102 research outputs found

    Impurity-induced moments in underdoped cuprates

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    We examine the effect of a nonmagnetic impurity in a two-dimensional spin liquid in the spin-gap phase, employing a drone-fermion representation of spin-1/2 operators. The properties of the local moment induced in the vicinity of the impurity are investigated and an expression for the nuclear-magnetic- resonance Knight shift is derived, which we compare with experimental results. Introducing a second impurity into the spin liquid an antiferromagnetic interaction between the moments is found when the two impurities are located on different sublattices. The presence of many impurities leads to a screening of this interaction as is shown by means of a coherent-potential approximation. Further, the Kondo screening of an impurity-induced local spin by charge carriers is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. To be published in Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 56, No. 1

    Electron-lattice kinetics of metals heated by ultrashort laser pulses

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    We propose a kinetic model of transient nonequilibrium phenomena in metals exposed to ultrashort laser pulses when heated electrons affect the lattice through direct electron-phonon interaction. This model describes the destruction of a metal under intense laser pumping. We derive the system of equations for the metal, which consists of hot electrons and a cold lattice. Hot electrons are described with the help of the Boltzmann equation and equation of thermoconductivity. We use the equations of motion for lattice displacements with the electron force included. The lattice deformation is estimated immediately after the laser pulse up to the time of electron temperature relaxation. An estimate shows that the ablation regime can be achieved.Comment: 7 pages; Revtex. to appear in JETP 88, #1 (1999

    Quantum spin fluctuations and evolution of electronic structure in cuprates

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    Correlation effects in CuO2_2 layers give rise to a complicated landscape of collective excitations in high-Tc_{\rm c} cuprates. Their description requires an accurate account for electronic fluctuations at a very broad energy range and remains a challenge for the theory. Particularly, there is no conventional explanation of the experimentally observed `resonant' antiferromagnetic mode, which is often considered to be a mediator of superconductivity. Here we model spin excitations of the hole-doped cuprates in the paramagnetic regime and show that this antiferromagnetic mode is associated with electronic transitions between anti-nodal X and Y points of the quasiparticle band that is pinned to the Fermi level. We observe that upon doping of 7-12\% the electronic spectral weight redistribution leads to the formation of a very stable quasiparticle dispersion due to strong correlation effects. The reconstruction of the Fermi surface results in a flattening of the quasiparticle band at the vicinity of the nodal MΓ/2{\rm M}\Gamma/2 point, accompanied by a high density of charge carriers. Collective excitations of electrons between the nodal MΓ/2{\rm M}\Gamma/2 and XM/2{\rm XM}/2 points form the additional magnetic holes state in magnetic spectrum, which protects the antiferromagnetic fluctuation. Further investigation of the evolution of spin fluctuations with the temperature and doping allowed us to observe the incipience of the antiferromagnetic ordering already in the paramagnetic regime above the transition temperature. Additionally, apart from the most intensive low-energy magnetic excitations, the magnetic spectrum reveals less intensive collective spin fluctuations that correspond to electronic processes between peaks of the single-particle spectral function

    Role of rotational symmetry in the magnetism of a multiorbital model

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    Effect of rotationally invariant Hund's rule coupling on a magnetism of multiorbital Hubbard models is studied within a dynamical mean-field theory framework. Comparison of static magnetic susceptibilities and local densities of states of two- and three-orbital models of a complete rotationally invariant Coulomb interaction and a "density-density" Hartree type interaction shows the different role of spin-flip interactions for different band fillings. In the particle-hole symmetric case, the Mott-Hubbard physics dominates due to the strong effective Coulomb interaction, while for the multiple electronic configurations away from half-filling (two electrons in the three-band model) the formation of local magnetic moments due to Hund's exchange interaction becomes the most significant effect for itinerant magnetic systems. A shift of the temperature of magnetic ordering due to the rotationally invariant Hund's rule coupling is found to be the largest in a three-orbital model with a two-electron occupancy where the single particle spectrum is metallic and is not sensitive to different forms of the Coulomb vertex. A larger enhancement of the effective mass in a model with a rotationally invariant interaction is discussed. In the half-filled case we find a drastic change in the density of states close to the Mott transition which is related to the spin-flip Kondo fluctuations in a degenerate orbital case, while the corresponding shift of the magnetic transition temperature is relatively small. It is shown that a change in the ground-state degeneracy due to a different symmetry of the Coulomb interaction in the density-density model leads to a breakdown of the quasiparticle peak at the Fermi level in the proximity of a Mott transition on the metallic side. We discuss the relevance of rotationally invariant Hund's interaction in the transition metal magnetism. © 2012 American Physical Society

    Origin of electron disproportionation in metallic sodium cobaltates

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    © 2016 American Physical Society.Recently, an unusual metallic state with a substantially nonuniform distribution of the charge and magnetic density in CoO2 planes was found experimentally in the NaxCoO2 compound with x>0.6. We have investigated the origin of such an electron disproportionation in the lamellar sodium cobaltates by calculating the ion states as a function of the strength of the electron correlations in the d(Co) shells within the GGA+U approximation for a system with a realistic crystal structure. It was found that the nonuniformity of spin and charge densities are induced by an ordering of the sodium cations and enhanced correlations. Two important magnetic states of cobalt lattice competing with each other at realistic values of the correlation parameter were found - low-spin hexagons lattice (LS) and higher-spin kagome lattice (HS-KSL). In the heterogeneous metallic HS-KSL phase, magnetic Co ions form a kagome structure. In LS phase, the kagome pattern is decomposed into hexagons and the Co ions possess the minimal values of their spin. Coexistence of these states could explain the emergence of the disproportionation with the peculiar kagome structure experimentally revealed in previous studies of the cobaltates

    Analytical approximation for single-impurity Anderson model

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    We have applied the recently developed dual fermion technique to the spectral properties of single-band Anderson impurity problem (SIAM). In our approach a series expansion is constructed in vertices of the corresponding atomic Hamiltonian problem. This expansion contains a small parameter in two limiting cases: in the weak coupling case (U/t0U/t \to 0), due to the smallness of the irreducible vertices, and near the atomic limit (U/tU/t \to \infty), when bare propagators are small. Reasonable results are obtained also for the most interesting case of strong correlations (UtU \approx t). The atomic problem of the Anderson impurity model has a degenerate ground state, so the application of the perturbation theory is not straightforward. We construct a special approach dealing with symmetry-broken ground state of the renormalized atomic problem. Formulae for the first-order dual diagram correction are obtained analytically in the real-time domain. Most of the Kondo-physics is reproduced: logarithmic contributions to the self energy arise, Kondo-like peak at the Fermi level appears, and the Friedel sum rule is fulfilled. Our approach describes also renormalization of atomic resonances due to hybridization with a conduction band. A generalization of the proposed scheme to a multi-orbital case can be important for the realistic description of correlated solids.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Посттравматичний остеомієліт, як ускладнення множинних переломів кісток кінцівок

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    За період з 2003 по 2010 роки в НДІ травматології і ортопедії Донецького національного медичного університету ім. М. Горького був зроблений аналіз лікування 100 хворих, що лікувалися традиційними способами – 13 хворих (контрольна група) і 87 хворих (основна група), що лікувалися згідно із запропонованим комплексом заходів. Усім хворим основної групи були проведені дослідження імунних і біохімічних показників в динаміці. Оновна група хворих (87) була розподілена на 2 підгрупи по ступеню ураження тканин гнійним процесом. Першу підгрупу склали 47 чоловік з травматичним остеомієлітом, що вимагали в процесі лікування невеликих за об’ємом оперативних втручань (ФСНЕ з видаленням незначної частини кістки – пристеночної резекції), друга підгрупа склала відповідно 40 хворих, які мали важку течію процесу і вимагали великих за об’ємом оперативних втручань – ФСНЕ за типом сегментарної резекції