0.53 - 0.43, and (D/O)x10^2 = 6.31 + 1.79 - 1.38, 5.62 + 1.61 - 1.31, and 7.59 + 2.17 - 1.76, for the WD1034+001, BD+393226, and TD132709 sightlines, respectively (all 1 si gma). The scatter in these three D/H ratios exemplifies the scatter that has been found by other authors for sightlines with column densities in the range 19.2 < log N(H) < 20.7. The D/H ratio toward WD1034+001 and all the D/O ratios derived here are inconsistent with the Local Bubble value and are some of the highest in the literature. We discuss the implications of our measurements for the determination of the present-epoch abundance of deuterium, and for the different scenarios that try to explain the D/H variations. We present a study of D/H as a function of the average sightline gas density, using the ratios derived in this work as well as ratios from the literature, which suggests that D/H decreases with increasing gas volume density. Similar behaviors by other elements such Fe and Si have been interpreted as the result of depletion into dust grains.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Capital investment: the nature and problems of implementation in crisis

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    У статті розглядаються нові підходи до визначення змісту та форм капітальних інвестицій. Запропоновано авторське визначення дефініції "капітальні інвестиції". Проаналізовано основні макроекономічні показники розвитку України в кризових умовах. Виокремлено проблеми реалізації капітальних інвестицій та запропоновано ключові інструменти активізації їх розвитку в умовах кризи.The article examines the new approaches to define the content and form of capital investment. The authors have determined the definition of "capital investments" and have analyzed basic macroeconomic indicators of development of Ukraine in crisis. Also have separated the problems of implementing capital investment and have proposed the main activation tools of development in the crisis