2,480 research outputs found

    A rigidity property of asymptotically simple spacetimes arising from conformally flat data

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    Given a time symmetric initial data set for the vacuum Einstein field equations which is conformally flat near infinity, it is shown that the solutions to the regular finite initial value problem at spatial infinity extend smoothly through the critical sets where null infinity touches spatial infinity if and only if the initial data coincides with Schwarzschild data near infinity.Comment: 37 page

    Time asymmetric spacetimes near null and spatial infinity. I. Expansions of developments of conformally flat data

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    The Conformal Einstein equations and the representation of spatial infinity as a cylinder introduced by Friedrich are used to analyse the behaviour of the gravitational field near null and spatial infinity for the development of data which are asymptotically Euclidean, conformally flat and time asymmetric. Our analysis allows for initial data whose second fundamental form is more general than the one given by the standard Bowen-York Ansatz. The Conformal Einstein equations imply upon evaluation on the cylinder at spatial infinity a hierarchy of transport equations which can be used to calculate in a recursive way asymptotic expansions for the gravitational field. It is found that the the solutions to these transport equations develop logarithmic divergences at certain critical sets where null infinity meets spatial infinity. Associated to these, there is a series of quantities expressible in terms of the initial data (obstructions), which if zero, preclude the appearance of some of the logarithmic divergences. The obstructions are, in general, time asymmetric. That is, the obstructions at the intersection of future null infinity with spatial infinity are different, and do not generically imply those obtained at the intersection of past null infinity with spatial infinity. The latter allows for the possibility of having spacetimes where future and past null infinity have different degrees of smoothness. Finally, it is shown that if both sets of obstructions vanish up to a certain order, then the initial data has to be asymptotically Schwarzschildean to some degree.Comment: 32 pages. First part of a series of 2 papers. Typos correcte

    On smoothness-asymmetric null infinities

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    We discuss the existence of asymptotically Euclidean initial data sets to the vacuum Einstein field equations which would give rise (modulo an existence result for the evolution equations near spatial infinity) to developments with a past and a future null infinity of different smoothness. For simplicity, the analysis is restricted to the class of conformally flat, axially symmetric initial data sets. It is shown how the free parameters in the second fundamental form of the data can be used to satisfy certain obstructions to the smoothness of null infinity. The resulting initial data sets could be interpreted as those of some sort of (non-linearly) distorted Schwarzschild black hole. Its developments would be so that they admit a peeling future null infinity, but at the same time have a polyhomogeneous (non-peeling) past null infinity.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Testing the assumptions of linear prediction analysis in normal vowels

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    This paper develops an improved surrogate data test to show experimental evidence, for all the simple vowels of US English, for both male and female speakers, that Gaussian linear prediction analysis, a ubiquitous technique in current speech technologies, cannot be used to extract all the dynamical structure of real speech time series. The test provides robust evidence undermining the validity of these linear techniques, supporting the assumptions of either dynamical nonlinearity and/or non-Gaussianity common to more recent, complex, efforts at dynamical modelling speech time series. However, an additional finding is that the classical assumptions cannot be ruled out entirely, and plausible evidence is given to explain the success of the linear Gaussian theory as a weak approximation to the true, nonlinear/non-Gaussian dynamics. This supports the use of appropriate hybrid linear/nonlinear/non-Gaussian modelling. With a calibrated calculation of statistic and particular choice of experimental protocol, some of the known systematic problems of the method of surrogate data testing are circumvented to obtain results to support the conclusions to a high level of significance

    Визначення статусу Головного контрольно-ревізійного управління України в системі органів виконавчої влади в контексті адміністративної реформи

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    Розбіжність у окремих нормативно правових актах України стосовно визначення статусу та підпорядкування Головного контрольно-ревізійне управління України, керівного органу державної контрольно ревізійної служби, уповноваженого на здійснення контролюючих функцій від імені Кабінету Міністрів України, призначення на посаду керівника зазначеного органу і відповідно визначення його місця у механізмі державної влади потребує чіткого врегулювання в контексті адміністративно-правової реформи, запровадження публічної адміністрації та удосконалення системи органів виконавчої влади, пов'язаності з іншими гілками влади системою стримувань і противаг. Ключові слова: державне управління, державний орган, правовий статус, державна контрольно ревізійна служба, механізм державної влади, Головне контрольноревізійне управління України, контроль за використанням державних коштівНесоответствие у отдельных нормативно правовых актах Украины относительно определения статусу та подчинения Главного контрольно ревизионного управления Украины, руководящего органа государственной контрольно ревизионной службы, уполномоченного на осуществление контролирующих функций от имени Кабинета Министров Украины, назначение на должность руководителя указанного органа и соответственно определения его места в механизме государственной власти требует четкого урегулирования в контексте административно правовой реформы, внедрения публичной администрации та усовершенствования системы органов исполнительной власти, связи с другими ветвями власти системой сдерживания та противовесов. Ключевые слова: государственное управление, государственный орган, правовой статус, государственная контрольно ревизионная служба, механизм государственной власти, Главное контрольно ревизионное управление Украины, контроль использования государственных средств.Inconsistency in some normative legal acts of Ukraine as regards determination of the status and subordination of the Main Control and Revision Office of Ukraine, the chief authority of the state control and revision service, entitled for performance of controlling functions on behalf of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, appointment of the Chairman of the mentioned authority and correspondingly determination of his/her place in the machinery of the government require clear regulation in the context of administrative legal reform, introduction of public administration and improvement of the system of executive authorities, connection with other branches of power by the system of restraints and counterbalances. Key words: public administration, state authority, legal status, the state control and revision service, machinery of the government, the Main Control and Revision Office of Ukraine, control over use of public funds

    Phase Synchronization in Railway Timetables

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    Timetable construction belongs to the most important optimization problems in public transport. Finding optimal or near-optimal timetables under the subsidiary conditions of minimizing travel times and other criteria is a targeted contribution to the functioning of public transport. In addition to efficiency (given, e.g., by minimal average travel times), a significant feature of a timetable is its robustness against delay propagation. Here we study the balance of efficiency and robustness in long-distance railway timetables (in particular the current long-distance railway timetable in Germany) from the perspective of synchronization, exploiting the fact that a major part of the trains run nearly periodically. We find that synchronization is highest at intermediate-sized stations. We argue that this synchronization perspective opens a new avenue towards an understanding of railway timetables by representing them as spatio-temporal phase patterns. Robustness and efficiency can then be viewed as properties of this phase pattern

    Exact Solution of Two-Species Ballistic Annihilation with General Pair-Reaction Probability

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    The reaction process A+B>CA+B->C is modelled for ballistic reactants on an infinite line with particle velocities vA=cv_A=c and vB=cv_B=-c and initially segregated conditions, i.e. all A particles to the left and all B particles to the right of the origin. Previous, models of ballistic annihilation have particles that always react on contact, i.e. pair-reaction probability p=1p=1. The evolution of such systems are wholly determined by the initial distribution of particles and therefore do not have a stochastic dynamics. However, in this paper the generalisation is made to p<1p<1, allowing particles to pass through each other without necessarily reacting. In this way, the A and B particle domains overlap to form a fluctuating, finite-sized reaction zone where the product C is created. Fluctuations are also included in the currents of A and B particles entering the overlap region, thereby inducing a stochastic motion of the reaction zone as a whole. These two types of fluctuations, in the reactions and particle currents, are characterised by the `intrinsic reaction rate', seen in a single system, and the `extrinsic reaction rate', seen in an average over many systems. The intrinsic and extrinsic behaviours are examined and compared to the case of isotropically diffusing reactants.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, typos correcte

    Chest computed tomography in severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia:Comparing quantitative scoring methods

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    Purpose: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is the most common complication of extreme preterm birth and structural lung abnormalities are frequently found in children with BPD. To quantify lung damage in BPD, three new Hounsfield units (HU) based chest-CT scoring methods were evaluated in terms of 1) intra- and inter-observer variability, 2) correlation with the validated Perth-Rotterdam-Annotated-Grid-Morphometric-Analysis (PRAGMA)-BPD score, and 3) correlation with clinical data. Methods: Chest CT scans of children with severe BPD were performed at a median of 7 months corrected age. Hyper- and hypo-attenuated regions were quantified using PRAGMA-BPD and three new HU based scoring methods (automated, semi-automated, and manual). Intra- and inter-observer variability was measured using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and Bland-Altman plots. The correlation between the 4 scoring methods and clinical data was assessed using Spearman rank correlation. Results: Thirty-five patients (median gestational age 26.1 weeks) were included. Intra- and inter-observer variability was excellent for hyper- and hypo-attenuation regions for the manual HU method and PRAGMA-BPD (ICCs range 0.80–0.97). ICC values for the semi-automated HU method were poorer, in particular for the inter-observer variability of hypo- (0.22–0.71) and hyper-attenuation (-0.06–0.89). The manual HU method was highly correlated with PRAGMA-BPD score for both hyper- (ρs0.92, p &lt; 0.001) and hypo-attenuation (ρs0.79, p &lt; 0.001), while automated and semi-automated HU methods showed poor correlation for hypo- (ρs &lt; 0.22) and good correlation for hyper-attenuation (ρs0.72–0.74, p &lt; 0.001). Several scores of hyperattenuation correlated with the use of inhaled bronchodilators in the first year of life; two hypoattenuation scores correlated with birth weight. Conclusions: PRAGMA-BPD and the manual HU method have the best reproducibility for quantification of CT abnormalities in BPD.</p

    Generalized Painleve-Gullstrand descriptions of Kerr-Newman black holes

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    Generalized Painleve-Gullstrand metrics are explicitly constructed for the Kerr-Newman family of charged rotating black holes. These descriptions are free of all coordinate singularities; moreover, unlike the Doran and other proposed metrics, an extra tunable function is introduced to ensure all variables in the metrics remain real for all values of the mass M, charge Q, angular momentum aM, and cosmological constant \Lambda > - 3/(a^2). To describe fermions in Kerr-Newman spacetimes, the stronger requirement of non-singular vierbein one-forms at the horizon(s) is imposed and coordinate singularities are eliminated by local Lorentz boosts. Other known vierbein fields of Kerr-Newman black holes are analysed and discussed; and it is revealed that some of these descriptions are actually not related by physical Lorentz transformations to the original Kerr-Newman expression in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates - which is the reason complex components appear (for certain ranges of the radial coordinate) in these metrics. As an application of our constructions the correct effective Hawking temperature for Kerr black holes is derived with the method of Parikh and Wilczek.Comment: 5 pages; extended to include application to derivation of Hawking radiation for Kerr black holes with Parikh-Wilczek metho