151 research outputs found


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    The obligation of every State is to protect life of every citizens and to insure everyone in accordance with its legislation rights and duties prescribed in European Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. When occurs significant endangerment or injury of corporal or mental integrity or property of larger scale, the State authorities are liable for criminal prosecution, conducting the effective and efficient process and for engagement of resources which can give professional support and adequate help to the victims. In this paper, the object of analysis is legal position of the victims before the competent judicial authority of the Republic of Serbia and the Portuguese Republic. The grounds for determining the status of an especially vulnerable victim, indicators of vulnerability and procedural consequences have been considered through comparative oversight of substantial and procedural provisions of criminal law which explicitly define the victim, as the passive subject of criminal offence. There have been described procedural and unprocedural measures of protection of the witness if there exist circumstances which indicate that by giving testimony or answering questions a witness would expose himself or persons close to him to a threats, danger to life, health, property of substantial size, with the point to signify main characteristics of this two legal systems, one that is applied in country in the process of integrating European Union and the second that is applied in member country of European Union. It is imperative to take actions by a competent authority in criminal procedure and that compulsory includes legal, informational and psychological help and support, in order to identify the truth and to get the perpetrators to justice, and in order to facilitate the participation of the victim and minimalize their traumatic experience.Obaveza je svake države da zaštiti život svakog svog građanina i da osigura svakome u okviru svoje nadležnosti prava i obaveze propisane Konvencijom o zašiti ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda. Kada dođe do ozbiljnog ugrožavanja ili povrede fzičkog ili psihičkog integriteta ili imovine veće vrednosti, vlasti su odgovorne za gonjenje učinilaca krivičnih dela, sprovođenje delotvornog i efkasnog krivičnog postupka i angažovanje resursa koji će pružiti kompetentnu podršku i adekvatnu pomoć žrtvama. U ovom radu analiziran je pravni položaj žrtve pred nadležnim pravosudnim organima Republike Srbije i Republike Portugalije. Kroz komparativni pregled materijalnih i procesnih odredbi iz materije krivičnog prava koje eksplicitno determinišu žrtvu, kao pasivnog subjekta krivičnog dela, razmatrani su osnovi za sticanje statusa posebno osetljivog svedoka, indikatori vulnerabilnosti i procesne posledice. Predmet obrade bile su i procesne i vanprocesne mere zaštite svedoka u slučaju kada svedoku ili njemu bliskom licu zbog davanja iskaza preti ozbiljna opasnost po život, telo ili imovinu, s ciljem ukazivanja na glavne karakteristike ova dva pravna sistema, jednog koji se primenjuje u državi koja je u postupku pregovaranja za sticanje punopravnog članstva u Evropskoj uniji i državi članici Evropske unije. Imperativ u postupanju nadležnih pravosudnih organa u krivičnom postupku nužno implicira i pravnu, informativnu i psihološku pomoć i podršku, kako bi se utvrdila istina i učinioci krivičnih dela priveli pravdi, ali i kako bi se olakšavalo učešće žrtve u postupku i minimalizovale njihove preživljene traume

    Chemical analysis of secondary metabolites of selected plant species of the genus Euphorbia

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    Predmet ove doktorske disertacije je proučavanje sekundarnih metabolita odabranih biljnih vrsta roda Euphorbia koje nastanjuju naše prostore. Za ispitivanje su odabrane Euphorbia palustris L. (barska mlečika), Eupohorbia lucida Waldst. & Kit. (visoka mlečika) i Euphorbia nicaeensis All (uskolisna mlečika). Biljne vrste roda Euphorbia poznate su od davnina i našle su svoju praktičnu primenu u tradicionalnoj i savremenoj medicini. Za sve predstavnike ovog roda karakteristično je postojanje biljnog soka (lateks) koji se skadišti u posebnim ćelijama koje se nalaze u stablu i listovima biljaka. Lateks predstavlja vodenu emulziju smeše terpena, fenolnih jedinjenja, cerebrozida, glicerola i drugih jedinjenja koja ima zaštitno dejstvo za biljku. Najzastupljenija jedinjenja u lateksu pripadaju klasi terpena i to diterpenima i triterpenima...The subject of this doctoral dissertation is the study of secondary metabolites of selected plant species of the genus Euphorbia that grow in our region. Euphorbia palustris L. (swamp spurge), Euphorbia lucida Waldst. & Kit. (shining spurge) and Euphorbia nicaeensis All. (narrow-leaved spurge) were selected for the research. Plant species of the genus Euphorbia have been known since ancient times and have found practical applications in traditional and modern medicine. All the plants of this genus are characterized by the existence of a milky sap (latex) which is stored in specialized cells found in the stem and leaves of the plants. Latex is an aqueous emulsion of a mixture of terpenes, phenolic compounds, cerebrosides, glycerols and other compounds that has a protective effect on the plant. Terpenes are the major components of the latex, namely diterpenes and triterpenes..

    Freshwater Cyanobacterial blooms and Cyanotoxin production in Serbia in the past 25 years

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    Since 1980 cyanobacterial blooms occurred in a large number of reservoirs lakes and water flows (rivers and channels) in Serbia. Among 83 water ecosystems examined, 58 were found in blooming condition almost every year during last 2 decades. All natural lakes, accumulations, rivers and canals in Vojvodina province (agricultural part) proved to be sites with frequent cyanobacterial proliferation. During the summer 2005-spring 2006 microcystin-LR survey in Vojvodina, the toxin was permanently present in all examined ecosystems and the highest value of 362.68 μgL-1 was detected in Ludoš Lake. The part of Central Serbia is very problematic for ground water supply. For that reason more than 20 reservoirs serve as drinking water suppliers. Significant and persistent cyanobacterial blooms have been recognized in 9 of them. Samples for cyanotoxin analyses were taken during and after blooms in Ćelije Reservoir and in drinking water in Kruševac town 2 days later. Concentration of microcystin-LR was 650 μgL-1 in the reservoir while the tap water contained 2.5μgL-1

    New insights into sesquiterpene lactones composition of Western Balkan’s genus Amphoricarpos revealed by rapid resolution liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry

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    This study revealed results from reinvestigation of sesquiterpene lactones composition in the crude and leaf surface extracts of Amphoricarpos plants by rapid resolution liquid chromatography (RRLC) coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (QToF MS) and the tentative identification of undescribed sesquiterpene lactones is presented.11th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, (11th CMAPSEEC), Ohrid, North Macedonia, 6–10 October 202

    Projektovanje solarnih sistema za arhitektonske objekte i BIM alati - pregled relevantnih geometrijskih aspekata

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    The paper systematizes geometric aspects relevant for understanding design of solar systems. The systematization is based on a review of literature dedicated to various kinds of engineers, including architects, involved in a multidisciplinary process of conceptualizing, designing and realization of PV systems. The understanding of the presented geometric aspects, known as solar geometry, is important not only in terms of finding optimal orientation and most effective tilt of solar modules, but also in terms of adequate geometric modelling of façade elements of a complex shape (as specific photovoltaic modules) in order to be optimally exposed to the sun all over the year. After providing detailed explanations of the main elements of solar geometry using the tools of spherical trigonometry, the paper discusses the integration of the presented geometric concepts in the BIM environments, and refers the example of Autodesk Revit software through its sun study tool. Analysed are functionalities of all interactive components of the 3D solar path representation. A need for more explicit determination of an incidence angle of the sun rays on a tilted surface is stressed. In the conclusion highlighted is the essential knowledge on solar geometry that needs to be acquired during architectural education, so that architects participating in the BIM working environments could be prepared for efficient conceptualization of integrated solar systems.U radu su sistematizovani najvažniji geometrijski aspekti koji su relevantni za celovito razumevanje projektovanja fotonaponskih sistema. Ova sistematizacija se bazira na pregledu literature namenjene različitim inženjerima, uključujući arhitekte koji su uključeni u multidisciplinarne procese konceptualizacije, projektovanja i realizacije fotonaponskih sistema. Razumevanje prikazanih geometrijskih aspekata, u literaturi objedinjenih pod nazivom solarna geometrija, značajno je ne samo zbog pronalaženja optimalne orijentacije i najefektnijeg nagiba fotonaponskih modula, nego i zbog adekvatnog oblikovanja geometrijski kompleksnih fasadnih elemenata, koji bi trebalo da budu optimalno osunčani tokom cele godine. Nakon detaljnog objašnjenja osnovnih elemenata solarne geometrije korišćenjem sferne trigonometrije, u radu je prodiskutovana integracija prikazanih geometrijskih koncepata u BIM okruženja, ilustrovana primerom modula za analize osunčanja u okviru softvera Revit, firme Autodesk. Analizirana je funkcionalnost svih interaktivnih komponenata 3D prikaza sunčeve putanje. Naglašena je potreba za eksplicitnijim određivanjem upadnog ugla sunčevih zraka na nagnutu površ fotonaponskog modula. U zaključnom delu izdvojeno je ono znanje o solarnoj geometriji koje bi bilo neophodno usvojiti u procesu arhitektonskog obrazovanja, kako bi projektanti koji rade u BIM okruženju bili pripremljeni za efikasnu konceptualizaciju integrisanih fotonaponskih sistema

    Regulation of the SOX3 Gene Expression by Retinoid Receptors

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    Sox3/SOX3 gene is considered to be one of the earliest neural markers in vertebrates. Despite the mounting evidence that Sox3/SOX3 is one of the key players in the development of the nervous system, limited data are available regarding the transcriptional regulation of its expression. This review is focused on the retinoic acid induced regulation of SOX3 gene expression, with particular emphasis on the involvement of retinoid receptors. Experiments with human embryonal carcinoma cells identified two response elements involved in retinoic acid/retinoid X receptor-dependent activation of the SOX3 gene expression: distal atypical retinoic acid-response element, consisting of two unique G-rich boxes separated by 49 bp, and proximal element comprising DR-3-like motif, composed of two imperfect hexameric half-sites. Importantly, the retinoic acid-induced SOX3 gene expression could be significantly down-regulated by a synthetic antagonist of retinoid receptors. This cell model provides a solid base for further studies on mechanism(s) underlying regulation of expression of SOX3 gene, which could improve the understanding of molecular signals that induce neurogenesis in the stem/progenitor cells both during development and in adulthood

    Anti-melanoma effects of ingenanes isolated from Euphorbia species

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    In this research, from two species, E. palustris and E. lucida, four ingenane derivatives were isolated. Their anticancer effects were evaluated in the human melanoma – 518A2 cell line and compared with the effects of ingenolmebutate. Selectivity towards human melanoma cells was determined using normal human keratinocytes – HaCaT.11th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, (11th CMAPSEEC), Ohrid, North Macedonia, 6–10 October 202


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    The paper presents surgical conditions of the abdomen viewed on a native abdominal radiograph in an upright position: atresia anus, the Chilaiditi syndrome, ileus, pneumo-peritoneum, calcified pancreas. Conclusion: A native radiograph of the abdomen in an upright position is a dominant examination method in diagnostics of an acute abdomen, intestinal obstruction and perforation and other pathological conditions of the abdomen

    Tetraciklični triterpenoidi iz vrste Euphorbia nicaeensis All

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    In this study, three tetracyclic triterpenes: (3S,24S)-tirucall-7-ene-3,24,25-triol (1), (3S,24R)-tirucall-7-ene-3,24,25-triol (2) and inoterpene C (3), were isolated from the milkweed Euphorbia nicaeensis All. using dry-column flash silica gel chromatography and semipreparative normal-phase HPLC. Their structures were determined on the basis of 1D and 2D NMR spectra and literature review. Although these three compounds have previously been isolated from other plant species, this is the first time that they have been isolated from E. nicaeensis.U ovom radu, tri tetraciklična triterpena: (3S,24S)-tirukal-7-en-3,24,25-triol (1), (3S,24R)-tirukal-7-en-3,24,25-triol (2) i inoterpen C (3) su izolovana iz mlečike Euphorbia nicaeensis All. koristeći brzu hromatografiju na suvom stubu silika gela i semipreparativnu normalno-faznu HPLC. Strukture su određene na osnovu 1D i 2D NMR spektara i poređenjem sa literaturom. Iako su ova tri jedinjenja ranije izolovana iz drugih biljnih vrsta, ovo je prvi put da su izolovana iz E. nicaeensis

    Socijalna validnost treninga socijalnih veština – perspektiva roditelja/staratelja

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    Socijalna validnost predstavlja multidimenzionalni konstrukt koji upućuje na stepen u kojem korisnici nekog tretmana, poput učenika, i oni koji su direktno ili indirektno uključeni u realizaciju tretmana, poput nastavnika i roditelja, opažaju dati tretman kao prihvatljiv način kojim se mogu ostvariti socijalno značajni ciljevi i socijalno važni ishodi. Socijalna validnost tretmana i ciljeva koji se njime ostvaruju ima prediktivnu vrednost u pogledu integriteta sprovođenja tretmana i dugoročnog održavanja njegovih efekata. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi socijalna validnost treninga socijalnih veština za učenike sa intelektualnom ometenošću i/ili autizmom, iz perspektive njihovih roditelja/staratelja. U istraživanju su učestvovali roditelji/staratelji (N = 30) čija su deca uključena u trening socijalnih veština koji se sprovodi u Osnovnoj školi za učenike sa smetnjama u razvoju i invaliditetom ,,Miloje Pavlović” iz Beograda. Za procenu socijalne validnosti korišćena je modifikovana verzija skraćene forme Inventara za evaluaciju tretmana (Treatment evaluation inventory short form, TEI-SF). Od ispitanika se tražilo da na šestostepnoj skali označe svoj stepen slaganja sa datim tvrdnjama (minimalna ocena 1, maksimalna ocena 6). Viši skorovi upućuju na pozitivnije stavove prema tretmanu. U našem istraživanju skala je imala zadovoljavajuću internu konzistentnost (α = 0,88). Rezultati ukazuju na visok nivo socijalne validnosti kada se posmatra skala u celini (AS = 5,13, SD = 0,74), pri čemu su prosečni skorovi na pojedinačnim stavkama bili u ospegu od 3,60 do 5,54. Generalno, roditeljima/starteljima se dopadaju procedure koje se koriste u okviru treninga (AS =5,54 , SD = 1,04), smatraju trening prihvatljivim (AS = 5,45 , SD = 0,99) i efikasnim načinom za rešavanje socijalnih poteškoća deteta (AS = 5,41 , SD = 0,98), kojim se mogu ostvariti trajna poboljšanja (AS =5,13 , SD = 0,78). Međutim, oni iskazuju donekle umerene stavove u pogledu osećanja lagodnosti deteta tokom treninga (AS = 3,60, SD = 1,83). Dobijeni pozitivni stavovi roditelja/staratelja prema primeni treninga socijalnih veština su ohrabrujući s obzirom na to da povećavaju verovatnoću da će trening biti primenjen na način na koji je planiran, a koji podrazumeva i kreiranje brojnih prilika za vežbanje i generalizaciju socijalnih veština u vanškolskom okruženju