253 research outputs found

    VennMaker for Historians : sources, social networks and software

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    This paper explores the applicability of the software VennMaker to historical research. The paper draws on two case studies from current network-oriented historical research projects, covering different time periods and sources. VennMaker's biggest advantage is that it inverts the process of data collection. While traditional software uses pre-coded data to produce a network map, VennMaker generates data while the researcher draws nodes and creates a network map. Prefabricated data matrices are no longer necessary; therefore, the software can easily be used by historians lacking training in the social sciences. Our two cases include an analysis of a family structure in ancient history and ego-networks of Jews in hiding during National Socialism. We argue that a visual representation of social relations helps to reveal unseen patterns and characteristics of networks therefore offering scholars new perspectives on their research subjects. The software offers a variety of tools to represent social relations and their development over time and space.Este artículo explora la aplicabilidad del programa informático VennMaker para la investigación histórica. El artículo se apoya en dos casos de estudio de investigaciones históricas actuales orientadas a estudiar las redes y que cubren diferentes periodos de tiempo y distintas fuentes. La mayor ventaja de VennMaker es que invierte el proceso de recolección de datos. Mientras que los programas tradicionales utilizan datos pre-codificados para producir el mapa de una red, VennMaker genera los datos mientras que el investigador dibuja los nodos y crea el mapa de una red. Las bases de datos de matrices prefabricadas ya no son necesarias; por lo tanto, el programa puede ser utilizado fácilmente por historiadores que no se han formado en las ciencias sociales. Los dos casos incluyen el análisis de una estructura familiar en la historia antigua y las redes ego-centradas de judíos que se escondían durante el Nacional-Socialismo. Artumentamos que una representación visual de las relaciones sociales ayuda a revelar modelos invisibles y caracerísticas de las redes que ofrecen a los investigadores nuevas perspectivas sobre sus temas de investigación. El programa ofrece una variedad de herramientas para representar las relaciones sociales y su desarrollo a lo largo del tiempo y del espacio

    Forschungsdaten an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln

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    Aktives Forschungsdatenmanagement wird im Zuge fortschreitender Digitalisierung immer wichtiger. Digital codierte Information ist weitaus flüchtiger und erfordert eine intensivere Betreuung als bedrucktes Papier. Die Hochschulen müssen sich deshalb darauf einstellen, ihren Wissenschaftlern und Forschern die notwendigen Infrastrukturen und Services für das Management von digitalen Forschungsdaten zur Verfügung zu stellen. Um den aktuellen Bedarf an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln im Umgang mit Forschungsdaten möglichst genau identifizieren zu können, wurde im Jahr 2016 vom Data Center for the Humanities in Kooperation mit dem Dekanat der Philosophischen Fakultät sowie der Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln eine Online-Umfrage unter dem wissenschaftlichen Personal der Fakultät durchgeführt. Ziel der Erhebung war es, sowohl die aktuellen Bestände zu charakterisieren als auch Informationen zum Bedarf in den Bereichen Forschungsdatenmanagement und Beratung zu erhalten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden zunächst die aktuellen Entwicklungen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene im Bereich des Forschungsdatenmanagements aufgezeigt und anschließend die Ergebnisse der Umfrage präsentiert sowie mögliche Schlussfolgerungen erörtert.In the course of the digitisation of information, research data management has become one of the most important new areas of research. Universities have to prepare themselves to provide their academics and researchers with the necessary infrastructures and services. To identify the current demands regarding the handling of research data at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Cologne, the Data Center for the Humanities conducted an online survey in 2016 in cooperation with the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities as well as the University and City Library of Cologne. The enquiry aimed to characterise the present stock and to obtain information on the demands in the sectors research data management and consultation services. This thesis will show ongoing developments at the national and international level in research data management, present the results of the survey and discuss potential conclusions

    Far-from-equilibrium dynamics of ultra-cold Fermi gases

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    In this thesis, far-from-equilibrium dynamics of fermionic quantum gases is discussed utilising functional quantum field theoretical methods. Employing the Schwinger-Keldysh path integral, real-time Schwinger-Dyson/Kadanoff-Baym dynamic equations for the two-point correlation functions are derived from the two-particle irreducible (2PI) effective action. For two specific models, these dynamic equations are investigated further. (a) For an N-fold spin-degenerate ultra-cold Fermi gas, non-perturbative approximation schemes based on either a loop or a 1/N expansion of the 2PI effective action are presented. Adopting these approximations, the long-time evolution of a homogeneous Fermi gas with N=2 after an initial preparation far from thermal equilibrium is thoroughly studied in one spatial dimension. Depending on the total energy, the gas is found to evolve into thermal as well as non-thermal states, the latter becoming manifest in violating the fluctuation-dissipation relation. (b) A similar 1/N expansion is derived for the SU(N) symmetric Kondo lattice model. At leading order, the mean-field dynamic equations of the U=0 Anderson model are recovered. At next-to-leading order (NLO), both spin-flip and direct interactions between localised atoms and conduction band atoms are taken into account non-perturbatively into the dynamic equations. This allows future studies of possibly existing novel phases in coupling regimes where the Kondo screening and RKKY-type interactions are competing

    VennMaker para historiadores : fuentes, redes sociales y programas informáticos

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    Este artículo explora la aplicabilidad del programa informático VennMaker para la investigación histórica. El artículo se apoya en dos casos de estudio de investigaciones históricas actuales orientadas a estudiar las redes y que cubren diferentes periodos de tiempo y distintas fuentes. La mayor ventaja de VennMaker es que invierte el proceso de recolección de datos. Mientras que los programas tradicionales utilizan datos pre-codificados para producir el mapa de una red, VennMaker genera los datos mientras que el investigador dibuja los nodos y crea el mapa de una red. Las bases de datos de matrices prefabricadas ya no son necesarias; por lo tanto, el programa puede ser utilizado fácilmente por historiadores que no se han formado en las ciencias sociales. Los dos casos incluyen el análisis de una estructura familiar en la historia antigua y las redes ego-centradas de judíos que se escondían durante el Nacional-Socialismo. Artumentamos que una representación visual de las relaciones sociales ayuda a revelar modelos invisibles y caracerísticas de las redes que ofrecen a los investigadores nuevas perspectivas sobre sus temas de investigación. El programa ofrece una variedad de herramientas para representar las relaciones sociales y su desarrollo a lo largo del tiempo y del espacio.This paper explores the applicability of the software VennMaker to historical research. The paper draws on two case studies from current network-oriented historical research projects, covering different time periods and sources. VennMaker's biggest advantage is that it inverts the process of data collection. While traditional software uses pre-coded data to produce a network map, VennMaker generates data while the researcher draws nodes and creates a network map. Prefabricated data matrices are no longer necessary; therefore, the software can easily be used by historians lacking training in the social sciences. Our two cases include an analysis of a family structure in ancient history and ego-networks of Jews in hiding during National Socialism. We argue that a visual representation of social relations helps to reveal unseen patterns and characteristics of networks therefore offering scholars new perspectives on their research subjects. The software offers a variety of tools to represent social relations and their development over time and space

    Regression-based Age Prediction of Plastic Waste using Hyperspectral Imaging

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    In order to enable high quality recycling of polypropylene (PP) plastic, additional classification and separation into the degree of degradation is necessary. In this study, different PP plastic samples were produced and degraded by multiple extrusion and thermal treatment. Using near infrared spectroscopy, the samples were examined and regression models were trained to predict the degree of aging. The models of the multiple extruded samples showed high accuracy, despite only minor spectral changes. The accuracy of the models of the thermally aged samples varied with the design of the training set due to the non-linear aging process, but showed sufficient accuracy in prediction

    Expression of Cyclins A, E and Topoisomerase II α correlates with centrosome amplification and genomic instability and influences the reliability of cytometric S-phase determination

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    BACKGROUND: The progression of normal cells through the cell cycle is meticulously regulated by checkpoints guaranteeing the exact replication of the genome during S-phase and its equal division at mitosis. A prerequisite for this achievement is synchronized DNA-replication and centrosome duplication. In this context the expression of cyclins A and E has been shown to play a principal role. RESULTS: Our results demonstrated a correlation between centrosome amplification, cell cycle fidelity and the level of mRNA and protein expression of cyclins A and E during the part of the cell cycle defined as G1-phase by means of DNA content based histogram analysis. It is shown that the normal diploid breast cell line HTB-125, the genomically relatively stable aneuploid breast cancer cell line MCF-7, and the genomically unstable aneuploid breast cancer cell line MDA-231 differ remarkably concerning both mRNA and protein expression of the two cyclins during G1-phase. In MDA-231 cells the expression of e.g. cyclin A mRNA was found to be ten times higher than in MCF-7 cells and about 500 times higher than in HTB-125 cells. Topoisomerase II α showed high mRNA expression in MDA compared to MCF-7 cells, but the difference in protein expression was small. Furthermore, we measured centrosome aberrations in 8.4% of the MDA-231 cells, and in only 1.3% of the more stable aneuploid cell line MCF-7. MDA cells showed 27% more incorporation of BrdU than reflected by S-phase determination with flow cytometric DNA content analysis, whereas these values were found to be of the same size in both HTB-125 and MCF-7 cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that the breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-231, although both DNA-aneuploid, differ significantly regarding the degree of cell cycle disturbance and centrosome aberrations, which partly could explain the different genomic stability of the two cell lines. The results also question the reliability of cytometric DNA content based S-phase determination in genomically unstable tumor cell populations

    Molecular Drivers of Oncotype DX, Prosigna, EndoPredict, and the Breast Cancer Index: A TransATAC Study.

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    PURPOSE: The Oncotype DX Recurrence Score (RS), Prosigna Prediction Analysis of Microarray 50 (PAM50) Risk of Recurrence (ROR), EndoPredict (EP), and Breast Cancer Index (BCI) are used clinically for estimating risk of distant recurrence for patients receiving endocrine therapy. Discordances in estimates occur between them. We aimed to identify the molecular features that drive the tests and lead to these differences. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Analyses for RS, ROR, EP, and BCI were conducted by the manufacturers in the TransATAC sample collection that consisted of the tamoxifen or anastrozole arms of the ATAC trial. Estrogen receptor-positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative cases without chemotherapy treatment were included in which all four tests were available (n = 785). Clinicopathologic features included in some tests were excluded from the comparisons. Estrogen, proliferation, invasion, and HER2 module scores from RS were used to characterize the respective molecular features. Spearman correlation and analysis of variance tests were applied. RESULTS: There were moderate to strong correlations among the four molecular scores (ρ = 0.63-0.74) except for RS versus ROR (ρ = 0.32) and RS versus BCI (ρ = 0.35). RS had strong negative correlation with its estrogen module (ρ = -0.79) and moderate positive correlation with its proliferation module (ρ = 0.36). RS's proliferation module explained 72.5% of ROR's variance, while the estrogen module explained only 0.6%. Most of EP's and BCI's variation was accounted for by the proliferation module (50.0% and 54.3%, respectively) and much less by the estrogen module (20.2% and 2.7%, respectively). CONCLUSION: In contrast to common understanding, RSs are determined more strongly by estrogen-related features and only weakly by proliferation markers. However, the EP, BCI, and particularly ROR scores are determined largely by proliferative features. These relationships help to explain the differences in the prognostic performance of the tests