497 research outputs found

    Further experiments on successiveness discrimination

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    Uncertainty effect on successiveness discrimination function and variation effect in standard interval on forced choice successiveness discriminatio

    A study of attention and psychological time Final report

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    Psychophysics of human attention, and sensory and time discriminatio

    Lange v. California 141 S. Ct. 2011 (2021)

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    A Culture in Continuity: Master-Man Mutualism in Hamilton, Ontario, During Early Industrialization

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    By the early 1870s, the men who owned industry in Hamilton, Ontario, were almost all former craft workers themselves. While the city’s industrialization was significant and diverse, these artisan-entrepreneurs maintained in their workplaces such central craft practices as the progression from apprentice to journeyman to master, a fundamental core of craft culture. Work routines had been partially modified by industrialization, but masters and men retained a mutual identification as craft workers. The fact that the artisan-entrepreneur came from the same ranks as those he employed affected the social relations of production in the workplace and community. Various aspects of artisan culture that pre-dated industrialization persisted to foster a social closeness between master and man in Hamilton’s early period of industrialization.Au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1870, les hommes Ă  qui l’industrie de Hamilton, en Ontario, appartenait Ă©taient eux-mĂȘmes presque tous d’anciens artisans. Si l’industrialisation y Ă©tait vigoureuse et diversifiĂ©e, ces artisans-entrepreneurs perpĂ©tuaient tout de mĂȘme dans leurs milieux de travail des pratiques fondamentales de leur mĂ©tier telles que la progression d’apprenti Ă  compagnon Ă  maĂźtre, un pilier de la culture artisane. L’industrialisation avait partiellement modifiĂ© les routines professionnelles, mais les maĂźtres et les ouvriers continuaient Ă  s’identifier mutuellement comme des artisans. Le fait que l’artisan-entrepreneur soit issu des mĂȘmes rangs que ses employĂ©s avait une influence sur les relations sociales de la production au sein du milieu de travail et de la communautĂ©. Divers aspects de la culture artisane antĂ©rieurs Ă  l’industrialisation ont persistĂ©, favorisant la proximitĂ© sociale entre le maĂźtre et l’ouvrier au dĂ©but de la pĂ©riode d’industrialisation de Hamilton

    State v. Foreman 2021-Ohio-3409

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    Craftsworkers and Canada’s First Industrial Revolution: Reassessing the Context

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    This paper shows that the most remarkable aspect of the far-reaching industrial development of Hamilton, Ontario by the early 1870s was that it was achieved largely through the adaptation and expansion of pre-existing structures of production firmly rooted in the traditional crafts world. The early industrialization of Hamilton was combined and uneven, but handicraft production stood in distinction to the enlarged manufactory. “Modern Industry,” in what limited form it may have existed at all, had yet to establish itself as a typical form of industrial enterprise. All this is not surprising, since almost all those men leading the industrialization of the city were themselves former artisans and craftsworkers intimately familiar with the techniques and possibilities of craft production. This paper delineates the structures of early industrialization to suggest the pressing need for historians to reconsider the potential for continuity of craftsworker experience during early industrialization.Cet article montre l'aspect le plus remarquable du dĂ©veloppement industriel extensif de la ville d’Hamilton, Ontario durant les annĂ©es tĂŽt de 1870. Ce dernier Ă©tait rĂ©alisĂ© en grande partie par l'adaptation et l'expansion des structures prĂ©existantes fermement enracinĂ©es dans le monde traditionnel de la production. Les premiĂšres instances d’industrialisation d’Hamilton Ă©taient mixtes et disproportionnĂ©es. Pourtant, l’ouvrage du travail s'est retenu distinct Ă  l'usine agrandie. « L’industrie moderne, » dans la forme limitĂ©e qu’elle aurait pu avoir existĂ©e, avait encore le dĂ©fi de sâ€˜Ă©tablir comme un aspect typique de l’entreprise industrielle. Ceci n’était pas Ă©tonnant vu que presque tous les hommes qui menaient l'industrialisation de la ville Ă©taient des anciens artisans ainsi que des ouvriers intimement au courant des techniques et des possibilitĂ©s de la production de l’oeuvre. Cet article trace les structures du mouvement tĂŽt de l'industrialisation afin de suggĂ©rer l’exigence pressante chez les historiens pour reconsidĂ©rer le potentiel pour la continuitĂ© de l'expĂ©rience du l’ouvrier pendant le mouvement tĂŽt de l'industrialisation

    Duration discrimination of brief visual stimuli

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    Visual flash duration discrimination and decision theory analysis of effects of temporal and brightness difference

    A time constant involved in attention and neutral information processing

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    Time constant in human attention and studies in neutral information processin

    Duration discrimination of brief visual off-flashes

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    Visual flash duration discrimination and analysis of temporal and energy cue models, and memory effect
