27 research outputs found

    The Increasing Rotation Period of Comet 10P/Tempel 2

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    We imaged comet 10P/Tempel 2 on 32 nights from 1999 April through 2000 March. R-band lightcurves were obtained on 11 of these nights from 1999 April through 1999 June, prior to both the onset of significant coma activity and perihelion. Phasing of the data yields a double-peaked lightcurve and indicates a nucleus rotational period of 8.941 +/- 0.002 hr with a peak-to-peak amplitude of ~0.75 mag. Our data are sufficient to rule out all other possible double-peaked solutions as well as the single- and triple- peaked solutions. This rotation period agrees with one of five possible solutions found in post-perihelion data from 1994 by Mueller and Ferrin (1996, Icarus, 123, 463-477), and unambiguously eliminates their remaining four solutions. We applied our same techniques to published lightcurves from 1988 which were obtained at an equivalent orbital position and viewing geometry as in 1999. We found a rotation period of 8.932 +/- 0.001 hr in 1988, consistent with the findings of previous authors and incompatible with our 1999 solution. This reveals that Tempel 2 spun-down by ~32 s between 1988 and 1999 (two intervening perihelion passages). If the spin-down is due to a systematic torque, then the rotation period prior to perihelion during the 2010 apparition is expected to be an additional 32 s longer than in 1999.Comment: Accepted by The Astronomical Journal; 22 pages of text, 3 tables, 6 figure

    Halley's comet of 87 BC on the coins of Armenian king Tigranes?

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    Coins of Armenian king Tigranes II the Great (95-55 BC), silver and copper-bronze tetradrachms and drachms, clearly reveal a star with a tail on the royal tiara which may be associated with the Halley's comet passage of 87 BC. If so, one has another case when astronomical events can be useful for historical chronological problems, this would be a far earlier record of Halley in Armenia than was previously known from chronicles and also one of the earliest known images of Halley's comet.Comment: The published version. The photos of coins are subject of copyright and can be used only upon permission of the first autho

    The Science of Sungrazers, Sunskirters, and Other Near-Sun Comets

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    This review addresses our current understanding of comets that venture close to the Sun, and are hence exposed to much more extreme conditions than comets that are typically studied from Earth. The extreme solar heating and plasma environments that these objects encounter change many aspects of their behaviour, thus yielding valuable information on both the comets themselves that complements other data we have on primitive solar system bodies, as well as on the near-solar environment which they traverse. We propose clear definitions for these comets: We use the term near-Sun comets to encompass all objects that pass sunward of the perihelion distance of planet Mercury (0.307 AU). Sunskirters are defined as objects that pass within 33 solar radii of the Sun’s centre, equal to half of Mercury’s perihelion distance, and the commonly-used phrase sungrazers to be objects that reach perihelion within 3.45 solar radii, i.e. the fluid Roche limit. Finally, comets with orbits that intersect the solar photosphere are termed sundivers. We summarize past studies of these objects, as well as the instruments and facilities used to study them, including space-based platforms that have led to a recent revolution in the quantity and quality of relevant observations. Relevant comet populations are described, including the Kreutz, Marsden, Kracht, and Meyer groups, near-Sun asteroids, and a brief discussion of their origins. The importance of light curves and the clues they provide on cometary composition are emphasized, together with what information has been gleaned about nucleus parameters, including the sizes and masses of objects and their families, and their tensile strengths. The physical processes occurring at these objects are considered in some detail, including the disruption of nuclei, sublimation, and ionisation, and we consider the mass, momentum, and energy loss of comets in the corona and those that venture to lower altitudes. The different components of comae and tails are described, including dust, neutral and ionised gases, their chemical reactions, and their contributions to the near-Sun environment. Comet-solar wind interactions are discussed, including the use of comets as probes of solar wind and coronal conditions in their vicinities. We address the relevance of work on comets near the Sun to similar objects orbiting other stars, and conclude with a discussion of future directions for the field and the planned ground- and space-based facilities that will allow us to address those science topics

    Fractional Vertex Arboricity of Graphs

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