113 research outputs found

    Features of estimation of professional competences of higher education institution

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    В статье рассматривается проблема оценивания результатов профессиональной подготовки студентов вуза в соответствии с требованиями образовательных стандартов в условиях компетентностного подхода. Показаны различные педагогические измерители, используемые при педагогическом контроле, и основания для их выбора. Описан процесс оценивания профессиональных компетенций в высшем образовании.In article the problem of estimation of results of vocational training of students of higher education institution according to requirements of educational standards in the conditions of competence-based approach is considered. Various pedagogical measuring instruments used at pedagogical control and the bases for their choice are shown. Process of estimation of professional competences of the highest education is described

    Assessment of formation of competences of the higher education

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    In article the problem of assessment of formation of results of training of students of higher education institution according to requirements of federal state educational standards of the higher education in the conditions of competence-based approach is considered. Various pedagogical measuring instruments used at pedagogical control and the bases for their choice are shown. Process of estimation of competences of the higher education is describedВ статье рассматривается проблема оценки сформированности результатов подготовки обучающихся вуза в соответствии с требованиями федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов высшего образования в условиях компетентностного подхода. Показаны различные педагогические измерители, используемые при педагогическом контроле, и основания для их выбора. Описан процесс оценивания компетенций в высшем образовани

    Plastics: physical-and-mechanical properties and biodegradable potential

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    Introduction. Processing agricultural waste into plant biodegradable plastics is a promising way for its recycling. This work featured the main physical-and-mechanical properties of plant plastics without adhesive substances obtained from millet husk and wheat husk and wood plastic obtained from sawdust, as well as their biodegradation potential. Study objects and methods. Objects of the study were plastics without adhesives based on wood sawdust, millet husk, and wheat husk. Results and discussion. We analyzed of the physical-and-mechanical parameters of the plant plastic based on millet husk, wheat husk, as well as wood plastic based on sawdust. The analysis showed that, in general, the sbeiigth characteristics of the wood plastics were higher than those of the plastics based on millet husk, especially flexural strength. Thus, the average value of the density of the wood plastic exceeded that of the plant plastic from millet husk by 10%, hardness by 40%, compression elasticity modulus by 50%, and flexural modulus by 3.9 times. It was found that wood and plant plastics obtained from sawdust, millet husk, and wheat husk without adhesives had a high biodegradation potential. Conclusion. The plastics obtained can be used as an insulating, building, and decorative material in the steppe regions experiencing a shortage of wood and wood powder

    Magnetic resonance imaging assessment of skeletal muscle changes following chronic denervation in the dog

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    This study sought to evaluate the effect of presumed chronic denervation (due to brachial plexus mass lesions) on the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appearance of muscle in the dog. One of the features of denervation that has been described is fat infiltration; prior to defining the effect of the brachial plexus mass lesions, this study first attempted to define the normal patterns of fat deposition with increasing body condition scores. MRI assessment of subcutaneous and intramuscular fat deposition was compared against two previously described methods of body condition scoring in the dog. There was a significant relationship between the 9-point body score (BCS) assessment and body fat percentages calculated on the basis of girth and hock measurements. Both of these methods correlated well with MRI determination of subcutaneous fat (SCF) thickness in the dorsal lumbar area and with total (dorsal and ventral) SCF in the cervical area. What was evident from the MRI evaluation of fat deposition was that the pattern of fat deposition in these regions differed, being predominantly subcutaneous in the lumbar region, but with fat deposition in both the subcutaneous and intermuscular regions in the cervical region. In both regions the amount of fat deposition increased from cranial to caudal. Intramuscular fat deposition assessed in terms of T1W signal hyperintensity in the lumbar epaxial muscles correlated well with BCS, though for cervical muscles the correlation was weaker and increasing BCS appeared to have less effect on MRI signal change in normal neck muscle. Having decided to focus on brachial plexus mass lesions, the ability to identify the individual proximal thoracic limb muscles by MRI was assessed. Proximal thoracic limb muscles identification and MRI appearance were found to depend on the MRI plane position, relative to the spine of the scapula. Better results for the identification of individual muscles were achieved on images with the plane aligned parallel to the spine of the scapula or at 90 degree angle to it, and with the limbs positioned in extension along the body and symmetrically to each other. Transverse images permitted better muscle detection. MRI of the proximal thoracic limb of 19 dogs with brachial plexus mass lesions showed a mixed pattern of T1W and T2W hyperintensity and variable degrees of muscles atrophy. Mass lesions were found in three shapes – globoid, tubular and fusiform. Multiple lesions were detected in 9 cases, and in 6 out of 9 cases these included lesions within the thoracic cavity. In 9 cases vertebral canal involvement was evident. Mass lesions were best detectable on the short tau inversion recovery sequence (STIR) followed by T2W and T1FatSat with contrast

    Praktiko-orientirovannogo organization of training in the «INSERVICE TRAINING-PRACTICE AT THE ENTERPRISE» model

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    In article the structurally functional model of the organization of a work practice on the basis of the dual system of training in interaction of college and enterprise is presented and proved. The results of skilled and search work explaining efficiency of realization of the offered model are givenВ статье представлена и обоснована структурно-функциональная модель организации производственной практики на основе дуальной системы обучения во взаимодействии колледжа и предприятия. Приведены результаты опытно-поисковой работы, объясняющие эффективность реализации предлагаемой модел

    Activization of cognitive activity of students of high school at introduction of cases-technologies

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    В работе рассмотрены вопросы активизации познавательной деятельности студентов вуза в условиях перехода к компетентностному подходу при организации образовательной деятельности. Изложены особенности и результаты реализации кейс-технологий в подготовке будущих педагогов профессионального обучения на примере дисциплины «Практикум по профессии».In work questions of activization of cognitive activity of students high school in the conditions of transition competency to the approach are considered at the organization educational activity. Features and results realization of cases-technologies in preparation of the future teachers of vocational training as an exam­ple of discipline «Workshop on the profession»

    Quality control of adhesive bonds by an impedance method

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    The article deals with the problem of quality of adhesive bonds at production of electric trains cars. The method of carrying out an operation quality control of adhesive bonds by an impedance method with the use of the defectoscope «DAMI–C09» is offered. Introduction of the method will allow to prevent the emergence of low-quality products at assembly and will promote carrying out the principles of quality managementРассматривается проблема качества клеевых соединений при изготовлении вагонов электропоездов. Предлагается методика проведения оперативного контроля качества клеевых соединений импедансным методом с использованием дефектоскопа «ДАМИ–С09». Доказывается, что внедрение методики позволит предотвратить появление некачественных изделий при сборке и будет способствовать выполнению принципов менеджмента качеств

    Innovative technologies in bachelors training in the field of standardization, certification and metrology

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    In the article the problem of training the staff in the field of standardization, certification and metrology is considered. Possibilities of application a case technology and technologies of realization of design activity in educational process are shown. Prospects of use of these innovative technologies are presented when training the students for a bachelor’s degree. Features and stages of realization a case technology and project technologies in the course of preparation for a working profession in a vocational higher school are stated. It is proved that the use of the specified technologies allows to create the professional and project competences and professionally important qualities necessary for the modern expert with the knowledge of an engineer, abilities of a teacher and skills of a workerРассматривается проблема подготовки кадров в области стандартизации, сертификации и метрологии. Показаны возможности применения кейс-технологии и технологии реализации проектной деятельности в образовательном процессе. Представлена перспективность использования данных инновационных технологий при подготовке студентов, обучающихся по образовательным программам бакалавриата. Изложены особенности и этапы реализации кейс-технологии и технологии реализации проектной деятельности в процессе подготовки по рабочей профессии в профессионально-педагогическом вузе. Доказывается, что использование указанных технологий позволяет сформировать профессиональные и проектные компетенции и профессионально важные качества, необходимые современному специалисту со знаниями инженера, умениями педагога и навыками рабочег

    The automated ultrasonic examination of railway axes

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    На участке изготовления элементов колёсных пар важную роль играет неразрушающий контроль, процесс которого в настоящее время имеет низкую производительность, поскольку осуществляется в ручном режиме. Поэтому необходимо совершенствовать систему ультразвукового контроля на предприятии. В работе проведен сравнительный анализ установок для ультразвукового контроля детали «Ось», обоснован выбор установки САУЗК «ОСЬ-4» и рассмотрены особенности контроля на данной установке.On the site of production of elements of wheel couples an important role is played by nondestructive control which process has now the low productivity as it is carried out in the manual mode. The refore it is necessary to improve the system of ultrasonic examination at the enterprise. In work the comparative analysis of installations for ultrasonic examination of a detail “Axis” is carried out, the choice of the OS-4 SAUZK installation is reasonable and features of control on this installation are considered

    The praktiko-focused organization of training of students of college in the course of the work practice at the enterprise

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    In article creation of the praktiko-focused training at a basis of a dual education system at interaction of college and enterprise is considered. Experience of the organization of a work practice under the leadership of the team of mentors from among workers, masters and chiefs of sites of the enterprise is presentedРассматривается построение практико-ориентированного обучения на основе дуальной системы образования при взаимодействии колледжа и предприятия. Представлен опыт организации производственной практики под руководством команды наставников из числа рабочих, мастеров и начальников участков предприяти