126 research outputs found


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    Thermal injuries are a major medical, economic and social problem, whose severity, morbidity, mortality, prognosis and treatment outcome directly depend on the surface and depth of the burn, but also on the patient's age, health status and accompanying complications. The treatment of thermal injury is long and complex, and the outcome is often uncertain with a very complex rehabilitation process, because the injury damages both physical and psychological health. Constant innovations in the protocol of medical treatment and the search for new mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of burns can be helpful in successful treatment. Therefore, there is a constant search for adjuvant therapies that will improve results like HBO, AO, platelet- rich plasma, negative pressure wound therapy and others. In recent years, the application of antioxidants as  adjuvant therapy for the care and treatment of wounds  has been the subject of various researche. Antioxidants are biologically active molecules that prevent the creation of free radicals in the body and at the same time neutralize the existing ones, this way participating in maintaining the oxidative status at the desired level. Antioxidant -rich natural products may provide a solution to improve  wound healing. The application of antioxidant therapy has shown numerous benefits in improving the outcome of burns. However, more information is needed from the clinical trials on the use of natural products, especially in combination with other therapies. Keywords: thermal skin injury, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, antioxidant rich natural product

    Teorija racionalnog izbora i ovisničko ponašanje

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the construct of student satisfaction and analyze its relationship with student loyalty in the context of state and private universities. The rational choice theory assumes that, when deciding whether to consume some goods or not, consumers use analysis in order to estimate the values of individual preference indicators. From this point of view, there are risk and time preferences. The former show aversion to a risk and are expressed through the risk aversion coefficient, while the latter measure the degree of preference for present satisfaction in relation to the same satisfaction in the future. The degree of preference for present satisfaction regarding the same satisfaction in the future is expressed by the time preference rate. Smokers with a low time preference rate and high risk aversion coefficient level can be expected to be successful in cessation. The aim of this paper is to study smokers from the perspective of rational choice theory, in order to detect factors influencing their behavior. The study (investigation) found that the significant factors for smokers’ behavior are: gender, age, education, risk aversion coefficient, and the time preference rate. Analysis of smokers’ behavior, with appropriate limits and qualifications, is a well-developed and highly effective tool for exploring and interpreting reality.Teorija racionalnog izbora pretpostavlja da se pri odlučivanju o konzumaciji ili nekonzumaciji određenih proizvoda potrošači koriste analizom radi procjene vrijednosti individualnih pokazatelja preferencija. Iz te perspektive postoje preferencije vezane uz rizik i vrijeme. Prve pokazuju averziju prema riziku i izražavaju se koeficijentom averzije prema riziku, dok druge mjere stupanj preferencije za sadašnje zadovoljstvo u odnosu prema istom zadovoljstvu u budućnosti. Stupanj preferencije za sadašnje zadovoljstvo u odnosu na isto zadovoljstvo u budućnosti izražen je stopom preferencije vremena. Od pušača koji pokazuju nisku stopu preferencije prema vremenu i visoku stopu razine koeficijenta averzije može se očekivati uspješnost u prestanku pušenja. Cilj je rada proučavanje pušača iz perspektive teorije racionalnog izbora kako bi se otkrili čimbenici koji utječu na njihovo ponašanje. Istraživanjem je ustanovljeno da su značajni čimbenici ponašanja pušača sljedeći: spol, dob, obrazovanje, koeficijent averzije prema riziku i stopa vremenske preferencije. Analiza ponašanja pušača, uz uvažavanje odgovarajućih ograničenja i mogućnosti, dobro je razvijen alat za istraživanje i interpretaciju stvarnosti

    Teorija racionalnog izbora i ovisničko ponašanje

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the construct of student satisfaction and analyze its relationship with student loyalty in the context of state and private universities. The rational choice theory assumes that, when deciding whether to consume some goods or not, consumers use analysis in order to estimate the values of individual preference indicators. From this point of view, there are risk and time preferences. The former show aversion to a risk and are expressed through the risk aversion coefficient, while the latter measure the degree of preference for present satisfaction in relation to the same satisfaction in the future. The degree of preference for present satisfaction regarding the same satisfaction in the future is expressed by the time preference rate. Smokers with a low time preference rate and high risk aversion coefficient level can be expected to be successful in cessation. The aim of this paper is to study smokers from the perspective of rational choice theory, in order to detect factors influencing their behavior. The study (investigation) found that the significant factors for smokers’ behavior are: gender, age, education, risk aversion coefficient, and the time preference rate. Analysis of smokers’ behavior, with appropriate limits and qualifications, is a well-developed and highly effective tool for exploring and interpreting reality.Teorija racionalnog izbora pretpostavlja da se pri odlučivanju o konzumaciji ili nekonzumaciji određenih proizvoda potrošači koriste analizom radi procjene vrijednosti individualnih pokazatelja preferencija. Iz te perspektive postoje preferencije vezane uz rizik i vrijeme. Prve pokazuju averziju prema riziku i izražavaju se koeficijentom averzije prema riziku, dok druge mjere stupanj preferencije za sadašnje zadovoljstvo u odnosu prema istom zadovoljstvu u budućnosti. Stupanj preferencije za sadašnje zadovoljstvo u odnosu na isto zadovoljstvo u budućnosti izražen je stopom preferencije vremena. Od pušača koji pokazuju nisku stopu preferencije prema vremenu i visoku stopu razine koeficijenta averzije može se očekivati uspješnost u prestanku pušenja. Cilj je rada proučavanje pušača iz perspektive teorije racionalnog izbora kako bi se otkrili čimbenici koji utječu na njihovo ponašanje. Istraživanjem je ustanovljeno da su značajni čimbenici ponašanja pušača sljedeći: spol, dob, obrazovanje, koeficijent averzije prema riziku i stopa vremenske preferencije. Analiza ponašanja pušača, uz uvažavanje odgovarajućih ograničenja i mogućnosti, dobro je razvijen alat za istraživanje i interpretaciju stvarnosti

    Climate change in the EU: analysis by clustering and regression

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    Climate change is often seen as the most global and complex problem the world has been facing during its current development. The emissions of harmful gases, rising temperatures, variable amounts of precipitation, the occurrence of extreme weather conditions affect all countries regardless of their geographical position and level of development. The subject and goal of this paper is to examine the impact of economic, technological and demographic determinants on CO2emissions in18 EU countries in the period from 2011 to 2020. In the research are used k-means clustering and panel regression analysis. By the application of k-means clustering, 18 EU countries were grouped into 2 clusters according to the level of emissions of selected greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, HFC,PFC, SF6) per capita. In the “green cluster”, there are the following countries: Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Poland, Belgium, Ireland, and Netherlands. The “red cluster” includes the other analyzed EU countries. The results of the panel regression model in the “green cluster” showed thatCO2emissions are statistically significantly and positively influenced by Energy efficiency and Production of electricity by solid fossil fuels. On the other hand, the results of the analysis in the “red cluster” suggested that Research and developments costs turn out to be the most important predictor of CO2 emissions

    The theoretical model of rational choice behaviour in contemporary economic science

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    The consequences of selecting alternatives spurred scientists to create theories of rational decision-making. Until the 20th century, there were a relatively small number of decision- making and rational choice theories. This pattern was changed radically in the 20th century when the first models of rational behaviour emerged, primarily in the theory of operational researches, and then in rational choice theory. In the c o n t e m p o r a r y e c o n o m i c s s c i e n c e , the principle of rationality is characterized by subjectivity and narrowness. In comparison with the neoclassical direction, contemporary economics science fundamentally changed the paradigm of rationality. Supporters of cont emporar y economi cs s ci ence renounced the useless “demarcation” between the rationality and irrationality (logical/ illogical) of behavior and focused on the subjective determination of rationality. If children prefer to watch TV and not to study, they act subjectively and rationally, although in 10 years’ time they will have a different opinion. After all, there are potentially as many “rationalities” as there are people on the Earth. Attention of researchers, with bounded as features of rationality, is focused on two essential deficits of neoclassical theory. Neoclassical theory interprets the role of transaction costs in a rational economy in the wrong way. Specifically, in the neoclassic model of rational choice, transaction costs eqvals zero. Even famous philosophers, such as Weber and Schumpeter, presumably did not pay attention to these moments. According to Weber’s typology, only conscious focusing on the ultimate goal and conscious choice of means of its realisation are considered to be rational. Therefore, Weber makes a distinction between the “traditionally rational” behaviour on the one hand, and “traditionally irrational and affective behavior”, on the other. Nevertheless, both “traditionally irrational” behaviour and partly affective behaviour can be rational. If the analysis includes the time constraint, it becomes clear that in some trivial situations it is often more rational to make a decision immediately, and then to behave irrationally, provided there is no reasonable cause for rational behaviour. No matter whether we talk about eating with a fork and a knife, or with chopsticks, combing our hair in the morning or tidying our room, etc., these are all cases where traditional behaviour is rational. Just as M. Weber, Schumpeter could not bring the principles of rationality to a logical end. Schumpeter, for example, kept on using the term “field of rationality” in explaining entrepreneurs’ behaviour. Furthermore, he confused the term “rationality in conditions of incomplete information” with the term “irrational and variable behaviour”. The contemporaly economics science have made up for all those flaws concerning the definition of rationality, and it has brought the rationality principle to its logical end, recognising the important role that time, transaction costs, expenses and information have in everyday decisions

    Високо селективни водокомпатибилни молекулски обележени полимери за бензофенон-4

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    Molecularly imprinting technology was applied for preparing selective sorbents for benzophenone-4 (BP4), an organic UV filter used in sun-screens and cosmetics. Several imprinted polymers were prepared by bulk polymerization, using BP4 as template. Combination of stability (mechanical and chemical), selectivity and robustness of the imprinted polymers with BP4 properties resulted in a successful imprinting process (imprinting factors in range 1.05–2.60). The prepared polymers were characterised by infrared spectroscopy, elemental analysis, conductometric titrations and nitrogen physisorption at 77 K. Adsorption capacities and selectivity towards 7 other organic UV filters (benzophenone-3, benzophenone-8, homosalate, butyl methoxydibenzo-ylmethane, ethyl hexyl salicylate, ethyl hexyl p-dimethylamino benzoate and ethyl hexyl p-methoxycinnamate) were determined, proving high adsorption capacity and high selectivity for BP4 binding. The highest adsorption capacity was observed for 4-vinylpyridine/ethylene glycol dimethacrylate co-polymer prepared in dimethyl sulfoxide (1.108 mmol g-1). The imprinted polymer with the highest binding capacity was applied to solid phase extraction of BP4 from aqueous solutions with 98.5 % efficiency.Технологија молекулског обележавања примењена је у синтези селективних сорбената за бензофенон-4 (BP4), органски UV филтер који се користи у кремама за сунчање и другим козметичким производима. Полимери су добијени полимеризацијом у маси, користећи (BP4) као матрицу. Комбинацијом стабилности (механичке и хемијске), селективности и робусности молекулски обележених полимера са својствима BP4 извршено је успешно обележавање (фактор обележавања 1,05–2,60). Карактеризација добијених полимера је извршена применом инфрацрвене спектроскопије, елементалне анализе, кондуктометријских титрација и физисорпције азота на 77 К. Адсорпциони капацицети и селективност испитани су за 7 других органских UV филтера (бензофенон-3, бензофенон-8, хомосалат, бутилметоксидибензоилметан, етилхексил-салицилат, етилхексил-р-диметиламинобензоат и етилхексил-р-метоксицинамат), потврђујући велики адсорпциони капацитет и високу селективност за везивање BP4. Највећи адсорпциони капацитет показао је ко-полимер 4-винилпиридина и дивинилбензена добијен коришћењем диметил-сулфоксида као порогена (1,108 mmol/g). Полимер са највећим капацицетом за везивање BP4 примењен је као сорбент за екстракцију чврстом фазом BP4 из водених раствора са ефикасношћу од 98,5 %


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    The competitiveness is a multidimensional concept, being analysed at different levels. National and company competitiveness are deeply investigated, however, less attention is given to regional competitiveness. The importance of regional competitiveness arises from the factuality that it creates the quality of local conditions for companies' operations. Following this rational, two main goals of this researchare accepted. First goal is to model the impact of selected determinants on regional competitiveness, using a multiple linear regression model. The second goal is to propose activities that need to be implemented with the aim to improve the competitive performance of the analyzed regions. The model proves the positive impact of international exchange, human resources, and innovation, so future measures and activities at the regional, city and municipal levels need to be focused on strengthening these determinants

    Uticaj herbicida halauksifen-metila na prinos i kvalitet semena inbred linija suncokreta

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    U semenskoj proizvodnji suncokreta hemijske mere suzbijanja širokolisnih korova kao što su Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Abutilon theophrasti Medik., Xanthium strumarium L., Chenopodium album L. i drugi često nemaju zadovoljavajući efekat, dok efekat zemljišnih herbicida najčešće izostaje zbog čestog deficita padavina. Imajući u vidu da jaka zakorovljenost semenskih useva suncokreta dovodi do smanjenja prinosa i kvaliteta semena, primena herbicida za suzbijanje širokolisnih korova posle nicanja postaje izuzetno značajna i neophodna mera. Pri izboru herbicida u semenskoj proizvodnji suncokreta mora se voditi računa o njihovoj selektivnosti, a u praksi je potrebno dobro poznavanje reakcija inbred linija na preporučene herbicide, dok su testiranja ovog tipa postala obavezna za institucije koje se bave ovom proizvodnjom. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj novog herbicida halauksifen-metila (preparat Viballa, halauksifen-metil 3 g/l) na prinos i kvalitet semena (masa 1.000 zrna, energija i klijavost semena) 4 inbred linije suncokreta (L1, L2, L3, L4) selekcionisanih u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada

    Ukrštena rezistentnost ambrozije pelenaste (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) na herbicide ALS inhibitore u Srbiji

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    Ambrozija pelenasta (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) predstavlja jednu od najvažnijih invazivnih korovskih vrsta u Srbiji, za čije suzbijanje se u većini ratarskih useva najčešće koriste herbicidi ALS inhibitori. U poslednjih nekoliko godina na području južne i centralne Bačke, ovi herbicidi nisu ispoljili očekivanu efikasnost u suzbijanju ove korovske vrste. Cilj ispitivanja je bio da se ispita postojanje rezistentnosti ovog korova na ALS inhibitore i njena rasprostranjenost u Srbiji. U 2018. i 2019. godine, na prostoru centralne i južne Bačke, sa 36 polja soje, suncokreta, šećerne repe i kukuruza, sakupljeno je seme populacija ambrozije pelenaste u kojima se pretpostavlja da je došlo do razvoja rezistentnosti na herbicide ALS inhibitore. Biotestovi sa ovim populacijama imali su cilj da se proceni rasprostranjenost rezistentnosti i kreiraju mape

    Politika zaštite konkurencije kao faktor ekonomskog razvoja država u tranziciji

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