286 research outputs found

    Accurate intensity integration in the twinned γ-form of o-nitro­aniline

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    o-Nitro­aniline, C6H6N2O3, is known to be polymorphic. The α-form is probably amorphous, while the β- and γ-forms are crystalline. Difficulties with the unit-cell determination of the γ-form were reported as a consequence of twinning. In this paper, newly recorded diffraction data of the γ-form of o-nitro­aniline are described that were processed taking into account the two twin lattices. Data were partly deconvoluted and much better agreement was obtained in terms of R1 values and C—C bond precision. The availability of raw data and proper reprocessing using twin lattices is by far superior to efforts to de-twin processed structure factors

    Carboplatin binding to a model protein in non-NaCl conditions to eliminate partial conversion to cisplatin, and the use of different criteria to choose the resolution limit

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    Hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) co-crystallisation conditions of carboplatin without sodium chloride (NaCl) have been utilised to eliminate partial conversion of carboplatin to cisplatin observed previously. Tetragonal HEWL crystals were successfully obtained in 65% MPD with 0.1M citric acid buffer at pH 4.0 including DMSO. The X-ray diffraction data resolution to be used for the model refinement was reviewed using several topical criteria together. The CC1/2 criterion implemented in XDS led to data being significant to 2.0{\AA}, compared to the data only being able to be processed to 3.0{\AA} using the Bruker software package (SAINT). Then using paired protein model refinements and DPI values based on the FreeR value, the resolution limit was fine tuned to be 2.3{\AA}. Interestingly this was compared with results from the EVAL software package which gave a resolution limit of 2.2{\AA} solely using crossing 2, but 2.8{\AA} based on the Rmerge values (60%). The structural results showed that carboplatin bound to only the N{\delta} binding site of His-15 one week after crystal growth, whereas five weeks after crystal growth, two molecules of carboplatin are bound to the His-15 residue. In summary several new results have emerged: - firstly non-NaCl conditions showed a carboplatin molecule bound to His-15 of HEWL; secondly binding of one molecule of carboplatin was seen after one week of crystal growth and two molecules were bound after five weeks of crystal growth; and thirdly the use of several criteria to determine the diffraction resolution limit led to the successful use of data to higher resolution.Comment: 14 pages; submitted to Acta Cryst D Biological Crystallography reference number tz504

    Поповнення архівного фонду Скоропадських

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    У ЦДІАК України знаходяться на зберіганні документальні матеріали архіву Скоропадських, одного з найдавніших українських родів. Ці документи зібрано у фонді 1219 “Скоропадські – поміщики Полтавської, Чернігівської губерній”, вони висвітлюють життя та різнобічну діяльність декількох поколінь роду Скоропадських протягом близько двох століть

    Molecular Mechanics and SCF MO Conformational Analysis of Indol-3-ylacetic Acid Phytohormone (Auxin)

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    Conformational analysis of indol-3-ylacetic acid (IAA)-plant growth hormone has been performed using molecular mechanics and the ab initio SCF MO theory. The equilibrium geometry of IAA has been determined. Relative energies of alternative conformations, their charge distribution, dipole moment and energy barriers between them have been calculated. The position of the carboxyl group relative to the indole ring depends on two torsion angles, Tl(C2-C3-C8-C9) and T2(C3-C8-C9=02). Rotational barriers for these two angles were explored and it emerged that both rotations (about the C3-C8and C8-C9 bonds) can be accomplished in a reasonable time period at room temperature (the barrier height is about 4.6-10.9 (TI) and 1.7-3.8 (T2) kJ/mol respectively, according to ab initio calculations. Ab initio (GAMESS)and molecular mechanics (DISCOVER (CVFF and cff91), SYBYL(TRIPOS) and MM2(87), calculations revealed qualitatively the same shape of potential energy surface (E =f(Tl, T2)). However, energy differences between various conformations depend on the basis set (ab initio calculations) and force field (molecular mechanics) used

    Алгоритм функціонування системи захисту

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    Детально розглянуті алгоритми виявлення атак у середовищі мереж зв'язку.In detail the algorithms of exposure of attacks are considered in the environment of communication network

    Погляд на архіви

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    The International Union of Crystallography has for many years been advocating archiving of raw data to accompany structural papers. Recently, it initiated the formation of the Diffraction Data Deposition Working Group with the aim of developing standards for the representation of these data. A means of studying this issue is to submit exemplar publications with associated raw data and metadata. A recent study on the effects of dimethyl sulfoxide on the binding of cisplatin and carboplatin to histidine in 11 different lysozyme crystals from two diffractometers led to an investigation of the possible effects of the equipment and X-ray diffraction data processing software on the calculated occupancies and B factors of the bound Pt compounds. 35.3 Gb of data were transferred from Manchester to Utrecht to be processed with EVAL. A systematic comparison shows that the largest differences in the occupancies and B factors of the bound Pt compounds are due to the software, but the equipment also has a noticeable effect. A detailed description of and discussion on the availability of metadata is given. By making these raw diffraction data sets available via a local depository, it is possible for the diffraction community to make their own evaluation as they may wish

    Data archiving and availability in an era of open science

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    Cisplatin coordination chemistry determination at hen egg white lysozyme His15 with ligand distances and angles, and their standard uncertainties, and also reporting a split occupancy effect

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    Following the interest of L Messori and A Merlino 2016 Coordination Chemistry Reviews in the platinum ions coordination geometries in our PDB entries 4dd4 and 4dd6 we have extended our original analyses.Comment: 10 pages. One figure with two stereos and two further separate (identical to the stereos) figures with atom labels. This arXiv article is the first part of a Data Revie

    Pathological macromolecular crystallographic data affected by twinning, partial-disorder and exhibiting multiple lattices for testing of data processing and refinement tools

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    Twinning is a crystal growth anomaly, which has posed a challenge in macromolecular crystallography (MX) since the earliest days. Many approaches have been used to treat twinned data in order to extract structural information. However, in most cases it is usually simpler to rescreen for new crystallization conditions that yield an untwinned crystal form or, if possible, collect data from non-twinned parts of the crystal. Here, we report 11 structures of engineered variants of the E. coli enzyme N-acetyl-neuraminic lyase which, despite twinning and incommensurate modulation, have been successfully indexed, solved and deposited. These structures span a resolution range of 1.45–2.30 Å, which is unusually high for datasets presenting such lattice disorders in MX and therefore these data provide an excellent test set for improving and challenging MX data processing programs