349 research outputs found

    Direct current arc-plasma synthesis of B-C powder product

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    Measurement of blood oxygen saturation in biological tissue is of great interest for medical applications as it allows the detection of pathological alterations. Fibre based re-emission spectroscopy enables this parameter to be determined minimally-invasively in organ tissue inside the human body. In this report a measurement system for the contactless determination of blood oxygenation, as well as simulations regarding light diffusion in tissue are presented

    К вопросу определения октановых и цетановых чисел расчетным методом

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    Установлена связь октанового числа моторных топлив с их относительной плотностью и групповым углеводородным составом, а цетанового числа - с относительной плотностью, вязкостью, температурами застывания и вспышки, содержанием серы. Анализом матриц коэффициентов корреляции выбраны аргументы уравнений регрессии. Проверка полученных уравнений дала удовлетворительные результаты

    Влияние газовой фазы на величину тока в ячейке бесконтактного восстановления

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    Для исследования процесса восстановления окиси железа углеродом использована методика, основанная на измерении тока, возникающего между нагретыми телами. С этой целью сконструирована кварцевая ячейка, позволяющая жестко устанавливать образцы графита и окиси железа на определенном расстоянии друг от друга. Изучено влияние отдельных реакций на каждом электроде на суммарный ток. Для этого проведена серия опытов в нейтральной, окисленной и восстановительной атмосферах. Установлено, что окисление графита в среде воздуха сопровождается возрастанием тока положительной полярности. В среде водорода значения тока невелики. В нейтральной среде гелия ток имеет положительную полярность, а величина его не зависит от присутствия того или иного реагента. Необходима дальнейшая работа по повышению величины полезного сигнала в ре­гистрируемом токе

    A Systematic Literature Review of Emotion Regulation Measurement in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    DOI: 10.1002/aur.1426Emotion regulation (ER) difficulties are a potential common factor underlying the presentation of multiple emotional and behavioral problems in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). To provide an overview of how ER has been studied in individuals with ASD, we conducted a systematic review of the past 20 years of ER research in the ASD population, using established keywords from the most comprehensive ER literature review of the typically developing population to date. Out of an initial sampling of 305 studies, 32 were eligible for review. We examined the types of methods (self-report, informant report, naturalistic observation/ behavior coding, physiological, and open-ended) and the ER constructs based on Gross and Thompson’s modal model (situation selection, situation modification, attention deployment, cognitive change, and response modulation). Studies most often assessed ER using one type of method and from a unidimensional perspective. Across the 32 studies, we documented the types of measures used and found that 38% of studies used self-report, 44% included an informant report measure, 31% included at least one naturalistic observation/behavior coding measure, 13% included at least one physiological measure, and 13% included at least one open-ended measure. Only 25% of studies used more than one method of measurement. The findings of the current review provide the field with an in-depth analysis of various ER measures and how each measure taps into an ER framework. Future research can use this model to examine ER in a multicomponent way and through multiple methods.Spectrum of Hope Autism Foundation, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, NeuroDevNet, Sinneave Family Foundation, CASDA, Autism Speaks Canada, Health Canad

    Recommendations to facilitate the ideal fit note: are they achievable in practice?

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    Background: Although the UK fit note has been broadly welcomed as a tool to facilitate return to work, difficulties and uncertainties have resulted in wide variation in its use. Agreement on what constitutes the ‘ideal’ fit note from the perspective of all stakeholders is needed to inform best practice. A recent Delphi study conducted by the authors reached consensus on 67 recommendations for best practice in fit note use for employed patients. However, such recommendations are not necessarily followed in practice. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate the perceived achievability of implementing these Delphi recommendations with a further reference panel of stakeholders. Methods: Potential participants were identified by the research team and study steering group. These included representatives of employers, government departments, trades unions, patient organisations, general and medical practitioners and occupational health organisations who were believed to have the knowledge and experience to comment on the recommendations. The consensus Delphi statements were presented to the participants on-line. Participants were invited to comment on whether the recommendations were achievable, and what might hinder or facilitate their use in practice. Free text comments were combined with comments made in the Delphi study that referred to issues of feasibility or practicality. These were synthesised and analysed thematically. Results: Twelve individuals representing a range of stakeholder groups participated. Many of the recommendations were considered achievable, such as improved format and use of the electronic fit note, completion of all fields, better application and revision of guidance and education in fit note use. However a number of obstacles to implementation were identified. These included: legislation governing the fit note and GP contracts; the costs and complexity of IT systems and software; the limitations of the GP consultation; unclear roles and responsibilities for the funding and delivery of education, guidance and training for all stakeholders, and the evaluation of practice. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that although many recommendations for the ideal fit note are considered achievable, there are considerable financial, legal, organisational and professional obstacles to be overcome in order for the recommendations to be implemented successfully