1,687 research outputs found

    Can one detect a non-smooth null infinity?

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    It is shown that the precession of a gyroscope can be used to elucidate the nature of the smoothness of the null infinity of an asymptotically flat spacetime (describing an isolated body). A model for which the effects of precession in the non-smooth null infinity case are of order r2lnrr^{-2}\ln r is proposed. By contrast, in the smooth version the effects are of order r3r^{-3}. This difference should provide an effective criterion to decide on the nature of the smoothness of null infinity.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Universality properties of the stationary states in the one-dimensional coagulation-diffusion model with external particle input

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    We investigate with the help of analytical and numerical methods the reaction A+A->A on a one-dimensional lattice opened at one end and with an input of particles at the other end. We show that if the diffusion rates to the left and to the right are equal, for large x, the particle concentration c(x) behaves like As/x (x measures the distance to the input end). If the diffusion rate in the direction pointing away from the source is larger than the one corresponding to the opposite direction the particle concentration behaves like Aa/sqrt(x). The constants As and Aa are independent of the input and the two coagulation rates. The universality of Aa comes as a surprise since in the asymmetric case the system has a massive spectrum.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX, including three postscript figures, to appear in J. Stat. Phy

    Ісламський фактор в міжнародних економічних відносинах: приклад ЄС і Турції

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    В роботі представлена спроба цілісного вивчення впливу культурних, соціальних, економічних і політичних факторів на процеси взаємовідносин Туреччини і ЄС, що дозволяє надати більш об'ємне й глибоке уявлення про соціально-політичні процеси в Туреччині і ЄС в контексті їх еволюції. Дана оцінка сучасного стану мусульманської діаспори в країнах ЄС з подальшою систематизацією даних. Зроблена авторська порівняльна характеристика процесів євроінтеграції України (у якої є свій «ісламський» фактор) і Туреччини і її систематизаці

    Generalized Painleve-Gullstrand descriptions of Kerr-Newman black holes

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    Generalized Painleve-Gullstrand metrics are explicitly constructed for the Kerr-Newman family of charged rotating black holes. These descriptions are free of all coordinate singularities; moreover, unlike the Doran and other proposed metrics, an extra tunable function is introduced to ensure all variables in the metrics remain real for all values of the mass M, charge Q, angular momentum aM, and cosmological constant \Lambda > - 3/(a^2). To describe fermions in Kerr-Newman spacetimes, the stronger requirement of non-singular vierbein one-forms at the horizon(s) is imposed and coordinate singularities are eliminated by local Lorentz boosts. Other known vierbein fields of Kerr-Newman black holes are analysed and discussed; and it is revealed that some of these descriptions are actually not related by physical Lorentz transformations to the original Kerr-Newman expression in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates - which is the reason complex components appear (for certain ranges of the radial coordinate) in these metrics. As an application of our constructions the correct effective Hawking temperature for Kerr black holes is derived with the method of Parikh and Wilczek.Comment: 5 pages; extended to include application to derivation of Hawking radiation for Kerr black holes with Parikh-Wilczek metho

    Symmetry and species segregation in diffusion-limited pair annihilation

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    We consider a system of q diffusing particle species A_1,A_2,...,A_q that are all equivalent under a symmetry operation. Pairs of particles may annihilate according to A_i + A_j -> 0 with reaction rates k_{ij} that respect the symmetry, and without self-annihilation (k_{ii} = 0). In spatial dimensions d > 2 mean-field theory predicts that the total particle density decays as n(t) ~ 1/t, provided the system remains spatially uniform. We determine the conditions on the matrix k under which there exists a critical segregation dimension d_{seg} below which this uniformity condition is violated; the symmetry between the species is then locally broken. We argue that in those cases the density decay slows down to n(t) ~ t^{-d/d_{seg}} for 2 < d < d_{seg}. We show that when d_{seg} exists, its value can be expressed in terms of the ratio of the smallest to the largest eigenvalue of k. The existence of a conservation law (as in the special two-species annihilation A + B -> 0), although sufficient for segregation, is shown not to be a necessary condition for this phenomenon to occur. We work out specific examples and present Monte Carlo simulations compatible with our analytical results.Comment: latex, 19 pages, 3 eps figures include

    Phase Synchronization in Railway Timetables

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    Timetable construction belongs to the most important optimization problems in public transport. Finding optimal or near-optimal timetables under the subsidiary conditions of minimizing travel times and other criteria is a targeted contribution to the functioning of public transport. In addition to efficiency (given, e.g., by minimal average travel times), a significant feature of a timetable is its robustness against delay propagation. Here we study the balance of efficiency and robustness in long-distance railway timetables (in particular the current long-distance railway timetable in Germany) from the perspective of synchronization, exploiting the fact that a major part of the trains run nearly periodically. We find that synchronization is highest at intermediate-sized stations. We argue that this synchronization perspective opens a new avenue towards an understanding of railway timetables by representing them as spatio-temporal phase patterns. Robustness and efficiency can then be viewed as properties of this phase pattern

    Persistence in the One-Dimensional A+B -> 0 Reaction-Diffusion Model

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    The persistence properties of a set of random walkers obeying the A+B -> 0 reaction, with equal initial density of particles and homogeneous initial conditions, is studied using two definitions of persistence. The probability, P(t), that an annihilation process has not occurred at a given site has the asymptotic form P(t)>const+tθP(t) -> const + t^{-\theta}, where θ\theta is the persistence exponent (``type I persistence''). We argue that, for a density of particles ρ>>1\rho >> 1, this non-trivial exponent is identical to that governing the persistence properties of the one-dimensional diffusion equation, where θ0.1207\theta \approx 0.1207. In the case of an initially low density, ρ0<<1\rho_0 << 1, we find θ1/4\theta \approx 1/4 asymptotically. The probability that a site remains unvisited by any random walker (``type II persistence'') is also investigated and found to decay with a stretched exponential form, P(t)exp(constρ01/2t1/4)P(t) \sim \exp(-const \rho_0^{1/2}t^{1/4}), provided ρ0<<1\rho_0 << 1. A heuristic argument for this behavior, based on an exactly solvable toy model, is presented.Comment: 11 RevTeX pages, 19 EPS figure

    Soluble two-species diffusion-limited Models in arbitrary dimensions

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    A class of two-species ({\it three-states}) bimolecular diffusion-limited models of classical particles with hard-core reacting and diffusing in a hypercubic lattice of arbitrary dimension is investigated. The manifolds on which the equations of motion of the correlation functions close, are determined explicitly. This property allows to solve for the density and the two-point (two-time) correlation functions in arbitrary dimension for both, a translation invariant class and another one where translation invariance is broken. Systems with correlated as well as uncorrelated, yet random initial states can also be treated exactly by this approach. We discuss the asymptotic behavior of density and correlation functions in the various cases. The dynamics studied is very rich.Comment: 28 pages, 0 figure. To appear in Physical Review E (February 2001

    Multiparticle Reactions with Spatial Anisotropy

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    We study the effect of anisotropic diffusion on the one-dimensional annihilation reaction kA->inert with partial reaction probabilities when hard-core particles meet in groups of k nearest neighbors. Based on scaling arguments, mean field approaches and random walk considerations we argue that the spatial anisotropy introduces no appreciable changes as compared to the isotropic case. Our conjectures are supported by numerical simulations for slow reaction rates, for k=2 and 4.Comment: nine pages, plain Te

    Segregation in diffusion-limited multispecies pair annihilation

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    The kinetics of the q species pair annihilation reaction (A_i + A_j -> 0 for 1 <= i < j <= q) in d dimensions is studied by means of analytical considerations and Monte Carlo simulations. In the long-time regime the total particle density decays as rho(t) ~ t^{- alpha}. For d = 1 the system segregates into single species domains, yielding a different value of alpha for each q; for a simplified version of the model in one dimension we derive alpha(q) = (q-1) / (2q). Within mean-field theory, applicable in d >= 2, segregation occurs only for q < 1 + (4/d). The only physical realisation of this scenario is the two-species process (q = 2) in d = 2 and d = 3, governed by an extra local conservation law. For d >= 2 and q >= 1 + (4/d) the system remains disordered and its density is shown to decay universally with the mean-field power law (alpha = 1) that also characterises the single-species annihilation process A + A -> 0.Comment: 35 pages (IOP style files included), 10 figures included (as eps files