252 research outputs found


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    Intra-oceanic arcs (IOAs) form at Pacific-type convergent margins, in the upper “stable” plate, when the subducting plate submerges to the depths of melting, i.e., to ca. 50–100 km. A typical IOA system, such as Mariana-Bonin and the Philippines Sea, consists of subduction zone, fore-arc region with accretionary prism, frontal or active arc, marginal basin with spreading center, and, in some cases, one or more remnant arcs and inactive marginal basin. The IOAs are very important elements of Pacific-type convergent margins as they represent major sites of juvenile continental crust formation (e.g. [Clift et al., 2003; Stern, 2010; Maruyama et al., 2011]), but are also the most important sites of crust removal by sediment subduction and tectonic/ subduction erosion [Stern, Scholl, 2010].Intra-oceanic arcs (IOAs) form at Pacific-type convergent margins, in the upper “stable” plate, when the subducting plate submerges to the depths of melting, i.e., to ca. 50–100 km. A typical IOA system, such as Mariana-Bonin and the Philippines Sea, consists of subduction zone, fore-arc region with accretionary prism, frontal or active arc, marginal basin with spreading center, and, in some cases, one or more remnant arcs and inactive marginal basin. The IOAs are very important elements of Pacific-type convergent margins as they represent major sites of juvenile continental crust formation (e.g. [Clift et al., 2003; Stern, 2010; Maruyama et al., 2011]), but are also the most important sites of crust removal by sediment subduction and tectonic/ subduction erosion [Stern, Scholl, 2010]

    Plastics: physical-and-mechanical properties and biodegradable potential

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    Introduction. Processing agricultural waste into plant biodegradable plastics is a promising way for its recycling. This work featured the main physical-and-mechanical properties of plant plastics without adhesive substances obtained from millet husk and wheat husk and wood plastic obtained from sawdust, as well as their biodegradation potential. Study objects and methods. Objects of the study were plastics without adhesives based on wood sawdust, millet husk, and wheat husk. Results and discussion. We analyzed of the physical-and-mechanical parameters of the plant plastic based on millet husk, wheat husk, as well as wood plastic based on sawdust. The analysis showed that, in general, the sbeiigth characteristics of the wood plastics were higher than those of the plastics based on millet husk, especially flexural strength. Thus, the average value of the density of the wood plastic exceeded that of the plant plastic from millet husk by 10%, hardness by 40%, compression elasticity modulus by 50%, and flexural modulus by 3.9 times. It was found that wood and plant plastics obtained from sawdust, millet husk, and wheat husk without adhesives had a high biodegradation potential. Conclusion. The plastics obtained can be used as an insulating, building, and decorative material in the steppe regions experiencing a shortage of wood and wood powder

    Levels of the Baikal and Hovsgol Lakes in Holocence and Pre- Holocence Time

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    United Institute of GeologyScedule:17-18 March 2003, Vemue: Kanazawa, Japan, Kanazawa Citymonde Hotel, Project Leader : Hayakawa, Kazuichi, Symposium Secretariat: XO kamata, Naoto, Edited by:Kamata, Naoto

    Lung scintigraphy in differential diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer and community-acquired pneumonia

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    Ventilation/perfusion lung scintigraphy was performed in 39 patients with verified diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and in 14 patients with peripheral lung cancer. Ventilation/perfusion ratio, apical-basal gradients of ventilation (U/L(V)) and lung perfusion (U/L(P)), and alveolar capillary permeability of radionuclide aerosol were determined based on scintigraphy data. The study demonstrated that main signs of CAP were increases in ventilation/perfusion ratio, perfusion and ventilation gradient on a side of the diseased lung, and two-side increase in alveolar capillary permeability rate for radionuclide aerosol. Unlike this, scintigraphic signs of peripheral lung cancer comprise an increase in ventilation/perfusion ratio over 1.0 on a side of the diseased lung with its simultaneous decrease on a contralateral side, normal values of perfusion and ventilation gradients of both lungs, and delayed alveolar capillary clearance in the diseased lung compared with the intact lung

    Late Pleistocence and Holocence environmental changes recorded in the terrestrial sediments and landforms of Eastern Siberia and North Mongolia

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    京都府立大学Scedule:17-18 March 2003, Vemue: Kanazawa, Japan, Kanazawa Citymonde Hotel, Project Leader : Hayakawa, Kazuichi, Symposium Secretariat: XO kamata, Naoto, Edited by:Kamata, Naoto

    О необходимости обучения green bim технологиям в высшей школе ХХI века

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    Building information modeling (BIM) is a modern and efficient technology in the architectural and construction industry. For the last time Russia is actively involved in the process of implementing BIM. Another trend in constructing corresponds to the concept of sustainable development and is related to sustainable ecological design over “green” standards. Such project should be based on the digital model of the building; in this case it refers to the Green BIM, which allows to perform different calculations for its optimization. For wider dissemination of Green BIM among developers of architectural and construction projects it is necessary to teach it in universities. The department of applied informatics of the Ural State University of Architecture and Art since 2009 has introduced in the educational process BIM-technology and “green” standards in the form of the supplement to traditional courses and practices. This article presents results of Green BIM-technology in a number of diploma projects of graduates of the applied informatics department.Строительное информационное моделирование (BIM) является современной и эффективной технологей в архитектурно-строительной отрасли. В последнее время Россия активно участвует в процессе внедрения BIM. Еще одной тенденцией в строительстве является концепция устойчивого развития, которая связана с экологическим проектированием по «зеленым» стандартам. Такой проект должен быть основан на цифровой модели здания; в данном случае это относится к Green BIM, что позволяет выполнять различные расчеты для его оптимизации. Для более широкого распространения Green BIM среди разработчиков архитектурных и строительных проектов необходимо научить ему в университетах. На кафедре прикладной информатики Уральского государственного университета архитектуры и искусства с 2009 года введены в учебный процесс BIM-технологии и «зеленые» стандарты в виде дополнения к традиционным курсам и практике. В данной статье представлены результаты применения Green BIM-технологии в ряде дипломных проектов выпускников прикладного отдела информатики

    Size effects in chlorine doped PbSe thin films

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    The possibility of obtaining strongly degenerate (≈ 3·10²⁰ сm⁻³) PbSe thin films (d = 5 – 220 nm) with n-type conductivity by thermal evaporation in vacuum of PbSe crystals doped with PbCl₂, with subsequent condensation onto (001) KCl substrates was established. It was shown that the films had high homogeneity degree, no grain structure was observed. The thickness dependences of thermoelectric properties (the Seebeck coefficient S, the Hall coefficient RH and the electric conductivity σ) of thin films were obtained. In the thickness range d ≈ 5 ÷ 30 nm, oscillation properties were observed with growth of d that are attributable to electron gas quantization. The calculation of S(d) dependence on the assumption of size quantization with regard to contribution of several subbands and the thickness dependence of the Fermi energy was shown to be in agreement with the experimental data. In the region of d > 30 nm there was growth of S and σ with thickness, which is attributable to manifestation of classical size effect and interpreted in the framework of Fuchs-Sondheimer and Mayer theories

    Implementation of BIM-technologies in the educational program of the architectural university

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    BIM-technologies are the dynamically developing trend in a world construction practice. In conditions of a lack of qualified specialists and lack of appropriate educational standards, we offer our practice-oriented methodology for teaching BIM (Building Information Modeling), which is based on the use of new information technologies. Also some projects implemented in BIM and GreenBIM technologies at the Applied Informatics Department are presented

    Vegetation and Climate changes in the south of West Siberia, Novosibirsk Region since Middle Holocene (proxies of pollen data)

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    Institute of Petrolium Geology SB RasUnited Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Mineralogy SB RAS京都府立大学Promoting Environmental Pesearch in Pan-Japan Sea Area : Young Researchers\u27 Network, Schedule: March 8-10,2006,Kanazawa Excel Hotel Tokyu, Japan, Organized by: Kanazawa University 21st-Century COE Program, Environmental Monitoring and Prediction of Long- & Short- Term Dynamics of Pan-Japan Sea Area ; IICRC(Ishikawa International Cooperation Research Centre), Sponsors : Japan Sea Research ; UNU-IAS(United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies)+Ishikawa Prefecture Government ; City of Kanazaw

    Implementation of BIM-technologies in the educational program of the architectural university

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    BIM-technologies are the dynamically developing trend in a world construction practice. In conditions of a lack of qualified specialists and lack of appropriate educational standards, we offer our practice-oriented methodology for teaching BIM (Building Information Modeling), which is based on the use of new information technologies. Also some projects implemented in BIM and GreenBIM technologies at the Applied Informatics Department are presented