31 research outputs found

    Reaktionen der Genomarchitektur auf ionisierende Strahlung: Quantitative Analyse mittels neuer Konzepte zur hochauflösenden Lokalisationsmikroskopie

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    Licht- bzw. Fluoreszenzmikroskopie ist zur Analyse der Zellkernstrukturen ein bewährtes Mittel. Nanometergroße DNA-Strukturen können durch die beugungsbegrenzte Auflösung konventioneller Mikroskope allerdings quantitativ nicht untersucht werden. Dazu müssen Methoden wie die hier verwendete Lokalisationsmikroskopie genutzt werden, die die optische Unterscheidung von Fluorophoren mit einem Mindestabstand von ca. 10 nm erlaubt und Strukturmessungen in solchen Größenordnungen damit ermöglicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das ganze Vorgehen von der Zellkultur bis zur Datenauswertung für Lokalisationsmikroskopie optimiert, um die potentiell mögliche Präzision dieser Technik voll auszunutzen. Dazu wurden strukturbeeinflussende Schritte bei der Präparation verringert und bei der Auswertung Filterungs- und Normierungsverfahren zur Angleichung der nicht vermeidbaren Fluoreszenzunterschiede entwickelt. Für die gemessenen molekularen Lokalisationsdaten wurden Cluster- und Distanzanalysen zur Erkennung und Quantifizierung von Strukturen verwendet. Ein gänzlich neuer Ansatz zur Strukturanalyse basierend auf persistenter Topologie wurden etabliert. Dies ermöglichte neue wissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die hier behandelten strahlenbiophysikalischen Fragestellungen. Die Untersuchung der Genomarchitektur nach Exposition mit ionisierender Strahlung zeigte, dass der Anteil an verpacktem Heterochromatin im Zellkern sich nach Bestrahlung ändert. Es konnte zum ersten Mal lokalisationsmikroskopisch bestätigt werden, dass DNA-Doppelstrangbruch-Reparaturzentren durch die Nähe zu Heterochromatin strukturell beeinflusst werden. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass Alu-DNA-Sequenzen fest, jedoch exkludierend, mit Heterochromatin assoziiert sind und eine genomstrukturierende Wirkung haben. Der deutlich messbare Einfluss von Bestrahlung auf diese DNA-Abschnitte kann für eine biologische Dosimetrie verwendet werden

    Using Persistent Homology as a New Approach for Super-Resolution Localization Microscopy Data Analysis and Classification of ÎłH2AX Foci/Clusters

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    DNA double strand breaks (DSB) are the most severe damages in chromatin induced by ionizing radiation. In response to such environmentally determined stress situations, cells have developed repair mechanisms. Although many investigations have contributed to a detailed understanding of repair processes, e.g., homologous recombination repair or non-homologous end-joining, the question is not sufficiently answered, how a cell decides to apply a certain repair process at a certain damage site, since all different repair pathways could simultaneously occur in the same cell nucleus. One of the first processes after DSB induction is phosphorylation of the histone variant H2AX to γH2AX in the given surroundings of the damaged locus. Since the spatial organization of chromatin is not random, it may be conclusive that the spatial organization of γH2AX foci is also not random, and rather, contributes to accessibility of special repair proteins to the damaged site, and thus, to the following repair pathway at this given site. The aim of this article is to demonstrate a new approach to analyze repair foci by their topology in order to obtain a cell independent method of categorization. During the last decade, novel super-resolution fluorescence light microscopic techniques have enabled new insights into genome structure and spatial organization on the nano-scale in the order of 10 nm. One of these techniques is single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) with which the spatial coordinates of single fluorescence molecules can precisely be determined and density and distance distributions can be calculated. This method is an appropriate tool to quantify complex changes of chromatin and to describe repair foci on the single molecule level. Based on the pointillist information obtained by SMLM from specifically labeled heterochromatin and γH2AX foci reflecting the chromatin morphology and repair foci topology, we have developed a new analytical methodology of foci or foci cluster characterization, respectively, by means of persistence homology. This method allows, for the first time, a cell independent comparison of two point distributions (here the point distributions of two γH2AX clusters) with each other of a selected ensample and to give a mathematical measure of their similarity. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, cells were irradiated by low LET (linear energy transfer) radiation with different doses and the heterochromatin and γH2AX foci were fluorescently labeled by antibodies for SMLM. By means of our new analysis method, we were able to show that the topology of clusters of γH2AX foci can be categorized depending on the distance to heterochromatin. This method opens up new possibilities to categorize spatial organization of point patterns by parameterization of topological similarity

    Super-Resolution Localization Microscopy of Îł-H2AX and Heterochromatin after Folate Deficiency

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    Folate is an essential water-soluble vitamin in food and nutrition supplements. As a one-carbon source, it is involved in many central regulatory processes, such as DNA, RNA, and protein methylation as well as DNA synthesis and repair. Deficiency in folate is considered to be associated with an increased incidence of several malignancies, including cervical cancer that is etiologically linked to an infection with “high-risk” human papilloma viruses (HPV). However, it is still not known how a recommended increase in dietary folate after its deprivation affects the physiological status of cells. To study the impact of folate depletion and its subsequent reconstitution in single cells, we used quantitative chromatin conformation measurements obtained by super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, i.e., single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM). As a read-out, we examined the levels and the (re)positioning of γ-H2AX tags and histone H3K9me3 heterochromatin tags after immunostaining in three-dimensional (3D)-conserved cell nuclei. As model, we used HPV16 positive immortalized human keratinocytes that were cultivated under normal, folate deficient, and reconstituted conditions for different periods of time. The results were compared to cells continuously cultivated in standard folate medium. After 13 weeks in low folate, an increase in the phosphorylation of the histone H2AX was noted, indicative of an accumulation of DNA double strand breaks. DNA repair activity represented by the formation of those γ-H2AX clusters was maintained during the following 15 weeks of examination. However, the clustered arrangements of tags appeared to relax in a time-dependent manner. Parallel to the repair activity, the chromatin methylation activity increased as detected by H3K9me3 tags. The progress of DNA double strand repair was accompanied by a reduction of the detected nucleosome density around the γ-H2AX clusters, suggesting a shift from hetero- to euchromatin to allow access to the repair machinery. In conclusion, these data demonstrated a folate-dependent repair activity and chromatin re-organization on the SMLM nanoscale level. This offers new opportunities to further investigate folate-induced chromatin re-organization and the associated mechanisms

    Combining Low Temperature Fluorescence DNA-Hybridization, Immunostaining, and Super-Resolution Localization Microscopy for Nano-Structure Analysis of ALU Elements and Their Influence on Chromatin Structure

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    Immunostaining and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) are well established methods for specific labelling of chromatin in the cell nucleus. COMBO-FISH (combinatorial oligonucleotide fluorescence in situ hybridization) is a FISH method using computer designed oligonucleotide probes specifically co-localizing at given target sites. In combination with super resolution microscopy which achieves spatial resolution far beyond the Abbe Limit, it allows new insights into the nano-scaled structure and organization of the chromatin of the nucleus. To avoid nano-structural changes of the chromatin, the COMBO-FISH labelling protocol was optimized omitting heat treatment for denaturation of the target. As an example, this protocol was applied to ALU elements—dispersed short stretches of DNA which appear in different kinds in large numbers in primate genomes. These ALU elements seem to be involved in gene regulation, genomic diversity, disease induction, DNA repair, etc. By computer search, we developed a unique COMBO-FISH probe which specifically binds to ALU consensus elements and combined this DNA–DNA labelling procedure with heterochromatin immunostainings in formaldehyde-fixed cell specimens. By localization microscopy, the chromatin network-like arrangements of ALU oligonucleotide repeats and heterochromatin antibody labelling sites were simultaneously visualized and quantified. This novel approach which simultaneously combines COMBO-FISH and immunostaining was applied to chromatin analysis on the nanoscale after low-linear-energy-transfer (LET) radiation exposure at different doses. Dose-correlated curves were obtained from the amount of ALU representing signals, and the chromatin re-arrangements during DNA repair after irradiation were quantitatively studied on the nano-scale. Beyond applications in radiation research, the labelling strategy of immunostaining and COMBO-FISH with localization microscopy will also offer new potentials for analyses of subcellular elements in combination with other specific chromatin targets

    Localization Microscopy Analyses of MRE11 Clusters in 3D-Conserved Cell Nuclei of Different Cell Lines

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    In radiation biophysics, it is a subject of nowadays research to investigate DNA strand break repair in detail after damage induction by ionizing radiation. It is a subject of debate as to what makes up the cell’s decision to use a certain repair pathway and how the repair machinery recruited in repair foci is spatially and temporarily organized. Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) allows super-resolution analysis by precise localization of single fluorescent molecule tags, resulting in nuclear structure analysis with a spatial resolution in the 10 nm regime. Here, we used SMLM to study MRE11 foci. MRE11 is one of three proteins involved in the MRN-complex (MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 complex), a prominent DNA strand resection and broken end bridging component involved in homologous recombination repair (HRR) and alternative non-homologous end joining (a-NHEJ). We analyzed the spatial arrangements of antibody-labelled MRE11 proteins in the nuclei of a breast cancer and a skin fibroblast cell line along a time-course of repair (up to 48 h) after irradiation with a dose of 2 Gy. Different kinetics for cluster formation and relaxation were determined. Changes in the internal nano-scaled structure of the clusters were quantified and compared between the two cell types. The results indicate a cell type-dependent DNA damage response concerning MRE11 recruitment and cluster formation. The MRE11 data were compared to H2AX phosphorylation detected by γH2AX molecule distribution. These data suggested modulations of MRE11 signal frequencies that were not directly correlated to DNA damage induction. The application of SMLM in radiation biophysics offers new possibilities to investigate spatial foci organization after DNA damaging and during subsequent repair

    Dose enhancement effects of gold nanoparticles specifically targeting RNA in breast cancer cells.

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    Localization microscopy has shown to be capable of systematic investigations on the arrangement and counting of cellular uptake of gold nanoparticles (GNP) with nanometer resolution. In this article, we show that the application of specially modified RNA targeting gold nanoparticles ("SmartFlares") can result in ring like shaped GNP arrangements around the cell nucleus. Transmission electron microscopy revealed GNP accumulation in vicinity to the intracellular membrane structures including them of the endoplasmatic reticulum. A quantification of the radio therapeutic dose enhancement as a proof of principle was conducted with ÎłH2AX foci analysis: The application of both-SmartFlares and unmodified GNPs-lead to a significant dose enhancement with a factor of up to 1.2 times the dose deposition compared to non-treated breast cancer cells. This enhancement effect was even more pronounced for SmartFlares. Furthermore, it was shown that a magnetic field of 1 Tesla simultaneously applied during irradiation has no detectable influence on neither the structure nor the dose enhancement dealt by gold nanoparticles

    Dose Enhancement Effects of Gold Nanoparticles Specifically Targeting RNA in Breast Cancer Cells [Dataset]

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    Localization microscopy has shown to be capable of systematic investigations on the arrangement and counting of cellular uptake of gold nanoparticles (GNP) with nanometer resolution. In this article, we show that the application of specially modified RNA targeting gold nanoparticles (“SmartFlares”) can result in ring like shaped GNP arrangements around the cell nucleus. Transmission electron microscopy revealed GNP accumulation in vicinity to the intracellular membrane structures including them of the endoplasmatic reticulum. A quantification of the radio therapeutic dose enhancement as a proof of principle was conducted with γH2AX foci analysis: The application of both – SmartFlares and unmodified GNPs – lead to a significant dose enhancement with a factor of up to 1.2 times the dose deposition compared to non-treated breast cancer cells. This enhancement effect was even more pronounced for SmartFlares. Furthermore, it was shown that a magnetic field of 1 Tesla simultaneously applied during irradiation has no detectable influence on neither the structure nor the dose enhancement dealt by gold nanoparticles

    Challenges for Super-Resolution Localization Microscopy and Biomolecular Fluorescent Nano-Probing in Cancer Research

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    Understanding molecular interactions and regulatory mechanisms in tumor initiation, progression, and treatment response are key requirements towards advanced cancer diagnosis and novel treatment procedures in personalized medicine. Beyond decoding the gene expression, malfunctioning and cancer-related epigenetic pathways, investigations of the spatial receptor arrangements in membranes and genome organization in cell nuclei, on the nano-scale, contribute to elucidating complex molecular mechanisms in cells and tissues. By these means, the correlation between cell function and spatial organization of molecules or molecular complexes can be studied, with respect to carcinogenesis, tumor sensitivity or tumor resistance to anticancer therapies, like radiation or antibody treatment. Here, we present several new applications for bio-molecular nano-probes and super-resolution, laser fluorescence localization microscopy and their potential in life sciences, especially in biomedical and cancer research. By means of a tool-box of fluorescent antibodies, green fluorescent protein (GFP) tagging, or specific oligonucleotides, we present tumor relevant re-arrangements of Erb-receptors in membranes, spatial organization of Smad specific ubiquitin protein ligase 2 (Smurf2) in the cytosol, tumor cell characteristic heterochromatin organization, and molecular re-arrangements induced by radiation or antibody treatment. The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate how nano-scaled distance measurements between bio-molecules, tagged by appropriate nano-probes, can be applied to elucidate structures and conformations of molecular complexes which are characteristic of tumorigenesis and treatment responses. These applications open new avenues towards a better interpretation of the spatial organization and treatment responses of functionally relevant molecules, at the single cell level, in normal and cancer cells, offering new potentials for individualized medicine