398 research outputs found

    Lisa Krochmal to Mr. Meredith (1 October 1962)

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    PeptiCKDdb-peptide- and protein-centric database for the investigation of genesis and progression of chronic kidney disease

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    The peptiCKDdb is a publicly available database platform dedicated to support research in the field of chronic kidney disease (CKD) through identification of novel biomarkers and molecular features of this complex pathology. PeptiCKDdb collects peptidomics and proteomics datasets manually extracted from published studies related to CKD. Datasets from peptidomics or proteomics, human case/control studies on CKD and kidney or urine profiling were included. Data from 114 publications (studies of body fluids and kidney tissue: 26 peptidomics and 76 proteomics manuscripts on human CKD, and 12 focusing on healthy proteome profiling) are currently deposited and the content is quarterly updated. Extracted datasets include information about the experimental setup, clinical study design, discovery-validation sample sizes and list of differentially expressed proteins (P-value < 0.05). A dedicated interactive web interface, equipped with multiparametric search engine, data export and visualization tools, enables easy browsing of the data and comprehensive analysis. In conclusion, this repository might serve as a source of data for integrative analysis or a knowledgebase for scientists seeking confirmation of their findings and as such, is expected to facilitate the modeling of molecular mechanisms underlying CKD and identification of biologically relevant biomarkers.Database URL: www.peptickddb.com


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    The aim of the study was to assess the possible antioxidant and antiproliferative effects of various sweet potato extracts (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam) in terms of their suitability for food processing. Antioxidant activity of water infusions from the leaves of 5 sweet potato varieties (Carmen Rubin, Cananua, Georgia Jet, Satsumo Imo, White Triumph) obtained from field cultivation in Felin (51°13'N, 22°37'E) was determined. The field experiment was carried out using the randomized blocks method, in triplicate, in accordance with the principles of good agricultural practice. The leaves were collected at phase 68 according to the BBCH scale. After harvesting, the leaves were dried to constant weight. After drying, the leaves were saturated with water at 80 ° C and 100 ° C for 3, 6 and 9 minutes. The total content of phenolic compounds was determined by the method of Ghasemzadeh et al. Antioxidant activity of sweet potato leaf infusions was determined by DPPH radical spectrophotometry. The time to prepare the infusions significantly differentiated the TP content. Infusions evaluated after 3 minutes were the most favorable in this respect. The antioxidant activity of the tested infusions obtained from sweet potato leaves ranged from 33% to 59%, depending on the variety, and 34-43%, depending on the time the infusion was prepared. Leaf infusions prepared at 100°C had a higher antioxidant activity than infusions made at 80°C. The highest antioxidant activity was revealed by infusions from White Triumph cultivar leaves, lowest - from Cananua cultivar leaves

    Identification of novel molecular signatures of IgA nephropathy through an integrative -omics analysis

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    IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most prevalent among primary glomerular diseases worldwide. Although our understanding of IgAN has advanced significantly, its underlying biology and potential drug targets are still unexplored. We investigated a combinatorial approach for the analysis of IgAN-relevant -omics data, aiming at identification of novel molecular signatures of the disease. Nine published urinary proteomics datasets were collected and the reported differentially expressed proteins in IgAN vs. healthy controls were integrated into known biological pathways. Proteins participating in these pathways were subjected to multi-step assessment, including investigation of IgAN transcriptomics datasets (Nephroseq database), their reported protein-protein interactions (STRING database), kidney tissue expression (Human Protein Atlas) and literature mining. Through this process, from an initial dataset of 232 proteins significantly associated with IgAN, 20 pathways were predicted, yielding 657 proteins for further analysis. Step-wise evaluation highlighted 20 proteins of possibly high relevance to IgAN and/or kidney disease. Experimental validation of 3 predicted relevant proteins, adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 (CAP1), SHC-transforming protein 1 (SHC1) and prolylcarboxypeptidase (PRCP) was performed by immunostaining of human kidney sections. Collectively, this study presents an integrative procedure for -omics data exploitation, giving rise to biologically relevant results

    Wartość odżywcza pszenicy orkiszowej (Triticum spelta L.) uprawianej na Podkarpaciu

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    Celem badań było określenie wartości odżywczej ziarna pszenicy orkiszowej w warunkach gospodarstw towarowych Podkarpacia. Badaniom poddano ziarno trzech odmian pszenicy orkiszowej (Ceralio, Franckenkorn, Schwabenkorn), pochodzące ze zbioru w latach 2013–2015, z trzech gospodarstw znajdujących się na terenie powiatu strzyżowskiego (woj. podkarpackie). Pszenica orkiszowa była uprawiana zgodnie z zasadami dobrej praktyki rolniczej. Po zbiorze, w ziarnie orkiszu oznaczono: zawartość białka, popiołu, fosforu, potasu, wapnia i magnezu. Analizę ziarna przeprowadzono standardowymi metodami. Cechy genetyczne badanych odmian istotnie różnicowały zawartość w ziarnie białka ogólnego i właściwego. Odmiana Franckenkorn charakteryzowała się najwyższą zawartością białka ogólnego, zaś odmiana Schwabenkorn – białka właściwego. Zawartość makropierwiastków można uszere-gować następująco: potas > fosfor > magnez > wapń. Stwierdzono dodatnie zależności między białkiem ogółem a zawartością popiołu surowego oraz zawartością magnezu i fosforu, zaś ujemne między zawartością wapnia a koncentracją azotu i fosforu w ziarnie

    Urinary peptidomics analysis reveals proteases involved in diabetic nephropathy

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    Mechanisms underlying the onset and progression of nephropathy in diabetic patients are not fully elucidated. Deregulation of proteolytic systems is a known path leading to disease manifestation, therefore we hypothesized that proteases aberrantly expressed in diabetic nephropathy (DN) may be involved in the generation of DN-associated peptides in urine. We compared urinary peptide profiles of DN patients (macroalbuminuric, n = 121) to diabetic patients with no evidence of DN (normoalbuminuric, n = 118). 302 sequenced, differentially expressed peptides (adjusted p-value < 0.05) were analysed with the Proteasix tool predicting proteases potentially involved in their generation. Activity change was estimated based on the change in abundance of the investigated peptides. Predictions were correlated with transcriptomics (Nephroseq) and relevant protein expression data from the literature. This analysis yielded seventeen proteases, including multiple forms of MMPs, cathepsin D and K, kallikrein 4 and proprotein convertases. The activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9, predicted to be decreased in DN, was investigated using zymography in a DN mouse model confirming the predictions. Collectively, this proof-of-concept study links urine peptidomics to molecular changes at the tissue level, building hypotheses for further investigation in DN and providing a workflow with potential applications to other diseases

    Wpływ temperatury wody i czasu parzenia na właściwości antyoksydacyjne naparów z nagietka lekarskiego (Calendula officinalis L.)

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    The research shows the influence of water temperature and brewing time on the polyphenol content and antioxidant properties in common marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) ligulate flower infusions. All of the collected samples were characterised by low antioxidant properties. The brewing time and the water temperature influenced the polyphenol content and antioxidant properties of common marigold ligulate flower infusions. In order to obtain a common marigold dried ligulate flower infusion with the highest polyphenol content, it has to be brewed for 10 minutes in water at a temperature of 80°C. The highest DPPH radical scavenging properties were found in an infusion prepared at the highest temperature of 100°C after 10 minutes of brewing. The results point to the potential possibility of using this raw material to make tea infusions.W przeprowadzonych badaniach wykazano wpływ temperatury wody i czasu parzenia na zawartość polifenoli oraz aktywność antyoksydacyjną naparów z kwiatów języczkowych nagietka lekarskiego (Calendula officinalis L.). Wszystkie badane próbki charakteryzowały się niskimi właściwościami antyoksydacyjnymi. Czas parzenia oraz temperatura wody wpły-wały na zawartość polifenoli i właściwości antyoksydacyjne naparów. Aby uzyskać napar z suszonych kwiatów języczkowych z nagietka o najwyższej zawartości polifenoli, należy parzyć je przez 10 minut, przy użyciu wody o temperaturze 80°C. Najwyższą zdolność do zmiatania rodnika DPPH uzyskał napar sporządzony w najwyższej temperaturze 100°C, po 10 minutach parzenia. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują na potencjalną możliwość wykorzystania tego surowca do produkcji naparów herbacianych

    Phytochemical Assays of Commercial Botanical Dietary Supplements

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    The growing popularity of botanical dietary supplements (BDS) has been accompanied by concerns regarding the quality of commercial products. Health care providers, in particular, have an interest in knowing about product quality, in view of the issues related to herb-drug interactions and potential side effects. This study assessed whether commercial formulations of saw palmetto, kava kava, echinacea, ginseng and St. John's wort had consistent labeling and whether quantities of marker compounds agreed with the amounts stated on the label. We purchased six bottles each of two lots of supplements from nine manufacturers and analyzed the contents using established commercial methodologies at an independent laboratory. Product labels were found to vary in the information provided, such as serving recommendations and information about the herb itself (species, part of the plant, marker compound, etc.) With regard to marker compound content, little variability was observed between different lots of the same brand, while the content did vary widely between brands (e.g. total phenolic compounds in Echinacea ranged from 3.9–15.3 mg per serving; total ginsenosides in ginseng ranged from 5.3–18.2 mg per serving). Further, the amounts recommended for daily use also differed between brands, increasing the potential range of a consumer's daily dose. Echinacea and ginseng were the most variable, while St. John's wort and saw palmetto were the least variable. This study highlights some of the key issues in the botanical supplement market, including the importance of standardized manufacturing practices and reliable labeling information. In addition, health care providers should keep themselves informed regarding product quality in order to be able to appropriately advise patients utilizing both conventional and herbal medicines
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