133 research outputs found

    Between history and modernity: The anthropological study of migrant workers in the 21s t century

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    Pola veka od odlaska prvih gastarbajtera na rad u zemlje zapadne Evrope je momenat u kome je potrebno rezimirati i refokusirati istraživanja celokupne pojave. U to istraživanje, shodno vremenskoj distanci i dostupnim dokumentima uključili, su se i istoričari, uz već ranije prisutna proučavanja u okvirima demografije, ekonomije i sociologije. Skromno učešće antropologa u dosadašnjem proučavanju gastarbajtera rezultiralo je siromaštvom problemski postavljenih pitanja i istraživanja koja na tako postavljena pitanja daju odgovore. Ipak, potrebno je definisati koji su to pravci problemski formiranih pitanja koji će učiniti prelaz sa deskripcije na tumačenje pojava proizašlih iz činjenice da je više od milion ljudi iz Srbije, tokom pola veka, dobar deo svog života provelo ili još uvek provodi u zemljama zapadne Evrope. Ovaj rad predstavlja pokušaj da se formulišu neki od mogućih puteva savremenog antropološkog proučavanja poluvekovnog 'privremenog rada u inostranstvu' građana Srbije.Half a century after the first migrant workers left to find labor in the countries of Western Europe comes the moment in which it is necessary to summarize and refocus the research into this phenomenon. The research effort has - in accordance with temporal distance and accessible documents - been joined by historians, on top of previously existing research conducted within the frameworks of demography, economy and sociology. The modest participation of anthropologists within studies of migrant workers up to the present has resulted in a scarcity of critical research questions and studies which would provide answers to them. Some issues were missed due to non-functional focusing on immigration and national minorities in neighboring countries, and can now only be studied within the context of historical anthropology. Still, it is necessary to define the directions which new research questions should take in order to make the transition from description to interpretation of phenomena stemming from the fact that over a million people from Serbia, over the last half century, have spent, or still spend a large portion of their lives working in Western European countries. This paper represents an attempt to formulate some of the possible paths contemporary anthropological research could take in the study of the semi centennial 'temporary labor abroad' of Serbian citizens


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    In this paper a new method for design of the first order differentiator is presented. The proposed differentiator consists of two parallel branches, i.e. direct path and IIR all-pass filter. The described design method allows one to obtain solution with minimum mean relative error at the desired region by controlling the ratio of phase response extremes. A small relative magnitude error, as well as a low phase error, at low frequencies is condition for good time domain behaviour. The obtained differentiator can be realized by means of only two multipliers, hence being a good choice for real time applications. The proposed solution provides a lower magnitude error than several known differentiators with similar phase error

    Toxicological analysis of the risk of lead exposure in metal processing

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    Purpose: To evaluate toxicological risks for workers who are exposed to lead in their work environment. Methods: Since it is an important indicator of toxicological risk, a statistical analysis of lead concentration and biological lead toxicity markers in blood and urine were performed for both exposed and control groups. Both experimental groups consisted of employees from "NISSAL" JSC factory. Analytical epidemiological method in the form of a retrospective cohort study was applied, and covered the period from 2001 to 2010. The concentration of lead, δ-aminolevulinic acid, and coproporphyrin in biological samples were determined by spectrophotometric methods. Results: The results showed a high positive correlation between lead concentrations in blood and urine and the length of exposure of the participants (p < 0.01). Also, increase of lead concentration in the biological material significantly increased δ-aminolevulinic acid (p < 0.01) and slightly increased the concentration of coproporphyrin, both of which are important indicators of toxicological risk. Conclusion: The control group of employees belonged to the normal risk category, while the exposed group belonged to a moderate risk category. Correlation between the monitored parameters is statistically significant at p < 0.01 and p < 0.05. Keywords: Lead, δ-Aminolevulinic acid, Coproporphyrin, Chronic exposure, Toxicity, Correlatio


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    Architecture of binary to residue number system encoder based onthe moduli set {2n − 1,2n,2n + 1} with embedded modulo 2n + 1 channel in the diminished-1 representation, which can be used instead of the standard modulo 2n+1 channel, is presented. We consider the binary numbers with dynamic range of proposed moduli set which is 23n−2n. Within this dynamic range, 3n-bit binary number is partitioned into three n-bit parts and converted to residue numbers. The proposed architecture based on moduli set {2n−1,2n ,2n+1} with embedded diminished-1 encoded channel have been mapped on Xilinx FPGA chip. The proposed architecture can be utilized in conjunction with any fast binary adder without requiring any extra hardware

    Uklanjanje olova i kadmijuma iz vodenog rastvora koristeći okrakalcijum-fosfat kao adsorbent

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    Octacalcium phosphate (OCP) is a material from the calcium phos-phate group with a crystal structure similar to hydroxyapatite. The removal process of lead and cadmium in aqueous solution using octacalcium phosphate material was investigated. OCP material was synthesized by the solution pre-cipitation method. The structural and phase properties of OCP before and after the removal process were determined by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) method. Microstructural and semi-quantitative analysis of the material was investigated by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Characteristic bands and functional group determination were revealed using the Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR). As target pollutants, Cd(II) and Pb(II) were chosen in adsorption experiments. Results show that OCP in the first 10 min has a very fast removal rate for Pb(II); the equilibrium state was reached after 10 min with more than 98 % adsorption efficiency. Results for Cd(II), results showed the same removal rate but somewhat lower adsorption efficiency, amounted to approximately 63 %

    Politika zaštite konkurencije kao faktor ekonomskog razvoja država u tranziciji

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    Development of an intelligent computer vision system for Smart IoT basketball training and entertainment includes the development of a range of various subsystems, where score detection subsystem is playing a crucial role. This paper proposes the architecture of such a score detection subsystem to improve reliability and accuracy of the RFID technology used primarily for verification purposes. Challenges encompass both hardware-software interdependencies, optimal camera selection, and cost-effectiveness considerations. Leveraging machine learning algorithms, the vision-based subsystem aims not only to detect scores but also to facilitate online video streaming. Although the use of multiple cameras offers expanded field coverage and heightened precision, it concurrently introduces technical intricacies and increased costs due to image fusion and escalated processing requirements. This research navigates the intricate balance between achieving precise score detection and pragmatic system development. Through precise camera configuration optimization, the proposed system harmonizes hardware and software components

    A Multi-Scale Approach to Simulate the Nonlinear Optical Response of Molecular Nanomaterials

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    Nonlinear optics is essential for many recent photonic technologies. Here, we introduce a novel multi-scale approach to simulate the nonlinear optical response of molecular nanomaterials combining ab initio quantum-chemical and classical Maxwell-scattering computations. In this approach, the first hyperpolarizability tensor is computed with time-dependent density-functional theory and translated into a multi-scattering formalism that considers the optical interaction between neighboring molecules. A novel object is introduce to perform this transition from quantum-chemistry to classical scattering theory: the Hyper-Transition(T)-matrix. With this object at hand, the nonlinear optical response from single molecules and also from entire photonic devices can be computed, incorporating the full tensorial and dispersive nature of the optical response of the molecules. To demonstrate the applicability of our novel approach, the generation of a second-harmonic signal from a thin film of a Urea molecular crystal is computed and compared to more traditional simulations. Furthermore, an optical cavity is designed, which enhances the second-harmonic response of the molecular film by more than two orders of magnitude. Our approach is highly versatile and accurate and can be the working horse for the future exploration of nonlinear photonic molecular materials in structured photonic environments

    Comparative analysis of parameters of intraoperative and postoperative pain in bitches undergoing laparoscopic or conventional ovariectomy

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the parameters of intraoperative and postoperative pain in bitches undergoing laparoscopic or conventional ovariectomy. The study was conducted on 20 healthy, adult bitches of medium and large breeds. All the bitches were subjected to the same anesthetic protocol. Carprofen was applied preoperatively, and general anaesthesia was carried out with a combination of medetomidine, propofol and sevoflurane. The bitches were divided into two groups of 10 individuals each. The first group underwent conventional ovariectomy while the second one was subjected to the laparoscopic procedure. The intensity of intraoperative pain was estimated at different time points by measuring changes in heart and respiratory rate, arterial blood pressure, and body temperature. A multifactor pain scale was used to assess the intensity of postoperative pain. Dogs in the group which was scheduled for conventional ovariectomy (COV group) responded to painful intra-operative stimuli with increased heart rate and respiratory rate. Arterial blood pressure and body temperature decrease was detected in COV group. Laparoscopic ovariectomy induced less intra- and postoperative pain when compared to conventional ovariectomy. Beside that, the total anaesthesia time and postoperative recovery were shorter in dogs that underwent laparascopic ovariectomy

    Surface Second Harmonic Generation in Centrosymmetric Molecular Crystalline Materials: How Thick is the Surface?

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    Second harmonic generation (SHG) is forbidden in centrosymmetric molecular materials. However, a signal is frequently observed from interfaces where the symmetry is broken. Whereas the effect can be phenomenologically accommodated, an ab initio qualitative and quantitative description has remained elusive, preventing the exploration of fascinating questions such as how deep below the surface the second harmonic can still be generated. To answer such questions, we present an ab initio multiscale approach to compute the total and layer-dependent intensity of surface SHG from molecular crystals. The microscopic origin of surface SHG is identified in layer-dependent models with embedding partial charges combined with density functional theory. The models show increasing symmetry-breaking distortions of the electron cloud around the molecules as the surface layer is approached. The SHG at the molecular level is determined using time-dependent density functional theory and then brought to the scale of macroscopic films through a rigorous self-consistent multiple scattering formalism capable of predicting the measurable optical intensities of the generated second harmonic signal. We study crystalline molecular films with centrosymmetric unit cells of 7,9-Dibromobenzo[h]quinolin-10-ol. The intensity of the SHG at the surface layer is two orders of magnitude larger than at the next layer below and three orders of magnitude larger than two layers below. Besides providing fundamental understanding, our approach can be used for designing and optimizing optical devices containing nonlinear molecular materials, such as molecular laminates. We show that a relatively basic Kretschmann-like setup can enhance the surface SHG of a crystalline film of centrosymmetric molecular unit cells a thousand times.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure