19 research outputs found

    Depression vulnerability: Studying components of cognitive models

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    In this thesis four studies assessing putative pathways implicated in cognitive models of depression are presented and discussed. In two initial studies the possibility to manipulate attention allocation bias using two types of attention bias modification (ABM) procedures was explored. Neither method successfully or consistently modified attention allocation bias in dysphoric individuals. Putative interactions between 5-HTTLPR genotype and life stress were studied in the third study. Adopting an endophenotype approach, effects on measures of biased information processing were assessed. S-allele carriers showed increased recognition of negative mood state as a function of recent negative life events. Hypothesized interactions with childhood emotional abuse or affection attention allocation bias were found non-significant. A main effect of 5-HTTLPR was observed such that s- allele carriers selectively oriented attention towards negative information. In the fourth study the predictive value of cognitive reactivity to sad mood (measured with the LEIDS-r questionnaire) for the first onset of depression was assessed. Among 834 never previously depressed participants, cognitive reactivity predicted first onset of depression over the subsequent two years, even when various other factors, including baseline symptoms and negative life events, were statistically controlled for. Finally, these findings are discussed and related to the existing literatureFSW - Self-regulation models for health behavior and psychopathology - ou

    Bepaling van potentiele bioaccumuleerbare stoffen met GC-FID/MS en screening van organische verbindingen in effluenten

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    Onderzoek werd uitgevoerd naar de bepaling van potentieel bioaccumuleerbare verbindingen (PBS) in effluenten die afkomstig waren van bedrijven uit Engeland, Ierland, Protugal, België en Nederland. Hierbij werd gebruik gemaakt van SPME-extractie gecombineerd met een GC-FID/MS detectie. Kwantificering met FID was betrouwbaarder (V.C. 7-41%) dan met MS (V.C. 15-130%) wat veroorzaakt werd door de stabielere basislijn van het FID-chromatogram. De aangetroffen PBS gehalten varieerden tussen de 1,2 en 21 mM voor GC-FID en liggen lager dan de acute narcotische toxiciteitswaarden voor watervlo, alg en vis. Een aantal effluenten bevatten echter gehalten die mogelijk chronische narcotische toxiciteit kunnen veroorzaken

    Sensory quality and onset of rigor mortis for farmed turbot under various post slaughter conditions

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    As is the case for most farmed fish, the production of turbot is targeting the fresh markets established in Europe and Asia. Usually turbot is packed whole, dead or alive and transported directly to the market. On some occasions the fish are bled and gutted prior to delivery

    Screening and time trend study of decabromodiphenylether in birds

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    In 2001, Swedish scientists reported the presence of decabromodiphenylether (DBDE) in peregrine falcons. Subsequently, we have carried out an extensive study on the presence and time trends of DBDE in predatory birds and water birds in order to provide information on this subject for the European environmental risk assessment of DBDE. The UK Environment Agency and the Bromine Science and Environmental Forum (BSEF) initiated the study

    Het bepalen van hexabroomcyclododecaan op tomaten (vruchten en planten)

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    De tomatenplanten van HBCD-trays bevatten twee keer zoveel HBCD als tomatenplanten van HBCD-vrije trays (resp. 2,0 en 2,6 ug/kg t.o.v. 1,2 en 0,9 ug/kg). In alle tomatenvruchtenmonsters waren de HBCD gehaltes zeer laag

    Management beoordeling 2007 en kwaliteitsplan : Afdeling Milieu - Chemisch laboratorium

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    Managementbeoordleing 2008 en kwaliteitsplan 2009 : Afdeling Milieu - chemisch laboratorium

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