333 research outputs found

    Zur Aktualität der Organisationstheorie von Luxemburg und Gramsci: zwischen emanzipatorischer Theoriebildung und ahistorischer Bezugnahme

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    Big parts of the left refer to Rosa Luxemburg and Antonio Gramsci as two main theorists of organization theory. In this article, we present their thinking towards problems of class consciousness, the activity of the masses, bureaucracy, political parties, parliament and hegemony. We argue that in main regards they complement each other. Finally we figure out how one can use this theoretical approach under today’s different conditions and which problems might appear if we don’t bear in mind such differences

    Increased Incidence of Colon Tumors in AOM-Treated Apc1638N/+ Mice Reveals Higher Frequency of Tumor Associated Neutrophils in Colon Than Small Intestine

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers and a major cause of mortality. Mice with truncating Apc germline mutations have been used as a standard model of CRC, but most of the Apc-mutated lines develop multiple tumors in the proximal small intestine and rarely in the colon precluding detailed analysis of colon tumor microenvironment. Our aim was to develop a model with higher resemblance to human CRC and to characterize tumor infiltrating immune cells in spontaneously developing colon tumors compared to small intestinal tumors. Therefore, the Apc1638N/+ line was treated repeatedly with azoxymethane (AOM) and 90% colon tumor incidence and 4 to 5 colon tumors per mouse were achieved. Of note, AOM treatment specifically increased the tumor burden in the colon, but not in the small intestine. Histological grading and WNT-signaling activity did not differ significantly between small intestinal and colon tumors with some lesions progressing to invasive adenocarcinoma in both locations. However, characterization of the intratumoral myeloid cell compartment revealed a massive infiltration of colon tumors with neutrophils − 6-fold higher than in small intestinal tumors. Moreover, CCL17-expressing macrophages and dendritic cells accumulated in the tumors indicating the establishment of a tumor-promoting immunosuppressive environment. Thus, Apc1638N/+ mice treated with AOM are a suitable and straightforward model to study the influence of immune cells and chemokines on colon carcinogenesis

    Interferon-producing Cells Fail to Induce Proliferation of Naive T Cells but Can Promote Expansion and T Helper 1 Differentiation of Antigen-experienced Unpolarized T Cells

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    Interferon-producing cells (IPCs) secrete high levels of type I interferon in response to certain viruses. The lack of lineage markers, the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and the capacity to stimulate allogeneic T cells have led these cells to be classified as a subset of dendritic cells (DCs), called plasmacytoid DCs (PDCs). However, the role of IPCs/PDCs in initiating primary immune responses remains elusive. Here we examined the antigen presenting capacity of murine IPCs in antigen specific systems. While CD8α+ and CD11b+ DCs induced logarithmic expansion of naive CD4 and CD8 T cells, without conferring T helper commitment at a first encounter, primary IPCs lacked the ability to stimulate naive T cells. However, when antigen-experienced, nonpolarized T cells expanded by classical DC subsets, were restimulated by IPCs, they proliferated and produced high amounts of IFN-γ. These data indicate that IPCs can effectively stimulate preactivated or memory-type T cells and exert an immune-regulatory role. They also suggest that expansion of naive T cells and acquisition of effector function during antigen-specific T cell responses may involve different antigen-presenting cell (APC) types. Independent and coordinated control of T cell proliferation and differentiation would provide the immune system with greater flexibility in regulating immune responses

    Extraçao da batimetria em áreas rasas do complexo estuarino de Paranaguá, PR a partir de uma imagem de satélite LANDSAT 7 - ETM+

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    Resumo: Imagens de satélites provém, a baixos custos, mapas batimétricos de áreas que são difíceis de mapear por meios hidrográficos tradicionais. No setor norte do Complexo Estuarino de Paranaguá o último levantamento batimétrico foi realizado na década de 50. Um mapa batimétrico dessa região, mesmo sem a acurácia das cartas náuticas será de utilidade tanto para o planejamento de estudos e modelagem ambiental, quanto para a navegação de embarcações de pequeno porte. Neste trabalho, foram correlacionados dados de uma área com profundidade conhecida com uma imagem do satélite Landsat 7 - ETM+ em diferentes bandas e razões de bandas e a diferentes intervalos de profundidade. A partir destes, foram selecionados dois métodos de extração de batimetria. O primeiro consistiu no modelo simples de banda única, onde utilizou-se o canal infra-vermelho próximo, com boa correlação para o intervalo de profundidade de 0,36 m a 4,1 m. O Índice de Diferença Normalizada da Água foi o segundo e melhor método testado obtendo alta correlação para o intervalo de 0,36 m a 4,5 m de profundidade. A aplicação deste método, de fácil execução, pode ser de grande valia para regiões onde não existam ou estejam desatualizados os dados batimétricos. Os mapas gerados são bastante fiéis para áreas rasas, considerando-se que aproximadamente 75% da área do Complexo apresentam profundidade inferior a 5 metros

    Health-promoting behaviour among adults in Germany – Results from GEDA 2019/2020-EHIS

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    Health-promoting behaviours are important at any age to prevent diseases and to promote well-being. Using data from GEDA 2019/2020-EHIS, a Germany-wide, representative survey, this article describes how often the adult population in Germany reports certain types of health-promoting behaviour in their everyday lives. The behaviours considered are non-smoking, low-risk alcohol consumption, achievement of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendations on aerobic physical activity, at least daily fruit and vegetable consumption, and maintaining a body weight within the normal range. This article describes the proportion of people who report these behaviours in their everyday lives by gender, age and education level, the number of health-promoting behaviours each person reports and the most common combinations in which they occur. Young adults between 18 and 29 years are most likely to achieve a health-promoting lifestyle. The proportion of people who report at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week and a normal body weight is lower in later adulthood than among 18- to 29-year-olds. The recommendation to eat fruit and vegetables daily is implemented least often of all five aspects of health behaviour under study. Finally, women are more likely to lead a health-promoting lifestyle than men.Health-promoting behaviours are important at any age to prevent diseases and to promote well-being. Using data from GEDA 2019/2020-EHIS, a Germany-wide, representative survey, this article describes how often the adult population in Germany reports certain types of health-promoting behaviour in their everyday lives. The behaviours considered are non-smoking, low-risk alcohol consumption, achievement of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendations on aerobic physical activity, at least daily fruit and vegetable consumption, and maintaining a body weight within the normal range. This article describes the proportion of people who report these behaviours in their everyday lives by gender, age and education level, the number of health-promoting behaviours each person reports and the most common combinations in which they occur. Young adults between 18 and 29 years are most likely to achieve a health-promoting lifestyle. The proportion of people who report at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week and a normal body weight is lower in later adulthood than among 18- to 29-year-olds. The recommendation to eat fruit and vegetables daily is implemented least often of all five aspects of health behaviour under study. Finally, women are more likely to lead a health-promoting lifestyle than men.Peer Reviewe

    What Makes a pDC: Recent Advances in Understanding Plasmacytoid DC Development and Heterogeneity

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional antigen presenting cells (APCs) that originate in the bone marrow and are continuously replenished from hematopoietic progenitor cells. Conventional DCs (cDCs) and plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) are distinguished by morphology and function, and can be easily discriminated by surface marker expression, both in mouse and man. Classification of DCs based on their ontology takes into account their origin as well as their requirements for transcription factor (TF) expression. cDCs and pDCs of myeloid origin differentiate from a common DC progenitor (CDP) through committed pre-DC stages. pDCs have also been shown to originate from a lymphoid progenitor derived IL-7R+ FLT3+ precursor population containing cells with pDC or B cell potential. Technological advancements in recent years have allowed unprecedented resolution in the analysis of cell states, down to the single cell level, providing valuable information on the commitment, and dynamics of differentiation of all DC subsets. However, the heterogeneity and functional diversification of pDCs still raises the question whether different ontogenies generate restricted pDC subsets, or fully differentiated pDCs retain plasticity in response to challenges. The emergence of novel techniques for the integration of high-resolution data in individual cells promises interesting discoveries regarding DC development and plasticity in the near future

    Tir8/Sigirr prevents murine lupus by suppressing the immunostimulatory effects of lupus autoantigens

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    The Sigirr gene (also known as Tir8) encodes for an orphan receptor of the Toll-like receptor (TLR)/interleukin 1 receptor family that inhibits TLR-mediated pathogen recognition in dendritic cells. Here, we show that Sigirr also inhibits the activation of dendritic cells and B cells upon exposure to RNA and DNA lupus autoantigens. To evaluate the functional role of Sigirr in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), we generated Sigirr-deficient C57BL/6-lpr/lpr mice. These mice developed a progressive lymphoproliferative syndrome followed by severe autoimmune lung disease and lupus nephritis within 6 mo of age as compared with the minor abnormalities observed in C57BL/6-lpr/lpr mice. Lack of Sigirr was associated with enhanced activation of dendritic cells and increased expression of multiple proinflammatory and antiapoptotic mediators. In the absence of Sigirr, CD4 T cell numbers were increased and CD4+CD25+ T cell numbers were reduced. Furthermore, lack of Sigirr enhanced the activation and proliferation of B cells, including the production of autoantibodies against multiple nuclear lupus autoantigens. These data identify Sigirr as a novel SLE susceptibility gene in mice

    Continuous single cell imaging reveals sequential steps of plasmacytoid dendritic cell development from common dendritic cell progenitors

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    Functionally distinct plasmacytoid and conventional dendritic cells (pDC and cDC) shape innate and adaptive immunity. They are derived from common dendritic cell progenitors (CDPs) in the murine bone marrow, which give rise to CD11c(+) MHCII- precursors with early commitment to DC subpopulations. In this study, we dissect pDC development from CDP into an ordered sequence of differentiation events by monitoring the expression of CD11c, MHC class II, Siglec H and CCR9 in CDP cultures by continuous single cell imaging and tracking. Analysis of CDP genealogies revealed a stepwise differentiation of CDPs into pDCs in a part of the CDP colonies. This developmental pathway involved an early CD11c(+) SiglecH(-) pre-DC stage and a Siglec H+ CCR9(low) precursor stage, which was followed rapidly by upregulation of CCR9 indicating final pDC differentiation. In the majority of the remaining CDP pedigrees however the Siglec H+ CCR9(low) precursor state was maintained for several generations. Thus, although a fraction of CDPs transits through precursor stages rapidly to give rise to a first wave of pDCs, the majority of CDP progeny differentiate more slowly and give rise to longer lived precursor cells which are poised to differentiate on demand

    Dendritic Cell Accumulation in the Gut and Central Nervous System Is Differentially Dependent on alpha 4 Integrins

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    Homing of pathogenic CD4(+) T cells to the CNS is dependent on alpha 4 integrins. However, it is uncertain whether alpha 4 integrins are also required for the migration of dendritic cell (DC) subsets, which sample Ags from nonlymphoid tissues to present it to T cells. In this study, after genetic ablation of Itga4 in DCs and monocytes in mice via the promoters of Cd11c and Lyz2 (also known as LysM), respectively, the recruitment of alpha 4 integrin-deficient conventional and plasmacytoid DCs to the CNS was unaffected, whereas alpha 4 integrin-deficient, monocyte-derived DCs accumulated less efficiently in the CNS during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in a competitive setting than their wild-type counterparts. In a noncompetitive setting, alpha 4 integrin deficiency on monocyte-derived DCs was fully compensated. In contrast, in small intestine and colon, the fraction of alpha 4 integrin-deficient CD11b(+) CD103(+) DCs was selectively reduced in steady-state. Yet, T cell-mediated inflammation and host defense against Citrobacter rodentium were not impaired in the absence of alpha 4 integrins on DCs. Thus, inflammatory conditions can promote an environment that is indifferent to alpha 4 integrin expression by DCs

    Comparison of iron-reduced and iron-supplemented semisynthetic diets in T cell transfer colitis

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    Clinical observations in inflammatory bowel disease patients and experimental studies in rodents suggest that iron in the intestinal lumen derived from iron-rich food or oral iron supplementation could exacerbate inflammation and that iron depletion from the diet could be protective. To test the hypothesis that dietary iron reduction is protective against colitis development, the impact of iron reduction in the diet below 10 mg/kg on the course of CD4+ CD62L+ T cell transfer colitis was investigated in adult C57BL/6 mice. Weight loss as well as clinical and histological signs of inflammation were comparable between mice pretreated with semisynthetic diets with either < 10mg/kg iron content or supplemented with 180 mg/kg iron in the form of ferrous sulfate or hemin. Accumulation and activation of Ly6C(high) monocytes, changes in dendritic cell subset composition and induction of proinflammatory Th1/Th17 cells in the inflamed colon were not affected by the iron content of the diets. Thus, dietary iron reduction did not protect adult mice against severe intestinal inflammation in T cell transfer induced colitis