21 research outputs found

    Who is in charge? A review and a research agenda on the 'human side' of the circular economy

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    The adoption of the circular economy (CE) at the firm level has rarely intersected with human resource management (HRM) – here called 'the human side of organizations' – and these two fields remain largely separate areas of knowledge. While the literature on the CE is expanding, discussion of its implementation in organizations is, so far, rare, along with exploration of the necessary alignment of the CE with green human resource management (GHRM). In this article, we extend the state-of-the-art literature on CE business models through the inclusion of the ‘human side’ of such issues. This goal is met by offering an original integrative GHRM framework for organizations developing CE. The theoretical lenses of stakeholders' theory and the resource based view (RBV) form the foundation of this framework, which represents a 'middle range theory'. We underline the practices and dimensions of the links between GHRM and the 'ReSOLVE' CE model. Through an exploration of this integrative framework, we propose a future research agenda along with original research propositions. Furthermore, the middle-range integrated theoretical framework we propose can serve both academics and practitioners in developing understanding of the human resource management (HRM) and change management aspects of the CE

    Gestão da tecnologia: desafios para as pequenas e médias empresas

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    Este trabalho discute a gestão da tecnologia ern pequenas e medias empresas tradicionais da área de manufaturados. Ele analisa aspectos estratégicos e operacionais através de um modelo conceitual simplificado, com base em referências bibliográficas e pesquisa exploratória("survey"). Foram detectados alguns aspectos importantes : limitada integração entre planejamento de tecnologia e de produto/mercado; vulnerabilidade tecnológica com relação a direitos de propriedade industrial; dificuldades financeiras para desenvolvimento, capacitação tecnológica limitada; e limitação de mudanças organizacionais de transição. Uma questão importante seria a construção de mecanismos externos de colaboração para essas empresas, com difusão de práticas da gestão da tecnologia e parceria para desenvolvimento de produtos.<br>This paper discuss the technology management in traditional small and medium enterprises-SMEs of the manufacture sector. It analyses strategic and operational aspects through a simplified conceptual model, with support of bibliographical references and exploratory research(survey). It was detected aspects concerning technology management for those companies: limited integration among technology andproduct/market planning, tecnological vulnerability with respect to rights properties, financial difficulties for development, limited technological capability, and limited organizational transition changes. A important question would be how to construct external mechanisms of collaboration to those emterprises, with appropriate diffusion of practices in technology management and partnerships in integrated product development

    Estratégias, organização e gestão de empresas em mercados globalizados: a experiência recente do Brasil Strategies, organization and management of industrial companies in globalized markets: the recent experience of Brazil

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    No novo contexto de economia globalizada, as perspectivas de cada país são função das competências adquiridas por seus elementos constitutivos: pessoas, empresas, instituições. Este estudo analisa as mudanças em curso na indústria brasileira, recentemente envolvida na globalização produtiva, e suas conseqüências em termos de formação de competências. Destaca as profundas mudanças em termos de estratégias, arquiteturas organizacionais e sistemas de gestão que estão ocorrendo, tanto nas empresas estrangeiras quanto nas brasileiras. Mesmo que no curto prazo essas mudanças possam ser consideradas positivas, no longo prazos os seus efeitos serão prejudiciais para o desenvolvimento de competências locais, o que afetará o desempenho competitivo da indústria brasileira.<br>This study analyses the changes that are taking place in the Brazilian industry, recently involved in the process of productive globalization. It shows that drastic changes in terms of strategies, organization and management are in course, both in terms of transnational and Brazilian enterprises. The main conclusion is that knowledge intensive functions such as R&D, Strategic Management and Management Systems are being transferred abroad by the TNCs and the Logistics function is becoming the most "strategic" function in the operation of their subsidiaries. The Brazilian enterprises which succeed in operating in globalized productive chains are adopting similar structures. In the long run, those changes will be detrimental for the formation of local capabilities and consequently, for the maintenance of the competitive position of Brazilian industry