63 research outputs found

    Triaxial compression testing of multicomponent geomaterials from quartz-poor (syenitic) systems

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    This paper focuses on mafic microgranular enclaves enclosed in quartz-poor igneous rocks and their effect on strength properties of the rock massif. The study examines host rock–enclave multicomponent geomaterials from enclave-bearing syenitic rocks from the Třebíč Massif exposed in the Královec quarry near Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou in the Czech Republic. A series of laboratory tests were performed to describe strength properties of individual constituents of the multicomponent geomaterials. We mainly focused on triaxial compression tests, however, rebound hardness, uniaxial compressive strength and indirect tensile strength were determined as well. The obtained results indicate that enclaves and even the contact zones between the enclaves and host rocks do not have any negative influence on the rock strength. In contrast, enclaves represent “stress concentrators” within such multicomponent systems. Strength properties of various multicomponent geomaterials are practically an unexplored topic in the field of rocks mechanics and future studies are needed to establish a robust database describing the behaviour of such geocomposites

    Anisotropy of mechanical properties of greywacke

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    The paper brings description of the mechanical properties of greywacke sampled in Kobeřice quarry (Lower Carboniferous Culm Basin, Drahany Uplands, Bohemian Massif). Anisotropy of mechanical properties was identified from series of laboratory tests of oriented samples using following procedures: (1) indirect tensile testing, (2) uniaxial compressive testing and (3) triaxial compressive testing. Parameters of Mohr-Coulomb and Hoek-Brown failure criteria were determined by evaluation of the obtained laboratory data. The tested greywacke performed relatively high uniaxial compressive strength, roughly 200 MPa. Better fitting by Mohr-Coulomb criterion was identified than by Hoek-Brown one within the investigated interval of confining stresses (0-15 MPa). In addition, Schmidt hammer test was carried out with comparison of several correlation relationships to uniaxial compressive strength which were compared with directly obtained value from laboratory tests

    Flow Data Collection in Large Scale Networks

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    In this chapter, we present flow-based network traffic monitoring of large scale networks. Continuous Internet traffic increase requires a deployment of advanced monitoring techniques to provide near real-time and long-term network visibility. Collected flow data can be further used for network behavioral analysis to indicate legitimate and malicious traffic, proving cyber threats, etc. An early warning system should integrate flow-based monitoring to ensure network situational awareness.Kapitola představuje monitorování síťového provozu v rozsáhlých počítačových sítích založené na IP tocích. Nepřetržitý růst internetového provozu vyžaduje nasazení pokročilých monitorovacích technik, které poskytují v reálném čase a dlouhodobě pohled na dění v síti. Nasbíraná data mohou dále sloužit pro analýzu chování sítě k rozlišení legitimního a škodlivého provozu, dokazování kybernetických hrozeb atd. Systém včasného varování by měl integrovat monitorování síťových toků, aby mohl poskytovat přehled o situaci na síti

    Mechanical properties of granulite from Horní Bory in Bohemian massif

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    Granulite represents one of the favourite rock types for the construction of an underground nuclear waste repository in the Czech Republic. Granulite from the Bohemian Massif (locality Horní Bory) was investigated in this study, with a special focus on the evaluation of the rock anisotropy. Investigated rock represents typical fine-grained foliated felsic granulite with principal mineral association: quartz + feldspar (K-feldspar > plag ioclase) + garnet + biotite + kyanite and/or sillimanite. Anisotropy was identified in the rock fabric both at macroscopic and microscopic scale. During the laboratory testing, granulite reached considerable high uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) - up to 240 MPa; and brittle type (Class II) of failure occurred. We found that variability of the UCS and Young's modulus were relatively low. On the other hand, variability of the Poisson's ratio and the constants in Hoek-Brown failure criterion in triaxial loading were significantly hig

    Revealing and Analysing Modem Malware

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    In this paper, we provide a formal description of modem malware life cycle. It is included a description of the modem malware evolution (history). We propose a set of techniques to perform detailed analysis of infected modem. We report on modem malware network activities in campus network and we propose NetFlow based detection method to reveal the modem malware spreading.V článku je uveden formální popis životního cyklu malwaru pro modemy. Je popsán evoluční vývoj malwaru pro modemy. Jsou navrženy techniky, které umožňují provádět detailní analýzu infikovaného modemu. Dále uvádíme informace o síťových aktivitách nakažených modemů v univerzitní síti a je navržena metoda využívající NetFlow data pro detekci šíření malwaru pro modemy

    Proposal of Company Communication Mix

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá komunikačním mixem vybraného podniku. Úvodní část je věnována teoretickým poznatkům týkající se dané problematiky. Druhá část je zaměřena na analýzu současné marketingové situace podniku. V závěrečné části je navržen nový komunikační mix, který má za úkol zvýšit povědomí o značce a získat nové zákazníky.This diploma thesis deals with a marketing communication mix. The introductory part deals with theoretical background. In the second part, I focus on the analysis of the current company marketing situation. The concluding part deals with the proposal of a new communicative mix, the goal of which is to raise awareness about the brand and attract new customers.

    Petrological and geochemical characteristics of Palaeogene low-rank coal on the Faroe Islands: restricted effects of alteration by basaltic lava flows

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    The first combined petrographic and geochemical investigation of coal from the Faroe Islands was performed as a case study to understand thermal effects from basaltic lavaflows on immature coal. The samples were divided into two distinct groups:“normal”coal (xylite and detroxylite) and“altered organic matter”(charcoal and organic particles dispersed in samples rich in altered clastic mineral components or enriched via hydrothermal fluids). The“normal”coal consists primarily of huminite-group material dominated by ulminite. The proportions of material from inertinite and liptinite groups vary from sample to sample. The studied macerals are anisotropic with no observed reaction rims or vacuoles. According to the mean ulminite reflectance in combination with ultimate and proximate analyses, the coal reached the lignite and subbituminous stages. The maceral compositions together with coal palynology indicate a predominance of gelified wood-derived tissues and demonstrate that the coal evolved in wet forest swamps under limno-telmatic to telmatic conditions. Alteration effects on immature coals from overlying basalt flows were relatively limited. Due to relatively rapid heat loss from the basaltic lava, as verified by the presence of volcanic glass (tachylyte), its imposed thermal effects resulted only in development of a thin“anthracite-like”crust on samples with no elevated coal rank. Associated hydrothermal fluids induced coal hydrofracturing with subsequent mineral precipitation and decomposition of the ambient feldspar-rich volcaniclastic sediments. Altered organic matter is enriched in SiO2, Al2O3 and FeOtot, as well as in trace elements such as Ni and Cr. In contrast, these samples are depleted in Hg (<10 ppb).Jedná se o první kombinovaný petrografický a geochemický výzkum uhlí na Faerských ostrovech, který byl proveden jako klíčová studie k pochopení termálního efektu výlevů bazaltových láv v blízkosti slojí nevyzrálého uhlí. Vzorky byly rozděleny do dvou odlišných skupin: „normální“ uhlí (xylit a detroxylit) a „alterovaná organická hmota“ (dřevěné uhlí a organické částice rozptýlené ve vzorcích bohatých na alterované klastické minerální komponenty nebo obohacených hydrotermálními fluidy). „Normální“ uhlí je tvořeno převážně macerály huminitové skupiny, z nichž dominuje ulminit. Zastoupení macerálů skupiny inertinitu a liptinitu je variabilní. Studované macerály jsou anizotropní, bez pozorovaných reakčních lemů či vakuol. Na základě světelné odraznosti ulminitu a chemicko-technologických parametrů vykazuje uhlí nízký stupeň prouhelnění. Macerálové složení společně s palynologií indikují převahu dřevních pletiv a ukazují na vývoj uhlí v prostředí občasně zaplavovaných lesních mokřadů. Efekt alterace nevyzrálého uhlí nadložními bazaltovými výlevy byl poměrně omezený. Vzhledem k relativně rychlému zchladnutí bazaltové lávy, prokázanému přítomností vulkanického skla (tachylytu), se termální efekt projevil pouze vyvinutím tenké vrstvičky antracitového vzhledu na vzorcích bez celkového zvýšení stupně prouhelnění. Hydrotermální fluida spojená s vulkanickou aktivitou způsobila mechanickou desintegraci uhlí a následné vysrážení minerálů doprovázené rozkladem okolních vulkanoklastických sedimentů bohatých na živce. Alterovaná organická hmota je obohacena jednak o SiO2, Al2O3 a FeOtot, jednak o stopové prvky, jako například Ni a Cr. Naopak, tyto vzorky jsou ochuzeny o Hg (<10 ppb)

    The Proposal of Marketing Strategy of the Chilli Products

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na problematiku marketingové strategie vlastního fungujícího podnikatelského konceptu zaměřujícího se na zpracování chilli papriček. V práci se v jednotlivých částech zaměřím na analýzu současného stavu, příleţitostí a hrozeb, aţ po návrh nápravných opatření vedoucích k dosaţení stanovených cílů, generaci zisku a marketingových aktivitThe bachelor thesis is focused on the problematics of marketing strategies for the functioning business concept of chili manufacturing. The thesis is divided in several parts focused on analysis of the current state, opportunities and threats. The main objectives are achieved by proposing corrective measures for marketing activities and increase of profit generation.

    Post-collisional magmatic dyke from Dolní Údolí near Zlaté Hory (Hrubý Jeseník Mts.)

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    Devonian phyllites of the Vrbno Group located near village of Dolní Údolí (W of Zlaté Hory) are crosscut by undeformed 1 m thick mafic dyke. Using whole-rock geochemistry and composition of all main rock-forming minerals, we classified the rock as a porphyric microdiorite (with biotite and plagioclase phenocrysts). Trace elements of this dyke indicate post-collisional geotectonic setting. The dyke shows LREE enrichment with pronounced negative Eu anomaly. The chondrite-normalized spidergram patterns after Pearce (1983) reveal TNT (Ta-Nb-Ti) negative anomaly, which is typical for calc-alkaline lamprophyres (Rock 1991). The origin of calc-alkaline lamprophyres at the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif (Moravo-Silesian region) may be connected with extensional gravitational collapse of the Hercynian orogen (Přichystal 1993). Cognate model can be supposed for the new microdiorite dyke.Devonian phyllites of the Vrbno Group located near village of Dolní Údolí (W of Zlaté Hory) are crosscut by undeformed 1 m thick mafic dyke. Using whole-rock geochemistry and composition of all main rock-forming minerals, we classified the rock as a porphyric microdiorite (with biotite and plagioclase phenocrysts). Trace elements of this dyke indicate post-collisional geotectonic setting. The dyke shows LREE enrichment with pronounced negative Eu anomaly. The chondrite-normalized spidergram patterns after Pearce (1983) reveal TNT (Ta-Nb-Ti) negative anomaly, which is typical for calc-alkaline lamprophyres (Rock 1991). The origin of calc-alkaline lamprophyres at the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif (Moravo-Silesian region) may be connected with extensional gravitational collapse of the Hercynian orogen (Přichystal 1993). Cognate model can be supposed for the new microdiorite dyke